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This research study will use survey questionnaires in conducting
the research to collect data that needed for the said study
Research design
The researcher will used the descriptive research design to
determine the seatwork involvement and academic performance
Locale of the study
This study will be conducted at Aguisan National High
School,Brgy.Aguisan Himamaylan City Negros Occidental.
Respondent of the study
The respondents of the study were the 41 students of grade 12
Molave of Aguisan National High School.
Sampling design
This research study will used through purposive sampling design in
determining the seatwork involvement and academic performance
Research instrument
The instrument thal will used in this research is survey
questionnaires as the researcher believes that this instrument is
useful in determining the study.
The questionnaire will composed of two sets of questions set I and
II,set I composed of questions regarding the demograpic ,profile of
student and set II composed of questions using ticket scale as tool.
Validity & Reliability
To ensure the validity of the instrument ,the researcher will ask a
panel of evalauators to evaluate the instrument who are expect in
their field.The rsearcher will used the croubach alpha reliability
Data Gathering Procedure
To gather the data ,the research will sent a letter to the principal
asking permission ton conduct a study.Then after the permission
granted the researcher will distribute the questionnaire to the
respondents and gather the data needed.The researcher will kept
the record confidentially.
Data Analysis
To answer statement no.1 which states that what are the profile of
thbe respondents when taken as a whole & where grouped
according to gender and class section :percentage of frequency will
be answer statement no.2 ,Pearsons will be used

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