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Title: Increase in water evaporation rate with increase in static

magnetic field perpendicular to water-air interface

Authors: Aliakbar Seyfi, Reza Afzalzadeh, Abazar Hajnorouzi

PII: S0255-2701(17)30015-6
Reference: CEP 7012

To appear in: Chemical Engineering and Processing

Received date: 10-1-2017

Revised date: 17-6-2017
Accepted date: 21-6-2017

Please cite this article as: Aliakbar Seyfi, Reza Afzalzadeh, Abazar
Hajnorouzi, Increase in water evaporation rate with increase in static
magnetic field perpendicular to water-air interface, Chemical Engineering and

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Increase in water evaporation rate with increase in static magnetic
field perpendicular to water-air interface

Aliakbar seyfia, Reza Afzalzadeha,*, Abazar Hajnorouzib

Faculty of Physics, K. N. Toosi University of Technology, 1541833111, Tehran, Iran
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Shahed University, 3319118651, Tehran, Iran

Corresponding author. Tel.: +982123064309; fax: +982122852370.
E-mail address:;

Increased evaporation of water in
static magnetic field

Kinetic energy of By Lorentz force on the Breaking

water molecules interface charged molecules hydrogen-bonds
18 percent increase in magnetic water evaporation
Weakening hydrogen bounds due to magnetic field
Lorentz force on moving charged molecules at the interface
Magnetic field memory effect in water
Magnetic field affects charged molecules dangling bounds on interface


In the last decades many research on effects of magnetic field on water have been reported but still many
arguments and doubts are present. However, increase in water evaporation due to presence of magnetic
field is less in conflict. In this article, effects of static magnetic field on the amount of deionized water
evaporation in presence of magnetic field with one, two or three permanent ferrite magnets
perpendicular to water-air interface have been investigated and showed that tangential magnetic field at
the interface does not make changes on the amount of evaporation but when magnetic field is
perpendicular to the interface, up to 18.3% increase in water evaporation rate is observed. Another
important effect of magnetic field is memory effect, which shows when magnetic field is applied
perpendicular to the interface with three magnets for 60 minutes after removing the magnets even up to
40 minutes more evaporation compared to non-magnetic water is still observable. These effects are
explained and discussed using the kinetic energy of water molecules and Lorentz force on these moving
charged molecules at the interface which causes weakening or breaking hydrogen-bonds.

Keywords: Magnetic field; Magnetic water; Water evaporation; Interface charged molecules; Lorentz
force; Kinetic energy; Dangling bonds

1. Introduction

From the middle of 20th century, a lot of researches on studying effects of magnetic field on water

have been reported [1–12] which many contradictory results are observed. For example, Cai et al. have

reported reduction in surface tension due to a magnetic field while viscosity of water increases [13]

whereas. Toledo et al. have measured increase in both surface tension and viscosity of water due to

magnetic field [14]. These contradictions are possibly related to the method of experiments, for

example; water flow velocity in magnetic field, soluble material in water, magnetic field distribution and
measurement errors on water evaporation. Despite these various arguments, the increased evaporation

amount of water in presence of magnetic field is a less contradicted phenomenon. Nakagawa et al. have

reported an increase in pure water evaporation in presence of a magnetic field gradient. They suggested

that increase in evaporation is due to air convection above the water surface because of volume magnetic

force [15]. Wu et al. have reported an increase in distilled water evaporation in presence of static

magnetic field of 0.25, 0.36 and 0.55 T in compare with the pure water evaporation out of magnetic field

[16]. Szczes et al. also have reported an increase in water evaporation and memory effects after passing

through a magnetic field which depends on the flow velocity [17]. Holysz et al. have studied effects on

pure water and electrolyte solutions in static magnetic field and found an increase in pure water

evaporation and reduction in evaporation of some of the electrolyte solutions [18]. Rashid et al. have

studied water evaporation through a magnetic field of 0.5 T, which was located at different location of

tested water height (water-air interface, water mid height and bottom). They have observed maximum

rate of evaporation when location of magnetic field is at the interface. While applying magnetic field at

the bottom of the water height they have not seen change in the rate of water evaporation [19]. Despite

of these, most of the researches have not emphasized on magnetic field direction on water-air interface

and memory effect. In this research article, effects of perpendicular and tangential static magnetic field

on the interface and also memory effect of water have been tested and discussed based on kinetic energy

of water molecules and Lorentz force exerted on water molecules present in interface.

2. Experimental

The method of performing the experiments is to use two similar polyethylene vessels with equal

water which one being the sample treated with magnetic field (MW) and the other one are the control

water (CW). Water vessels are weighed using a digital balance (made in Japan A&D Co. Ltd) with one

mg accuracy. Both of vessels have been kept room temperature near to each other with all similar

conditions but one of the vessels being in the static magnetic field. Then in each 20-minute weight of the

vessels have been measured in regular steps. The measured weight's difference between the vessels after

each 20 minute presents the evaporated water comparatively. Before the experiment, both the vessels

containing equal water are kept for 20 minutes in room ambient to come in exact equilibrium

temperature. Magnetic field is measured using digital teslameter (made in Iran, FAPAN Co. Ltd) with

0.01 mT accuracy. Magnetic field is measured at the interface of the MW using vertical and horizontal

magnetic field probes. Method of measurement using the probe inside the water vessel is shown in Fig.

1. The sensing part of the probe is moved very close to the interface.

Fig. 1.

In the entire experiments, ferrite permanent ring magnet with internal diameter of d=60 mm and

external diameter of D=120 mm and thickness of h=20 mm are used. CW and MW are both kept in the

cylindrical polyethylene vessel with thin walls having 55 mm diameter and 57 mm height. An amount of

44±0.001 gr deionized water (DI water) is poured in the both vessels of MW and CW which water level

is measured to be 20 mm. Surface level of the MW is kept exactly at the center level of the magnets

configuration i.e. for configurations with one, two and three magnets being h/2, h and 3h/2 respectively.

Setup for treating the water magnetically with two N-S connected magnets is shown in Fig. 2. After 80

minutes, level of the water reduced by less than one mm. Also all the experiments have been carried on

for DI water at 31±1 ℃ and air pressure of 643±1 mmHg. Each such experiment was repeated three


Fig. 2.

3. Results

Treated water in the experiments has been carried on in perpendicular (MW﬩) and tangential (MW‖)

magnetic fields at the interface which will be presented as follows.

3.1. Water evaporation in presence of perpendicular magnetic field at the interface

In these experiments one, two or three, magnets are used in which opposite magnets are kept in N-S

connections when N pole being upward. Test results of the amount of water evaporation versus time for

one, two or three magnets are shown in Figs. 3, 4 and 5 respectively. Tangential magnetic fields on the

interface at all points are almost zero. Perpendicular magnetic field at the interface in the MW﬩ vessel

center is 45 mT and at the wall is 55 mT for one magnet, with two magnets these values are 55 and 70

mT and for three magnets, these values are 75 and 100 mT.

Fig. 3.

Fig. 4.

Fig. 5.

On fitting the measured values which show exact linear regression (𝑅 2 ≥ 0.998) and calculating the

slope with one magnet is 6.3%, two magnets 13.9% and three magnets 18.3% increase in the

evaporation rate for MW﬩ is observed.

Memory effect of magnetic water (MMW﬩) for water treated with three magnets for 60 minutes is

shown in Fig. 6.

Fig. 6.

As it can be observed from the Fig. 6, memory effect of magnetic water is observed to be about 40

minutes after removing the magnetic field.

3.2. Water evaporation in presence of tangential magnetic field on the interface

In this experiment, N-pole of the two ferrite permanent magnets are attached to each other with no

space and an N-N connection using scotch tape is made. Fig. 7 shows tangential magnetic field strength

at the interface in different points, which is measured by the measuring probe perpendicular to the

magnetic field. The arrows show the direction of the magnetic field. The magnetic field perpendicular to

the interface is almost zero in all points. The results of MW‖ and CW evaporation amounts are shown in

Fig. 8.

Fig. 7.

Fig. 8.

Fig. 8 shows that there is no difference between the two cases i.e. the evaporation amount for both

cases are the same. Comparing these experimental results for MW‖ to the experiments for MW﬩ shows

that the interface affected by the magnetic field, is very important to be considered and discussed.

4. Discussion

In this section, we will discuss different suggested theories in the field of the effect of magnetic field

on water evaporation and suggesting a new viewpoint based on kinetic energy of water molecules and

Lorentz force exerted on the interface molecules.

4.1. Change in amount of water evaporation due to a difference in volume magnetic force

Nakagawa et al. offered a basic mechanism based on magnetic convection, which is appeared

because of the difference in volume magnetic force due to the susceptibility differences. Susceptibility

difference occurs because of the different disperse of water vapors in the layers of the atmosphere above

the interface. In fact, they assumed the magnetic field effects due to the changes in the outer area of the

water, not in it [15].

We will calculate the volume magnetic force of permanent magnets, by using the following

⃑ ):
equations in which (𝑢) is the density of volumetric energy in an external magnetic field (𝐵

𝑢 = 2𝑀⃑⃑ . 𝐵
⃑ . (1)

The equations of a linear isotropic material are as follows:

⃑⃑ = 𝜒𝐻
𝑀 ⃑ , (2)

⃑ = 𝐵 .
𝐻 (3)
𝜇 0

⃑⃑ , 𝐻
Where 𝑀 ⃑ , 𝜒, and 𝜇0 are magnetization, external magnetic field strength, volume susceptibility of

the material, and the magnetic permeability of vacuum, respectively [20].

By replacing (2) and (3) into (1), (4) is achieved:

⃑ .𝐵
𝑢 = 2𝜇 𝐵 ⃑ . (4)

For volume magnetic force (𝐹𝑚 ), (5) is used:

𝐹𝑚 = ⃑∇𝑢 . (5)

By replacing (4) into (5) and doing a few math calculations, (6) is achieved:

⃑ . ⃑∇)𝐵
𝐹𝑚 = 𝜇 [(𝐵 ⃑ +𝐵
⃑ × (∇
⃑ ×𝐵
⃑ )] . (6)

Given ∇ ⃑ ×𝐵 ⃑ = 𝜇0 𝐽 and according to this fact that there is no electric current in permanent magnets
(𝐽 = 0), it yields:

⃑ ×𝐵
∇ ⃑ =0. (7)


⃑ . ⃑∇)𝐵
𝐹𝑚 = 𝜇 [(𝐵 ⃑]. (8)

As the magnetic field in our magnet structure is cylindrical, by calculating Eq. (8) in cylindrical

coordinates, (9) is obtained:

𝜒 𝜕 𝐵𝜑 𝜕 𝜕
𝐹𝑚 = 𝜇 [𝐵𝜌 𝜕𝜌 + + 𝐵𝑧 𝜕𝑧] [𝐵𝜌 𝜌̂ + 𝐵𝜑 𝜑̂ + 𝐵𝑧 𝑧̂ ] . (9)
0 𝜌 𝜕𝜑

Where, 𝐹𝑚 is volume magnetic force applied to a material with 𝜒 being volume susceptibility in the

field gradient per unit volume.

Density of the vapor decreases by increasing altitude from the interface. So, susceptibility changes in

Z direction above the interface due to the different density of the vapor. Water vapor and air have

dissimilar susceptibility; therefore, the air flow can be created due to the difference in volume magnetic


In the experiments performed with MW﬩, the magnetic field is in Z direction (𝐵𝜌 = 0, 𝐵𝜑 = 0), in

which an increase in the evaporation amount in MW﬩ has been observed. Therefore, the magnetic force

would be in Z direction as follows:

𝜒 𝜕𝐵𝑧
𝐹𝑚 = 𝜇 [𝐵𝑧 𝑧̂ ] . (10)
0 𝜕𝑧

The difference in volume magnetic force ∆𝐹𝑚 occurs in the wet air near the interface 𝜒𝑤𝑒𝑡 and dry

air (more distances from the interface) 𝜒𝑎𝑖𝑟 , then the difference is ∆𝜒 = 𝜒𝑎𝑖𝑟 − 𝜒𝑤𝑒𝑡 = 0.0088 × 10−6

[15]. In our experiments, we'll have:

𝜒𝑎𝑖𝑟 −𝜒𝑤𝑒𝑡 𝜕𝐵𝑧

∆𝐹𝑚 = [𝐵𝑧 𝑧̂ ] . (11)
𝜇0 𝜕𝑧

𝐵𝑧 𝜕𝑧
= 0.72 𝑇 2 ⁄𝑚 is the highest value in measuring the magnetic field at different points of the

internal space of the two N-S connected magnets. The difference in volume magnetic force will be

0.0004 of the applied gravity force per unit air volume. So there would be a very weak convention due

to the magnetic field, and we cannot assume this as a factor for the evaporation increase in this survey's


Also, there would be a difference in volume magnetic force due to the susceptibility difference

between liquid water and air [21] and heterogeneous distribution of 𝐵𝑧 𝜕𝑧
can change the surface area of

the water. So, a magnetic force will affect the evaporation amount, since the evaporation is proportional

to the liquid evaporation surface area. Water surface deformation is related to the gravity force in

heterogeneous distribution of a magnetic field [22]. Since there is a little difference between volume

magnetic force and gravity force (for Paramagnetic and diamagnetic materials: |𝜒| ≪ 1 [23], so 𝐵𝑧 𝜕𝑧

important in the difference of volume magnetic force ), it could not be an effective factor on the amount

vapor of the MW﬩.

4.2. Effect of magnetic field on hydrogen-bonds and van der Waals force

Water evaporation is a gradual process in which water molecules escape from the liquid to the

surroundings. Since hydrogen-bonding is the main intermolecular force that keeps water molecules in

the liquid phase, evaporation should be breaking of the hydrogen-bonds. But there is a question that how

the magnetic field affects the hydrogen-bonds in water? Lots of studies have shown that Hydrogen-

bonds are reinforced in the presence of magnetic fields or even more hydrogen-bonds are formed

[2,13,24], while other studies reported that hydrogen-bonds are weakened [25,26].

It is reported that water molecules make clusters through hydrogen-bonds [27,28]. Toledo et al.

presented a competitive mechanism, according to their experimental results and theoretical calculations.

They suggested that hydrogen-bonds in water can be classified into two types: inter-cluster and intra

cluster. The magnetic field can break the intra-cluster hydrogen-bonds and strengthen the inter-cluster

hydrogen-bonds. The result is that the intra-cluster hydrogen-bonds are weakened, and smaller clusters

with stronger inter-cluster hydrogen-bonds are formed [14].

Zhou et al. reported that water magnetic moment interaction in a magnetic field will strongly affect

the distribution of hydrogen-bonds, and the external magnetic field can weaken or even break the

hydrogen-bonds, increasing the number of monomer water molecules [26].

Irrespective of how hydrogen-bonds in water are affected by magnetic field. Changes in hydrogen-

bonds certainly affect water evaporation. Reinforced hydrogen-bonds prevent the evaporation of water,

while weakened hydrogen bonds will increase water evaporation [18,22]. Increase in evaporation for the

experimental results show that some hydrogen-bonds could be weakened or even broken by the

magnetic force.

In addition, van der Waals forces between water molecules provide a better molecular correlation.

Van der Waals forces are weaker than hydrogen-bonds. Weakening van der Waals forces is considered

to be one of the reasons to increase the amount of evaporations in the magnetic field. Since the weak van

der Waals complexes can be broken in a magnetic field through the coupling between the Zeeman

energy levels [29], weak van der Waals forces in water can be considered as an additional factor in

terms of helping to increase the amount of water evaporations with increasing strength of magnetic field.

However, these theories are a little weakened because of the experiment in which the magnetic field

is tangential to the interface, and the total volume of the water has been affected by magnetic fields. In

these reported theories, magnetic field direction in the interface or the volume of the water, are not

noticed. So we will discuss the Lorentz force applied at the interface molecules and hydrogen-bonds of

the interface molecules.

It is reported in lots of studies that the water-air interface has an electrostatic potential or the intrinsic

Charge, but there is a dispute over whether a positive or negative potential [30,31]. Kathmann et al.

calculated the liquid-vapor interface of pure water potential to be negative [32] while Stillinger and

Ben-Naim calculated the liquid-vapor interface of water potential to be positive [33]. Positive or

negative potential of the interface indicates that some interface molecules have a polar charge density

that is not neutralized or interface-active ions of hydrogen or hydroxyl affect the interface potential. The

partial polar charges of water molecules are neutralized in liquid water because each molecule is

exposed by lots of molecules polar charges from all sides as being in the center of a sphere. But it is

different for the interface molecules, because they are exposed by less polar charges of water molecules

in interface only from the lower hemisphere. So, the polar charges of interface molecules would not

completely be neutralized.

The interface structure is different from bulk of the water and existence of many dangling bonds at

the interface is expected. This phenomenon is reported and discussed [34–36]. So, the interface can have

a dominant charge due to dangling bonds. Water molecule bonds, including dangling bond at the

interface are shown in Fig. 9.

Fig. 9.

Kinetic energy of water is responsible for random motion of molecules and clusters. The charged

molecules moving on the surface still have partial charges; therefore, a Lorentz force applied to these

molecules in the presence of a magnetic field at the interface is given by known Lorentz force equation

⃑ ×𝐵
(𝐹 = 𝑞(𝑉 ⃑ )).

By applying a magnetic field tangential to the interface (MW‖), a force is exerted on the interface

charged molecules, which are moving translational on the interface when their direction is not in

direction of the magnetic field. This force is perpendicular to the interface, and its direction is upward or

downward based on the random motion of the molecules at the interface with different with different

amplitude depending on the angle. Since the molecules translational motions are random, the magnitude

and direction of the forces on each molecule are random, too. In other words, in average there are the

same numbers of molecules with exerted upward and downward forces. Although the upward force on

the molecule weakens intermolecular forces and makes their escape upon the water interface easier, the

downward force on the molecule makes their escape harder. Therefore, In the case of applied magnetic

field tangential to the interface, repression and increase of the escaped molecules would be equal. So,

there will not be a change in the total value of water evaporation.

By applying a magnetic field perpendicular to the interface (MW﬩), a centripetal force tangential to

the interface will be exerted to the interface charged molecule which is moving translational on the

interface and affects its random motion. Therefore, the motion of the charged molecule would be

different from the motion of its cluster and thus, momentums will appear along the hydrogen-bonds and

kinetic energy of the molecule will be used in order to weaken or break the hydrogen-bonds. So, the

hydrogen-bonds are weakened or broken and as a result, molecules will be converted to a molecule with

weaker hydrogen-bond or a monomer. Therefore, these molecules require less energy to evaporate and

the amount of evaporation increases. It is necessary to note that the Lorentz force does not imply energy

and only uses the kinetic energy of the molecules due to environment temperature to break hydrogen-

bonds and liquid water compensates for this loss of energy by coming to equilibrium with the


The reports [18,37,38] and the results of author research have shown that the magnetically treated

water has a memory time. After removing the magnetic field, we observed in the amount of MMW﬩

Continuity evaporation compared to CW, although its amount is reducing and disappears in 40 minutes.

Memory effect could barely be explained by the effect of volume magnetic force even if it is large

enough, because this force would not exist after removing the magnetic field.

Magnetic treated water memory effect can be explained by the theory of the influence of Lorentz

force on the hydrogen-bonds of molecules moving on the interface. All of monomer molecules or

molecules with weakened hydrogen-bonds due to the applied magnetic field do not evaporate

immediately; also all of monomer molecules will not vanish or all of molecules with weakened

hydrogen-bonds will not form the previous strong bonds immediately even after removing the magnetic

field. So after removing the magnetic field, existence of those molecules causes more evaporation of the

MMW﬩ with respect to the CW.

5. Conclusion

These research experiments approve effect of magnetic field on an increase in water evaporation.

Tangential magnetic field on the water-air interface does not show a sensible effect, but perpendicular

magnetic field shows up to 18.3% increase in evaporation rate when magnetic field is less than 100 mT.

Magnetic treated water show up to 40 minutes memory effect. This phenomenon is explained and

discussed on based of kinetic energy motion of water molecules on the interface and influence of

breaking hydrogen-bonds by Lorentz force.


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Fig. 1. Side view of MW vessel; the point C is at the center, point B is in the middle and point A is in side edge of the vessel,
on water-air interface.

Fig. 2. Setup for treating the water magnetically with two N-S connected magnets.

Fig. 3. Amount of water evaporation in presence of one magnet (MW﬩) compared to the CW vs. time.

Fig. 4. Amount of water evaporation in presence of the two N-S connected magnets (MW﬩) compared to the CW vs. time.

Fig. 5. Amount of water evaporation in presence of three N-S connected magnets (MW﬩) compared to the CW vs. time.

Fig. 6. Changes in the amounts of water evaporated for MMW﬩ and CW measured in subsequent 20 min intervals (error bars:
standard error of the mean, n = 3).

Fig. 7. Measured magnetic field for the two N-N connected magnets at the interface (h) in mT; the arrows show the direction
of the magnetic field on the interface.

Fig. 8. Amount of water evaporation in presence of the two N-N connected magnets (MW‖) compared to the CW vs. time.

Fig. 9. Water-air interface structure with dangling bond of hydrogen atoms in air above interface. Big and small spheres
represent Oxygen and Hydrogen atoms, respectively.


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