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MAF Consult HVAC Specifications





This section includes mechanical equipment, ductwork and piping

systems identification and these should be in both Arabic and


A. Manufacturers:

Products shall be manufactured by:

1. Allen Systems
2. Brady Co., Industrial Safety Supply Co.
3. Seton Name Plate Corp.

B. Ductwork Identification:

1. Provide air supply, return, exhaust, intake and relief ductwork

with duct markers or stenciled signs and arrows, show ductwork
service and direction of flow.

2. Locate signs where ductwork originates or continues into

concealed enclosures and 10m spacings along exposed runs.

C. Piping System Identification:

1. Bare and insulated piping shall be labeled in accordance with a

piping color code.

2. Lines above ceilings shall have utility name and directional flow
arrows stenciled in designated color.

3. Exposed piping in mechanical equipment room shall be painted

with their designated color, flow arrow to be painted in
contrasting color. Spacing of description and arrow to be 10 m.

D. Underground Piping Identification:

1. Provide continuous underground type plastic marker; located

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MAF Consult HVAC Specifications

directly over buried line at 150 to 200 mm below finished grade.

E. Valve Identification:

1. Provide valve tag on every valve in each piping system.

2. Tag shall be brass, 50 mm in diameter with utility service and

valve number embossed or stamped on it.

3. List each tagged valve in valve schedule for each piping system.

4. Mount valve schedule frames and schedules in machine rooms.

F. Mechanical Equipment Identification:

1. Provide engraved plastic laminate sign or plastic equipment

marker on or near each major item of mechanical equipment and
each operational device, including main control and operating
valves and primary balancing dampers.

2. Identification for mechanical equipment must include:

3. Manufacturer's name, shop or reference number, size, type, test

and working pressure, speed and other relevant particulars.

G. Warning : Tapes should be made of aluminium


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