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Sec: Sr.

Inter/XII Completed/Target Batch/LT-Revision

DPA-16 DATE: 24-04-2020
1. Number of complex numbers z satisfying z 3  z is
(1) 1 (2) 2 (3) 4 (4) 5
x  91/3 91/9 91/ 27...... 

 1  i  , then the argument of the complex number w  x  yz is

2. If 1/3 1/9 1/27
and z 
y  4 4 4 ...... r 1

 2  2  2 
(1) 0 (2)   tan 1   (3)  tan 1   (4)  tan 1  
 3   3   3

1 i 1 i 1 i
3. For Z1  6 ; Z2  6 ; Z3  6 , which of the following holds good?
1 i 3 3 i 3 i
2 4 4 8
(1) 1  (2) Z1  Z 2  Z 3

3 3 6 4 4 8
(3) 1  Z2  Z3 (4) Z1  Z 2  Z 3

4. Let C1 and C2 are concentric circles of radius 1 and 8/3 respectively having centre at (3, 0) on the

 z 32 2 
argand plane. If the complex number z satisfies the inequality, log1/3    1 , then
 11 z  3  2 
 
(1) z lies outside C1 but inside C2

(2) z lies inside of both C1 and C2

(3) z lies outside both of C1 and C2

(4) none of these

5. If the equation, z 3   3  i  z 2  3z   m  i   0 where m  R has at least one real root then m can have

the value equal to

(1) 1 or 3 (2) 2 or 5 (3) 3 or 5 (4) 1 or 5
6. If z1 and z1 represent adjacent vertices of a regular polygon of n side with centre at the origin and if

Im z1
 2  1 , then the value of n is equal to
Re z1
(1) 8 (2) 12 (3) 16 (4) 24
2 2
 a  bi   a  bi  z 1
7. Consider two complex numbers  and  as       , where a , b  R and   ,
 a  bi   a  bi  z 1

where z  1 , then

(1) Both  and  are purely real

(2) Both  and  are purely imaginary
(3)  is purely real and  is purely imaginary
(4)  is purely real and  is purely imaginary

z z
8. Number of complex numbers z such that z  1 and   1 is
z z
(1) 4 (2) 6 (3) 8 (4) more than 8
2 2
 a  bi   a  bi  z 1
9. Consider two complex numbers  and  as       , where a , b  R and   ,
 a  bi   a  bi  z 1

where z  1 , then

(1) Both  and  are purely real

(2) Both  and  are purely imaginary
(3)  is purely real and  is purely imaginary
(4)  is purely real and  is purely imaginary
10. If  be a complex nth root of unity, then   ar  b  
r 1
r 1
is equal to

n  n  1 a nb na
(1) (2) (3) (4) none
2 1 n  1
   
11. Given z p  cos  P   i sin  P  , then lim  z1 z2 z3 .... zn  
2  2  n 

(1) 1 (2) 1 (3) i (4) i

12. If z1 , z2 , z3 are the vertices of the ABC on the complex plane and are also the roots of the equation,

z 3  3 z 2  3 z  x  0 , then the condition for the ABC to be equilateral triangle is

(1)  2   (2)    2 (3)  2  3 (4)   3 2

13. If   ei 2 / n , then 11    11   2  .... 11   n 1  

11n  1 11n1  1 11n1  1

(1) 11n1 (2) (3) (4)
10 10 11

x    x   
n n

14. If  ,  be the roots of the equation u  2u  2  0 and if cot   x  1 , then

 
equal to
sin n cos n sin n cos n
(1) (2) (3) (4)
sin n  cos n  cos n  sin n 
15. If z  5  12i  1 and the least and greatest values of z are m and n and if l be the least positive

x 2  24 x  1
value of  x  0  , then l is
(1) (2) m  n (3) m (4) n

16. 1 1 1........ is equal to

(1)  or  2 (2)  or  2 (3) 1  i or 1  i (4) 1  i or 1  i

17. If A and B be two complex numbers satisfying   1 , then the two points represented by A and B
and the origin form the vertices of
(1) an equilateral triangle
(2) an isosceles triangle which is not equilateral
(3) an isosceles triangle which is not right angled
(4) a right-angled triangle
18. If z  4  3, z  C , then the greatest and least value of z  1 are

(1)  7,1 (2)  6,1 (3)  6, 0  (4) none

All roots of the equation, 1  z   z 6  0


(1) lie on a unit circle with centre at the origin

(2) lie on a unit circle with centre at (-1, 0)
(3) lie on the vertices of a regular polygon with centre at the origin
(4) are collinear
20. The points z1  3  3i and z2  2 3  6i are given on a complex plane. The complex number lying

on the bisector of the angle formed by the vectors z1 and z 2 is

(1) z 
3  2 3   32
i (2) z  5  5i
2 2
(3) z  1  i (4) none

50 50
Z  Z
21. If Z r ; r  1, 2,3,...,50 are the roots of the equation  0 , then the value of is
r 0 r 1 r 1

22. The straight line 1  2i  z   2i  1 z  10 i on the complex plane, has intercept on the imaginary axis

equal to
1 1
23. z is a complex number such that z   2 cos 3 , then the value of z 2000  2000  1 is equal to
z z
Suppose A is a complex number and n  N , such that An   A  1  1 , then the value of n is

25. If z is a complex number satisfying the equation z 6  z 3  1  0 . If this equation has a root rei with
90    180 , then the value of  in degree is

26. Two heavy bodies of mass ‘m’ and ‘3m’ tied together with a light string of mass density  are
dropped from a helicopter as shown. A constant air friction force ‘F’ acts on both of them. If the
length of the string is  . Determine the time taken by a pulse to go from top to bottom of the string.

 2 4 
(1)  (2)  (3)  (4) 
F F F 2F

27. A steel wire of length 1 m and mass 1 gm and having uniform cross-sectional area of 10 6 m 2 is
rigidly fixed at both the ends. The temperature of the wire is lowered by 200C. If the transverse
standing wave are set up by plucking the string in the middle, the frequency of the fundamental mode
of vibration is (Ysteel  2  1011 N / m 2 ,  steel  1.21 10 5 / 0 C )
(1) 110 Hz (2) 1.1 Hz (3) 1100 Hz (4) 11 Hz

28. A snapshot of a travelling wave is shown in figure-1 and a snapshot of a standing wave is shown in
figure-2. (Particles are at their respective extremes. The amplitude, frequency, and the speed of both
the waves is the same. The string in both the cases is identical). If the energy per unit length of
system at point A in figure-1, is x1 and that in figure-2 is x2 . What is value of 1 ?

(1) 2:1 (2) 1:2 (3) 1:1 (4) 3:1

3 A2 2 S
29. The mechanical energy between a given node and some other node n on a string is ,
where  is the mass density of the string, S is the cross-sectional area. A is the amplitude of two
harmonic waves of angular velocity  travelling on the string in opposite directions. Find the
number of the node n from the given node between which mechanical energy as above is given:
(1) 1 (2) 2 (3) 3 (4) 4

30. A standing wave is produced in a vapour of an element of atomic mass 50 (g mol-1) at 400 K. Nodes
are found to be m apart when frequency of source was 100 Hz. The vapour used for the experiment
 25 
is  R  JK 1mol 1 
 3 
(1) Monatomic (2) Diatomic (3) Polyatomic (4) Can not be determined
 50 x 
31. Equation of a longitudinal wave is given as y  10 2 sin 2  1000t   (all SI units). At t = 0,
 17 
change in pressure is maximum (in modulus) at x =
(1) 0.34 (2) 0.255 (3) 0.085 (4) All of these

32. A source of sound is moving with velocity u/2 and two observers A and B are moving with velocity
u as shown. Find ratio of wavelength received by A and B. Given that velocity of sound is 10 u.

19 17 21 17
(1) (2) (3) (4)
21 21 23 23

33. A small source S of mass m starts moving with velocity 40m/s towards a detector D of same mass m
on a frictionless surface AB as shown in the figure. The frequency received by the detector as a
function of time in the time interval 10  t  16 s is: [ Assume all collisions to be elastic]. Take vs =
340 m/s.

(1) (2)

(3) (4)

34. A block is placed on a platform, which is making oscillations with amplitude of 10 cm along a
vertical line. The least period of oscillation of platform so that it will not get separated from the
platform is
(1) 2 sec (2) 5 sec (3) 5 2 sec (4)  / 5 sec

35. A cylinder of length  , area of cross section A and mass m is floating normally in a liquid of density
 . A disturbing force makes the tube oscillate vertically in the liquid. The time period of small
oscillation is given by

m A  m
(1) 2 (2) 2 (3) 2 (4) 2
Ag  mg g g
36. Acceleration – displacement graph of a particle executing SHM is as shown in given figure. The time
period of its oscillation is (in sec.)

(1)  / 2 (2) 2 (3)  (4)  /4

37. The time period of seconds pendulum is 2 seconds. The spherical bob which is empty from inside
has mass of 50 gms. This is now replaced by another solid bob of same radius but having a different
mass of 100 gms. The new time period will be
(1) 4 sec (2) 1 sec (3) 2 sec (4) 8 sec

38. Two identical blocks are attached by a light spring of constant k. The blocks are kept on a smooth
horizontal surface. If the blocks are slightly displaced in opposite direction, from equilibrium and
released then the time period of S.H.M. will be

m m m m
(1) 2 (2) 2 (3) 2 (4) 2
k 2k 4k 9k

39. Two linear simple harmonic motions of equal amplitudes A and frequency  and 2 are impressed
on a particle along the x, y axis respectively. If the initial phase difference between them is  / 2 the
equation of the resultant path followed by the particle is
Ay A2 Ay A2
(1) x 2   0 (2) 2 x 2   0
2 2 2 2
Ay A2
(3) x 2  Ay  A2  0 (4) x 2   0
2 2

40. Two particles P and Q are executing simple harmonic motions with equal amplitudes and
frequencies. At a distance of half the amplitude one of them is moving away from the mean position
while the other is observed at a distance half the amplitude and moving towards the mean position as
shown in the figure. The phase difference between them is

(1)  / 2 (2)  /4 (3) 4  /3 (4) 5  /3

41. Three masses 700 gms, 500gms and 400gms are suspended at the end of a spring as shown and are in
equilibrium. When the 700gms mass is removed, the system oscillates with a period of 3 seconds.
When 500gms mass is also removed, it will oscillate with a period of

(1) 1 sec (2) 1.55 sec (3) 3 sec (4) 2 sec

42. Three springs each of force constant k are connected at equal angles with respect to each other to a
common mass M. The other ends of the springs are rigidly fixed. If the mass is pulled along any of
the springs, then the period of oscillation will be

M 2M 2M M
(1) 2 (2) 2 (3) 2 (4) 2
k 3k k k

43. The period of the free oscillations of the system shown here if mass m is pulled down a little and
force constant of the spring is k and masses of the fixed pulleys are negligible, will be

M1  M 2 M 1  4M 2
(1) T  2 (2) T  2
k k
M 2  4M 1 M 2  3M 1
(3) T  2 (4) T  2
k k
44. A uniform disc of radius R and mass M has a hole of radius R/2 as shown in the figure. The disc with
hole is suspended vertically through O. The time period of SHM for oscillation in plane of paper is

15R 5R 5R 3 15 R
(1) 2 (2) 3 (3) 2 (4)
16 g 7g 6g 2 2g

45. A particle of mass 1 gm lies in a potential field v  50 x 2  100 . The value of frequency of
oscillations in Hz is
10 10
(1) 502 MHz (2) (3) (4) none of these.
2 3

46. A solid sphere (radius = R) rolls without slipping in a cylindrical trough (radius = 5R). The time
(k 2  3) R
period of small of oscillations is 2 . Find the value of k (axis of cylinder is fixed and

47. A stationary observer receives a sound from a source of frequency 2000 Hz moving with constant
velocity. The apparent frequency varies with time as shown in the figure.

The value of fm is (2300 – 10x)Hz. Find the value of x. (Take speed of sound = 300 m/s and neglect
the time taken by sound to reach the stationary observer).

48. A sound wave of wavelength 20  cm travels in air if the difference between the maximum and
minimum pressures at a given point is 3.0  103 N / m 2 . Now sound level is increased by 20 dB, if the
new amplitude of vibration of the particles of the medium at the given point is 20K (in A ) then ‘K’
is (The bulk modulus of air is 1.5  105 N / m 2 ) (wavelength is same in both cases)

49. A source of sound of frequency 300Hz and a receiver are located along the same line normal to the
wall as shown in the figure. Both the source and the receiver are stationary and the wall receeds from
the source with velocity 20ms 1 . If the beat frequency registered by the receiver is Hz then x is:
(Assume Vsound  330 m / s)
50. In the figure shown strings AB and BC have masses m and 2m respectively. Both are of same length
 . Mass of each string is uniformly distributed on its length. The string is suspended vertically from
the ceiling of a room. A small jerk wave pulse is given at the end ‘C’. It goes up to upper and ‘A’ in
 
time ‘t’. If the value of t is given by a
 
c  d the a  b  c  d is

51. The temperature at which molarity of pure water is equal to its molality
(1) 273 K (2) 298 K
(3) 277 K (4) None of these.

52. Some pure ice is put in brine taken in a perfect insulated container at 00C. the mass of ice
(1) Will not change with time (2) Will increase with time
(3) Will decrease with time (4) Will first increase than decrease with time

53. For the dissolution of an ionic solid in water

(1) Hydration energy should be more than lattice energy
(2) Lattice energy should be more than hydration energy
(3) Lattice energy should be equal to hydration energy
(4) None of these

54. Which of the following aqueous solution will exhibit highest boiling point?
(1) 0.01 (M) Na2SO4 (2) 0.015 (M) glucose
(3) 0.15 (M) area (4) 0.01 (M) KNO3

55. A substance is hygroscopic at a constant temperature if vapour pressure of its saturated solution is
(1) More than the vapour pressure of water in the atmosphere
(2) Equal to the vapour pressure of water in the atmosphere
(3) Less than the vapour pressure of water in the atmosphere
(4) None of these

56. A substance is efflorescent at a particular level if its vapour pressure is

(1) More than that of water vapour in the atmosphere
(2) Equal to that of water vapour in the atmosphere
(3) Less than that of water vapour in the atmosphere
(4) None of these

57. Two beakers A and B containing pure water (A) and an aqueous solution of sugar (B) are placed in a
closed glass container. The temperature of the container is kept constant. It is observed that
(1) Level of water in beaker A decreases and that in beaker B increases with time
(2) Level of water in beakers A and B remains constant with time
(3) Level of water in beaker A increases and that in beaker B decreases with time
(4) Level of both the beakers decreases with time
58. A Beckmann thermometer is used to measure
(1) Low temperatures (2) High temperatures
(3) Normal temperatures (4) None of these.

59. Azeotropic mixture of HCl and water has

(1) 84 % HCl (2) 22.2 % HCl
(3) 63 % HCl (4) 20.2 % HCl

60. The freezing point of an aqueous solution of non-electrolyte having an osmotic pressure of 2.0 atm at 300
K is (Given Kf = 1.86 km-1 and R = 0.0821 L atm K-1 mol-1)
(1) - 0.150C (2) + 0.150C
(3) - 0. 51 C (4) - 0.170C

61. Adsorption is generally an

(1) Exothermic process (2) Endothermic process
(3) May be exothermic or endothermic (4) Neither exothermic nor endothermic

62. The function of gum Arabic in the preparation of Indian ink is

(1) Coagulation
(2) Peptization
(3) Protective action
(4) Adsorption

63. Tyndall effect is more pronounced in

(1) Hydrophilic sols (2) Hydrophobic sols
(3) Lyophilic sols (4) Both A and C

64. Action of a heterogeneous catalyst depends upon

(1) Mass (2) Solubility
(3) Particle size (4) None

65. Which of the following is an associated colloid?

(1) Protein + water (2) Soap + water
(3) Rubber + benzene (4) Milk

66. Blood may be purified by

(1) Dialysis (2) Electro-osmosis
(3) Coagulation (4) Filtration

67. Gold number represents

(1) Percentage of gold in the red gold sol (2) Percentage of gold in the blue gold sol
(3) Protective power of a lyophilic colloid (4) Quantity of gold in its alloys

68. Peptisation is a process of

(1) Precipitation of colloidal particles (2) Purification of colloids
Dispersing precipitate into colloidal
(3) (4) Movement of colloidal particles in the electric field

69. Rate of physisorption increases with

(1) Decrease in temperature (2) Increase in temperature
(3) Decrease in pressure (4) Decrease in surface area

70. Adsorption of gases on solid surface is generally exothermic because

(1) Enthalpy is positive (2) Entropy decreases
(3) Entropy increases (4) Free energy increases
71. An aqueous solution of 6.3 g oxalic acid dehydrate is made up to 250 mL. The volume of 0.1 N NoOH
required to completely neutralize 10 mL of this solution is

72. A 0.004 M solution of Na2SO4 is isotonic with a 0.010 M solution of glucose at same temperature. The
apparent degree of dissociation of Na2SO4 is

73. The elevation in boiling point for 13.44 g of CuCl2 dissolved in 1kg of water as solvent will be
(Kb = 0.52 Km-1, molar mass of CuCl2 = 134.4 g mol-1)

74. For the coagulation of 50mL of ferric hydroxide sol 10 mL of 05 M KCl is required. What is the
coagulation value of KCl?

75. 100 mL of 0.6 M acetic acid is shaken with 2 g activated carbon. The final concentration of the solution
after adsorption is 0.5 M. What is the amount of acetic acid adsorbed per gram of carbon?


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