Gape, Lestlie 1bse-A C5 Semantics L1

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Name: Lestlie R.

Gape Section: 1 BSE – A Course: Eng Ed 111


TASK 1. Circle any deictic expression in the following sentences:

1. I saw her standing there.

2. Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away.
3. The treasure chest is to your right.
4. These are the times that try men’s souls.
5. There is a tide in the affairs of men which taken st the flood leads on to fortune.

TASK 2. There are several kinds of antonymy. By writing a B, G, or R in column C, indicate

whether the pairs in columns A and B are Binary, Gradable or Relational opposites.


Good bad ______G______

Expensive cheap ______G______

Parent offspring ______C______

Beautiful ugly ______G______

False true ______B______

Male female ______C______

Tutor tutee ______C______

Pass fail ______B______

Legal illegal ______B______

Asleep awake ______B______

Lessor lessee ______C______

Mother child ______C______

Rude polite ______G______

Larger smaller ______C______

Buy sell ______B______

TASK 3. The following sentences are either Analytic/Tautulogy, Contradiction or
Synthetic. Write A by the Analytic, C by the contradiction and S by the Synthetic.

1. __A__ Queens are monarchs. 11. __S__Dogs are carnivores.

2. __C__ Kings are female. 12. __A__Uncles are male.

3. __S__ Kings are poor. 13. __C__My aunt is a man.

4. __A__ Circles are round. 14. __S__Witches are wicked.

5. __S__ Queens are ugly. 15. __S__ My brother is a witch.

6. __S__ Queens are mothers. 16. __C__My sister is an only child.

7. __C__ Kings are mothers. 17. __C__Babies are adults.

8. __A__ Dogs are four-legged. 18. __C__ Babies can lift one ton.

9. __A__ Cats are felines. 19. __C__ Puppies are human.

10. __S__ Cats are stupid 20. __C__ My bachelor friends are all lonely.

TASK 4. For each definition, write in the first blank the word that has that meaning and
in the second (and third if present) a differently spelled homonym that has a different

E.g. ä pair”: two, too, to

a. a. naked bare bear

b. b. base metal lead lid
c. c. worships praise phrase preys
d. d. eight bits byte bite bait
e. e. one of the senses smell small call
f. f. several couples pair pare pear
g. g. not pretty plain plane
h. h. purity of gold unit karat carat
i. i. a horse’s coiffure mane main Maine
j. j. sets loose free fee freeze
TASK 5. The following sentences have certain presuppositions that ensure their

What are they? Example: The minors promised the police to stop drinking.

Presupposition: The minors were drinking.

1. We went to the ballpark again.

Presupposition: We have been to ballpark before.

2. When did you stop smoking?

Presupposition: You used to smoke.

3. My car is a wreck.


4. Have you stopped eating meat?

Presupposition: You have been eating meat.

5. Angel saw the horse with two heads.

Presupposition: There was a horse with two heads.

6. Mary was horrified to find a cockroach in her bed.

Presupposition: The cockroach is in the bed.

7. Hey, your brother is looking for you.

Presupposition: You have a brother.

8. Estella no longer writes fiction.

Presupposition: Estella was a fiction writer.

9. Have you talked to Evelyn?

Presupposition: Evelyn is a person.

10. RJ lost his wallet

Presupposition: RJ had a wallet.

TASK 6. Give the entailment of the following sentences:

1. (a) The President was assassinated.

(b) The President is dead.

2. (a) Andrei broke the window.

(b) The window is broken.

3. (a) Louis rides a bike to school every morning.

(b) Louis knows how to ride a bike.

4. (a) Eric Neil’s car is new.

(b) Eric Neil bought a car.

5. (a) Wal-Mart defended itself in court today against claims that its female
employees were kept out of job in management because they are women.

(b) Wal-Mart was sued for sexual discrimination.

TASK 7. Are the following statements true or false? Tick the appropriate cell:


1. The sentences below contain homonyms: /
She entrances me. The building has several entrances.
2. The sentences below contain a polyseme: /
Don’t seal that letter. I love the old seal at the zoo.
3. The sentence below contains a hyponym: /
Among all the groddies in the world, my favourite is the blooie.
4. The sentences below contain a meronym: /
Mary had a little lamb. Its fleece was white as snow.
5. Given that cantoupe and lartoupe are relational antonyms, /
Sasha is Lorenzo’s cantoupe entails that Lorenzo is Sasha’s
6. Given that sadertort and mangleford are complementary /
antonyms, My aunt is not mangleford and My aunt is sadertort
entail each other.

7. Given that crandle and sackle are synonyms, The private eye /
crandled his favourite client and The private eye sackled his
favourite client entail each other.
TASK 8. Identify the relationship of oppositeness expressed in the following sentences.

1. The window pane is open, but it should be shut. COMPLEMENTARITY

2. This class is better than last year's class. CONVERSENESS

3. This painting is similar to that one. SYMMETRY

4. He pushed the lever forwards instead of backwards. CONVERSENESS

5. This plant was sick, but now it's healthy. COMPLEMENTARITY

6. My poor relatives envy my rich relatives. ANTONYMY

7. He ordered a sweet and sour dish. ANTONYMY

8. It is better to give than to receive. CONVERSENESS

TASK 9. Give the end-of-scale equivalents for these normal scalar adjectives

1. tired – exhausted

2. wet – drenched

3. poor – destitute

4. sad – despondent

5. hot – scorching

TASK 10. Name the structural relation expressed by each of the following pairs of

1. casual/informal Synonymy

2. parent/offspring Converseness

3. university/college Cohponyms

4. right/wrong Complementarity

5. right/left Converseness

6. odd/even Complementarity
7. odd/unusual Synonymy

8. bring/take Converseness

9. rude/polite Antonymy

10.wind/breeze Superordinate – hyponym

11.moist/damp Synonymy

12.present/absent Complementarity

13.fair/foul (ball) Complementarity

14.intelligent/smart Synonymy

15.employ/use Synonymy

16.mathematics/history Cohponyms Superordinate – hyponym Converseness

19.own/belong to Converseness

20.ancestor/descendant Converseness

21.predator/prey Convereness

22.benefactor/donor Synonymy

23.enter/leave Converseness

24.rise/fall Converseness

25.dress/undress Converseness

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