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International Journal of Agricultural

Science and Research (IJASR)

ISSN (P): 2250-0057; ISSN (E): 2321-0087
Vol. 11, Issue 2, Dec 2021, 245–250
© TJPRC Pvt. Ltd.



Research scholar (Geology), Bhagwant University Ajmer, Rajasthan, India
Associate Professor, Bhagwant University Ajmer, Rajasthan, India
Associate professor, Government M.A.M College Jammu, Department of Geology, India

Tawi River, additionally called as Surya Putri in historical texts, is a chief tributary of Chenab River and a critical river
in Jammu area. The Tawi rises from Kali Kund of search engine optimization Dhar within the Bhaderwah in Doda
district, then descends to Sudh Mahadev and eventually merged with the Chenab River in Pakistan. Flowing through the
city of Jammu, Tawi has divided the city in to components, old metropolis and new city. The water of Tawi River is the
main source of water for the complete metropolis. There are three bridges over the river, one from Gumat to Vikram
Chowk, another connects Gujjar Nagar with Bahu fortress vicinity and the third one is on the town bypass near Nagrota.
After flowing via the Jammu town, Tawi crosses Pakistan and joins the Chenab River. The study area falls under Siwalik

Original Article
ranges in state Jammu and Kashmir, 85% of people are directly dependent upon agriculture and allied sectors, 3/4 th of
the agricultural area is directly dependent on rainwater. Whereas comparing with that of Siwalik's tectonic and seismic
factors contribute maximum in residue elated to the Tawi river and surrounding areas where several conditions such as
terrain employ patterns, rock, аnd rise and fall in сlimаte, promote sоil sediment fertility аnd nutrient сomponents of soil.
During the course of study, we carefully studied texture, tyрe, limestone content H, Eh, PPP of soil sediments collected
from agricultural areasinsаtwаri Jammu. Irregular capitulate аndnourishmentinputfrоm2005tо2018 was also examined.

KEYWORDS: Soil, Discharge, Pollution & Rivers

Received: Oct 03, 2021; Accepted: Oct 23, 2021; Published: Nov 16, 2021; Paper Id.: IJASRDEC202129


Pollution of river residues is mainly due to the accumulation of pollutants in the water under appropriate
thermodynamic conditions and the immersion of pollutants into soil particles. Distribution of grain size is an
important factor affecting this process, especially the ability of the soil to attract contaminants. Residues with a
higher content of fine grains work better in mixing than grains residues due to higher local charging and higher
surface area and volume. The hydrological state in the reservoir is another factor that alters the chemical
composition of river structures. Extreme levels of flood danger were announced in at least two places. The
concentration of pollutants and suspended particles increases as river spills increase, and they usually stabilize as
the flood rate decreases. Columns samples collected in low water levels are enriched with trace elements and
nutrients compared to samples collected during flood events. The funсtiоn оf the eсоgadget, рrосess аnd sоil
сhаrасteristiсs аre defined with the aid of its quаlity. Frоm1980tо2015,yieldswerereроrtedall over the world due tо
imрrоved сrорсоntrоl, enhanced germрlаsm, higher fertilizer аррliсаtiоn аnd the рlаnting оf 2 or extra сrорsрer
yeаr (Саssmаn1999). In Indiа with the аdvent оf mоre рrоduсtive vаrieties, the аdditiоn оf mасrо nutrients suсh аs
N, Раndokay fertilizers inсreаsed рrоduсtiоn fоur fоld, hоwever ,leаding tо а shоrtаge оf mаny miсrоvitamins in the
246 Jagdeep Kumar Sharma, Dr. Rekha Israni & Dr. Sanjay Kumar Karlupia

sоil (Singh2008). Аgriсulture аrоund the wоrld is beneath threаt оf temperature variations. In our country, the estimated
lоsses, due tо glоbаl wаrming, аre between2080–2100 inсrор рrоduсtiоn frоm 10 tо forty % (Rоsenzweigаnd
Раrry1994;Fisсheretаl.2002;Раrryetаl.2004;IРСС2014).Signifiсаnt reduсtiоns in the рrоduсtiоn оf рulses, tоmаtоes,
оniоns, gаrliс, сereаls (SаmrааndSingh2004) аnd deсlines оf uр tо6-7 m/to wheat is calculated tо inсreаse in temрerаture
by using1°С(symptoms аnd Inаndа1986; Аggаrwаl2008).TeHimаlаyаs is knоwn tо be the mоst vulnerаble tо сlimаte
сhаnge due tо its sрeсiаl eсоmachine characters such as active eсоstructures, tremor, avalanche, variedgeоgrарhy,
eсоstructures, biоvariety, severe biоvariety, аnd соmрlexd welling соnditiоns аnd аnd nаtiоnаl eсоnоmiс bоundаries. lосаl.
Mоre thаn 85% оf the Himаlаyаs' рорulаtiоn is heаvily deрendentоn аgriсulture аnd аffluentseсtоrs, аnd lосаl industriаl
асtivities аre virtuаlly nоnexistent.


In 2012, the populace of the region changed into 813,455, extra than eighty% of whom were in rural regions. The populace
growth price of the last decade among 2005-18 became 30%. The weather in the area levels from warm within the south to
cooler inside the north. Satwari, the city of Jammu falls into a cool place. The region receives rainfall within the southwest
from June to August. The average annual rainfall varies from 700 to 1100 mm in 2005 and 2015. The area's wealth is
basically based totally on agriculture, and rice, wheat, and maize are the main vegetation. Cereals, sorghum, pulses,
inexperienced leafy greens, spices. Agricultural farms are extensively allotted along the Nikki Tawi River. Inside the
vicinity, ninety seven,845 hectares (Digest of facts 2012) are much less wheat (46.3%), maize (47.67%), rice (5.41%),
bajra (pearl millet-zero.56%) and different sorghum (zero.03%). These fields comply with extra or less the equal reducing
pattern. Rice and maize are grown for the duration of the wet season (might also – September), and wheat inside the winter
(October – April). Maize is grown on high floor a long way from irrigation wells. Paddy, raised close to streams and rivers,
is broadly sown early inside the southwest monsoon. Te paddy fields can be eaten or irrigated with water from the Nikki
Tawi River, which serves as the location's major supply of water, along with its domestic and consuming needs. The
geographical shape of the Satwari, Jammu region varies from the vintage metamorphic and crystals in the north to the
Murree institution and Siwalik going through south to Satwari, the town of Jammu and the encompassing region.
approximately eighty% of the region is protected by way of the Murree organization of rocks (crimson sandstone and clay)
of the current Eocene to the early Miocene length (Kishor and Shashi 2002).

Routes Planting websites along the Nikki Tawi branch in Satwari, within the town of Jammu, the upstream and
decided on areas have been decided on for soil sampling (Fig. 1b). Soil samples have been accrued at three locations inside
the planters with the use of scissors. the first vicinity lies north of the city and may be considered an urban settlement. the
second pattern web page is placed within the most city part of the study area, at the same time as the 1/3 sample is less city
and has no smaller cities than the second one. the space between these websites various from 3 to six km. At every website,
nine samples had been collected (a total of 27 samples at some stage in one season in 3 places) from the corners and middle
of the field area. The samples, every weighing zero. Five kg had been collected in triplicates from a intensity of zero.1–0.2
meters, packed in a locking bag (airtight polyethylene bags) and brought to the laboratory for processing. The clusters
shaped among eleven:00 and 15:00 h in January represent publish-harvest time and June represents the sowing season.
Laboratory samples of soil dried in air at room temperature (Jackson 1973), lightly milled using dust and pestle and filtered
using a 2 mm filter out (Tandon 2005). Ten filtered soils, much less than 2 mm thick, were saved in acid-covered plastic
boxes till further analysis. Soil texture turned into decided by particle category (BS-1796: 1962, Allen and Hajek 1989).

Impact Factor (JCC): 8.3083 NAAS Rating: 4.13

Soil Sediment Characteristics in the Flood Plains of Nikki Tawi Satwari, Siwaliks Jammu, India 247

The form of soil turned into determined by way of colour that fits the samples distributed in a plastic tray that takes
Munsell soil coloration chart as reference and writing coloration codes. Lime repute was measured with the aid of
determining OC content material the usage of the Bailey approach (1993). The measured pH meter (digital Electronics-
7007) turned into used to report the pH and the digital Conductivity Meter (DI-9009) became used to file the EC (Tandon
2005). The extract, made by means of stirring 10 g of air-dried in air in 100 ml of extractant for 20-30 min, was filtered and
fltrate stored in pre-purified plastic boxes. All reagents are prepared with the use of double-lined water and chemical
compounds for the AnalaR range. Of the main macronutrients available, N became decided by way of Micro-Kjeldahl
(Jackson 1973) approach the use of micro-Kjeldahl KEL PLUS (model Kes06L) and P was decided by means of stannous
chloride approach (Bray and Kurtz 1945) the usage of UV – VIS Spectrophotometer (version: Lambda 35 UV / VIS
spectrometer). Na, k and Li were determined via Flame photometry (Allen and Hajek 1989; Subba Rao 2001) using
Systronics Flame Photometer-128. Ca and Mg have been determined via EDTA titration (Allen and Hajek 1989). The
content of dwelling carbon and natural count became determined with the aid of the digestion of water. Typical
experiments done on statistics on soil characteristics confirmed an unusual distribution. therefore, non-parasitic
assessments The Wilcoxon signature test and the Kruskal-Wallis level examinationbe finished to review the complete
variation of soil obstacles in all seasons (January and June) and regions (Satwari, Jammu metropolis, upstream) take a look
at relationships between crop regions, yields and fertilizer application over the last decade information 2012) were used.
Line rotation is completed in the location under vegetation, vegetation and organic fertilizers for rice, wheat and maize
between 2000-2012. The compound matrix changed into adjusted displaying the vicinity relative to the yield (within the
cultivation of rice, wheat and maize), and the yield in comparison to the fertilization of N, P, and okay fertilizers.
248 Jagdeep Kumar Sharma, Dr. Rekha Israni & Dr. Sanjay Kumar Karlupia

Figure 1A and B: Showing Map and Location of Collection Site, River Tawi.


The pH changed into inside the range of forty eight to fifty seven in Jan and the assortment become huge towards Jun. The
EC degrees commencing zero.06 to 0.31 dS / m. OC became among 5.1–6.2%. Na inside the soil become between
zero.07–zero.3 mg / g. Mg and Ca were zero.fifty nine–7.1 and 1.1– 9.2 mg / g respectively. The range of Te in
concentrations of the main macronutrients N, P and ok become 281-431, 40-88 and 75-350 kg / ha respectively. The
micronutrients Cu, Zn, Fe and Mn were three.four–eight.5,–, 2.0–3.0 and– 17.7 ppm respectively.
For all of the parameters given in desk 1, according to Wilcoxon the price of the signed check fee a giant boom was located
in pH, EC, P, ok, Zn, Fe and Mn from feb to july. In comparison, from January to June N, Cu, Ca, Mg, OC and Na showed
a large fall. In terms of locations, the Kruskal-Wallis experiments confirmed high pH, EC, Fe and Mn in January inside the
decrease reaches of the river. Ca become maximum inside the decrease reaches of the river and Nitrogen, potassium,
copper, Zinc, Magnesium, OC and sodium have been better in the town. P become very high upstream. In June, a Kruskal
– Wallis take a look at confirmed the highest pH, Nitrogen and Calcium even as low P, Mg and OC inside the decrease
reaches of the river. In July, EC, k, Cupper Zinc, Mn and Na had been the very best in the town and Fe changed into
upstream. In January and June, pH and EC confirmed large high quality correlations with each other and okay and Mn, at
the same time as their correlations had been no longer tremendous with Phosphorus, Magnesium and iron. confirmed a
tremendous correlation with pH in February and a negative correlation in July. The EC has proven a bad dating with
Nitrogen, each in February to July. OC changed into positively related to Mg, Cu and Zn and negatively with Ca. The OC
confirmed an interesting dating with N and P in January, a fantastic N with a terrible P, and vice versa in June. Nitrogen in
July showed a bad affiliation with oxygen, Na and micronutrients even as in February it became outstanding with Copper,
Zinc and bad with iron. Phosphorus became negative for oxygen, sodium and Molybednium in both seasons although it
changed into the opposite inside the case of Magnesium and Calcium. oxygen changed into positive about Copper, Zinc
and iron and adversarial Mg from Feb to July. Magnesium became advantageous with iron and very bad with Calcium
determined (-)vely related to Cupper. Some of the minor nutrients, handiest Cupper changed into determined to be
positively related to Zinc in individual seasons. Information composed from authorities information for the period 2005-
2015 confirmed the location underneath rice, wheat and maize and their yields which are less associated with the 12

Impact Factor (JCC): 8.3083 NAAS Rating: 4.13

Soil Sediment Characteristics in the Flood Plains of Nikki Tawi Satwari, Siwaliks Jammu, India 249

months. the once a year yields of rice, maize and wheat were 1.8, 2.07 and 1.7 ton / ha from 2005 to 2015. Inputs to both
Nitogen and Phosphorus fertilizers have been set up to increase considerably through the years, in contrast to the okay case
which did not display such a change. The matrix of the correlation among the cultivated location and the output of rice,
maize and wheat showed a tremendous connection of rice, a terrible wheat (Dhan) and makki(non maize) association of
maize indicating possibly a set of facts posted by using the relevant authorities establishments. The association of
Nitrogen-Phosphorus-potassium fertilizer application with rice, maize and wheat yields were ideal which also raises doubts
approximately the accuracy of the records.

Figure 2: Sources of Sediment Transfer to River Tawi.


In measuring the production and quality assessment of sediments the fertility is one of the major contributing
factors.Thoughfarming is a vitaldivision of the Jammu and Kashmir’s economy, localfactsin relation to essential nutrients
in numerous parts of the state are curtailed. The Siwalik province of the Himalayas is motionless young and geo-
morphologically unstable. The river Tawi supply primarily to the flow of water and soil to major areas of the Jammu
region. In comparisonby means of the earlierenvironmental reports, the erosion rates containenlargedmany times. Satwari,
Jammu comes under Siwaliks where farming areas be located near river banksin addition to climate change have increased
food anxiety in areaswhich has a consequential role in increased soil and nutrient losses. The agricultural areas in which
the mudsamples were taken are adjoining to Nikki Tawi and its canals, and are at risk of food anxietyparticularly duringthe
rainy season during monsoon months.

Though, during the occasion,various samples of these areas were not eaten or irrigated and eliminated in a water
infiltration system. In addition, Soil wearing down makes the soil uncultivated, therefore the founding of important nutrient
data is essential to identify appropriate sustainable and money-making agricultural administration practices. Land debate
from forestry on the way to agriculture and then toward the housing sectors in Jammu also degrade available soil nutrient
and fertility contents.


This research gave us inside information about the sediment characteristics under Satwari falling at banks of Nikki Tawi, in
250 Jagdeep Kumar Sharma, Dr. Rekha Israni & Dr. Sanjay Kumar Karlupia

the city of Jammu, in its upstream areas. It was observed that sediments are very fertile, black to brown, non-calcareous
and acidic in nature. It has also been revealed that the presence of Nitrogen and Phosphorous from field run offs will
definitely decrease the quantity of micronutrients of soilin the coming time. Correlation b/w the escalating Nitrogen,
Phosphorus fertilization as well asproduction capability of agricultural fields which does not match other reported studies
and widely accepted conclusions of the environmental department and other researchers conducted under this area and
hence, and raises doubts about the correctness of theofficial data.


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Impact Factor (JCC): 8.3083 NAAS Rating: 4.13

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