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What kind of sugar that is fermented by nutrients needed by the body in certain
yeast and bacteria? – amount. What I am? –
3. The purpose of Nutrition Tools is /are: - 16. A pictorial type of the daily food guide
designed to help individuals, a plan diet to
4. The sweetest of simple sugar that is found in
meet the nutrient recommendation for health
honey, most fruits and some vegetables, what
promotion and disease prevention: -
kind of sugar it is? –
17. what tool that is intended to promote
5. This is a kind of fat that mainly found in
optimal health establishing nutrients intakes
animals fats like butter, dairy and milk product:
that would lower the risk of nutrient deficiencies
and reduce the incidence of chronic disease? –
6. Vitamins is an organic nutrient needed from
18. The tool is a food group system that is
food in trace amount of specific body functions,
valuable in planning and evaluating diets. Food
thus when a vitamin, A, D, E, K: -
are derived into several main group which
7. What kind of vitamins that easily affected by contain about same amount of macronutrients
cooking process and exposure to air? – and calories. –

8. This nutrient is important in the body, 19. now, let’s recall the nutritional status. It is
however, as a nurse in the future you have to the step that involves the collection of
learned that excessive intake can lead to the information and data base. What step I am? –
development of certain disease. What nutrient I
20. When your done in data gathering, what
am? –
step that organize and interpret is the problems
9. What dietary standard is a revision of the and needs can be identified? –
Philippines RDA of 1989, whose aims is to
21. what are the methods of nutritional status
maintain health and prevent nutrient deficiency
assessment? –
in Filipino? –
22. what method designed to cross check food
10. What minerals is critical to keeping the
and three-day food record compute? –
heart beat steady and plays a major role in
maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance? – 23. In the other hand, what is the common
method of assessment of a person from the
11. About dietary reference intake, the pre-
previous day? –
determined estimates that should be
recommended intake is based on: - 24. How does the nurse effectively plan
nutritional care to the client? –
12. When we say that something is nutritious,
we can correlate that food is low in calories but 25. what we discussed the nutritional status
high in nutrients. Describe: - assessment. What method to be used to
determine who are at risk. The data are
13. when clarity in diet is lacking and when
collected only once to establish baseline data
alteration in diet order appears reasonably the
of the whole population? –
person in the best position to recommend a
more appropriate modification is? – 26. Student Zenn suspected a client develop
osteoporosis with clinical nutrient deficiency of:
14. Why should the diet order be clear and
precise? –
15. I am a took used in calculating nutrients
adequacy of food intake, I have a long list of
foods and has exact values of macro and micro
27. nutritional status assessment, that 39. when we discussed about assessment of
determine those who are not only at risk, but body fat, measure subcutaneous adipose
also those who needs nutritional intervention, tissue and skin thickness at anterior aspect of
what it is? – the arm identify? –
28. Student nurse yeng handled a client with a 40. A deficiency in protein leads to: -
history of thyroid problem should be evaluated
41. Nutrients are classified according to their
for which potential mineral imbalance the client
structures, which among these is not a
manifested. –
micronutrient? –
29. As knowledgeable nurse, you used to
42. what minerals works with vitamin E to
determine whether the interventions are
protect body compound from oxidation? –
working or has worked, an activity that has
been continuously identify in fall in what in 43.
nutritional assessment? –
44. Deficiency of this mineral results in tetany,
30. There are methods to assess the nutritional osteomalacia, osteoporosis, and rickets; -
status management assessment. When you
detect who are already suffering and with 45. An assessment of the body fat the most
manifestations are seen immediately with frequently used to obtain single indirect
tangible evidences is called? – measure of the body fat, what part it is? –

31. a method of nutritional status assessment 46. which of the following statement by a client
that can determine who are at risk but those with prolonged vomiting indicates the initial
suffering from malnutrition had a hard time to onset of hypokalemia? –
determined, what method is it? – 47.Assessment of body fat, on posterior aspect
32. Body mass index indicates: - of torso, measure subcutaneous fat and skin
thickness can be done in what part? –
33. what type of diets should the nurse provide
to help a client with major burns, to maintain a 48. also we discussed on how to assess fat,
positive nitrogen balance? – the free muscle. What predictor of childhood
mortality in developing countries that used to
34. we discussed about growth indices, what is calculate are of arms and adipose? –
the term if weight is insufficient relative to
height or length? – 49. A patient ask the nurse, “my doctor
recommended I should increase the intake of
35. The nutrients is needed for a health folic acid. What type of foods contain the
immune system and strong connective tissues: highest concentration of folic acids”? –
50. Assessment of fat, to be able to identify the
36. which of the following is considered the free muscle. Represent the circumferences of
best indicator of nutritional status of an the inner circle of muscle mass, assess the
individual? – total body muscle. -
37. growth indices that shows insufficient
height when compared to age, it shows what
indices? –
38. there are a number of the risk factors
associated with coronary artery diseases.
which of the is a modifiable risk factor? –

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