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The Role of Management Information System: Review on

the Importance of Data and Implementation in

Organizational Process
Cherish Kay L. Pastor
Purchasing Officer, University of Pangasinan

Abstract: Management Information System is important in the organization’s success. Management

Information System in every organization should work according to the plan and vision of every
organization. The purpose of this study is to underscore the importance of the Management Information
System through a literature review and to determine the level of implementation in private universities in
Pangasinan. A literature search and survey questionnaire were used in order to satisfy the requirement of
the study. The result of the study shows that schools in Pangasinan are implementing the process and
practice of Management Information System. The literature review shows the big importance of industries
and organizations to maximize the utilization of the unit. It is recommended that all institutions should
revisit and include the Management Information System unit as a priority unit for improvement for
organizational effectiveness and innovation.

INTRODUCTION including and most importantly us, human

In today's information technology beings [3], [4].
world. Management Information System or MIS
should be visible in every organization such as Purpose of the Study
the institutions. The purpose of this study is to
The world is not just a world of living underscore the (1) importance of the
and non-living matter. It is also a world of data. Management Information System through a
Data have been here in this world even before literature review in relation to data storage, data
we became aware of them and started harnessing processing, data utilization, and data monitoring.
them. Now more than ever, we need to face up (2) to determine the level of implementation in
to the challenges posed by tons and tons of private universities in Pangasinan.
data[1]. But what are data in the first place?
The concept of data has been defined as METHODOLOGY
the representation of facts, concepts or A literature search and survey
instructions in a formalized manner suitable for questionnaire were used in order to satisfy the
communication, interpretation, or processing by requirement of the study. The research design of
humans or by automatic means [2]. Data, or its this study is descriptive. It gathers information
singular form datum, refer to all things that are based on the literature and questionnaire
knowable, recordable and analyzable. These
could be as simple as names of physical objects Sources of Data
such as stones and insects to the extremely Google Scholar and Mendeley's search
complicated epistemological theories about result was the source of data. Respondents were
knowledge itself. They could be raw, untouched also selected based on the qualification such as
and pristine. They could also be refined, the MIS Director or the Coordinator of the
developed or progressive. They surround us and institution where they received an invitation to
they are inside of us whether we are aware of answer the online survey through Google forms.
them or not, and in this knowledge-crazy world The average mean was used to compute the level
that we have right now, they are shaping the of implementation.
existence of just about anything that we know,

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Importance of Management Information processed become the person’s family
System background information, all data processed
The researcher would like to explain related to the person’s sickness and health
how the importance and role of MIS in interventions comprise his medical history, and
organizational development based on my so on and so forth. It is data processing that
opening statement. We cannot deny that provides meaning to a rather mixed up and
organizational data are the very object of MIS in random collection of stored data. Now, when
an organization. Without data, the system has information is produced and disseminated to
nothing to manage even when there are people people who need it, that underscores the third
willing to manage them. In short, data are highly importance of organizational MIS—data
important in MIS. Take, for example, just one utilization.
person. There must be data before and after his Data utilization is my version of the
birth. There must be data even before his parents usefulness of processed data. It must be made
had met each other. There must be data about his clear, however, that not all processed data are
mother and father before and after their utilized, and if they are not utilized, they can
marriage. There must be data when his parents hardly be considered as information. This
conceive him. There must be data about his clarifies that information is produced when
mother’s pregnancy of him to predict the processed data are utilized for meaningful and
possible context of his birth. There must be data beneficial effects [5], [6]. Consider the
about his birth and his subsequent growth as a following instances: the medical history of
person either entirely or partly. Even his death certain job applicants who are professionally
should have data. And these data about that qualified can help the organization to decide
particular person must be stored to keep track whether to hire them or not, the computed
and have a trace of his existence in an results of classroom tests and activities could
organization. Unless data about him are stored, inform school heads of the quality of academic
that person shall be completely forgotten at work in an institution, the yearly dry spell during
some future time reducing to nothing the summer should prompt the government to help
importance of his very life in the enterprise. That the agriculture sector, and the downward trend
person’s life is important and every bit of data in the stock market may help investors to be
about him is important, therefore data storage of more careful in their business decision-making.
his life is also important. Now, how many When data are converted to information and are
persons are there in the organization? What utilized for clients’ consumption, that is another
about the other things in the organization from facet of the importance of MIS.
the littlest to the biggest? There must be data Lastly, MIS has updating procedures,
about them. What about the things and people and this is where data monitoring comes to the
outside the organization but who has various picture. This monitoring process of MIS
influences on its existence? There must be data presupposes the assumption that data can change
about them, too. We need to store data of over time and that trends do not last for long
everything in and around the organization, and especially in this highly digital world where
the researcher believes that it is the first duty of technological advancements follow each other at
MIS – data storage. close intervals [7]. The changes in data must be
Secondly, MIS is important for the recorded, stored, processed and disseminated to
purposes of data processing. While storing data provide valuable inputs in the process of
is very important, it is not an end in itself. It decision-making. One good example is the El
paves the way for retrieval and processing. Nino phenomenon and its effects on population
Sometimes data stored is simply retrieved but and water supply. It is not a secret that El Nino
most of the time retrieved data undergo has been a yearly occurrence for a long time
processing. Data processing is the consolidation, now in our country and it affects us nationally.
evaluation, and analysis of stored data to One place that has been perennially suffering the
produce what is called information. For worst effects of El Nino is Metro Manila. The
example, all data about a person’s parents when hot climate aggravates existing problems

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brought about by the dense population and huge amounts of data that cannot be managed
limited water supply in the metropolis. To deal simply except by similar hardware, software,
with the problem, the MIS of the concerned and networks that are exclusively dedicated to
agencies and sectors should keep track of all managing them. It is, therefore, clear at this
data, process the same into valuable information, point that MIS is of prime importance in all
disseminate them for appropriate utilization, aspects and levels of the organization especially
monitor changes that occur, keep a record of in today’s highly computerized world. This is
these changes, analyze and interpret what they the reason why the world saw the birth of what
imply, and input everything to decision-makers is called Information and Communications
for them to map out not just solutions in the Technology or ICT. In fact, the importance of
short term but also in the long term. Data ICT is seen as too crucial to be ignored that
monitoring is, therefore, of paramount organizations ask for experts who will do the job
importance in MIS. of managing and governing data and information
The researcher would like to mention in the expansion and evolution of their
again what the researcher said in the businesses. It comes as no surprise then that
introduction. We need to face up to the academic institution designed courses and
challenges posed by tons and tons of data, not disciplines to professionalize ICT [8]–[10].
just within the organization but even from This emphasizes now the critical role of
outside it. It has been said time and again that what Neumann coined as the peopleware—men
because of interconnectivity and digital and women who are directly and indirectly
technology, the world has become so small. handling, managing, utilizing and governing
Gone are the days when secrets remain secrets data and information in an organization or
for a long time, when what happens in the metro groups of organizations [11], [12]. Both
takes a long time to reach the remotest barrio technology and processes are in place but the
and vice versa, when mails travel at a snail pace, people in between must be highly trained and
when only a few are knowledgeable, and the rest committed to doing the job of refining and fine-
are uninformed. We have come to an era in tuning the rough edges of MIS, of
which the social descriptive are knowledge troubleshooting the loopholes and drawbacks of
explosion, information overload, domains and initial setups, and of conceiving proactive
databases, apps, terabytes, and cloud computing measures to address the challenges that lurk
to name a few. around in the foreseeable future. Other people in
The Internet and mobile technologies the enterprise who are not directly operating the
have practically transformed each of us into MIS MIS are also part of the peopleware. Their
personified. Yes, while it is true that each of us support and adherence to MIS and its procedures
is a source of data and information, we also have are essential elements for the organization to
to learn how to manage not just the devices in reach higher levels of success.
our hands but also the systems embedded in
them. Data recording and storage have actually Level of Implementation
become relatively simple and easy due to this Three big institutions are invited to
vast interconnectivity and massive digital answer a simple survey questionnaire regarding
technology. The hardware, the software, and the the level of implementation on the process of
networks have combined together to collect Management Information Systems.
Table 1 Level of Implementation

MIS Process AWM Equivalent

Selection and Procurement of Hardware 4.32 Highly Implemented
Procurement of Software 4.21 Highly Implemented
Creating the Database 4.23 Highly Implemented
Training of Users 3.98 Highly Implemented

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Creating Physical Infrastructure 4.02 Highly Implemented
Transition to the New System 4.26 Highly Implemented
TOTAL 4.17 Highly Implemented

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