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Turbo Machines– 18ME54

Course Coordinator:

Assistant Professor
Dept. of ME, VVIET
Satellite Communication

Module 2 Energy exchange in Turbo machines

Session 9
Euler’s turbine equation, Alternate form of Euler’s turbine equation

Session 10
Velocity triangles for different values of degree of reaction, Components of
energy transfer

Session 11
Degree of Reaction, utilization factor, Relation between degree of reaction and
Utilization factor

Session 12
Session Objective

Study the conversion of fluid energy to mechanical energy in Turbo machine

with utilization factor and degree of reaction.

Session Outcome

Analyze the energy transfer in Turbo machine with degree of reaction and
utilization factor

Dept. of MECH., Engg., VVIET, Mysuru

Session 09 Content

1. General Introduction to Energy Transfer in Turbo machines

2. Euler’s turbine equation
3. Alternate form of Euler’s turbine equation

Session 10

1. Components of energy transfer

2. Degree of Reaction
3. Velocity triangles for different values of degree of reaction

Session 11

1. utilization factor
2. Relation between degree of reaction and Utilization factor

Session 12

 Problems

Dept. of MECH., Engg., VVIET, Mysuru

1. General Introduction to Energy Transfer in Turbo machines

Turbo Machine: It is a device in which energy transfer takes place between a flowing
fluid and a rotating element due to dynamic action and results in change of pressure
and momentum of fluid.


We assume the following:
i. The flow is steady,
ii. The heat and work interactions between the rotor and its surroundings take
place at a constant rate.
iii. Velocity is uniform over any area normal to the flow.

 The Euler turbine equation relates the power added to or removed from the flow,
to characteristics of a rotating blade row.
 The equation is based on the concepts of conservation of angular momentum and
conservation of energy.

Applying conservation of angular momentum, torque, T must be equal to the time rate
of change of angular momentum in a fluid tube that flows through the device.
The absolute velocity (V) of the fluid can be resolved into:
a. Axial component (Va) - along the axis of rotation.
b. Radial component (Vrd or Vm), which is perpendicular to the axis of rotation.
c. The tangential component (Vu), - along the tangential direction of the rotor

Dept. of MECH., Engg., VVIET, Mysuru

Terminologies used in Energy Transfer in Turbo machines

Rotor Speed- tangential speed –peripheral speed of the shaft In velocity

triangle is always horizontal

Velocity of fluid (steam, water, air, jet) ----- Absolute velocity of fluid----- 𝑉

Fluid Angle at inlet, nozzle exit angle (Impulse turbine), exit angle of guide (fixed) blade
α1 with the direction of 𝑈

Absolute Velocity at is to be resolved into two components

1) along tangential direction and is called as tangential component velocity of fluid Vu1
(whirl velocity Vu1) ---- along horizontal direction (along U) ie the image of V1 along
the direction of U

2) Along axial direction in axial turbomachine Vax1 (called as axial component), along
radial direction in radial flow turbomachine Vrd1 (called as radial component). Axial
and radial direction represented in velocity triangle in Y direction

Axial component in axial flow turbomachine and radial component in radial flow turbine
is called as velocity of flow. Symbol used in y direction is Vax1 or Vrd1 or Vm1 or Vf1,
in drawing velocity triangle U1 and V1 should lead from common point

Dept. of MECH., Engg., VVIET, Mysuru

Vector difference between absolute velocity of the fluid and tangential speed of rotor
is called as relative velocity and in velocity diagram this is the line connecting tip of U
and V as given below and arrow opposes V and Vr follows U

Above triangle is the general velocity triangle at inlet of the turbine Direction of
Vr is the moving vane angle (vane (blade)angle, runner vane (blade) angle, moving
vane (blade) angle) and it is denoted by β.

Hence α is always associated with V and β is always associated with Vr

General outlet triangle as given below

𝑈2 and 𝑉2 are emerging from single point and line joining tip of 𝑉2 and 𝑈2is relative
velocity at outlet

Dept. of MECH., Engg., VVIET, Mysuru

Note down general difference in Velocity Triangle:

1) Direction of 𝑉1 is towards left in the inlet velocity triangle whereas Direction of 𝑉2

in the outlet velocity triangle is towards right in Modified Velocity Triangle.

2) α1 is nozzle or guide blade angle given between 𝑉1 and U1 and α2 is exit fluid angle
given between V2 and Vu2

3) β angle made between relative velocity and Tangential Velocity, β1 is between Vr1
and U1 and β2 is between Vr2 and U2

A general velocity triangle consists of the following vectors:

V: Absolute velocity of the fluid.

U: Blade Linear velocity.

Vr: Relative velocity of the fluid after contact with rotor

Vu: Tangential component of V (absolute velocity), called Whirl velocity.

Vf: Flow velocity (axial component in case of axial machines, radial

component in case of radial machines).

The following angles are encountered during the analysis:

α: Angle made by V with the plane of the machine (usually the nozzle angle or
the guide blade angle).

β: Angle of the rotor blade. Absolute angle with respect to relative


Dept. of MECH., Engg., VVIET, Mysuru

Original and Modified Velocity Triangle

Original Inlet Modified Inlet (a)

Original Outlet Modified Outlet (b)

If U1 = U2 the Modified Inlet (a) + Modified Outlet (b) will be

Dept. of MECH., Engg., VVIET, Mysuru

Terminologies Referring to velocity triangles

1 – Inlet and 2 – outlet

Referring to outlet velocity triangle 1 – Inlet

V1 = Absolute velocity of the fluid at inlet (before entering the rotor vanes)
Vr1 = Relative velocity of the fluid at rotor inlet
Vu1 = Tangential component of absolute velocity or Whirl component of velocity at
Vf1 = Flow component of absolute velocity at inlet
Vru1 = Whirl component of relative velocity at inlet = Vu1~U1
U1 = Linear rotor vane velocity at inlet
𝛼1= Absolute jet angle at inlet
𝛽1 = Vane (blade) angle at inlet

Referring to outlet velocity triangle 2 – Outlet

V2 = Absolute velocity of the fluid at outlet after leaving the rotor vanes.
Vr2 = Relative velocity of the fluid rotor outlet (Just about to leave the rotor)
Vu2 = Tangential component of absolute velocity or Whirl component of absolute
velocity at outlet
Vf2 = Flow component of absolute velocity at outlet
Vru2 = Whirl component of relative velocity at outlet = Vu2~U2
U2 = Linear rotor velocity at outlet
𝛼1 = Fluid or jet angle at outlet (To the direction of wheel rotation)
𝛽1 = Vane (blade) angle at outlet (To the direction of wheel rotation)

Dept. of MECH., Engg., VVIET, Mysuru

Euler’s turbine Equation
The Euler turbine equation relates the power added to or removed from
the flow, to characteristics of a rotating blade row
m = mass flow rate
ω = Angular speed of the rotor
r1 and r2= radius of rotor at inlet and exit
Vu1 and Vu2 = tangential velocity components of fluid ant inlet and exit
U1 and U2 = tangential velocity components of rotor at entry and exit

Angular momentum at entry = mass flow rate X Tangential Velocity of fluid X radius of
= m . Vu1 . r1

Angular momentum at exit = mass flow rate X Tangential Velocity of fluid X radius of rotor
= m . Vu2 . r2

Change in Angular momentum

= m . Vu2 . r2 − m . Vu1 . r1 = m (Vu2 . r2 − Vu1 . r1)
According to Newton’s II law of motion
Torque exerted by the rotor = change of angular momentum

T = m (Vu2 . r2 − Vu1 . r1)

Power Transmitted by the Turbo Machine

P = ω . T = ω . (Vu2 . r2 − Vu1 . r1). m
2𝜋𝑁 𝐷 𝜋𝐷𝑁
But ω = and r = but U = ω .r therefore tangential velocity components U =
60 2 60

P = (Vu2 . U2 − Vu1 . U1)

Euler’s turbine Equation

Power Absorbing Turbo Machines Power Generation Turbo Machines

Vu2 U2 > Vu1 . U1 Vu1 . U1 > Vu2 . U2

P = (Vu2 . U2 − Vu1 . U1) P = (Vu1 . U1−Vu2 . U2)

Dept. of MECH., Engg., VVIET, Mysuru

Alternate form of Euler’s turbine equation

Inlet Velocity Triangle Outlet Velocity Triangle

We Know that from Euler’s turbine equation

Power Absorbing Turbo Machines Power Generation Turbo Machines

P = (Vu2 . U2 − Vu1 . U1) P = (Vu1 . U1−Vu2 . U2)

1 1 1 1
P = [(V22 + U22 − Vr22) − [(V12 + U12 − Vr12) P = [(V12 + U12 − Vr12) − [(V22 + U22 − Vr22)
2 2 2 2
1 1
P = [(V22 − V12) + (U22 − U12) + (Vr12 − Vr22)] P = [(V12 − V22) + (U12 − U22 ) + (Vr22 − Vr12 )]
2 2

This is for Pumps, Compressor, Blowers and This is for Water, Steam or Gas Turbine

Dept. of MECH., Engg., VVIET, Mysuru

Components of energy transfer
1) [(V12 − V22 ) is change in absolute kinetic energy in m2/s2 or Nm/kg. This is also

called Dynamic Energy.

2) [(U12 − U22 ) is change in centrifugal energy of fluid felt as static pressure change

in rotor blades in m2/s2 or Nm/kg. This is a Static Energy

3) (Vr22 − Vr12) is change in relative velocity energy felt as static pressure change in

rotor blades in m2/s2 or Nm/kg. It is also a Static Energy

Degree of Reaction (R)

Degree of Reaction R is the ratio of Energy Transfer due to Static Enthalpy change to
Total Energy Transfer due to Total Enthalpy change in a rotor.

𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐩𝐲 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝚫𝐡

𝐑 = 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝/𝐓𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝 =
𝐓𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐩𝐲 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝚫𝐡𝟎
1 1
Δh = 2 (U12 − U22 ) + 2 (Vr22 − Vr12)

1 1 1
Δh0 =2 (V12 − V22 ) + 2 (U12 − U22 ) + 2 (Vr22 − Vr12)

𝐑= ;

(U12 − U22 ) + (Vr22 − Vr12)

(V12 − V22 ) + (U12 − U22 ) + (Vr22 − Vr12)

Velocity triangles for different values of degree of reaction

Dept. of MECH., Engg., VVIET, Mysuru
Velocity triangles for different values of degree of reaction
The value of R may be any value like zero, +ve or -ve.
Case 01) When R =0 (i.e., Impulse type Vr1 = Vr2, and hence β1= β2)

This is the characteristic of impulse turbine. This also

implies that there is no static pressure change across
the rotor U1 = U2. Energy transfer occurs purely due
to the change in absolute kinetic energy. Zero
degree of reaction is the characteristics of Impulse
machine i.e Vr1 = Vr2

(U12 − U22 ) + (Vr22 − Vr12)

(V12 − V22 ) + (U12 − U22 ) + (Vr22 − Vr12)

(0 )+ (0)
𝐑 = (V 2 − V 2 )+ (0 )+ (0) = 0
1 2

Case 02) When R = 0.5 (i.e., 50% Reaction)

This implies U1= U2, V1 = Vr2, V2=Vr1 and Vf1

= Vf2. For symmetric Velocity α2 = β1 and
α1= β2. Energy transfer occurs initially by
impulse action and then by reaction.

(U12 − U22 ) + (Vr22 − Vr12)

(V12 − V22 ) + (U12 − U22 ) + (Vr22 − Vr12)

(0 )+ (Vr 2−Vr 2)
2 1 (Vr 2−Vr12) (Vr22−Vr12) 1
𝐑 = (Vr 2−Vr 2)+ (0)+ = 𝐑 = (Vr 2−Vr 22)+ =𝐑= =𝐑= = 0.5
2 1 (Vr 2−Vr 2) 2 1 2 1 (Vr22−Vr12) 𝟐 (Vr22−Vr12) 2

Case 03) When R = 1 (Fully reaction)

When V1 = V2, U1 = U2 and V2>Vr1
Energy transfer occurs purely due to change
in relative Kinetic Energy of fluid

(U12 − U22 ) + (Vr22 − Vr12)

(V12 − V22 ) + (U12 − U22 ) + (Vr22 − Vr12)
(0 )+ (Vr 2−Vr 2)
2 1 (Vr22−Vr12)
𝐑 = (0 )+ (0)+ (Vr 𝐑= =1
2−Vr 2)
2 1 (Vr22−Vr12)

Dept. of MECH., Engg., VVIET, Mysuru

utilization factor
Utilization factor: is defined as the ratio of ideal work done by the turbomachine to the
energy supplied at the inlet of turbine

𝐸 𝑎𝑣𝑎𝑖𝑙𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒

E= [(V12 − V22) + (U12 − U22 ) + (Vr22 − Vr12 )]
E available = [(V12 ) + (U12 − U22 ) + (Vr22 − Vr12 )]
[(V12 − V22) + (U12 − U22 ) + (Vr22 − Vr12 )]
€= 2
2 [(V1 ) + (U1 − U2 ) + (Vr2 − Vr1 )]
2 2 2 2 2

[(V12 − V22) + (U12 − U22 ) + (Vr22 − Vr12 )]

[(V12 ) + (U12 − U22 ) + (Vr22 − Vr12 )]

2 [(V1 − V2 ) + (U1 − U2 ) + (Vr2 − Vr1 )]
2 2 2 2 2 2
1 2
2 [V1 − V2 ) + (U1 − U2 ) + (Vr2 − Vr1 ) + V2 ]
2 2 2 2 2 2

That is

€= V22 = €=
𝐸+ 𝐸+𝐿𝑜𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑠

Dept. of MECH., Engg., VVIET, Mysuru

Relation between degree of reaction and Utilization factor Or Prove that

We know that Degree of Reaction is given by

We also know that Utilization factor is given by

Dept. of MECH., Engg., VVIET, Mysuru

Numerical Problems

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Dept. of MECH., Engg., VVIET, Mysuru
Dept. of MECH., Engg., VVIET, Mysuru
(iii) Power Developed
P = m . E / 1000 = ρ Q E / 1000 = (1000 X 1.5 X 450) / 1000 = 675 kW
(iv) Utilization factor

€ = (18.022 – 152) / (18.022 – 0.889 X152) = 0.799

Dept. of MECH., Engg., VVIET, Mysuru

Dept. of MECH., Engg., VVIET, Mysuru

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