Great Minds of The Western Intellectual Tradition, 2nd Ed

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’ Great Courses on Tape Teaching that engages the mind Great Minds of the Western Intellectual Tradition, Part I Ancient Philosophy and Faith: From Athens to Jerusalem 1-800-TE ACH- 1 The Teaching Company’ 7405 Alban Sion Cour, A106 Springfield, VA 22150-2318 THE TEACHING COMPANY® ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS. Course Scope aan Lecture One: Introduction tothe Problems and Scope of Philosophy nnn Metaphysics. ‘Lecture Se Repub: Justice, Power, Knowledge. Lecture Seven: Republle UV! $00 208 C1yannnnnnnnennntT Lecture Right: Republic VEX: The Architecture of RA nnn St ‘Lecture Nine: Arsotle’s Metaphyseal Views. sand ‘Lecture Ten: Arlttle's Plies: The Golden Mean and Jost Rlannu38 samt ‘Lecture Eleven: Marcus Aurelius’ Mediations: The Stole lea. Lecture Twelve: Augustine's Cy of God: Grace, Original Sin, and GC (©1996 Te Teaching Company Lid Panes Great Minds of the Western Intellectual Tradition, Part | ‘Ancient Philosophy and Faith: From Athens to Jerusalem Scope: These weve lst inmodace the tues to sone of the most important ‘concep, pis, and problems hit have shaped th development fhe ‘Wester philosophical waion fom ancient Grece othe present. THe fit lecture ctlines thee coneps and problems, ani dings ‘ere he dual plop adios iene with bens and Jerusalem. Lectres Two through Fou dea wi the "Frsalem ‘raion as conned inthe sacred rp of Jana (Cristy. Nex we conser the oii of aon eerie specaltion withthe Presocrate hosophes, and we examine in-depth Plao's amous daioge abou right conduct and governance, The Republic, Lechtes Nie and Te examine te metaphysical an police teaching of Pos pul Aistode focusing on Asia's cau of i teacher's ealsn-ie, Plato's conviction tht exences have el inence independent of ndviual sesble object. In cue leven ‘ye examine the Sticism of Mucus Aurel at an oftboot of Socratic ‘hough, andi Leta Twelve we sid St. Augustine's of Platonic coop to elvis the nature of tune God and deserbe heute Pupose of human exene (01996 The Teaching Company Lined arr 7 Lecture One Introduction to the Problems and Scope of Philosophy Miche Suge, PD. Scope: We begin his insoduciy lect by ening he key pilosopica concep and opis ha wl appear thoughout is sees of ecres. “The fndamenal philosophical queons hat shape hs seis include he nae of belg (Le, wha exis nd in wha respects dows text): ie problem of rowlede Le, how do we know wha we think hat we ow? and problems ofl conduct and poverace. Inference 0 the question of what xis" we wl const the natal of one weld” answer feed byte soph and pre Sorte metphysians ‘dh the "wo werd “acre pa answer fered by Piso and the Jide Chrnaneadioo, We wil also asses the complemen in ‘Wenner thought of the radon sociated wit Athens and Jerse. aly, we wil consider the conto ofthe ancient Grck tier ‘Wester clzation, especially regarding sient and echnolgial development. Outline 1. This ecu series wil feu 0 the history of Western thought from its origins to te presen, |A. The word philosophy comes rom Greek words which sgn te love of windom BL Weill use te following ey philosophical conepts ie these lenses 1. Physiee—he “theory of ste the study of he material werd of Space and tine 2. Maaphyics "above r beyond nar”: the tay of things independent of spice and Sine (pure ideas nd spiritual csenes). ‘A. Onology—"speac about beings he sud of the kind of existence ‘ara hing hs 4 Lopio—a system of als for deviving te inferences ‘5 Epistmaogy——"speech abut knowledge" the say of what human ‘ings can ow, and what Kinds of knowledge they can posts C._Wevilexamine te following tpi 1. Aerbtesie, te reasoned and igoous examination of beaty din wha bear consis 2. Bihice—th tof moral obligation, whichis concerned wit the wl judgment and the evaaton of man teiioe EAhcs fnvolves the tay ofthe good a individ! eve (©1998 The Teaching Company Limited Prmentip a ‘3. Postal otic! philosophers drew an anslogy Between the city and he nidulans they peeved a close onneton between pois and ete. Polis invales he say of the good atthe socal evel, What dsingises “manure” fom “nature pls” o ontological manuals fom meuphysicalentoiogy? |A. The Greck inlectal radon offers two differing spposches tothe question, “what is" 1 The“one work” approach, characteris of the sop and pre- Socratic ysis os dha the word essesaly nt. All ‘hat exist are theobjects of sense perception los and vod. 2. The "wo words” pyosch pte by Pa, holds hater io ext second realm of metaphyseal absractons ta transcends ‘pace and ine ', Inthe Wesern raion, Athens represents seul knowlege of prly ‘al omoloy, wil Jeusle epresents vine revelations 8 “naire plus" metaphyseal ontology Athes and Jerusalem represent inn! bt inercinig sands inthe raid of ‘Wester philosophy. ‘A. Jerusalem proviesthe mythical component ofthe West pilsopical ‘adie, whe Athens provies the etionl element. ‘BL Athens and Jerusalem understand logos in ery fen terms. 1. Athens views logon ase anfeered huran son and sous, ihoot any necessary connection wo my. 22 _Jeruslem understands logos ast Word, the divine and athe revelation of Got (C._Athens an Jerslem use my in differen way to represen he ‘rcherpical stance of each eaiton wad being 1. “Mythos or soy” refern this cotext to uiversly ppiable ‘stories hat convey fundanenal moral mish, etough na inet ‘ad ambiguoas fasion. 2 For Athens, Prometheus provides the acheype of heros, He represents defiance ofthe gods, vewed x antiopomerphizd forces fof mane. Promeau embodies the desi tobe ce aa what ne \sby naire tbe more tua hun. ‘3. For Jerusalem. Job provices the ecetype of fith. He represents resignation wo he wil of God owed athe iscruale Creator, The Sory af ob emphasizes he nnd for tha or subssion 0 Gots wit Much ofthe Western neler tation is concerned with tempting t recone Jerusalem with Atkens (2199 The Teaching Company Lied Prerip 9 1, The waions represeted by Athens and Jersalem are nt mally cxchsive. |A.Thehumaa peyche o sols compose of heterogeneous aon and motional elements which deriv ferent oe of son for {Seen palxopicl ex 'B,. Thnkers wit fring assumptions and concusons oer ieing Kinds of edifying discourses. Jersalem and Atens ths and logas—formaknd of ridin ‘Wester thought ike the sakes ofthe cadens. The ancient Grek plosophes mae essential contributions othe is and Aowrshng of Western ciiizaton [AL Thepr-Socratic teach for secular physical Knowledge Ie ultimately to the modem siete revoion. ‘The development of Newtonisn physic ans aplication to nanre made posible the technology of hindus revolaon. Technology giveth West unprecadened power over ature and oer man beng as wel Modem physics was a necessary condition fr thes fhe West > ‘Soba dominaon daring thea five centres. A vistincease in welt and lobsl change in society rele rom the ‘sof modem sence. Soci cence andthe rise of moder politcal ‘theory rao consequences of ysis. Essential Reading: Rassel Bervand,Inoduction tthe Problems of Philorphy. New York: ‘Oxford Universiy Pres, 1989. Supplementary Reading: ‘Austin wt Do Things Wih Words. New York: Oxford University Press, 1962 Foucault Michel. The Archaology of Knowledge. New York: Harper and Row, 1972 ‘Sense, Leo, Nour! Right and History. Chicago: Univesity of Chicago Pres, 1965, ho (0198 The Teching Company Unie Parerip Questions to Consider: 1 Whats the difrence between the “one word” a [sds dsinon equivalent that between “Athens and "Jrusaen”” 22 How do ob and Prometheus exempt the tions of lerslem ad Aten, respectively? (©1998 The Teaching Company iid Peep a Lecture Two. Introduction to the Old Testament De Rober Oden, PRD. Scope: We exanine fst he “ature pus tradition in Wester thought ‘Soca with ferualem, This lecue wil view bly he pola {nd egos context n which he Jewish elipion andthe Hebcew Bible ‘regedit various tage of development tough which hey ‘used, The Hebrew Bible encompass an exrrsinary aunber of ‘hemes, evens and ideas I offers an accout of he creation ofthe ‘nivere and deseibes the elasonhip between man and nan, 2 theotiy of ei ina movotelsic univers, and abso of the ancient Jewish ope, This care will concde wath bie scuson of be ‘uber, ing nd interpretation of th Hcbrew Bible ands apale Fino of net ial. Outline 1. The development ofthe Jewish retipion wa shaped bythe polica and religious content of he ancient Neat East. ‘A. Israel was amino power surounded bythe great powers of Egypt, Babylonia, and Assyria. 1B. Much ofthe Irae religion was derivative from the religions ofthese seghborag states. Poetic techniques ofthe Phoenician allow us to date Biblical texts. 1, Te religion of sacl and the Hebrew Bible pase trough sever! tages of| historia development. [Ac An cot called Isao began to emerge ding he Tribal League pero, although bal loyalties sil predominated. 1B nal was ruled by kings during the Monarchy perio. CIs’ “Epie" consis ofthe Books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Desteronomy, and Names. 1 "The Book of Exodus ithe hear ofthe Old Testament 2. Therol ofthe prophets inthe religion of Israel was to condemn ‘reaches of the Covenant and to exhor the peopl to Behave thal, D. The peopl fare responded in various ways to thi eile fom the E, Therelgion of nal was reconstructed and ransfomed following the ne we ‘01900 The Teschiog Company Linked Peery TL, What ste Old Testament (Le, the Hebrew Bible? |A. Tae Old Testament ie a oletion of once independent documents writen by many hands over a thousand year spun of ine (1200 BCE te 2008CE) B. Accurate dating ofthe individual documents is essen we arto ‘now wen, by whom, and why someting was writen (C. What ithe oigon of sel mean tothe people who experienced? . Tee growth of the Old Testament i lust by the two varying counts ofthe Epic in Deuteronomy 265-9 and Nehemiah 8637 . The following isn outine history of Isa. ‘A. During the Paiarchal Period (©1780-1400 BCE), he Inaies followed a semi-nomacic way of lie, wandering from Mesopotamia Canaan and Ep B._ There followed the pid of exodus om Egypt and conquest of the land of Canaan (1300-1200 BCE, (C. Durng the period of the Trib! LeagulTudges (1200-1022 BCE), el as united But ad 0 king. DD. Israel was united under one king betwen 1022 and 922 BCE. Is ist three kings were Saul Davi, and Solomon, 'EFormery und, arsl was divided into between 922 and 722 BCE. ‘The routher kingdom was called Judah andthe nortier kingdom was called sac o¢ Epa The period of eile began in S87/586 BCE. Essential Reading: ‘The Holy Bible: Genesis, Exodus, and Tah 405 Supplementary Reading: Russel, Bervand A History of Wester Philosophy. New York: Simon st ‘Schuster, 1972 (pp. 308-323) Albright, Wiliam F. Yahweh and she Gods of Canaan: A torical Anais of Two Conraning Faiths sentrans, 1990 (ran, Rober M, and David Tracy. A Short History ofthe Interpretation of the "Bible, Forse Pres, 1984 Bowaa,That, Hebrew Thoupht Compared with Grek, New York: Norton, 1970, Buber, Main. On se Bible: Eighteen Sais. Schock Books, 1982 Rad, Gethard Von. The Message ofthe Pophas. New York: Harper Colin, 1965. 998 Te Tchig Comp Lined Peep 3 ‘Reatoré, Donald B. Epp Canaan, and sae in Anclent Times. Prinston: Prineton University Pres, 1992 ‘Questions to Consider: 14 ow does the account ofthe Jewish “Epic” contained in Devronony fer ‘fom that in Nehemiah? What ave soipre scholars learned fom he dierences betwee hese wo acount? Describe the impact ofthe Babylonian eile upon te development ofthe religion ofa (©1998 The Teaching Company Limite Prneip| Lecture Three ‘The New Testament: The Gospels of Mark and Matthew uabeth MeNamer, Pa. ‘Scope: ‘The New Tesamentis the sare tet of Cristy, It etait if and wachingsof Jess Cs, dseibig ls many miraculous deeds and ‘is dacoine offi nd love. Th New Testament cont 27 Dod, of which the fist tee Math, Mark, a Lake—are called the ‘ymopc Gospels. These tee Gospels desc ideal he hie and teaching of lens. This ce wil examine he meaning. PuPOES, ‘compostion and hemes of he Gospels of Mark and Mathew Outline ‘The Gospels of Matthew, Mak and Lake ae known athe synoptic Gospels [As Alltbe Gospels aterm tl who Jessi B, The word "Gospe” means "good news,” and “evangelist” means “one who sre the good news" The Gospel asa inrary naraive seers © have Ben invented by Mark. Luke and Mate ae believed wo have sed Ma's goipel aa source. (©. The Gospels were writen inthe pos-Apostlic age to preserve the sais shou Jesus hat had been cicuaing orl (albouph eer purpored sources such a "Q” andthe “ying ofthe Lar writen by Mae may have been writen down). ‘The composin and thames of Mark's Gospel. ‘AL The iden of Maki not own, He may hive been follower and imerpreer of Pec, rhe John Mark of Acts 12:12 and 28. Some base suggested ha Mark nay have bee the young man in the arden, eserbd in Mak 141 I. Mark's Gospel dates fom, 70, Some scholars date itt, 6 CE, Sine it alas to persecutions that occured the ery Ds CE. (C. The Goel is addressed to Cian (probably Genes) who were being persecutdin Rome, Is purpose is to give these Chins ‘encouragement and a fille explanation of ess. The Gospels main hme ie tht Jesus eth expected Messi of he ‘Jews andthe Son of God, and tht es suerng Messiah 1. As dscted by Mark, less hows at be ms se and oes nt re the prospect, He seks ohide his messiah 2 Mal’s Sous misunderstood, rejaced, persecuted, july condemred, an exerted. He alo abortive and prevails ver ‘iby the fail loving way in which be endwes suring and Sepuet fare 1098 Te Teaching Compu Lnid Paty 15 ‘3. Mark’ Jn constantly om the move ante upon spreading is IL Toe composition and themes of Mathew's Gospel [A.- The composition, dating, and sources of Mathew's Gospel 1. Trebor of Matew's Gospel was probly x secondo third generation Civitan an nota eee ote evens porsayed. Tt {Sunltely dre was an apostle ltioogh e may have wed the ‘uportd “Saying ofthe Lard write by the poste Mato, as 8 22 Mathews Gospet is dte inthe 0s [AT soures were probably Mar’ Gospel, his own pacar source (CMP), and sure in common with Lk (he "Q" sou). 1B, Mabew’s Gospel was writen rel fo Jewish Cvisans who wee ‘ntaczed by ter Jews and who were havng second though about (Crisniy Jessen andthe Tempe had been desoyed bythe ‘Roman under Ts, Jos was taking anew decom under te leadership of the Parise at ams. C. Themujor themes of Mathews Goipel aretha Jessie the falinent of Jewish expectations, sn ta the Good News must 0 be offered more ‘ures tall Geils. 1. "Messah meant be ansnted one" Jen combines he acid fies of King, pret and prophet 2. Marow’s Gospel porrays the Gene ina ore pose ight han ‘oes he Phares 2 Matow presents Jeu full roted in Judi. Mathew quotes ‘xtensivel from the Ol Testament and he presents a Jes who {enacts the Jewish experience in his own fe, Jens genealogy is ‘read back Abraham, Jesu a get eacho inthe line of Moses, but one who redefines he Iwata iter tte, ‘Emil Reading: he Holy Bibl: The Gospels Acoring wo Mate and Mark ‘Supplementary Reading: Rossel Bertrand A History of Westem Philosophy. New York: Simon snd ‘Sehr, 1972 (pp. 324382), Bulinan, Rodolé. PriitveCristanin: Ins Contemporary Senin. Foress Press, 1980 (Chadwick, Henry. Barly Christian Thowpht andthe Claseal Tradin. New "York: Onlord University Press, 1984 Sere Joachim. Jerusalem inh Tne of Fesus. Fortress ress, 1975 ee, Howard Crk Jesus x Hitory. Harcourt, 977. 1s (0190 The Thing Company Lint Prmentip ‘Koester, Helmut. History and Literanre of Early Christianity. De Gryer, 1987. Page, Elaine, The Gost Gospels. New York: Randors Hous, 1988 ‘Questions to Consider: 1. How do the themes and purposes of be Gospels of Mark and Maew ifr? 2 Whit can we know-—or atest surise—about the dating snd auoshipof| ‘be Gospel of Mark? 1998 Te Ting Company iid Peentip vv Lecture Four ‘The New Testament: The World of Paul labeth MeNaner, PAD, Scope: Chvisianiy was founded ypon the teaching of Yesus Cvs. Like Socrates, however, Jesus over wrote down his techngs. We know (Cras preaching oly rough the dedicued work ois icp, he ‘not inporaat of whom was St Pl. Though be never met Christ be ‘overt became the rer poslter(eacher) of Chistian ‘Altos ba ofthe books ofthe New Testament we wud to St. Pal ‘This ctr wl evow he ancien Nese East religious cotext rom whieh Christy emerged and wlreiew theif ministry, and teachings ofS Pal Outline 1. Alost a ofthe New Testament’ 27 books a arsbued to Paul orhis followers. Paul aie the Gospel ote Roman werd [As Tue Romaa Empire sreched rom the Ads Sri, and rom [England to upper Egypt. was efetively governed aed adnsiered ‘The culare was predominantly Grek 1B. Grek philosophies, especially Epicaresnism and Stocsm, were popular smog nlc (G Chrisianity emerged fom adverse religions context 1.” The offical lgion ofthe Roman erie waste worship of the Caitoie gos 22. Mystery els rm Grece, Psa, and Egypthad many aera ‘Thee cle sssd resection and an aerie ‘3 All Jews believed in on God-Adonai-and scoped the Torah Jewish ble an aftrife arose ate ine of he Moceabean revolt 44. Many Romans were strated ola tecase ofits moral content. Pauls fe and thought canbe econsrctd fom two sources tha do mot says ctrespond the Pauline lees (ihe primary sure) and the Acs of the “Aposes wen by Laks towards he nd of he rst ceaary CE Acts i ese reiabe sure tan eter ‘A. Paul was bom Hellenistic Few anda Roman cies, B._Herectved his ection in the law in Jerse fom Gamal, He studied inthe Phi chal of Hill (he ess set ofthe to Phase shoo ae (01998 The Teaching Company Lined Pasenip He epan his care "stoped inte wad ois ancestors and he ecutd thse who were teat tht wadion. The Damascus experince changot his if He encountered the rsen (Crist and became convinced ht he wa alld to be an apt othe Geaies [ML Pau'seavels cared him to majo tes in he Emp. A. Hecblisat communities of Crista (bath Jewish and Gentle igi) and murured them by means ois ees. 'B. His it eter was probably sent the Thessalonians abou ste ears fer his conversion, (C. Hisast eer was probably writen in Rome, whee he ded in 63, These lene ace the earls extan writen theology in the Church, D._Hisleners generally aessd pastoral concerns complishing his mission 1 the Gentes, Pal argued agin th neesty ‘of ereumeision snd ise mand ofthe Moric La ‘AL The Pharisees ad "puta fac around the a” exeding it fr beyond what was conned in Seip. Ae ret wae very Had for Jee 0 ‘bse th a fly. au shied te focus rom pueiions observance ofthe Moi Lao the ceaaliy of faith in Fesus Crs provided its accompanied by Adherence tthe law of Chiation lve, (Ce sebsied baptism for cicumcision and connected it with he death sd resurecton of ess . Paul id not abandon his Sewishness bu sw Jess nits perfect. fallen and replacement Christy was til considered wo bea sec within ads rng Pauls iti ‘Paul's msi accomplishment were his adaption of Jewish ology to8 (Gene sudence and his eabishment of communities oxo wich (Chen emerged, eset Reading: ‘The New Tesament: Romans, Epbesan, | and 2 Thessloians, | and (Coins, Phliplns, | and? Timothy, Colossians, Glass, Tis, Supplementary Reading: Brandon, SG "Pau and His Opponents,” in Kevin Rell, Readings in Wold ‘Chileon, vol. New Yorke St Maria's Press, 199 (pp 110-119), 198 The Teaching Copy Lind Peep 1 "The Ris of Canty" in Pip F- Riley ea, The Gaba Experience "Readings in World History wo 1500. New York: Prec Hal, 1982 pp 139- 150). ‘Bulan, Ralph rive Christian: nts Contemporary Seng. Fortes res, 1980, ‘Bristow, Jon Tempe, What au! Realy Sld About Women, New York: Harper Colin, 1981. ‘Becker, J Chin, Pal he Apase: The Tumphof Godin Life and Though ores Pres, 1980, Becks, Jurgen. Paul Apostle the Geile. John Kaos, 1993 ‘Sanders EP Paul and Palestinian Judai. Forzss Press, 1978. ‘Questions o Consider: 1 What were the ce pilsopicl and religious cents in th Hellenic ‘worlds Pal began his missonary work? How dd his pilosphial ant ‘elgios conten const to the ces f Pal’ wok? 2 Isitaccaste to speak of Pal the fst “efomed” of Chisanty? 20 1998 Te Ting Cony Line Paeip Lecture Five ‘The Presocratics: lonian Speculation and Eleatic Metaphysics Dasren Staff, PRD. Scope: ‘The Pesos were Greek philosophers of are who lived rng he wo cers prior Socrates. Although thy disagreed about what onsite the fundamental Urs ofthe universe and about the ate of ‘inece and change they were united in hi ejection of myhial ‘explanations, thee intrest in mecha questions of “what and “how” tne heir reliance on logic. This lecture examines the opsins and tnalycal methods of eating Presocati thinkers and shoo neading ‘he Miesian (ronan school of Thales, Anaimander, an Anaximenes Heracius of Eps: he Pythagorean he Ela metapyiciane (Pamenides and Zeno) and the Atoms (Demoeis and Leucigpu). Outline 1. Inrodetion tothe Presta. [AL The Grek Presocrtc period wat an epoch of pilosopty inning from sixth century BCE to heme of Socrates—hence the expression "Presoeati” As isne fom tei myth-remedpredecess, the Presoratcs were ‘onlin wo differeat ways, 1 They ane ational form of anaysis, They refed to tel stois, and they used expsioy prose. 2. They asked mechanistic questions of wha” and "how 1, The osian cosmologits atk “what eas inthe cosmological sense. What {sthe world made of! Whats its "Uren? [A. Thales posited that waters the source of al ings 4. Allliefoems requ water for thei survival 2 Waters natal found in all tee states of mater (Le. solid, gui, en 9) 3. Thales spoke of soa!” ste cause of motion. Anaximander posited the fundamental uiding block ofthe corms as ‘he unlimited” or undifferentited 1. This was the fst arculation ofthe concept of mater, ibstate

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