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-The truss will be in equilibrium if:

K=2n-3, where K is Number of bars, and n is
number of joints.
-Truss is in equilibrium when we have pin with
- The weight of the bars is neglected.
-The load of the force at pin is:
F is in tension
F is in compression
Q/ Determine the forces in members CG, FG,
and CH in the truss.
Q/ Determine the forces in members HI, FG,
and BC of the truss.
Q/ Determine the forces in members BC, DE,
and EF of the truss.
Q/ Determine: BL, CJ, and CM.
Q/ Determine: BC, CJ, and HF.
Q/ Determine the forces in members EF, DF,
and AC.
Q/ Determine the forces in members CD and
CG. The loads are applied to the joints.
Q/ Determine the
forces in members CI,
CH, and IH of the pin-
connected truss.
Q/ The weight W is being lifted with a constant
velocity of 2 fps by the 1000 Ib force.
Determine the forces in members DF, BH, and
Q/ Determine the forces in members DE, DK,
and CK of the pin connected truss.
Q/ The winch W is lowering the 2000 Ib block
A at a constant velocity of 2 fps. The pulley at B
may be considered smooth. Determine the forces
in members BC, CK, and EG.
Q/ Determine AC, BC, and CE of the truss.
Q/ The 1000 Ib body is being raised at a
constant velocity of 3 fps by the winch at C. The
cable from the winch passes over the smooth
pulley at A. Determine the forces in members
AB, EG, and FG.
Q/ Determine the forces in members CD, EF,
and FJ of the pin connected truss.
Q/ The 1000 Ib weight W is supported by the
pin connected truss. Determine the forces in
members EI, FH, and JK.
Q/ Determine the force P and the force in
member FG, when the force in AB is 6000 Ib
Q/ The 2000 Ib body is being lowered at a
constant velocity of 3 fps by the winch at D. The
smooth pulley at A and the winch have radii of 2
ft. Determine the forces in members AB, BE,
and GH.
Q/ Determine the forces in members BD, CE,
and CD of the pin connected plane truss.
Q/ A missile is supported by its carrier. The
shaded portion of the missile weighs 200 Ib per
foot. Determine the forces in members CG, DG,
EG of the truss.
Q/ Determine the forces in members BD, CD,
and CE of the truss.
Q/ A scale model of an aircraft tail section is
loaded. Determine the forces in members BE,
and DE.
Q/ Determine the force in member KQ of the
Fink truss.
Q/ Determine the force in member MG of the K

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