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Economic Development Department (B1 Class)_Ni Luh Komang Ayu Herlina



This pandemic made me changed my lifestyle. I usually wake up at six o’clock.

I must wake up early, because my class will be started at eight o’clock. I always eat
my breakfast and pray before study. In my room, I always put hand sanitizer and
tissues for clean off my hand after touch many things. The class usually ends at 03.00
pm, then I clean up my house. After that, I eat my lunch with my mommy. I’ve never
missed a nap either. To be honest, I do my favorite zumbas only twice a week. At
07.00 pm, I usually take a bath. Then I and my mommy pray again. Before go to bed,
I always apply my face care product and do my homework or read some books.
Everyday, I must be productive, so I never waste my time.


My family result test of Covid-19 was positive on July 31th . My older sister,
daddy, and I was isolated in Jembrana Hospital but mommy and my second sister in
Werdhapura Hotel. During my daddy and I were isolated in the same room, he always
paid attention to me. At that time I had the most severe symptomps of Covid-19. On
August 11th, my family and I can go home. But my daddy still had to be treated in the
hospital's ICU room until an indefinite period. And on August 17th my daddy was
breathless. The doctor said, that my daddy’s lungs could only function by 25 percent.
Then my father died. I didn't expect him to leave me so soon.

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