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Prepared for:

Dr. Thom Luce

MIS 400 course

Warehouse Management System:

SDLC Document
Order Receiving
Prepared by:

Brandon Barkley, Bryan Platek, John Petro, and Aaron


November 11, 2011

Warehouse Management System: SDLC Document
Order Receiving

Table of Contents
Current State Analysis ..................................................................................................................... 2
System Overview ...................................................................................................................................... 2
As-Is Use Case Diagram ........................................................................................................................... 4
As-Is Process Flows .................................................................................................................................. 5
Known Issues List ..................................................................................................................................... 6

Requirements Definition ................................................................................................................. 7

To-Be Use Case Diagram ......................................................................................................................... 7
To-Be Process Flows ................................................................................................................................ 8
Risk Assessment ....................................................................................................................................... 9

Application Design ........................................................................................................................... 10

Functional Design Write-up .................................................................................................................... 10
Site Map .................................................................................................................................................. 11
Screen Prototypes.................................................................................................................................... 12
Database Design (ERD) .......................................................................................................................... 16

Warehouse Management System: SDLC Document
Order Receiving

Current State Analysis

System Overview

The client for the project is interested in receiving an upgrade for their warehouse management
system. The mission of the project is to modernize, increase efficiency and reduce errors that
take place in their supply chain system. Currently the clients are using a fax based system to send
and receive orders. This system is crucial to the company because they need it to receive parts
that are required in their product. The company is looking to modernize this system and move
their records into a database. Their reason for wanting to do this is because currently they are
experiencing manual errors caused by employees. They would like for us to increase processing
speed, reduce errors and create more standardization.

The warehouse management system within the company is broken down into three different
divisions. The first division is order placement (OP) which is where they will create orders,
receive missing orders, reorder missing orders and send orders to be recorded. This division is
used mostly at their assembly plant that is used to build vehicles. The clients would like this
system to be able to order multiple products in multiple quantities as a single order. They
currently have been having issues with order fulfillment and would like the ability to list
previous orders that were either damaged or missing with the capacity to reorder them along with
other items that have not been recently purchased. They would also like to be able to review
order totals and have the power to edit their line items.

The second division in their warehouse management system is order fulfillment (OF). In this
division they receive order information from order placement and store it on their data base.
After that the products are placed onto pallets and then are identified by their RFID tags. Finally
as the pallets are shipped out an Advanced Shipping Notice (ASN) is then sent to the third
division. In this area of the warehouse management system they would like the ability to view
received orders and to be able to pack multiple orders on a single pallet. They would like to be
able to do this because they follow the business accounting rule of first in first out (FIFO) for
their inventory. The clients also need to be able to have more control over what pallets are being
shipped and the details of the order. They stress that the order fulfillment division must follow
what they call the Pack Three rule. This means that for every shipment they must pack at least
three line items into a pallet and at least three pallets to a shipment.

The final division of our client’s warehouse management system is order receiving (OR). This
division is used for receiving orders of parts for their automobiles. They will simulate the
delivery of the products by using a RFID scanner. This information is then entered into the data

Warehouse Management System: SDLC Document
Order Receiving

base and will update the order placement division on the status of the order that was placed. In
this area of the warehouse system the clients would like to have the capability of using the RFID
to update current statuses at the shipping dock. They would also like the RFID to be able to show
if an order is missing or damaged.

The issues that our client has been experiencing are causing them to slow down their business
and become less efficient. When we are done with the project we will have resolved most of their
issues by modernizing their technology. This technology will help aid them in being more
organized and efficient through the use of the databases we created. It will also help resolve the
manual errors that are occurring within the company because of the massive paper trail their
current fax based system is causing. Our goal for this project is to resolve all the issues
surrounding the current system while at the same time improving the functionality of our clients

Warehouse Management System: SDLC Document
Order Receiving

As-Is Use Case Diagram

Fax Invioce to Supplier

Fufill Orders from
Place New Order

Reorder Send Order to

Missing/Damaged Items Warehouse Supplier (Order Fulfillment)
Purchaser (Order Placement)

Fax Missing/Damaged Review Shipment

Recieve Order
Items Notification Contents

Warehouse (Order Receiving)

Warehouse Management System: SDLC Document
Order Receiving

As-Is Process Flows

Purchasing Fulfillment Receiving

Ready to order

Order Faxed Order Recieved

Order Processed

Are supply [[no]]

Order Pending
sufficient for

Receive Shipment Notice

Order Packaged

Order Shipped Order Recieved

Do the
Review Content of Order match
Send Shipment Notice

Refax Order of Missing/Damaged Notify of Damaged or Missing Items


Order Complete

Warehouse Management System: SDLC Document
Order Receiving

Known Issues List

 Outdated technology
o Current fax based management system is cumbersome and is inefficient
 Often responsible for causing manual errors and slow processing speeds
 Lacks the ability of error control and ability to detect delays on parts
 All data and information is saved on paper, there is so much paper it has become
more difficult to store it, organize or track files

 Lack of a centralized information system that automatically inputs and updates order information
in database
 Inability to list ordered items that never got fulfilled and reorder them with other new items
 Inability to review the total of an order or change quantities or remove items from an order
 Lack of the ability to review data about previous shipments that have been moved on to OR
 There is no way to review shipments and their contents or confirm status of the LineItems

Warehouse Management System: SDLC Document
Order Receiving

Requirements Definition
To-Be Use Case Diagram

Send Order Status Update

Reorder Missing/ Enter into database/
Damaged Items update statuses

Review Shipment

Create Order
Scan RFID's
Warehouse (Order Receiving)
Purchaser (Order Placement)

Send Order Recieve Order

Ship Product & ASN

Ship Order to
Fulfill Order

Supplier (Order Fulfillment)

Warehouse Management System: SDLC Document
Order Receiving

To-Be Process Flows

Purchasing Fulfillment Receiving

Ready to order

Enter order
into System

Are supply
quantities sufficient
for order?
Review & Submit Order Order Pending


Order Packaged

Order Shipped

Send Shipment Notice Receive Shipment Notice

Shipment Recieved

Scan RFID's

Review Shipment/Confirm Pallet Status

Reorder Missing/Damaged Items Submit to Database/Send Status Updates to OP

Order Complete

Warehouse Management System: SDLC Document
Order Receiving

Risk Assessment

Risk Likelihood Impact Approach/mitigation Early Warning

Team Dynamics
Inexperience with RFID High Med Pay attention in class
Other commitments Med High Find a time that is repeatable Falling behind
conflict with group weekly. schedule
Inability to form a reliable Med-low Very Set up system early / fall back Persons being
medium for High to email “out of the loop”
communication / things not
getting done

Employee training High High Create a training manual
Employee resistance to Med High Incentivize attendance to Low attendance
new protocol training sessions at training
Client may not have High Very Inform client, such that they
sufficient IT resources to High may procure needed server(s)
support the proposed
Cost of the system and variable Very Describe the relative
maintenance High complexity of the system to the
client and its associated costs.
Complexity of building an Med-high Med- Vigilance, commitment Falling behind
entire system from the high schedule
ground up
Difficulty in having the Med-high Very Meeting between the three
applications high entities
“communicate” with the
other entities’ applications

Warehouse Management System: SDLC Document
Order Receiving

Application Design
Functional Design Write-up

Module Description
Home/login  Authenticate Users
OR portal  Displays order anomalies
 Links to other modules(pages)

Order Check-In  Allows for check-in of orders

Order Review  Forces the user to do a line-by-line review of order

Order Review  Allows for searching or previously received orders

 Allows for reviewing of previously received

OF Data receiver  Receives data from Order fulfillment

OP Data Sender  Passes data to Order Placement

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Warehouse Management System: SDLC Document
Order Receiving

Site Map



Order Lookup OrderCheck-In

Line Item Review

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Warehouse Management System: SDLC Document
Order Receiving

Screen Prototypes


After login, user will be taken here. The page displays the current date and also shows the user any
anomalies with expected arrivals, etc. Clicking on the [select] button with in this dashboard will take the
used to a detailed report showing the contents of the late order. The [Order Check-in] Button will take the
user to an RFID entry page, where the user can enter received orders. The [Order Lookup] button will
take the user to an Order lookup page where the user will be able to look at previous orders.

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Warehouse Management System: SDLC Document
Order Receiving


This page is reached from the [Order-check-In] button from the main page. That button is now disabled,
because we are already on that page. [The Order lookup] button will allow the user to look up specific
orders. The cancel button will return the user back to the main page, and the submit button will take the
user to a shipment review page.

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Warehouse Management System: SDLC Document
Order Receiving


This page is reached from submitting an RFID on the order check-in page. Both the Present and Missing
columns will contain checkboxes, once one and only one checkbox has been checked in each row then the
Submit button will become enabled. Clicking the enabled submit button will pass information along to
Order Placement and return the user to the order check-in page.

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Warehouse Management System: SDLC Document
Order Receiving


This page will allow users to type in an Order ID# and a query will return information from that order
ID#, if such an order exists. The Order Check-In button takes the user to the order check-in page. The
Cancel button will take the user back to the main page.

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Warehouse Management System: SDLC Document
Order Receiving

Database Design (ERD)

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