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UNIVERSITY Mid La Union Campus

City of San Fernando, La Union College of


Subject: The Contemporary World (GECC 107) Date Submitted: June 03, 2021

1. Based on your readings, what is your definition of globalization? How does it

figure in our contemporary world?

Defining globalization can be very straightforward but bewildering at the same

time. Suffixes such as '-ization' usually depict a process or an act. Hearing the word
"globalization" tells me that it involves social interaction between different nations,
cultures, and religions across the globe that is made possible by cross-border trades of
goods and services, information, technology, investments, and people. For over many
centuries, countries have built partnerships in order to facilitate this process. Most
noteworthy, countries and states cooperate with each other to sustain their several
needs which they cannot support alone. Furthermore, since this process occurs on a
global scale, many businesses all over the world have expanded. Globalization also
permits everyone to have access to latest trends such as technological, educational,
political, and geographical advancements.

There had been numerous debates from scholars arguing when and where did
this worldwide connection start. But for now, what we see, hear, and have are products
of globalization. The Philippines is open to different nations along with their
commercial products, and in return, we share a part of our traditions with others.
Whenever and wherever we are, there are always McDonald's, Huawei, or Under Armour
that did not come from our nation. The modernity and convenience we are experiencing
right now are thanks to globalization.
2. a. Discuss the effects of globalization in education. Cite specific examples as to
how these effects are felt or experienced in our Philippine society.


The effects of globalization on the Philippine educational system bring about

wide expansions in technology and communications. And these factors are the
anticipating forces within the learning system across this nation as ideas, values, and
knowledge provide significant changes to students and teachers, and to the society as
a whole.

The effects of globalization in the field of education here in the Philippines are
widely evident. Some noteworthy impacts are the following: globalization has changed
the Philippine old system education into K-12 Basic Education Program. This program
was adapted by our system due to the fact that the Philippines is one of the few
countries who do not have this kind of program. With this matter, the said reform was
done so that this nation will not be left behind with the other nations’ development in
the field of education. Such program was believed to produce global competent
individuals that can adapt efficiently in the world market. Other significant impact of
globalization in the Philippine educational system is that it revolutionized the remote
traditional way of teaching into a fast and digitalized one. These practices teach
students ad teachers to become computer literate and help them to easily integrate in
an industrialized world. Above all, fast development of technology characterizes wide
and quick dissemination of information in the field of education. Lastly, globalization
paved the way for ubiquitous learning. With the help of technology, one can learn and
get a degree even if they are miles away from the university. Such feature provides an
accessible and flexible education for all. Undeniably, these impacts of globalization are
all being experienced in the Philippine society.
b. Identify the needed reforms in the educational system. Discuss briefly.

The Philippine’s economic development is coupled with the development of the

educational system. For many years, our country has been a conforming nation in global
trends, especially in the field of education. We tend to adapt changes and methods just
to improve our system. As of now, languages of different countries are being taught to
Filipino students. Undeniably, this fluency and multilingual skills of Filipinos can be
accepted as the nation’s core competence to other Asian countries. However, this is
just so alarming for it is like we are compromising the loss of the Filipino culture,
including our native language. Bear this mind, improving the Philippine educational
system can somehow done through matching the education offered to the Filipinos that
will enhance their global competency while at the same time conserving their culture.

3. In this contemporary world we live in, what are the advantages and disadvantages
that globalization brings into our lives? Again, base your discussion on how these
applies to us, Filipinos.

Globalization has been a wide contributor in the development of a third world

country like the Philippines. It opens wide variety of global opportunities: international
employment, exports and imports, information, and technology. To discuss, firstly,
globalization creates more job opportunities especially to the host country. Businesses
have expanded and therefor it needs greater manpower. Globalization, indeed,
generates more decent jobs in the global economy. Just like here in our country, lots
of foreign entrepreneurs choose to start their business in our country and they will hire
Filipino workers. Such feature of globalization brings opportunities to thousands of
unemployed Filipinos. Secondly, globalization has improved access to technology. With
this, storing and disseminating of information has become hassle-free and very
accessible. Technology also improves communication for it can be a medium for Filipino
people in connecting with other people across the globe. Thirdly, since globalization is
a process of integration, it promotes peace. For instance, our country can create
partnership with other nations so that we can ask support from them whenever we are
facing tremendous crisis. Lastly, globalization improves productivity because of those
advanced machineries. With this, mass production becomes unending which lead to
lowered prices. This has been very helpful for us, Filipinos, for it hinders scarcity of
goods while maintaining affordable prices of products.

On the other hand, globalization has also drawbacks. Firstly, globalization leaves
us vulnerable to infectious diseases. This problem is very timely for right now, our
country is facing this COVID-19 virus which indeed very contagious and deadly.
Secondly, globalization destroys the environment. This is very evident here in the
Philippines for deforestation and pollution are everywhere. These are all because of
those operating factories. As a result, we are now experiencing the adverse effects of
climate change such us strong typhoons and very high heat index. Thirdly, globalization
fuels inequality. One way globalization can increase inequality is through the effects of
increasing specialization and trade. With this matter, the rich become richer, and the
poor become poorer. Lastly, globalization can also cause job losses at some point for
machineries have taken over the work of man. With this, lots of workers become
unemployed and become part of poverty.

4. Watch the videos, "Globalization I - The Upside" and "Globalization II - Good or

Bad". Links can be found on page 36. Don't answer the succeeding questions. Then
move on to this video, "The Myth of Globalization " by Peter Alfandary (copy-paste this link to search).

Answer the following questions:

a. What does Peter Alfandary think about the "global village?"


The speaker of “The Myth of Globalization”, Peter Alfandary, believes that the
idea of global village is a myth. He reiterated that there is no single village and there
are many villages in our globe. He also thinks that we should stop believing in the
mythical powers of globalization for we came from different nations with different
cultures, and therefor it is very easy for us to misunderstood each other. Our gestures,
beliefs, practices, and traditions are very diverse. This is the reason why others might
experience culture shock and misunderstanding. We do not always understand each
other. We tend to interpret subjectively. We jump to conclusions. We often stereotype.
We perceive others based on our own understanding, and sometimes our notions are
wrong. This is because we are diverse people who came from diverse cultures. So
culturally, we are not global.

b. Why is there a need to have an understanding about cultural differences?


Recognizing different cultures that exist and by understanding them, you can
improve your ability to communicate. Indeed, understanding cultural differences is very
crucial in having a harmonious and effective relationships and communications with
other people. We need to understand all our cultural distinctions so that we can be
able to adapt and learn techniques in perceiving other cultures. Understanding cultural
differences allows us to respect, set boundaries, and correctly interpret the notions of
other people from different cultures. Significantly, culture is a strong part of people’s
lives. It influences their views, their values, their humor, their worries, and fears. So,
in communicating and building relationships, it is so important to have some perspective
and understanding of their cultures. For when you identify other people, you can
sympathize with their situations.
c. What is cultural intelligence? Why is it important for people to develop cultural
intelligence as we move towards greater globalization?


Cultural intelligence is being aware to other people’s culture. It is not about

losing your own cultural identity. Rather, it is about realizing that we do not all reason
and think the same way. Cultural intelligence is the ability to recognize and adapt to
cultural differences so that we can communicate effectively and harmoniously. As we
move towards greater globalization, it is so important to develop cultural intelligence
so that we can work and adjust necessarily if we work in a diverse group of people.
Having cultural intelligence allows us to communicate and have a very good
relationships with other people regardless of their cultural backgrounds.

5. Finally, what is your stance about globalization? Are you for or against
it? Explain your answer in a concise manner.

Despite the opposing views regarding globalization, I am still in favor with it for
globalization has undoubtedly made our lives easier and luxurious. Globalization has
made significant changes and developments in our nation’s economic, cultural, social,
technological, political, and environmental aspects. With our growing population,
scarcity of resources might occur which will lead to inflation. Having this economic
crisis, globalization can be a very huge help to sustain our needs by importing goods
from other nations through free trade. Other noteworthy effect of globalization is that
it provides easier and faster communication that attributed significant change in
telecommunication and transportation industries. It is also through globalization that
different countries, despite their different cultures, can share their ideas and trends
such as research and inventions that advance the lives of many people.

On my first-hand experience, I can say that globalization is very essential process

for its effects reflect what I have and what I am right now. The gadgets I have, the food
I eat, the social networking sites I often use to communicate, the multilevel knowledge
I possess, and my ways of thinking are all products of globalization. And if you are going
to ask me if these have positive impact in my life, I will unhesitantly say yes.

Talking about the drawbacks of globalization such as pollution, global pandemic,

and inequality, I can say that these would have been avoided if people become more
cautious and well-disciplined. With this, globalization should not be the one to be
blamed, rather, people should be held accountable for these downsides for their
carelessness and greediness have resulted to such. Fortunately, these problems can still
be solved through the ideas of globalization.

In conclusion, globalization is an extremely significant factor for worldwide

innovation and development. Yet, it also has its drawbacks. Fortunately, these
drawbacks can be resisted by being responsible and cautious individuals.

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