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Identify a company of your choice and describe the various level of

strategies that are in existence
As the oldest and largest dairy processor in east and central Africa, New
Kenya Cooperative Creameries’ core business has always been
procuring high quality raw milk which is then processed in various areas
in the country, packaged and then marketed as milk and other milk
products. KCC has been dwelling in the market for a long time and
seems to be superior to its competitors in the market. This has been
made possible by the various levels of strategies that have been
employed in the organization to ensure superiority of its products and
shake off the competitors. Some of the strategies employed by New
KCC include the following:

Corporate strategy, this strategy tends to define the market and

business in which a company will operate and it tends to answer the
foundational question on what is the organization hoping to achieve.
Being a very crucial aspect in an organization, Corporate strategies are
always formulated at the top management of the company since it
affects the organization entirely. New KCC has always been keen in
developing goods of good quality helping it to stand out from its
competitors. They have branded their worth in the hearts of the
consumers hence giving very little gap for competitors to venture in.

Business strategy, this refers to the actions and decisions that a

company takes to reach its business goals and be competitive in its
industry. New KCC has come up with different varieties of products to
which it has offered its consumer a wide variety of goods to choose
from also New KCC has targeted deeper markets by creating natural
yoghurt to target the sick with diabetes in the market they have also
created other goods from milk to which other companies haven’t yet
ventured into such as cheese, ghee and butter these has been the
cause of its superiority in the country.

New KCC also has the functional strategy which is the actions and goals
assigned to various departments that help to support the business level
strategy and corporate level strategy. An example of this is the
purchasing department where they have the obligation of purchasing
good milk from the farmers and also procure quality packaging items in
order to keep the organization on its intended purpose that being to
produce quality goods that stand out from those of its competitors and
also incur low costs on processing.
It is visible that an organization requires different strategies at different
levels of the organization for the organization to function efficiently and
achieve its objective in which in the case of New KCC being to produce
goods of better quality

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