Development Plan

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Development Plan
A School of Music should offer 20 instruments, and has Orchestra, Chorus, Theory teachers and professional piano
accompanists. The structure is:
- Piano department (Piano)
- Voice department (Voice, Chorus)
- String department (Cello, Viola, Violin, Double Bass, Harp, Guitar)
- Brass department (Trumpet, Trombone, French Horn, Tuba)
- Woodwind department (Bassoon, Clarinet, Flute, Oboe, Saxophone)
- Percussion department (Percussion)
(Each department ideally has a (music graduate) coordinator with excellent English and Chinese to maintain workflow.)

Right now we offer 3 instruments and have 40 students.

To keep up with the development into a fully functioning professional School of Music, at least 3 new instruments
should be added every year.

Having Foreign experts is our school’s trademark and makes us special (instead of hiring part-time teachers from Sichuan

Suggestion for new instruments:

- 2019 Cello, Percussion
- 2020 Trumpet, Clarinet, Flute, Piano accompanist (one of our graduates)

• Why? good start for building an orchestra, our applicants are high quality and can win bigger competitions, it is a
unique instrument, can create very good impression in concerts
• 1 Teacher and 8 students are ready (all from belt-and-road countries)
• Needs 3 rooms (for instruments, practicing and teaching)
• Budget: 18 万 RMB salary, 20 万 for 1st year instruments (second year another 20 万)

Forming an Orchestra is extremely important for reputation and public image, and should be planned accordingly.

2. Prodigy institute
- It will be the school’s strongest point to increase reputation
- We have several Chinese prodigies ready to enroll, age 7-11, can win big competitions.
- A legal way could be to offer it like one of CDU’s workshops
- Open classes in spring 2020, prepare and advertise half a year in advance
- Start with major lessons only, after one year add music theory subjects

3. Competition stipends for students

- divide the yearly budget evenly between all foreign experts and their classes
- quality control, students’ requests must be signed off by teacher and other experts first
- festivals must include a competition or other demonstration of excellence, student has to provide evidence

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