Reflection Paper: Educational Leadership Philippine Professional Standard For School Heads (PPSSH)

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Educational Leadership
Philippine Professional Standard for School Heads (PPSSH)
Professional Education 08: The Teacher and the Community, School Culture, and
Organizational Leadership

Submitted by:
Mencae Marae T. Sapid

Submitted to:
Mrs. Helmae Tapanan
Mr. Ionell Jay Terogo

July 29, 2021

To be a teacher is not what I envisioned but to be a leader is. A teacher is the essence
of a leader, touching countless lives and influencing the outcomes of so many lives. I saw
how a leader encourages their students, and it occurred to me that as a teacher, I can also
become a leader. I believe that teachers should be trained how to enhance their leadership
abilities in addition to the standard courses they take. With that I fully supports those
seminars/webinars that update the teachers to new knowledge and skills in order for them
to adapt the needs in the society. But the role of the teacher does not ends there because
the teachers lending hand can reach almost anywhere and that is the power of a teacher


Last July 26, 2021, in my Prof Ed 8 Class: The Teacher and the Community, School
Culture, and Organizational Leadership, the professor discussed about Educational
Leadership. Educational or instructional leadership includes supervision on how the
teacher supervise his or her faculty and management on how he or she manage the
institution. The instructional leader focuses on two domains: curriculum management; and
staff development. There are many functions of an instructional leader one of which is that
they monitor (Compliance, Diagnostic and Performance). There are three (3) dimensions
of a principal leader and these are: Strategic Leadership; Educational Leadership; and
People Leadership. Strategic leadership is the ability of a principal to express a strategic
vision for the school and to encourage and persuade others to adopt that vision. Educational
Leadership is the way of recruiting and leading the skills and energy of teachers, students,
and parents toward the achievement of common educational goals. People Leadership, it is
how the leader negotiate and manifest agreements to different stakeholders to foster
success in the institution. All in all, the principal functions as a designer, steward, teacher,
and a leader in his or her institution.

According to the Republic Act of 9155 in 2001: Governing Act of Basic Education,
there are twelve (12) functions, responsibility, and accountability of a school heads all
aiming to the benefits of the school community and the school’s educational programs.
Later on there was a change of the three (3) dimensions of leaderships and these are the
following: Heart of Leadership; Head of Leadership; and Hand of Leadership. The history
of Instructional Leadership and Supervision Models were also introduced.

Philippine Professional Standards for School Head (PPSSH) was then introduced
to the class. This clearly define the professional growth that excellent school heads and
supervisors are expected to achieve. The sets of professional standards for school heads
follows the four (4) domains: Leading Strategically; Managing School Operations and
Resources; Focusing on Teaching and Learning; and Developing self and others. The
PPSSH functions as a public declaration of school leaders' professional accountability. It

outlines what school leaders should know, be able to accomplish, and value as they advance
in their careers.

III. Review Related Literatures (paragraphs)

According to (2010) in their article “Most Inspiring Pinoy Teachers in the
News”, they recognized Efren Bino for his service in education from 1996 to 2008 as he
served as the teacher, principal, property custodian and security guard at the Mataas
Elementary School in Bacacay, Albay. Multitasking may be Bino’s middle name. In the
beginning he traveled eight kilometers and took a 40-minute boat ride every day to get to
the school. When the cost and the strain of the daily commute proved too much for him, he
decided to live in the school during weekdays. He experienced handling combination
classes, where he had to teach students from different grade levels (Multigrade). Aside
from becoming a father figure to some of his students, he worked on developing the
school’s facilities and increasing its staff by appealing to the Department of Education and
private sponsors.

Now, Mataas Elementary School has three teachers who handle combination
classes composed of 96 students, he told Manila Bulletin. He said his students have
graduated already, and some have become teachers as well. For his efforts, the Bato Balani
Foundation Inc. (BBFI) honored him with "The Many Faces of a Teacher" award this year.
Currently working at the Pili Elementary School in Bicol, he is now focused on taking care
of his parents and pursuing his masters.

Lieberman and Miller (2005), Teacher leaders are sensitive to context and culture;
they know that different contexts and populations require different approaches to
leadership. As in teaching, one size does not fit all. Under this interpretation, teachers
assume roles as researchers, mentors, scholars, and developers; they expand the meaning
of what it means to be a teacher. They are leaders and intellectuals who can make a
difference in their schools and profession.

Fullan’s (1994) conception of teacher leadership lifted the burden of leadership

from individuals and distributed it throughout the community. By identifying six domains
where teacher leaders could impact school culture (teaching and learning, collegiality,
context, continuous learning, management of change, and sense of moral purpose), he laid
the groundwork for teachers to assume a broader role in culture building.

I am really inspired to the type of leadership of Mr. Efrin Bino has because I can
relate to his responsibilities as a student at the same time an SSC House Representative,
Academic and CHED Scholar, and an editor of two (2) Facebook pages pub mats. With
those services he gave to his institution, he proved that the power of a teacher does not only
ends in teaching. In his leadership story, I would like my future career to be as versatile as

him. The way he handled his obligations in a multitasking way is very amazing since it is
not that easy job. I always envisioned myself as a leader and being versatile leader is very
close to my heart. I want to be that teacher who can cater the different needs in the
institution. On the citation of Lieberman and Miller in teacher leadership, are leaders and
intellectuals who can make a difference, I can make a change on how I function in the

The plan of action that I want to address in the article is to make those people who
thought that being a teacher is just a “Lang”. I want to make a difference as future a teacher.
To change the minds of those who belittle the noblest profession which is teaching. I want
to change their perceptions to the teachers because it is very upsetting knowing the things
you love is not even appreciated by the people. With that I want to be like Efrin Bino who
made a difference to the teacher’s roles in the school community.

Despite this, my learning on educational leadership gives me optimism. I have
learned that the teacher leaders is worth to be recognized for their outstanding contribution
to the school community. In the future, I want to make something great as teacher. I want
to make a dent to teaching roles since I deeply believed that teachers are not just simply
teaching lessons but is capable of doing more than in the four corners in the classroom.

Therefore, learning all about being a teacher made me love teaching. This
profession may not be my dream profession but as time goes by I fell in love in teaching
because while practicing it I see myself not just teacher but a leader in a community. I
always want to inspire people and being a teacher guarantees me that I can make it possible.

VI. References (APA)

Bautista, H.D.(2019). 6 Filipino teachers with inspiring stories to tell. KAMI.Inc. Retrieved

Lieberman, A., & Miller, L. (2005). Teachers as Leaders. The Educational Forum. Volume
69. Winter 2005. pp. 151. Retrieved from:

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