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1.Beginning an email.
-Hi (name),
-Hi there,

2.Replying to an email.
-Thank you very much for your last email.
-It was great to hear from you.
-How are you? I hope that you and your family are well.
-Thank you (very much) for helping me with my homework.

3. Replying to good news.

-That’s amazing news!
- I’m so happy that you… (are coming to visit me, have won the competition)
-I’m excited about …(you coming to see me, our trip)
-Wow! How exciting!

4. Replying to bad news.

-I’m sorry to hear about…
-I’m sorry … (I can’t go to your party)
-I’m sorry for…(breaking your glasses, not going to your party)

5.Saying why you are writing.

-You asked me about…
-You asked me for advice about …
-You asked me what …
-You want to know my opinion about...

6.Asking someone for something.

-Can/Could I borrow your …?
-Can/Could you lend me…?
-Can/Could you tell me…?

7.Explaining or giving arguments/information.

-I live in a big city, so…
-That would be lovely because I’ve never been there before.
-You’ll be pleased to hear that…
-I’m afraid …
-Guess what?
-I’m sorry, but…

8.Making a suggestion/Giving advice.

-Maybe we can…
-Why don’t you/we…?
-How/What about + vb. -ing?
-You/We could…
-If I were you, I’d…
-Make sure you…
-I think we/you should…
-I think it would be a good idea to…

9.Inviting someone, accepting/refusing an invitation.

-Would you like to …?
-I’d love to…
-I’m sorry, but …

10.Offering to do something.
-Would you like me to …?
-Shall I …?
-I could… if you like.
-I can… if you want

11.Promising to do something.
-I’ll make sure I …
-Don’t worry. I’ll …

12.Recommending something.
-I suggest you …
-You really should …
-There’s a really good …
-I’d recommend …ing

13.Reminding someone to do something.

-Please don’t forget to bring the book I lent you.
-Remember to take the tickets with you.

14.Asking for more information.

-Could you…?
-Would you mind + vb -ing?
-Can/Could you…?
-Would you …?
-Can you let me know if you …?
-I’d love to know where/when/how/if…
-What time do you plan to leave?
-Who’s coming with us?
-What clothes should I bring?
-What is …. like?
15.Ending an email.
-Let me know what you think!
-Write back soon and tell me all your news.
-Thanks again,
-Anyway, I must go now!
-Have a great weekend!
-That’s all for now.
-I’m looking forward to receiving your next email.
-I hope to hear from you soon.
-Love,/Lots of love,/Best wishes,/Cheers.
-Your name



1.Begining the article.

-Do you agree that…? / Do you think that…?
-Have you ever thought about…?
-In my country/town/area, people…

-…is more interesting/difficult/popular than…
-The most challenging/successful/exciting…is…

3. Explaining.
-This is because…
-That’s why…
-For this reason…

4. Adding information.
-In addition to this…

5.Imagining things.
-What would happen if…?
-It would be fantastic/amazing/interesting if…
-Maybe, people could…

6.Giving your opinion

-I think…
-It seems to me that…
-I believe…
-In my opinion,…

7. Finishing the article.

-What do you think?
-And…, too!
• Use adjectives for describing people and things and compare things.
• Use linking words and phrases: and, but, so, because, although, also/too, as
• Use an introductory sentence for each paragraph.
• Give your opinion.


1.Starting a story.
-Do add a title.
-Copy the first sentence from the task, so it is the beginning of your story.
-I will never forget the day/time when...
-From the very start, I knew...
-One day, I was walking along the street, when...

2.Key language and ideas for stories.

!Tenses: -Past simple verbs for the main events (went, found, saw, decided, helped)
-Past continuous verbs for longer actions or descriptions (was waiting, were
sitting, was raining)
-Past perfect verbs for earlier actions (had forgotten, hadn’t told her, hadn’t
!Time expressions: -First, then, later, the next day, finally (B1)
-After, as soon as, at first, by the time, eventually, gradually…(B2)
!Descriptive adjectives for feelings: excited, angry, delighted, determined,
enthusiastic, nervous, optimistic, puzzled, relieved…
!Descriptive adjectives for the weather: bitter, dump, frosty, misty, stormy.
!Descriptive adjectives for places: busy, quiet, modern, stunning, picturesque.
!Descriptive adverbs: quickly, slowly, carefully, angrily, fiercely, quietly, gently.
!Adverbs to comment on what happened: fortunately, luckily, sadly, unfortunately.
!Direct speech: -“Hi,” she said.
-“Where are you going?”, he asked.
-“Go away!”, she shouted.

3.Finishing a story.
-After everything that had happened, I felt/thought...
-It had been the most amazing day (in my life).
-In the end everything/everybody was...

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