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Guidebook Contents Ancient Greeks The Growth of hvistianity The Fall of Rome The Byzantine Empire The Rise of lam Lesson 10: Early Russia and the Fall of Constantinople Lesson 11: The Early Chistan Chureh Lesson 12: The Vikings Lesson 13: Medieval Li Lesson 14: The Crusades Lesson 15: The 1300's, The Age of Despair wi THE GREAT COURS! World History: The Fertile Crescent To The American Revolution ‘Taught by: Professor Linwood Thompson , Bellflower High School Part 1 tar TEACHING COMPANY Table of Contents World History: ‘The Fertile Crescent to The American Revolution Lesson One teston Two Lesson Three Lesson Four Leston Five Lesson Sie Lesson Seven Leon Eight reson Nine Lesson Ten Part! Information about the Teachsr Fowoction| iviteatons of the Fertile Cresent -aypt The Gil he Nile ary Indioand China The Ancient Greeks Ancient Rome ‘The Growth of Christianity The Fall of Rome The Byzantine Empire The Rise of sla arly Rusia nd the Fl of Constantinople Lesson Elesen The Eaely Cvstian Church Lesson Twelve The Vikings Lesson Thies en Medieval Life Lesson Fourteen The Cresades Lesson Fieen The 1300's The Age of Despaie © 1995 The Teaching Company Limited Partnership Linwood C. Thompson ior a Blast!” and He makes history come alive!” are jas some of the ‘nen collect frm his students, Linwood. Thompsons sory program “a Tfuver igh Schoo in the subucbs of Los Angeles has atrated ‘craton atta fo is ereativity an innovation, Aer neceving i MA Brigham Young Univesity, Linwood C, Thompson bua successful eahing carer. Teaned in lassie theate, he also parses sever ating ad diecting for stage and sren, especialy enjoying work ith ‘Stespearean stv an his own ating company. Combining Lins two aroer chee hs yielded and effective and unique teaching syle. Linwood's Use oF costumes, props, and characterization invites sade o experience histor rather than jst eelling of ‘Mr. Thompson sisted in the "Who's Who Among America’s Teachers". He has been recognized bythe Califia Stte Sete for “Outstanding Achieve in Education". The County of Lox Angeles has lide his “extaondinay atu, imagination and talent Mos recently the Los Angeles Times the Los Angles agers. and the Sanyo Corporation honored him as ane of LAs "Homann Heroes” for his contbatons to Los Angles stants. ‘you though history was jus boring study of dead people, step nt the world othisory with Linsood C. Thompson and watch iteome alive. We hope you have bast, 1 1908 The Teaching Company Limited Partversin World History: The Fertile Crescent to The American Revolut Part | Introduction We will sit our exploration of word history with ancient river valley civilizations in what now toned the Mise East’ Our sty explores these fascinating places and tvs to discover the influences tht they had on subsequent tations in sich things a architecture, philosopy ad elizin. political and legal systems, and lierature. We end wih the tanston rom the old worl of eghtenh-century Europe to the "new word” ofthe jusereted Uni Stats, Many ofthe characters ¥ portray in thse lectures ate actual Wistoicl Figures ‘Other composite charter can be ditingushed by the use of my name within the characters name, Remember thatthe ltrs from cach pei will hare ‘etn atts and bias while sharing the tory ofthe day and their wordt is important tat you gain aly historical perspective by reading and staying those same Incidents as recorded and analyzed saris ales and books Ath there is no bibliography with his outline, you ean seal Fd Books| fon all these subjects by going to your school or public library, oF using the Inert, This wil be a good way to develop research and reading skis hat will hep you as you advance through your scholing toward college. What Ihave provided you wih ae questionsessay qustons~—at the end ofeach lesson {Use these questions to gue your investigation io the toi. To Bet the mest ‘out of ths course, wie out the answers afer you have Fonda soure, Show it {a your eacher or somcone who ea eva Ito be sue ou have covered al ‘he important cs World history is vas and rich sory of he csents that have shaped he moder wold both East nd West. We wil touch on the llizations of Arica and Asia but the majority ofthe lstres deal with the shaping of Westem ehilization. ‘Allow the stores o tanspon sou back inne to marvelous places and people. hive word ston! ‘hope yon will love oo. (© 1995 The Teaching Company Limited Parnership 3 Lesson One Civilizations of the Fertile Crescent 1. Why We Stay History Civilizations: What Is? ‘AL From villages to cies Advanced technology CC. Specalizd workers D.nsiions 1) Government 2 Religion Weng IV. The People of Sumer An City States B. Advanced Technology ©. Specialized Workers D. tnstutons 1 Goverment 2 Religion Plythsiaic Writing «Cuneiform FL Warfare and Decline Ve Babylon AL Hammar BL Hammurabi Code vl Phoenicians AL Trading Cy BL Writing Stem - Alphabet with symbols VIL The Hcbrens AW Abraham of Ur Religion - Monoheisic (C. Moses- The Lawver VIL The Persian Empire ‘A. Religion - Zoroaster BL Empire Building 4 1 1995 The Teaching Company’ Limit Parnership 2 Essay Questions Define the word civilization and give an example plain how Darius succesfily contd his empire {© 1995 The Teaching Company’ Limited Partcrship Lesson Two Egypt—The Gift of the Nile ‘Seal Note: I this video Lin Thompson i portraying C. W. Gi ‘ori renown Egyprologist and one ut his former professors: Dr. Griggs ‘eas nutrumental in bringing the Tutankhamon exibit to the United Sates, Hest toll great stories including that of the cate and the painted ssrcophagt ia case 1 Geography of Eee AL The Nile River 1. The iver supplied the file sol and eile wansportation forthe srowth and development ofthe Egyptian Chilean. 2. The Egyptians woeshipped the river asa god who sustained them and gave them it 1B, Two deserts. the Libyan andthe Arabian, provided a early impervious are to host invaders 1 Two Kingdoms |A. The greater Nother Kingdom and lester Souther Kingdom 'BL_Unde the leadership ofthe king of Upper Esp, named Menes oth {Kingdoms were brought together around 3100 BC (C._Aveient capital of Memphis where the vo Kiagdoms met Li separate dynssis over a perio of 280 years, The OW Kingdom (2660-2180 BC) AS The Pharaohs BL Rulers of Egypc were worshipped as gods 1. Head of govemmen religion and sry. 2. Source of al things good CC. Pharaohs were manimiied ole ternal D. Pyramids FE. The Fes tines A time of decline IN. tle Kingdom 2080160 8) Capital moved from Memphis to southern Thebes 1 Phare improved ington and onal CC. Religion changed svi common people hopes of an ari 1, 2c 1. iyksos nomads invade an rate 1640101570 BC 2A Bronze Ase Chariots. horses, and bows. 1 Spinning and weaving 6 © 1995 The Teaching Company Limited Partnership V. New Kingdom (1570-1075 BC) ‘A. Powerful duet tong ary Two outstanding ruler. 1. Hatshepsut ‘a Firs recorded fale ler in history 1. Ruled inher own name and sometimes wore beard ‘Develops trade and des under ysterious circumstances, 2 Thums ‘a Succeeded hisstepmoter, Hatshepsut 1. Invaded Palestine and Ss CCl war and invasions edt. decline of ancient Fay VE Exyptan Society [AL Theoeray ih some upward moby 1." Slaves toiled inthe constuction of massive pyramids 2, Peasants worked in thei fede |3.- Mid class artisans, doctors sebes, metal workers “4 Nobles ved in axury VI. Egyptian Religion Egyptian relsion polyhesti I Stressed jstice 2 Osiris jded the dea, 23. Press influenced gods fo pay. 1, Those whose lives conlormed os teachings ould expect eterna fe the aero, Egyptian Achievements [A> Ezpiian writing called hieropyphis remained a mystery the iscovery ofthe Rosca Stone Thr mathods of surveying land, architecture, and engnesing ae marveled at otis Essay Questions 1. Explain how the Nile and is surrounding esers shaped the Eeptian 2 Explain how Pharos powers an positon spe Exypi religion society and {© 1995 The Teaching Company Limited Partnership Lesson Three Early India and China Ancien tia A Goran 2 ins River Valley a Ciliation 1B. Mahenjo-Daco 1. Complex city and stares 2._Evidences of erly ade Subcontinent of Indi a bolation| 1b. Khyber Pass Ancien Peoples 2 Indigenous poops pans ‘a Nomadic bes B._Strong oral tradition C. Hinds Religion 1 ‘Soered Tents The Rig-Veds nd the Upanishads 1. Wren ia Sankt, 2. Recorded hundreds of years of al histor. Important Terns 2 Braman sone god with many names an forms 1 Karma ethical laws of cause and ffs, Reincamation-a yee of rebith 1. Future incarnations are based on your Behavior ia this ie 2. Reineamation allows people many lifimes to perfect themselves and ends When precio is ached. . Buddhism “he Enlightened One™ 2 S Prince Siddhartha Gautama "Sought to end human sufeing and pin Achieved enlightenment and Became the great eaher. The Midale Way as wat nirvana Precepts Hare no ving hing has 01 given Speak no untath Live a chaste fie {© 1988 The Teaching Company Limited Parership A The Eightfold Path a Right view igh aim Right speech igh action fe Righiving © Righteffor ‘igh mintuiness B._Righ concentration ._Buhism embraces aspects of Hinduism bu rejets other 1. Buddhists bllve that al people can achieve nian in this time regardless of cast ‘Buddhism avoids eureme practices such as animal series ‘and slsaplation ‘Buddhism spread thoughout India and Asia, Buds, ‘ead soph China withthe fll fhe Han dyrsty between SBC and 100 AD Ansiot China| A Geograpy 1 Ancient China developed its uigue cure slated fom the rest ofthe wold by vast dese. high mountains. and deep oceans. 22. Chinas fst cites sprang up around the year 2000 BC along the tanks ofthe fertile Huang He or Yellow River 3. Chinas psa isolation led the Chinese to vow thee ela the "Middle Kingdom” oF center of civilization, Chinese Cilization 1. The Mandate of Heaven ‘a Abli thatthe gods rane Chinese ruler the ht o rule 1. Cycles of ebellon, peace and peospoiy weakness ana aster tht fected the ise and al oF nastics 2. Religion ‘4 Polteistc worship of nature and ancestor Priest developed writen language. 3. Wiriten Language ‘Some 20.000 pitograms 1 Characters or ratings symbolize single words {Characters changed over ine asthe frgage became more comple. 4. Chinese Phitosophy a. Confucianism Taoism (© 1995 The Teaching Company Limited Partnership ° 2 0 Essay Questions Compare and const the religions of Hinduism and Buddhis, plain the Mandate of Heaven and its effects om Chinese government '© 1998 The Teaching Company Limited Parmesbin Leseon Four ‘The Ancient Greeks 1. Troy andthe tod AAW Helen of Troy 1873" Selemann discovers ins of Troy L. Geography ‘AL Rugged Greek teri BL Honreds of sands = Mediteranean late; 9. Encouraged Sea Trade and Democratie Government IIL. Greek Culture Blend of Civieatins A. Miaoans 1. "Sophisticated strctres and iis, 2,Esabished trade routes. BL Myeenaeans ‘Warlke 2. Pillaged neighbors using aces to sea ~ Doris 1. Phanged Greece into Dat Ages. 2 Homer WN, Greek Cure AL Religion ‘Gods wit passions ike men. “eus-King of the go ‘res—Gal of war Athena Gaaddess of wisdom 44 Apollo God of ight. poetry. and musi 2. Greek msthologs 3. The olympies a Wars Were postponed 1b Devotions were mae to Zeus Athletic events an award ceremonies J. Two Powerful City States AD Spare {Enslaved the neighbors - Helos 2. Provided thelr economl base. 3. Code of Lycurss 4 Ruled by Five elders, {© 1995 The Teaching Company Limited Partnership Aten 1 Slavery 2 Culture based on pursuit oF knowledge andthe a 3. Democracy a Cilia the Vote b. Council ot s00 VE. Greek City States Unite to Fight Persia A Davis of Persia B. Bale of Marathon ©. Xeres of Persia Grech Golden Age [A Pericles Funeral Oration B. Delian League © Contributions of Hellenistic Age VIL Peleponnesin Wars 1X, Alexander the Great Essay Questions |. Explsin he bith of Athenian demoereey and compare itto American democracy. 2 emily thet prominent Greck city-states and explain how they dies e 1 1008 The Teaching Company Limited Parneship Lesson Five Ancient Rome Founding of Rome ‘AL Rona and Rens 1 siseans 1200 BC . Greeks Roman Religion [A Based on a Greck most B Omens Roman Repubie—lasted $00 years AA. The Rape of Lucretia 18 Sense and tyrant ©. Roman ion 1, Assembly for Plebeans E, Twelve Tables Roman Rule [A Citizen could vote Bar Chines . Defeated neighbors an lies allowed seule Wars and Grow AW Panic Wars 1 Haba 2. Carthage 1B Landand Slaves From Republic o Empire ‘Ay "Spanacus and Slave Revols BCorrptions and Roars 1. Tiberias and Gaius Gracehus 2. Maus and Sula . ulas Caesar D. Octavian Essay Questions Contrast and eompare the goverment of te Roman Republic and he United Sates, Explain Rome ansiton from repblie to empire (© 1995 The Teaching Company Limited Partnership B Lesson Si ‘The Growth of Christianity Paul. the Apostle of Jesus Chest [AW Pros his conversion, Paul was own a Sal of Tass, 1 Saul was bom inthe area now known a mod Turkey” 2. Saul was an edcated seholar devout Jew anda Roman ize, Saul pariipaedin he persecution of Christin 1. Saul tele fom ety to ety encouraging the purging of Christians, 2 Saul participated nthe sting to death of Stephen Saul of Tans is consented on the road to Damascus. 1. Saul salted by aright light and hears the voice ofthe restmeced Joss Chit, 2. Hein blinded, repent his sns, ands hele, 3. Saul became adicipleor follower of Christ. He changed his mame to Paul and served as an Apostle o messenger of Chris, 1D. Pauls considered by historians to be the "Father of Cristini.” 1. Pauls Roman citizenship alowed hi to geal ave nd spread the gospel or "good news 2. Saul wtoe epistles otters to communities of Christians which 8 no Book ia the New Testament Cristiani is based on te life and teaching of Jesus Chris. [AL Histoial reasons the Christin religion sould ave fle 1. The Chistian ith was founded bya Jewish capener’ son and appealed tothe powers, 2 Jest Christ ministered forthe short years ina smal geographical area before being cri Jesus taught a messaze of ove 1 Christianity monotheistic. His teachings add tothe writings of anciat lewsh prophets 2. Jesus taught oo stat commandments: Love God and love our eihbor. 3 Christianity appeaied tothe common poop an slaves becase the (Christian God judged people by ther hers and not hi els “ © 1905 The Teaching Company’ Limited Partnership IML The Roman Empire encompassed many lnds with various bits. Volatile Jewish and Reman relations provided the backdrop fr Cesianty |A~ Jewish puppet kings were allowed to rule in Rome's nae. Fes eset his foreign domination. 'B. Rome tolerated ether lions but demande that emples to thee deity eb and the emperor worshipped as «god. This Fer angered monotheistic Jes. C. Jews are persecuted bythe Roman Empire 1 By AD. 66, group of wish revolonais called Zealots rebellion that sued in Rome besieging and capturing Jersalen 2. Rome violent punished Jews aera second rebellion in A.D. 7. 1. Half milion Jews were hile and hows ere cio 1h Jews were enslaved and anspor in chains to aha areas of the Empire 3. Masada inhabitants commited mass side rather than be aplured and enslaved by Rome D. Christians ae persecuted by Rome, 1 The Christian faith continued to gain the major os comers mong the slaves and the poor, (Christians are perceived asa theat by Rome when the refse to worship the emperor a5 God, 3. Roman leaders declared Christians enemies ofthe sae Cvistias were made scapegoats and murdered for 1h. Many Christians became marr. ding fr thei ith 44 Chris secrets met ia catacombs, underground baal chambees and used the san ofthe fish 1N. Christianity Overcome is Opposition [AW Romans grads conser to Cristiani 1. Clu ars within he Empire led many Romans io new religions. 2. By 200.AD. over [safe Roman Empire was Christian 5 Onhisdenhbed Emperor Constantine converts to Chistian “Cle suecessor tans pean wor, B._ Rome becomes a center of Christan faith, 1." Leadership ofthe Cristian church hod fallen by this tne othe Dishops ofthe church ‘The Bishop of Rome claimed that he outarked al ether bishops tase om the bei that Peter, the chi apostle was alsa the ise [Bishop of Rome, This doctrine isthe ale the Petrie Doctrine and etalished the Popes head ofthe Char a Rome (© 1995 The Teaching Company Limited Partnership 1s Essay Questions 1 Why do some historians consider Sal of Tarsus the “fer” of| huis? 2. What poston mas Pete si to hold according to the Pein Doctrine and thw was he manyred? 6 {© 1995 The Teaching Company Lined Partnership Lesson Seven ‘The Fall of Rome |L_ The Roman Empice experienced eooomie military, nd polities decay ‘vera period of many seas. ‘A. Esonommss The Roman Empire reli on wade that was disrupted by evil unrest and poor harvest. The devaluation of Roman money and ination caused great hardship and alos of confidence inthe goverment ome no longer had the plunder of foreign wars ad the labo of new saves to Boos is economy ad steed with heavy aN Bitar 1. Numbers declined ut ie faith nan areal losing ay 2. Cuts in fading probibited proper raining and equipment. 3. The goverment hired mercenaries with ile ese inert 0 profet ts borders, Soldiers desened thei pos as Rome was bitacked 44 Civil wars erupted as military leaders ft for pow. 1 Rome's government was weakened by compton as poicans fought among themselves for power omc goverment system as strained by the Empires inmense se, Emperor Diocletian ied ta solve his problem, He reorganized the Empire int twe pars: The Westem Roman Empire with its capital of Rome and the Easem Roman npr with is eapita of Constantinople 1. Poor successors were offen unable to govem both als of the Kingdom which led to isl umes. The Western Ronan Empire tis wos, experienced $0 emperors 0 eas 1, Two strong emperors briefly stemmed Rome's al [AL The emperor Diccetin vas born te son of a slave. His rise to power save the vision an experience needed 1 make snecpingretorn. {Tr Diocletian double the size ofthe amy’ and secured ars 2. Me ied wages and prices forcing an eno iain. '3. Diocletian renovated temples en gnve ne peste t the priests oF Rome's potteiste eligon restoring Tah in thei s0d. 4. He so mae laws tht increased the prestige and charms of his ‘fie, Some $0 generals were proclaimed emperor ina 0 Sear vied stating in A.D. 200, {© 1995 The Teaching Company Limited Parinership ” B. Constantine was a very wise ruler 1. Constantine claimed to have vision ofa eos in he shy and used this symbol wo lead his army into victory agaist is vals, 2 Me'sues the Edt of Milan legalizing Christianity and aking is row 3 Constantine moves his capital othe Faster Roman capital of Byzantium which he renames "Constantinople ML, tovasions hastened he fll of Rome. ‘AL The Empie is invaded by several bes fom the neh and east These Germanic armies inched the Franks, Barnians Anges, Saxons, ‘Vombards and Vandal 1. These names are somewhat familiar given the modem names of the lands they sete, 4 The Anges sted in England, Wit the Saxons, they gave ws the Anglo-Saxon culture The Franks sted in France fe The Lombards sted nother aly 22 The Vanda reputation fr rape and pillaging gave meaning tthe ‘word sandals 1V, Two grea hates withthe Germanic tbo nflvence Wester ele AAD The Bate of Adanople 1. This atte sipped Romsn borders allowing the Germanic tribes acces tothe Empire 22. Germanic barbarians were pressured ito Roman finds dt the constant heat ofthe Hn The Huns, aie, Asiatic wibe noted fr ther horse archers [The Hons experienced thir aseatest sccess under the leadership of Ai. ‘3. Germanic elturl influences are evident in ocala yen, Several ofthe days are named or Geman gods. a. Tu The goof war 1D. Woven-—The chia the gos © Thor The god of thunder. Fria The godess of sox an fei, The Bate of Chalons 1.” Rome and its Germanic alles defeated the Huns and their Germanic allison what snow modem France. 2 This was the lst reat Han bate Their dominance ends withthe death of Aa who dies drunk and choking on blood fom his broken nose. 18 {© 1995 The Teaching Company LinitedParership v. 1 Historians rete to 476 A.D 48 the year he Roman Epi fll eventhough ‘he Easter Roman Empite continued AA. By A.D. 476, the lst Roman Emperor lst his throne to a Gemma sccestor ned Odoacer. With his the Western Roman Empire ‘eased tobe Roman and bese German The Eastem Roman Empire withstood the Barbarian invades and renamed itself the Byzantine Empire. The Byzantine Empire lise ‘more than 1,000 years af its feral spit fromthe Romain Epi. Essay Questions Reflect on how your daly ie would be tert ha the Huns won the tute of Chalons and their society dominated Europe insta ofthe Germans? ‘Some scholars argue tat the Roman Empire never fl bac ater asinilated into various westem cultures, What ais of Roman culture presen in ‘westem Society Would support this viewpoint? © 199 The Teaching Compans Line atnesip 0 Lesson Eight ‘The Byzantine Empire |. The Eastem capital of Constantinople was so beatifland majestic tha i was kan snp as The Ci" throhout the Eursin word Reviewing the Founding of the Byzantine Empire [AL The Roman Erpire was formally spit int two slr empies the West Roman andthe Fast Roman in AD. 395, B. With he fll of The Western Roman Enpire, The Fastem Roman Empire was renamed the Byzantine Empire and continued fam 324 AD 1M The Eastem and West Empires had class inthe practice of Chitin, [AL The Christian Chure split into two major branches the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church afer conicing ver several ses, 1. The leadership ofthe Church 2. Me use of ions (objects of rligious at 1V, Byzantine Potts ‘A. "Byzantine polites" iste sil edt define sneaky. cre man, and nasty pots. 1B. Byzantv ad BR Emperors, The Empcror te both she church ad IL Twennine emperors mt violent ends hy the ands of thie | Eimporrs were disposed of trouh starvation, decapitation, ismerberment, bldgeoning poison, an beng blinded be The worst cae recorded happened ia 1188. The fallen cmperor asa, ha i oth pled, was tid to the rea ‘ofa camel with area, ised with boiling watt blinded. Si finally stabbed nthe ts and et de. 2 Thineen Ned and lad rete within the church, To claim refige an emperor renounced his claim tothe tame and devoted fis ie othe Eastern Orthodox Circh The "Tale ofthe Two Basi illstrates Byzatine politics in which nything was done to get othe fp. oy ‘© 1995 The Teaching Company Limited Partnership Y._ The city of Constantinople developed ver ime ito the greatest trading city ine word ‘A. Its geographic location situate it on the major trade outs between Europe ad Asia Five physical factors protected Constantinople om asin, 1. ist, Constantinople was built on a peninsls and was protected on two sides by water. 2 Second. Constantinople hada set of dee walls which ringed round ihe city wth arches to protec them 3. Third, Consaninple hada power ny and a root harbor hain which eset tel through the straits of Bosporus 44 Four, Constantinople hada smal but Renble profesional ary. Fifth, Constantinople had a secret weapon: Greek fis! Vi, Justinian t ‘AL Justinian Iwas the Byzantines Greatest Emperor 1. Jstnian i Known for several ea accomplishment, ‘a Here-conguerd much of the ol Roman Empire 1. He had seholrs cai all Roman la {€Heencouraged the preservation of lassi! leaing rom the Romans, Geeks, ad Asians 22 AMlerhisdeuh the empire faced almost half centr of evil war fant invasions fom the East Essay Questions 1. Why do Basi and Basil typify Byzantine Emperors? Justi your response 2. How isthe Byzantine Empire related to the Roman Empire? What allowed itt survive ameter 1000 yea afer Rome fell? © 1995 The Teaching Company Limitod Pannership 2 Lesson Nine ‘The Rise of Islam 1. Background The Arabian Nigh am [AW Muhammad calle asa prophet 1.) Muhammad was bom in Mecca $70 AD. 2. Muhammad orphaned st ge 6 ‘3. Armerchant by ade ands eavelsinvoducd him to Jism, Christianity and Zoroaster, 44. Maris rich widow, Khadha a age 28. he des 619 AD, 55 Arabs worshipped many gods. Meditation and prayer convinced ‘Mulammad hater was only one Allah or Ga 1 When he was abou 40 gears old the angel Gabe appeared to ‘Mularmad ina vision and tod him.” © Muhammad Thou the messenger of Go: 17. ImArabe lam means to surrender othe will of God B, Thehogin orig fom Mecca, 1. Mocca the home of oly shrine the Kaaba 2. Merchants feared the loss of ade and income fro igri. ‘3. Muhammad Met the city of Medina because oF the opposition to tis faith. Therehe won many new conver Islam vas spread throughout the Middle Las. 1 Mohammad returned rm Medina several years later with @ power army and capred Mec, 22, The fil of Mecea convinced many Arabs hat Muharunad was 2 prophe Isle Teachings ‘A. Thebly book of slam. the Koran, was compile in 650 A.D. 1. The Koran contains the payers of Muhammad and insti from Alls Arabic for Gad). 2 The Koran alo coataas he teaching of maje Hebrew prophets an Jesus Alia isthe sme God worshipped by Jews and Crista, 1B The teachings of Muhammad are best summarized inthe Five Pars of Islam. The Five Pills of slam ae the most important obligations 3 Muslin most meet. They are sted a follows: 1. Reciig the words of testimony, "There spo God but Allah ana Muhanad isis prophet, Pray ive times «dy towards Moa, Give tothe poor. Fas fom sunrise to sunset vig the holy month (Ramadan), hee (© 1995 The Teaching Company Limited Partnership 'SMake a pilgrimage (hj to Mecca, 1. Thesihad = "Holy War? [A Islamic conversions rested from the Shad B._Daring these holy wars of conquest non Muslin people were given a series of options ‘Non-hustins could convert to Ilan, 2. Non-Musims could etn thei elisio bt pay’an annual bute ‘3 NoweMusins could be pt to deth (C Inthis way the Islamic empite was able o spread ina relavey short time rom lia to Spain, Ve shame Cure ‘AL Geosraphy, medicine, and slgebra B. Arab scholars preserved th best ideas of cltres such asthe Romans, the Greeks. the Chinese, and Hind Essay Questions 1. Define Alls and explain how he relates tothe God of Judaism and Christianity. 2. Compare an contrast the religions of Islam and Chistian. © 1905 The Teaching Company Line Haters 2 Lesson Ten Early Russia and the Fall of Constantinople ‘The Fall of Constantinople [AL The Byzantine empire grew weaker and weaker afer centre of vartre 1. The Byzantine population i eal depleted ar yrs of war, ‘4 Shvs attache fom the north oe 1 Mss atacke! tom the es ography : Crusaders tached fom the west 1 Rss egy is conus acta cop oar 44 Seljk Tus destroy access tothe fod supplies of Asia Minor. ” foreigners By the itech century, ll that caine ofthe By antne Empite 2 Russias ro vas ses, impassable mountain ranges or doses 0 amino at se epee ne wera fe isolated pokes of power onthe Greek cost an the 23. This lak of eeograpie protection brought many diverse invaders lo Ra to Russia suchas he Hus, Sethian, Gots, Bulges. and Mongols. 1 Seyhian bes temorzed southern Russia ‘Scythian soldiers were pad by the heads of thei itm and collected seas ana hands. B. The Russia People The ancient peoples of geographic Rusia were Save people who mjgrated into easter Europe trom the puns of Asi and Vikings from Sweden seed along the rivers in Russia. They were calle Varangians 3B. The old Byzantine Empire would be conquered by the |slanie Empire ofthe Ortman Tuts, 1. The Ottoman Turk ake over Asia Minor and frm the Ottoman Empire daring the 1300 snd 140, 2 ImT#S3,Oxoman Turks under the leadership of Stan Muhanad capture, Constantinople ‘4 Muhammad Il ordered his ayy over land to aod the ‘Byzantine navy an ret ein 1, Mohamad 1 brought cannons to dstoy the thre cy walls History records ha one of Constantinople’ ey gates as le unlocked allowing Muhammad Il oops to tack. 2 Constant civil wars ed the Slavsto invite the Viking ede, Rar, anuhissaccessrs to beter rs. The people Rai and the 2 Constaminple nas rmaned abu The Otoman Ene Sn meee eee eae! omtinad exis nl th 700 ety and World War 44 Rik sccesoe Ole, apr Kiev n 883 and renamed it Kiv Rus. His son Prince igor. martes Princess Ole Prince Igor triples his vassals tax Burden ad hey revo, He is kil daring a bate with he Slvie Drevin. Essay Questions '._ Princess Olga revenge her anbons dit with series of Explain how gographic Fctrs influenced the people of Russa, skilful deception s recorded i the Primary Chronic (C Retgion and Ties to Contatinople 2 How log id the Byzantine Empite las and give thee reasons for its Early Chvistian missionaries rom the Greek Orthodox Church were sucess ten pescoued. The Rusia Cyl alphabet was invented by the Byzantine monk, Csi 2. Princes Olga is among the fe ealy Christians. The Rusin pope later conver wo Christanky hen her srandson, Prince ‘iadimi, is convened, 3. Christy tied Russa othe Byzantine cy of Constantinople ‘ener of the Church in the Eas Rusia ater provided bodys forthe Byzanine Emperors called the Varanglon Gard (© 1995 The Teaching Company Limited Partnership {© 1995 The Teaching Company Limited Pannerstip 2s Lesson Eleven The Early Christian Church ‘Background - The Light of Leaming Estinguishod ‘A. Fallof the Wesern Roman Empire to Barbarians B. Superson Rules God will protect the rie Binh of Romance Languages D. Chis Fall The Feudal Stem [AL Am economi, politcal and military system based onthe holding of land B. Feudal Cases 1. Lord makes investors of lands to vassal an protects peas 2 Knights or vasa swear allegiance to the Lod and ight for hi ‘3 Free peasants and sors work the lands. ‘The Roman Catholic Church AL The Church assumed many goverment dts. 1. The Church contolled parts othe justice system 2. The Church assumed te collestion of ees ‘3. The Church managed road and aqueduct repr. 44. The Church uperised hospitals and care ofthe poor 18. Tho Church grew incedbly ich, powerful and corp. C. Monesteriss 1 Holy eri 2 Edweation, D. The Pope 1. Pope Gregory 2 Christendom Define the er “Dark Ages" Society at this tine How did he ies of Holy Heri evove into the monasteries and nannies tha re now a permanent part ofthe Roman Catolle Chueh? (© 1995-The Teaching Company Limited Partnership Lesson Twelve ‘The Vikings 1 Inroduction ‘AL The Vikings were Scandinavian raers who aed. plundered, nd established solamente across Europ 1. Viking raids took pace fom A.D. 787 1 1066, 2 Vikings the Northen came fom the areas now refered 038 Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. 3. Onthe Europea continent, Vikings rid from Irland to Russia fan as fr south a the Mediterranean css. 1B The Vikings were arguably the moet powerful and ferocious warns of the thir er, 1. Documented payers wer offered up fom European villages and ‘monasteries that implored God to "Deliver fromthe uy oF the ‘Nontmen!™ 2 Viking warors combined tremendous combat kil with he plsieal seen ui by rowing their boats cross hundreds of miles of se. 3 Vikings traveled in blckships” which were fon, shallow boas with oars ands Blackshis were ocen-worthy but shallow enough ond on beaches nd travel up rivers. ‘The ppicl Viking blackship could cary 30050 wars M. Viking Stategies and Tactics A. Viking statezy was threefold ‘Vikings avoided pitched bates. 2. They would attack weak spots They would seize allan base if posible, 'B. Viking Armor, Weapons and Teining 1. Vikings used a Wide variety of Weapons which inchaded thea, spear, sword and bo. 2. They made use of rouné wooden shields and shan mil armor. |3. Young Viking boys wer sine to ight using dangerous games ot -ombat sharpen thei sil 44 Viking warriors sere tught to move into a wedge Fornaio wih champions tthe pot o teak enemy ines 'S Warors would often atack te les, witch hands while fighting, an ight bck o back when surrounded, '© 1908 The Teaching Compan Limited Partnership n Viking Berserkers 1 Vikings ad unique igers alle, erserkers. who were ind to 0 crazy in combat fa. The Berserker would fist strip off thei armor. 1. They would egin to howl ikea wild animal Berserker would it the ir ins of hr shies ‘4. They would begin to dance about whipping theselves ino a Frenzy Then they would earge willy int the enemy ines by themselves, 2._VikingBersrkers fightened the enemy and gave the Vikings sich psychological advantage tat thir ame continues this ML, The End of Viking Raids 2, | [A+ By the year 1000 A.D. Viking rads were ginning to come tan end for nee major reasons, 1 Theminvie age had ended. 2. Theirenemies had developed beter-rained armies to defend themsshves, 3. The Vikings had become Christians. Essay Questions Explain why the Vikings were so suecesflin tei ais, Explain why the Viking ras came fan end ding he 11th entry (© 1995 The Teaching Company Limited Partnership Lesson Thirteen Medieval Life Medicval Life Was Governed by a Fea Syste, ‘A.A feudal system isan economic, poltal and military system. 1B. Under the fetal sytem thor evolved the distin eases of poop the nobles, the lrg, and the pass, 1. Nobles were wealthy and landed, 22 Clergy were men and women who pledged themselves tthe Roman Catholic Church 3. Peasants represented 95% ofthe population and supplied he ‘manual fm labor needed to feed and lathe the oer lass, The Peasant Cis [A Taxes tote state and church mean that peasants were barely able to provide Yor themselves a thei fails B. ‘Serf, aspeal elas of peasant, were hound othe land, the kn was siven away o sod, the ers would belong othe new ovnce (C._Most peasants did not lve pst the age of 36 1 Peasants suffered fom vitamin decency and srvation fa Peasants ate what they coud grow and ad lle let wo trade 1. They dried or sated fod forthe winter and starved daring famine years 2 Accidents ad infetons wer also common. Injuries fom acedens ft infections and deformities, Diseases sch s mumps chicken po. ee were olen deal Poor sanitation polled wae supplies, 4. Lice eas, nwo and other parasites were commen, Peasants vd in wate and dab huts 1. Wattle and dau huts were made of woven sticks. mand manure. The dit oor wete shared by 3 Tai and tir animals 2. Peasant homes had no chimney o glass windows. fie pit was used forheat and cooking. ole inthe rot released sake, ‘The End ofthe Feudal System A. New faming ecology inproves peasant i 1. The whal plow would be bovsht and shared by coma. ‘sas pled by a team of horses 2. Thehorse collars and shoes were inverted and protected the animals allowing them o work hard. |3. Fallow sand crop rotation raced biter crops, As peasants ‘were ble o produce more food the population are, alling Some peasants o specialize incaling need gods, 1B. Shiled worker formed owns ad sing nde chs 1 1095 The Teaching Company Limited Hataeesiy » 1 Huge firs held every four years provided opportunities to tae 2 Aresans, blacksmiths, Bakers. and farmers With exces crops were tablet wade and helped form cites. |3.Townspeope form amide cles Known as the "burghers*in Germany athe ourgeoso” i France, Guilds contolled cas and wade, 1. Guilds fomved to contol pice and quali 2 Guild taught ser trae to apprentices and ered journeyman and masters Guild members paid des to cover the cost of member funerals and to care fr their survivors. 1D. Towns gave new powers and feedam tothe lower classes. ‘ers who escaped the fans hi in tows and were given their freedom aera yea. AS nobles needed greater funds to nance ther crusades they sold charters Charters gave the town exemptions from aes 1B Charters ve towns the ability o gover themseles, 1 The church grows in riches and power hat ivals the author ofthe noble cas, 'A- Reform ate needed tend corrption inthe Church 1. Tostop the inerease in fail power, priests ure fxbidden to an 2. Toso simon the buying ad selling of church offices nobles vere threasned with excommunistion as was King Hey VU B, The Church used threats ofexcommuniaton an interdiction silence heretics. 1. Excommunicaion was used to remove people from the Chrch 2 Interdcton didnot allow for Chareh rites and inane, sch as piss, marriages, and at rites, to be performed ina given gsvgraphic ares. 4. Friars were set apt to teach the people the Cathie ith 4 Ingistions used tote to covet or kl ose who were nt Cato Essay Questions Explain the diferonces between the terms peasant, ser and slave, {What contbutins did the noble class make to a feudal acy? {© 1995 The Teaching Company Limited Parinership Lesson Fourteen The Crusades Background tothe Crsades ‘A. In 108, the Maslin Seljuk Turks smash the Byzantine Enpirs,atack European pilgrims, and seize the Christan Hoy Lands Emperor Comments appealed for elp o retake rsa fom the “Muslims and Pope Urban Il dears erat fre the Holy Land in Gots nae Three Major European Grogs Hoped to Benet rom the Crusades — ‘The Church, The Knight and the Merchants, A. The Church 1.” The Pope hopes to unite Chistian by bringing togster the Romar Catholic Church an the Greek Onthodon Church 2. The word “erase” is taken rom te Latin word “eran” which erally meats "marked wth eos The Knights 1. igh were an ower of eigous2alts. Pope Urban It romised hat their sins would be forgiven ithe 109k up he eros fan ought epainthe Holy Land 22 Knights oul lo be forgiven other debt an gain ches by Fighting i the ersads. ‘The Merehans 1.» Merchants made business deals with the nobles andthe anes which need supplies 2 Methants hoped that th crusaders would seize pots, nerease theiwrade. and expple their rivals The First Four Crusades Wee the Mest Significant, [AL The fst ruse reached Jersaer in 1099. 1.” One fourth of the Chistian forces mae terse, They ‘aprared the ety but slaughtered may of ts Arabic-speaking {Cristian and Jes, 22 Christian frees wee able to hold ersalm fo 8 years, 'B. The armies ofthe Second Crusade were defeated in Asia Minor 1. These Christan frecs never each he Hols Land 22 Muslim armies, under the leadership of Saladin, ape Justin 1187 (G. The Third Crusade tok place in 189, 1. The King of England, Franc, and Germany joined forces. 2. They hoped to retake he Holy Land fom Saladin an is orcs, ‘3 Oe 30.00 Chistian and Muslin Hives were lst but the Holy ‘ands emined under Muslin cont {© 1995 the Leaching Company Limited Pacers 1 The Fourth Crisade in 1202 leads to lsting animosity between Cuistendom and the Byzantine Empire 1 Lees ofthe Fou Crusade ever intended t berate the Holy and 2 Lenders ofthe Furth Crise sought to ato thee personal ‘wel and power by siching evel Chistian cis. 1%. Crusaders capared several Cristian cites and sacked Constantinople 4 The Pope excommunicates the ene any 1, Motieval Warfre [AW Armies were generally vido ino infty (fot soldiers) and eavalry (tnounted oops) 1 Laropean cavay, wih thei heavily anmored nigh, were the shock ‘woops oftheir dy. No army could withstand ther charge. “The Crusades had ating effet on Europea i AP The Roman Catholic Chore lost both power and pest 1. The Pop loses fice having ben unable o win Gods wa. 2 Religious imolerance increased 1B The merchants and women gain power. 1." Kings inereased in power bu nobles who had sold bens to towrapenpl in order to ras funds lst thei tx base 2. The sat of women changed as they acquied greater responsibly. Wives ad managed feudal exaes while che men (C. Thore was a masked increas in trade and technology 1. Merchants nd soldiers intadaced Europe foie, gar. arias Temons, melon, and coon muslin, 2 Improved weapons were developed including the crossbow, shor tnd Tong bows and pies, Armor inproved fom chant lal ral A wide variety of siege devices were developed such asthe atop and webuchets The ad ofthe Crasades ‘Av in 1291, Muslim anes ook contol of the st major crusader Stronghold in the Mia Fas 1B, Withthe capture of Ace, Misi anaes were abl co ean complet congo of te Holy Land int the tenth entry. Essay Questions \What caused he arms of European Christendom to ateck Byzantine Cristian cies. eluding Constantinople? What lasting effects did the Casas have on Westem Europe? © 1995-The Teaching Company Limited Partnership Lesson Fifteen ‘The 1300"s—The Age of Despair 1 Physical ctor fst contbuted to this er of despair. [AL A global mince age began. The eat’ climate became considerably ‘cooler inthe 1300s Unpredictable weather changes cased famine every ten years 050 throughout Europe “The Great Schism disrupted social order and damage the Roman Catholic Chur’ corral on medieval seit [Av The Great Schism describes serious cash ove the power of church and sate that edo vision within the Church herr. ‘King Philp IV of France and Pope Boniface VII fought over whether, the eleray Should pa taxes tothe atonal easy ‘King Philips plot o kidnap Pope Boniface VII fied andthe Pope die Soon ae. King Philip manipulated papal elections and ad one of his visors elected Pops, Philip moved the papacy ram Rome to Avignon. France in what referedo asthe "Babsloian Capivit” » period tht ends with the death ofthe French pope while he was visiting Rome, 44 Roman mobs forced the election of a Roman pope. The Roman pope moved the papacy back to Rome GThe French cardinals let heir on pope and crest a set division (the Great Schism) frm 1378 t9 1417 Finally, bsh popes are replaced with newly lected pope but the restge ofthe Church sere in the century to follow “The Black Plague spreads thoughout Europe [Av The Blick Plague (Black Death or Bubonic Pagus) rived in Eons Via the wade routes with Asa 1 Theplague was of to vatities One was spread by infected eas that attack the fen ands and caused dark beusing. ‘The other vas a pneumonic plage, which infected the ngs and was spread by one infected person to another by direst. 1B. The plague ran unchecked throughout the whole continent of Ewope killing 14101 ofthe entre population 1. Clery ran hospi and gave lest ies. Fight out of every ten members ofthe clergy ded 2. Soveis red to pun the air wth huge bonfires. a People dance and sang in hopes of avoiing the plage. © 1998 the Heaching Company Limited Panershin 3 bi, The childrens tyme, “Ring Arad the Roses" comments on this tme"Ases, ashes, fl down |) 1% 1 puna neotenic ar [AL firs of the clergy died nthe plage, The los of educated Scholars and teachers esulted nals of prestige for the Church 1B. The peasant revels were pt down by armies of not tension between the lasses (€. Thetlack Pla ad eased the burden ofthe Sr 1." The Few workers that emained became more valuable 2 Peasants were given more privileges fer the Plague yeas ond incensed V. Thetfonbed Yes War (307-1459) I Apetoda gers nich ean ware ced ich | destin and dept Frans an Enganbgan te sess wars when Ea ing of Engin set ul ato Foch com, ed cna of | Fre aan if Foch ie (Then nny oma te est pa fe wa the edt Eg on bs i 2 Thecannon as st wed Engen bt France concede nd hat or se Hono and recur Nore Frc nel ech procter som 1 Unrte kaserip of on of Aran spit of rch tno spend She scaled te Fel Bugs. ewe aa Ean, Te rut eat tes 6. The nplsh wee den oe Eagan coment by 183, The Freel witb Handed Year War PP Essay Questions 1 Explin the experiences child of this cemury might experience and give possible explanation for the nuseryeiyme, "Ring Aro the Rosie” 2 Describe he pact that Black Death or plage had on European felis andthe Catholis Church, aM {© 1995 The Teaching Company Limited Parmership Linwood Thompéon i Guidebook Contents Part 2 of 2 Lesson 17: Lesson 18: Lesson 19: The Renaissance ‘Miica—The Chillzatons ofthe Sub Sahara china The Mongols and Marco Polo Early Japan through the Tokugaw Period North American Explorers The Old Word vs. The New World—Hazards and Berets 5: The Protestant Reformation Lesson 28: Lesson 29: Lesson 30: Tudor Engl /4Wiar and Patiament The Monarchs of Europe The Growth of Democracy The American Revolution World History: The Fertile Crescent To The American Revolution Taught by: Professor Linwood Thompson , Bellflower High School a INCE COI h Table of Contents World History: ‘The Fertile Crescent to The American Revolution Part i Information about the Teacher Inaction Lesson Sinteen ‘The Renisance Lesson Severizen Aiea ~The Civilizations ofthe SubSabira Lesson Figeen China Lesson Nineteen “The Mongos and Mateo Polo Lesson Twenty Early Japa through the Tokugawa Period Lesson Twent}-One Diseveres and Conquistadors Lesson Twent)-Two North American Explorers Lesson Twenty-Thee The Old Worlds, Te New World—Hazads and Benefit: Lesson Twenty-Four Ciullztions of The Americas Lesson Twent}Five The Potestat Reformation Lesson TwenSit_ Tar England Lesson Twent)-Seven The English Civil War and Palanent Lesson Twens-Eight The Monarchs of Europe Lesson Twenty-Nine The Growth of Democracy Lesson Thin The American Revoition {© 1998 The Teaching Company Limited Parinership Linwood C. Thompson stor isa blast” and “He takes history come alive! are just some of the comments collected fom his tudes, Linwood C. Thompsons history program {xt Bllfiowes High Scho! in the suburbs ot Los Angeles has tracted inrmaiona tetion fo ts creativity an innovation. Ale resving his MA at Brigham Young University, Linwood C. Thompson ieqan a succesfl teaching aver. Trained in clase thea, he aso purses ‘Scarce ectng and dieting for stage and scren, especial enjoying work with 1 Shakespearean festival and his ating company. Combining Lis ¢¥0 “aver choices has yielded ai efective and wig teaching le Linwood's the of costumes. props ad chaasterzations nites students to experience Wat ater tan just a telling fit Me. Thompson is st inthe "Wri Who Among Antica Teaches" Hes ten recognized by de Califia State Senate for "Outstanding Achievement in FveatonThe Couny of Los Angele as lauded is "ewaordinary alas. ination ap talent” Most rece the Los Angeles Tins, the Los Angeles Daler, ad the Sano Corporation Honored him as one ot LA's “Hometown eres” fr his contributions wo Los Angeles stuns you thoght history was just a boring stud of dead people step ito he word ‘of history wih Linwood C, Thompson and watch i come alive. We hope you havea Bas, '© 1995 The Teaching Company Limited Parmesip World History: The Fertile Crescent to The American Revolution Part i Introduction We will star our exploration of world history with ancient river alley civilizations in what now teamed the Mile East Our stay explores these Fascinating places and tes 10 discover the inflvence that they had 00 subsequent ations in Such things as a archlectre, philosophy and religion. pola an legal stems, and lieratire, We end with the tsp from the "old world of eighcen-century Europe tothe "new world” of the justsreated United Stats, Mary ofthe characters 1 porta in these Ietures are actual historical figures ier composite characters can be distinguished by the use of my rae within the character's name, Remember that the lecturers Fom each periad wil share ‘etn atiides and bias while sharing the sor oftheir day and thei wold I is important hat you gain a tulsa! perspective by reading and stasiag ‘hese same incidents a6 recorded and analszed in various artles apd books. Athough there is no bliography with this oie, yu en realy find books ‘on all ese subjects by going to sour shoo! or public Ibe, or wing the Intret This willbe a good way to develop research and reading hls hat will help you as you adsance throggh your scholing toward college, What Ihave provided sou with ae questions essay qustons—at the en ofeach lesson. Use these questions to guide your investigation int the topies, To atthe most ‘ut of his course write out the answers afer you have found source. Show it to your teacher ot somone who can evans itt Be sure you have coveted al the imporane et ‘World histor ia vas and ch story ofthe events that have shaped the moder ‘worl, hot Eas and West. We wil ouch othe eivilzations of Aiea and Asi, but the major ofthe lectures dea withthe shaping of Western eatin All the tories to transport you bck nie to marvelous places and people. 1 Tove word history! hope you wil lve 100 {© 1995 The Teaching Company Limited Parneship Essay Questions Lecture Sixteen Q e Renaissance 1. Desribe the eibutes of perfect Machiavellian rae. Why would such a a leader hve tobe tat way? 1a Dog tn 2. gay al spss oped captasti anda “Stet ewan eine ag Geography i taps Bt UL, Growth ofthe allan eiy-stae AL venice 1. Trading empire 2. Goverment 1B Florence 1. Medi family 2. Nievolo Machivell D. Milan E. Capitalism to Trade 2 Banking 1. Reb (Renisance) of Casial Grech and Roman culture A. Humans Le Petar 2. Boccaccio BAe 1 Donatello (1386-1466) 2. Raphael (1483-1520) Leonardo da Vine (1482-1819) 4. Micheangsio (1475-1860) Renaissance Man 1 Men 2 Woman Ve Ageof Explosion INS Spice and provi BL Spread of Christianity G._New technology 1. Carvel 2 Compass 3. Astrolabe 4 '© 1995 The Teaching Company Limited Parmer 1 1005 The Teaching Company Limited Partnership 5 Lecture Seventeen Africa—The Civilizations of the Sub-Sahara 1 Ineduction A Legends of Attica 1. ica was considered the “dark corner 7 2 Furopeansecated sage tries abou is unknown regions 1. Stores of Alia featured giants, darves, and uncer 1. Othe tales inclded men with heads here tee stomachs shuld be and cestres with als on ether end M.A is vided in five geosraphic regions A. Coastal 1. Moderate temperatures 2. Dense population B Deen 1. Sahara 2 Nubian 3 Kalanar C.Dry grasslands receive less shan 20 inches of rin per year D._Sasanah covers two-iths of the coinent Rain forests cover one-fith of the continent any ade and production ‘an Trade was arid on between groups tht did not speak the same language Bom were bartered between these groups ina process calle the lent tee (CS go proton increased rade AV, Northeast Aan kingdoms ‘Ar Kush was kingdom that shared much of Ege cute BL Asum was Christan kingdom ‘Vs African sub-Saharan empires ‘A. Ghana (400-1235) 1B Mai 1235-1468) Songhai 1468-1891) VE African cysts -Swail ‘Ae Batu bes BL Arab connections ‘ {© 1995 The Teaching Company Limited Partnership Essay Questions ‘Whar fet di the most dangers animal in Aca have onthe development of tad nthe rainforest?” Why di it have this eflet? plain the silent trade” How and why did it operate? 1 1998 The Teaching Company Limited Partnership Lecture Eighteen China Introdvetion Ancient Legend Shang Pynasy (100 BC-1927 BC) AL Writing tem Bronze eure Wheeled chains vi Chou Dynasty (1027 BC-286 BC) the Classe period AL Lao Tr (604-529 BC) 1B. Conti (881-479 BC) © Lesa M1, Chin Dynasty (221 BC-206 BC)- the most Rated A. Chin Shih Huangs"The Emperor" Emperor's armies sued enemies {C._The books of Confcisate burned and Legalism donates The Great Walls bule IV. Han Dynasty (202 BC-AD 220) time of peace unity and glory AL Emperor Wirt (14087 BC) I Armies protected borders 2, Wie renewed the sty of Confucius and ancent works Wx 1 Established Confcinism asthe official et of Beli for his ovement x 4. Government ppoinments were bas on an examination of Anowledge of Confucianism '&The Great ilk Roa was openad to Persia 1B, Baddhism spread (C. Paper andthe yoke were invented Xt Vi. The Si Dynasties and The Kingdoms Av Widespread civ un BL Aristcray replaces the scholar fficils Invasion af non-Chinese barbarians DD. Barharian absorbed into China Confucian deslnes and Buddhism becomes an economic power 5 1 1995 The Teaching Company Limited Partnership xt XMLMing By ‘VHLSui Dynasty (581-618) ‘A. Emperor Wen 1. Takes poser in nrtern China 2 Conquers southern China 5 Reforms the legal code K'a-huong Code (the ost inlsaia ody of la in Far Eastern story) B. Yang son of Wen 1. "Une Chin by building the Grand Canal 2.--Rehulds the Gest Wal "Pang Dynasty (618-807)-—Chinas Golden Age Rebel General Li Yuan Becomes emperor B. Tai Tsme—"Grand Ancestor” (627-619) 1. Clulservice exam becomes univers 2, Taxes are lowered and land is edited o pests [3 Northem and wesem lands are recongucred Empress Wu Chao (60-705)-—onl fale ruler of China 1. Armies von victories in Korea 2. Encouraged the spread of Bods Socil changes 1. Aristocacy loses power to cil servants 2. Semiseudaism returns 3. Merchansorsh ‘Creda banking emerge Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, warlord nd unstable kingdoms ‘Sung Dynasty (960-1279) AA. ily destines, Sones move south Paper money is introduced (©. Trade inst ar porcelain D._Inverions: compass printing. gunpowder ‘Yuan Dynasty the Mongols (12794368) w (1368-164) ‘AL Ming lu (1968-1308) 1. The "Grand Progenitor” 2 Builds southern capital of Nanking ing Company Limited Panerip 0 B Yangto (1403-1824) 1. Rled from northern capital of Peking 2. dation improves ‘Amount of printed materi increases 1, Amencyclopedia of 1,095 han-rien volumes is produced 13. The Grand Fee expands trade 1b, Adit Cheng Ho (1500 }~3 tring pin in Chinese history 1. Isolation 2. Foceigners are banned 1D. Manchu invasion (1644) 1. Las Ming emperor hangs himself Essay Questions Vo and why did the Chinese Inger goverment use Confcian binlosohy to units vast mpi? Why did Chin's soliton and ban of foreigners provide a tung pint in itshison”? {© 1995 The Teaching Company Limited Parmership Lecture Nineteen ‘The Mongols and Marco Polo 1. mroduetion te story of Mare Polo 1. ‘The begining ofthe Mongols [Av Horse ries of te Asia steppe BL Terujin becomes Genghis Klan (Universal Monarch) ‘The Mongol conquests AL Theanny Conquest ofthe steppe tribes {C Conguos of China DL Campaign inthe west with Genera Subst Chinas Yuan Dynasty ‘A. Kublai Khan B._ Mongols administer China \¥. Marco Polo rts othe Wes Essay Questions Why were the Mongols and hee ames such sucessful conquarors? 2 Wha impact dl Marco Pols adventures have on Europe? © 1995 The Teaching Company Limited Partnership Lecture Twenty Early Japan through the Tokugawa Period 1 Inradution [AW Will Adams, an Englishman and shi’ pit forthe Dutch, traveled 16 Japan in 1398 Will became a rast advisor to Tokgana ley C. Hecied in Japan in 1620 L_ Japan's eeoaraphy [Av "Jk per™—Chinese for “Origin ofthe Son 1B. 3,000 soleanie sands, four major islands 1 Islands collectively ae the sizeof California 2. Only 20° of land issuable fo arming sly Period (3,000 BC to AD 600) 'A» fapanese people are descended fom anclent Korean and Chinese rigs; aboriginal Ainu people are Cauasoid 1B. Chief ompero ofthe Yamarocto clan 1, Religion IN Shintoism—the Way ofthe Gods 1. Emperors esimed tobe descended fromthe San Goddess 2 Polythene nature pods 1B, Budahisn 1. Imoduced by Korean missionaries 2 Prince Shotoku andthe royal court convert w Buddhism Ve Nara Period 600-781) [Ax Prince Shotoku sends scholars 10 visit China Japanese boro fom China's cultare and Tang Dynasty ‘Chinas mode of centralized government i adopted with changes a. Japanese emperor i consiered divin and eanot be ‘overthovn, unlike the Chinese emperor who res bythe Mandate of Heaven Nobles are appointed to chief goverment pos lke the Chinese system, which sed Scholars who had proven themselves through igorous i seve exams “The Japanese adopt the Chinese calendar. weting architecture, ‘ations food and beverages 2 {© 1995 The Teasing Company Limited Paraership 7 ean evo (794-1192)—Japans Gos Age 1794. the empetor move apt to Hein aden Kyoso) Kana ltrs develop o simplify Chinese charac Grea: Age of prose and poetry 1 "The Tales of Genj—advontrs ofa handsome pine, writen by lady of the court 1. srong central goverment ul 1000-1200, when a feudal stem cmerzes 1. Daimyo. “Great Name": ono pan 2. Samurai—"One Who Serve Warrior css bound t ond [hollowed the code of ah, “The Way ofthe Warrior 3. Atsans and meh, ames andl serfs pee maka Period (1192-1335) ‘A. Feuilistic eto in which the dingo redo tke uhimate power shogun, “Sopeme General ofthe Emperors Arms Shogun Minamoto Vortomo ruled from his military headguartrs in ‘Kamakura while he powerless mporr lived in Kyo (ean) “Mongols dee Kublai Khan invade Japan ice 1. Mongols are ily defeated in 1281 3. The Kamikaze "Divine Wind” or typhoon helps to delet the Mongo . The Kamakura Shogunate was weakened hy warfare and lst power toa ew group I. Ashikaga Perio (1335-1575) AL Power shied from ental goverament wo repons a the shogun os power tothe daimyo 3 Carleen as ecgrived rs achico. ete, and Gains or "reine rive from Europe in 1843 1. Portuguese av in 1543 and bin trade with pan 2 Francis Naver, a Catholic Jesuit pris spread Christianity in 3apan from 1549 ¢0 1551 Chriss pre in power an inne . “Thre strona raters emerge: they uni the dingo 1. Oda Nobunaga used Teams to conto pars of Japan and was Ine assssnted| Toyotomi Hideyoshi, oe of Nobu gon iJon and invaded Keres ‘3. Tokugawa feyasa was the ast of th th prs irs © 1995 The Teaching Company Limited Partnership B

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