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In this scenario the role of an HR manager has assumed much greater significance as he is
expected to create conditions in an organization where the employees from diverse background,
culture and nationality could work together with ease and flourish.

In other words, we can say that the HRM is undergoing a massive change that will change a
career path in as at different ways. Employees are placing the greater value on business decision
and are automating and outsourcing many administrative functions, which will force many HR
professionals to demonstrate new skills and compete for new, sometimes unfamiliar roles.


Now a day’s HR duties and responsibility has become a challenge for HR manager to compete
with global competitors and to sustain in the diversified economy. As Human Resource is
required and a very essential thing for each and every business irrespective of their size and
nature of firm, total utilization of available employees is a very challenging task for every HR
manager in this competitive era. For this reason, have chosen this topic and made an attempt to
analyze the emerging challenges in HRM .

1. To study the challenges in HRM.

2. To provide suggestions to overcome challenges.

3. To highlight the future challenges in HRM.

4. To cope up with the changing environment.

5. Enables management to replace old techniques with the new ones.


1. Address concerns expressed by the employees.

2. Hire top talent & oversee the departure of current jobholders.

3. Create career development programs.

4. Evaluate individual and overall work performance.

5. Implement reward systems.

6. Solve conflicts and other issues (e.g. sexual harassment, bullying).

7. Provide guidance and help employees identify their strengths and weaknesses.

8. Design and evaluate strategies to increase the retention of personnel.

9. Create a positive and enjoyable work environment.

10. Build and maintain the company’s culture.

11. Create and implement programs that reflect the core values of the organization.


It makes us understand about what and all challenges can be expected in future and what are the
methods or solutions we must be prepared with. This study can help build the future required
skills. It also helps at every aspect of HR process from analyzing the job, designing the
structure, maintaining diversed culture, solving issues, and also training and learning.


1. For this the secondary data has been used through internet.

2. Questionnaire.

3] Google forms.

1] Age

Age %
18-22 32
23-25 30
26-30 26
30 Above 12

In this most of the responses are from the age category of 18-22 that is 32%.
2] Experience:-

Experience %
0-1 20
1 18
1 to 2 38
2 and above 24

In the survey most of the responses have 1-2 years experience as 38% of 50 samples have 1-2
years of experience.
3]How did you get this job?

Campus Job portal Walk-in-interview Reference





Campus 10
Job portal 16
Walk-in-interview 26
Reference 48

In this survey 48% of employees have got their job by reference.

4]Do you feel ease of communication in your company?

Yes 92
No 4
Maybe 4

In this survey 92% of people out 100 feel they have ease of communication in their company.

5] Does HR use the employee data effectively to retain the top talent or experienced
Yes 82
No 4
Maybe 14

In this survey 82% of people say that HR use the employee data effectively to retain the top

6] Are you aware of new methods used for recruitment?

Yes 68
No 18
Maybe 14

68% of people who have responded to this survey know about the new recruitment methods.

7] What things do you check while applying to a company?

Location 20
Salary 28
Growth 27
Work Culture 31
Support 32

Most of the people who have responded to this survey mostly look for support, work culture
and salary.

8] Do you get chance to put forward your ideas?

Yes 81.6
No 14.3
Maybe 4.1

82% of people say that they get chance to put forward their ideas.
9] Questions asked in interview are they related to work or personal life?

Work 38
Personal life 2
Both 60

60% of people say that they have been asked both personal and work related questions in
10] Do structured training programs help in building effective organization?

Yes 88
No 4
Maybe 8

In this survey 88% of people say that structured training are effective.

11] Are the upcoming technologies a threat of the HR?

Strongly agree 24
Agree 44
Neutral 28
Disagree 2
Strongly disagree 2

Most of the people say that the new upcoming technologies are a threat for HR.

13] Does environment of your organization fit for diverse cultures?

Yes 90
No 4
Maybe 6 By the survey we can say that 90% of
companies environment fit for diversed

14] How satisfied are you with hiring and recruiting process?
Rating %
1 0
2 2
3 24
4 62
5 12

62% of people have rated 4 out of five for the hiring and recruiting process.

15] How helpful was HR in whole process?

Rating %
1 0
2 10
3 44
4 28
5 18

From thus survey we can say that people have rated 3 out of 5 for the HR and his help.

16] How much satisfied are you with the company and HR?
Rating %
1 0
2 2
3 10
4 56
5 32

By the survey we get to know that people have given satisfaction rating as 4 out of 5.


In conclusion, due many challenges that are facing human resource departments, there is need
for organisations to adopt correct and workable policies that will not only ensure they overcome
these challenges, but also develop mechanisms of dealing with such challenges in case they
occur in the future.


1] HR main focus must be in retaining top talent and developing leaders for tomorrow.

2] HR must built up a culture of contineous learning .

3] Main thing is maintaining diverse culture environment.

4] Also must focus on giving the employees a quality experience.

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