Mount Assisi School, Bhagalpur: Online Examination 2020 - 2021

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Class: IX Time: 2 hrs.

22.12.2020 BIOLOGY Marks: 100

Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately.

You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes.
This time is to be spent in reading the question paper.
The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.
Attempt all questions from Section A and Section B.
The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ].
Question 1
Define: [5]
a. Glycolysis d. Germination
b. Pollination e. Respiration
c. Fertilization

Question 2
Give one example of each: [5]
a. The chemical substances which constitutes the genes
b. A seed with folded plumule leaves
c. Hypogeal germination
d. An antibiotic
e. A water-borne disease

Question 3
Write the functions of: [5]
a. Cotyledon d. Xylem
b. Pollen Tube e. Roughage
c. Bracts

Question 4
Multiple Choice Questions:
a. Which one of the following pairs is correctly matched? [1]
1. Meristem - Actively dividing cells
2. Xylem - Transport of food
3. Phloem - Transport of water
4. Sclerenchyma - Storage of starch
b. Parenchyma containing chloroplasts is known as: [1]
1. Parenchyma
2. Aerenchyma
3. Collenchyma
4. Chlorenchyma
c. Which of the following cells in plants are said to be nonliving? [1]
1. Meristem
2. Parenchyma
3. Collenchyma
4. Sclerenchyma
d. Which of the following connects a muscle to a bone? [1]
1. Cartilage
2. Ligament
3. Tendon
4. Interstitial fluid
e. Cardiac muscle is: [1]
1. Involuntary
2. Smooth
3. Striated
4. Involuntary and Stria
f. Which one of the following pairs of nutrients includes both as simple sugars
(monosaccharides)? [1]
1. Sucrose and glucose
2. Glucose and maltose
3. Fructose and glucose
4. Maltose and lactose
g. Which one of the following is the correct matching of a nutrient mineral
element and its one rich source? [1]
1. Calcium - Potato
2. Sodium - Citrus fruits
3. Iodine - Dairy milk
4. Potassium – Banana
h. Marasmus is due to deficiency of: [1]
1. Vitamin C
2. Carbohydrates
3. Fat
4. Food
i. Fat-soluble vitamins are [1]
1. A, D and E
2. B, C and D
3. B, D and E
4. A, B and C
j. Which of the following is the best source of Vitamin A? [1]
1. Apple
2. Honey
3. Carrot
4. Peanuts

Question 5
Mention whether the following statements are true (T) or False (F). [5]
a. Cellulose in our food passes out undigested. (T/F)
b. Kwashiorkor is a severe vitamin deficiency disease. (T/F)
c. Iron is required for the proper working of thyroid. (T/F)
d. Foods protect us from disease and therefore antibiotics which protect us from disease
are also foods. (T/F)
e. Mineral salts contribute in regulating body processes. (T/F)

Question 6
Mark the odd one out in each of the following cases and name the category to which
the others belong: [3]
a. Xerophthalmia, Marasmus, Pellagra, Scurvy
b. Riboflavin, Thiamine, Folic acid, Iodine

Question 7
Fill in the blanks: [5]
a. In bean seeds, ---------------- grows faster and the seeds are brought ----------------
b. ---------------- is a protective layer of radicle and ---------------- protects the
rolled plumule.
c. A seed is protected by ---------------- and ----------------.
d. Seeds absorb water through ---------------- which also helps in diffusion of respiratory
e. Rich, wheat and maize are rich in ---------------- food.
Question 8
Where the following structures/parts located and what are their functions? [2]
a. Placenta c. Anther
b. Thalamus d. Stigma

Question 9
Give two examples of each of the following and their usefulness, if any, in our body.
a. Monosaccharides
b. Disaccharides
c. Polysaccharides

Question 10
List the six main purposes for which food is required by the body. [3]

Question 11
Given alongside is an incomplete table of vitamins, their rich sources and the related
deficiency diseases. Fill in the blanks [(i)-(viii)] with only one suitable word for each.


(i) .................. Whole grain Beri-Beri

Niacin Milk (ii) ..................

(iii) .................. (iv) .................. Scurvy
Calciferol (v) .................. (vi) ..................
(vii) .................. Carrot, yellow fruit (viii) ..................

Question 12
Germinated grams are considered highly nutritive. What is the reason for this belief?

Question 13
Why do we not use the terms maize fruit and maize seed? What do we say instead?
Question 14
Name the three common types of bacteria. [3]

Question 15
Why is it generally advised that every living room in the house should get direct sunlight at
least for a short time? [2]

Question 16
Both bacteria and yeast reproduce by asexual method, but how does this method differ in
them? [2]

Question 17
Describe the role of micro-organisms in industrial production. [3]

Question 18
How do bacteria obtain their nourishment? [3]

Question 19
Describe any two uses of bacteria in industry. [2]
Question 20
What are antibiotics? Name any two examples. [3]

Question 21
Is tinned and sealed food always safe to eat? Give reasons in support of your answer.

Question 22
Study the diagram given below and then answer the questions that follow: [5]

a. Briefly describe how nitrogen of the atmosphere is converted to nitrates by

leguminous plants.
b. Name the bacterium that converts
1. ammonium compounds to nitrites
2. nitrites to nitrates
c. State how the nitrates in the soil get converted to nitrogen of the atmosphere.
d. Role of plants and animals in the formation of ammonium compounds.

Question 23 [5]
Given below are two figures (A and B) of a certain part of a flower. Study the figures
carefully and answer the following questions:

a. Which major organ of a flower does the figure A represent? What is the collective
term for this organ?
b. Are the contents of the pollen sacs in B male or female?
c. Can you state how the contents of the pollen sacs would come out?

Question 24 [6]
Differentiate between:
a. Saprophyte and parasite
b. Aerobic and anaerobic respiration with regard to products
c. Decay and putrefaction
Question 25
Mention two useful and harmful effects of wine. [4]

Question 26
The given figure shows fertilization in flower. [5]

a. Define the process.

b. Label parts 1-4.
c. Explain the mechanism of double fertilisation in the above flower.


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