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1 ) Amran membeli 190 buah buku cerita dengan diskaun 15% bagi setiap sebuah buku. Jumlah yang
dibayar olehnya ialah RM2,987.75. Berapakah purata harga asal bagi sebuah buku tersebut?

A ) RM16.50

B ) RM17.90

C ) RM18.50

D ) RM19.90

2 ) Satu hidangan makanan berasaskan itik berharga RM12.50. Setiap 3 hidangan yang dipesan akan
mendapat potongan harga sebanyak 5% daripada jumlah harga asal. Berapakah harga bagi 55 hidangan
tersebut yang dipesan oleh seorang pelanggan?

A ) RM653.75

B ) RM641.25

C ) RM687.50

D ) RM653.10

3 ) Sebuah stor menyimpan sejumlah 666 pundi kacang. 2/9 daripada jumlah tersebut berwarna hijau.
Berapakah bilangan yang berwarna merah jika yang berwarna ungu sebanyak 1/3 bahagian?

A ) 148

B ) 296

C ) 222

D ) 370

4 ) 1/6 muatan tangki dapat diisi dengan air dalam tempoh masa 15 minit menggunakan 1 paip air.
Berapakah tempoh masa yang diambil untuk memenuhkan air di dalam tangki tersebut dengan
menggunakan 3 paip air yang serupa?

A ) 30 minit

B ) 35 minit

C ) 45 minit

D ) 90 minit
5 ) Sebuah tangki air berbentuk silinder mempunyai luas tapak 7m2 dan ketinggian 3m telah berisi 5/7
muatan air. Berapakah isi padu air (dalam unit m3) yang akan ditambah bagi memenuhi tangki tersebut?


B ) 14

C ) 15

D ) 21

6 ) Amran menternak 530 ekor itik. 3/5 daripada jumlah itiknya bertelur setiap hari. Berapakah jumlah
hasil jualan telur itik tersebut selama 28 hari apabila harga jualan sebiji telur itik ialah 35 sen?

A ) RM185.50

B ) RM318.00

C ) RM3,116.40

D ) RM8,904.00

7 ) Amran mempunyai sebuah perusahaan ternakan itik yang keseluruhannya bernilai RM280,000. 5
tahun kemudian nilai perusahaan itu meningkat sebanyak 55% dan dikongsikannya sama rata bersama 3
anggota keluarganya. Berapakah nilai perusahaan itu yang dipegang oleh setiap seorang daripada

A ) RM38,500

B ) RM51,333

C ) RM108,500

D ) RM144,667

8 ) Peta yang menunjukkan jarak perjalanan di antara bandar-bandar M, N dan O dilukis menggunakan
skala 1:200,000. Jarak di atas peta dari M ke N ialah 32cm. Apakah jarak perjalanan sebenar dari M ke O
melalui N apabila jarak dari N ke O ialah 3/4 daripada jarak dari M ke N?

A ) 56km

B ) 88km

C ) 112km

D ) 560km
9 ) Amran membeli 370 biji telur itik dengan harga RM129.50. Dia menjualnya dengan sasaran
keuntungan 35%. Berapakah harga jual bagi 10 biji telur itik tersebut (bundarkan kepada 5 sen

A ) RM3.50

B ) RM4.70

C ) RM12.95

D ) RM17.50

10 ) Sebuah segi empat sama mempunyai ukuran (panjang x lebar) 90cm x 90cm. Berapakah bilangan
segi tiga bersudut tepat yang dua sisinya sama panjang iaitu 6cm setiap satu sisi, dapat memenuhi
permukaan segi empat sama tersebut?

A ) 450

B ) 325

C ) 225

D ) 113

11 ) {26, 39, M, 65, N, 91, 104} adalah jujukan nombor mengikut pola tertentu. Apakah nilai (MN)?

A ) 130

B ) 3,042

C ) 4,056

D ) 5,278

12 ) Harga 50 buah buku cerita adalah kurang 40% daripada harga 50 buah novel. Jumlah harga kesemua
buku tersebut ialah RM1,860. Berapakah jumlah harga bagi 275 buah buku cerita dan 295 buah novel

A ) RM8,556.00

B ) RM10,602.00

C ) RM10,664.00

D ) RM10,695.00
13 ) 2/7 iaitu 54 ekor daripada jumlah keseluruhan anak itik yang diternak oleh Amran adalah jantan dan
selebihnya adalah betina. Kebarangkalian terdapat anak itik betina mati selepas sebulan ialah 1/27.
Berapakah bilangan anak itik betina tersebut yang masih hidup selepas sebulan?

A ) 182

B ) 184

C ) 135

D ) 130

14 ) 3 biji kek berjisim 1.5kg setiap sebiji dan setiap sebiji kek itu dipotong kepada 12 bahagian yang
sama besar. 1/6 bahagian diambil oleh Amran. 1/2 daripada baki kek itu disimpan dan selebihnya
dibahagi sama rata kepada 2 orang abangnya. Berapakah jisim kek yang diperolehi oleh setiap seorang

A ) 0.125kg

B ) 0.938kg

C ) 0.250kg

D ) 1.876kg

15 ) Amran mempunyai 396 buah buku cerita. Abangnya pula mempunyai buku sebanyak 1/2 daripada
bilangan buku adiknya. Manakala bilangan buku adiknya ialah 1/4 daripada bilangan buku Amran
ditambah dengan bilangan buku abangnya. Berapakah jumlah kesemua buku mereka?

A ) 792

B ) 693

C ) 639

D ) 594

16 ) Amran memandu kereta dengan purata kelajuan 85km/j dari bandar M ke bandar N sejauh 235km.
Dia berhenti rehat selama 25 minit dan menyambung perjalanan ke bandar O sejauh 265km dengan
purata kelajuan 90km/j. Berapakah tempoh masa bermula perjalanan Amran dari bandar M hingga
sampai ke bandar O?

A ) 4 jam 28 minit

B ) 5 jam 28 minit

C ) 5 jam 08 minit

D ) 6 jam 08 minit
17 ) Sebuah segi empat sama dibahagikan kepada 49 petak-petak kecil yang sama saiz. Luas permukaan
1 petak kecil tersebut ialah 16cm2. Berapakah luas (cm2) 4/7 daripada segi empat sama yang asal?

A ) 112

B ) 448

C ) 784

D ) 482

18 ) Van Q boleh memuatkan maksimum 12 orang penumpang termasuk driver. Berapa kalikah
sekurang-kurangnya van itu digunakan untuk menghantar 67 orang penumpang?





19 ) Apakah nilai-nilai R yang memenuhi ketaksamaan 5 < 3R < 18?

A ) 1, 2, 3, 4

B ) 4, 5, 6, 7

C ) 2, 3, 4, 5

D ) 3, 4, 5, 6

20 ) {19, 27, 21, 32, M, N, 18} adalah satu set data dan min data tersebut ialah 26. Nilai M adalah lebih 5
berbanding N. Apakah N?

A ) 25

B ) 30

C ) 35

D ) 40

Read and answer.


-Working in one of the leading newspapers in the country.

-Qualification: Bachelor in Accountancy.

-Experience: 1 - 2 years in Accounts.

-Age group: 22-35 years old.

-Skills : Must have expertise in using MS Excel and MS Access

-Interested candidates meeting the above criteria may send their CV to
within seven days of this advertisement.

Tutup Teks

1 ) An applicant who is interested in applying for the post should

A ) be at least 35 years old.

B ) have basic knowledge of MS Excel and MS Access.

C ) have at least 1 year of experience in Accounts.

D ) send their resume to after seven days.

2 ) If the advertisement was published on 7th November 2019, applicant must send their CV

A ) seven days after 7th November 2019.

B ) between 7th to 14th November 2019.

C ) after 14th November 2019.

D ) seven days after 14th November 2019.

Read and answer.


-Aerobics class - new steps/ new instructor

-50% discount on the first monthly fee

-RM35 processing fee for new registration

-Free T-shirt for new members.

-Choose any day you like except on Fridays.

Tutup Teks

3 ) If Zana wants to join the class, she

A ) has to choose a day.

B ) must learn the new steps.

C ) has to pay RM17.50 for registration.

D ) will get a free T-shirt.

4 ) If the fee for the aerobics class is RM90 per month, how much does Zana have to pay on the
registration day?

A ) RM90

B ) RM85

C ) RM80

D ) RM75

5 ) Choose the best answer.

His uncle has given up ________.

A ) smoke

B ) smokes

C ) smoking

D ) smoked
6 ) Choose the best answer.

Either Ali or his friends ______ taken the ball.

A ) have

B ) has

C ) had

D ) having

7 ) Choose the best answer.

James Lee Chong, a 68 year old former engineer is hoping to set a record ______the oldest male in
Southeast Asia to climb Mount Everest.

A ) since

B ) be

C ) for

D ) as

8 ) Choose the best answer.

It had rained continuously for four days. The surviving villagers were ______ to the Relief Centre.

A ) discharged

B ) cleared

C ) deserted

D ) evacuated

9 ) Choose the word that does not have the same meaning to the underlined word.

Destruction of forests destroys the source of life of the indigenous people who live in these forests.

A ) native

B ) ancient

C ) migrant

D ) first
10 ) Choose the best answer.

Chef Abdul worked as an accountant before deciding to _____ a career in the food industry.

A ) pursue

B ) follow

C ) explore

D ) chase

11 ) Choose the best answer.

Seoul, Singapore and Hong Kong are_____ for their excellent transport systems.

A ) known

B ) count

C ) realize

D ) consider

12 ) Choose the best answer.

Miss Selvaraj has lost many valuable things recently. She is ___________ her new maid.

A ) curious about

B ) angry with

C ) suspicious of

D ) dissatisfied with

13 ) Choose the best answer.

George _______ silent. That was a sign of his guilt.

A ) remains

B ) remained

C ) remaining

D ) remain
14 ) Choose the best answer.

Each boy and girl _____ a duty.

A ) have

B ) had

C ) having

D ) has

Read and answer.

The US-born giant panda Bei Bei has arrived in south western China after a 16 hour flight, with plenty of
bamboo for him to munch on as he settled into his new home.

The four year old cub, whose name means "precious treasure", in Mandarin, appeared to be
contentedly eating and ambling around his new cage at a research centre in Sichuan Province, according
to images broadcast yesterday by state broadcaster CGTN. Bei Bei travelled aboard a specially outfitted
Boeing 777F cargo plane called the "Panda Express" - paid for by FedEx - accompanied by his keeper
from the National Zoo in Washington and more than 70 pounds of bamboo and other treats. China lends
pandas to zoos around the world - a programme dubbed "Panda Diplomacy".

Once young pandas reach the age of four, they are repatriated to breed with other pandas at the
sanctuaries in China. The animals are considered "vulnerable" to extinction by the International Union
for Conservation of Nature. Bei Bei was welcomed home yesterday with a ceremony at the Bifengxia
Panda Base in Sichuan, local media reported.

Earlier, fans had lined up to bid the cub farewell ahead of his departure at the National Zoo in
Washington - the only home Bei Bei had ever known before his return to China. His siblings, brother Tai
Shan and sister Bao Bao, have already been returned to China, while his father Tian Tian and mother
Mei Xiang - both born in China, will remain at the National Zoo until at least December 2020. Bei Bei was
born in August 2015 and his name was announced with great fanfare at an event with then first lady
Michelle Obama and her Chinese counterpart Peng Liyuan.

The Star, Fri Nov, 2019

Tutup Teks

15 ) From the passage we know that Bei Bei

A ) was born in Sichuan Province, China.

B ) was accompanied by his keeper and siblings.

C ) has a brother named Tian Tian.

D ) was born in August 2015 in the USA.

16 ) Programme such as the “Panda Diplomacy” is important because pandas

A ) like to eat plenty of bamboo.

B ) are considered vulnerable to extinction.

C ) have to be treated at a research centre in Sichuan Province.

D ) breed with other pandas at the sanctuaries

17 ) When the baby pandas reached the age of four, they have to

A ) breed with other pandas at the sanctuaries in China.

B ) remain at the National Zoo until at least December 2020.

C ) return to China and be around their family.

D ) eat 70 pounds of bamboo and other treats.

18 ) The pairing below are correct except

A ) Mei Xiang - Bei Bei’s mother

B ) Peng Liyuan - Chinese first lady

C ) Panda Express - cargo plane

D ) Bifengxia - state broadcaster

19 ) The word ambling in the second paragraph can best be replaced with;

A ) striding

B ) strolling

C ) scampering

D ) relaxing

20 )Sleepwalking is an uncommon and potentially dangerous sleep _______.

A ) pattern

B ) habit

C ) disorder

D ) disease

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