Módulo: Ler e Responder A Materiais Escritos Na Língua Inglesa 1. Answer The Questions Below About Skim and Scan. (8.0 Marks)

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Módulo: Ler e responder a materiais escritos na língua Inglesa

1. Answer the questions below about Skim and Scan. (8.0 marks)
1. Skimming and scanning are reading skills that help you find information...

a) Slowly b) quickly

2. When you skim a text, you are trying to find out:

a) specific facts b) the general idea

3. When you scan a text, you should look for:

a) the date it was published b) the general idea c) specific information

4. Which paragraphs should you always read in full when you are skimming a text? Choose two answers.

a) First b) second c) last

5. Which of these features can help guide you through a text? Choose two answers.

a) Punctuation b) subtitles c) bullet points


Internal marketing (Endomarketing)
Internal marketing involves promoting your organization’s mission, objectives, purpose, culture, products and
services, and brand to your own employees. Occasionally referred to as employee marketing, the purpose of
internal marketing is to “sell” your business to your employees so they are more engaged, brand-aware, and
knowledgeable about your organization.
Internal marketing is a necessity. It’s hard for employees to care about their work if they don’t understand the
value of your organization
There are countless opportunities to put internal marketing into action at your organization. You may have
implemented a strategy or shared internal marketing materials without even realizing it. Common avenues and
channels for internal marketing include: Social media profiles, company website, and other online activities; Job
listings and promotion opportunities; Company benefits, perks, and work-life balance initiatives; Training,
learning, and development sessions; Internal communications, including emails, instant messages, and phone
calls; Workshops, brainstorming sessions, and meetings; Employee performance reviews, feedback
opportunities, and spotlights; Company, project, and product branding and marketing; Company news, updates,
milestones, and achievements. 
Internal marketing can benefit both your employees and your organization as a whole. Some of its major
advantages include: Employee Engagement, Company Culture, Brand Awareness, Staff Empowerment,
Recruitment and Hiring, Retention.
Internal marketing is too important for your business to ignore or neglect. However, it’s crucial to go about it
properly for your internal marketing efforts to be effective.
To enjoy these benefits, you have to build an effective internal marketing strategy. Like any other marketing
initiative, internal marketing requires time, attention, and care if you want your efforts to be successful.    
Internal marketing doesn’t have to be a top-down initiative; it can be an interactive and collaborative process
across your entire organization. Asking your employees what they think or inviting them to participate shows
just how much you value their opinions and contributions to your business. 
Not only does this support your efforts to improve engagement and culture, but it can also lead to innovative
teamwork from your employees. Each one of your employees brings a unique experience and perspective to the

2. Answer the questions. (10.0 marks)

a. What is the purpose of internal marketing?

b. Give 3 examples of Internal Marketing.
c. What are the advantages of Internal Marketing?
d. How can we enjoy the benefits of Internal Marketing?
e. Internal marketing doesn’t have to be a top-down initiative. Comment on this statement.
3. Write a composition talking about why you chose this course, what had motivated
you and what your plans are when you finish this. (4.0 marks)


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