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Dr ioi Chee Chong

Leong Weng Kee
Generol EdiioriSin Kwoi Meng Et{rr/2
Porl Two
6,i ,fr

Dr LoiChee Chong
Leong Weng Kee
Generol Editor: Sin Kwoi Meng

Perrt Two

ln step Joths is o series of texibooks ond
occomponying workbooks speciolly wrilten 1o
meet lhe mothemoiicol needs of primory
school pupils.

This series odoDts o leorner-cenlred ond

lively opprooch lo teoching Moihemotics.

To reinforce ihe moihemolicol concepts ond

skills toughl in the textbooks, eoch In Siep
Moths workbook comprises o wide ronge of
speciolly designed exercises, ronging lrom
fun-filled oclivities lo chollenging problem

Through In Step Molhs, pupils con become

proficient in Molhemoiics while leorning 1o
oppreciole the beouty ond power of
the subject.
Tl:s vuortbook odopls o slruclured opprooch in reinforcing the concepls
<rrd skills leornl in the lextbook. Proclice comes in the form of
wor*sheets, skill proctices, revision poperS ond review popers. Eoch
rvorksheet focuses on specific skills. A Skill Proctice is found ot the end
of wery chopter lo consolidole whot hos been leornt in thot chopter.
The workbook olso conloins revision ond review popers 1o provide for
further proctice ond lo ossess pupils' understonding.


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Skill Proctice

Revision Poper

Review Poper

Algebroic expressions

of woter in o poil is x t. If 6 I of woter is poured into the poit, how

Q f he votume
mucn woler ts n the ooil now?

$rson bought 5 boxes of cookies. eoch contoining y cookies. How mony cookies
did Suson buy oltogether?

Molher mode n sondwiches. She gove eoch of her 3 children on equol nurnber of
sondwiches. How mony sondwiches did eoch child get?

Q ft-.Cobo( oI gro@ry wos 5,/ kg. Two items, eoch hovinq o moss of
- rEl ut from lhe box.' hot is Ine moss ol the boinow?

There ore 50 poslcords in Box C ond h poslcords in Box D. The number of

poslcords in Box E is holt ol lhe totol number of poslcords in Box C ond Box D.
lbw mony postcords ore there in Box E?

A lomp shode cost $y. Mrs Chin bought on
ono 4 tomp shodes. 130.
How much did she poy oltogether?

O :""r1;fTjfron
o book ond 4 identicol pens. The book cosr $7. whot wos rhe
Simplifying olgebroic expressions

| ryf- fuf."rlrg olgebroic expressions

ll lllx + 4x = lbl 6y-2y=

G 52k - 40k- 6k= ldl w+2w+3w=

H 7p+6p-4p= (f) lOq-8qrq=

lo) 7b+2b+7 = {bl l0d- 2d+ 3 =


3c+ 5c - 6= ldl 6y+s-4y=

le) 12w-8w+70= 8u-l+3U=

simplity ihe following olgebroic expressions.

w+2+2w+7 =- {b) lly+4-3y-

lgl 8r+22-2r+9= {d} 5u+7u+20-12u=

lel 2h- 1+7h- 5h= lf) v+4v+3v-6v=

Evoluoling olgebroic expressions

find the volue of eoch ol fhe following expressions when x 6.

@ =

(ol x+ 3= lbl 4+x=

lcl x- 6= {dl 14-x=

lel 6x = (f) llx=


nr 1- I
tg, t= "" 12- I

@ ciu"n y = 8, evoluote lhe followlng expressions'

lo) 2y+4= lbl 2+5Y=

lc) 7y- 6= (d) 30-sY=

3y- l0 _ 6v-12
7- {h) -4 =


find lhe volue of eoch of lhe f ollowing.i:xpressibns when.p = 9.

The oreo of o squore is y m'?. The oreo of o reciongle is 4 limes the oreo of lhe

lo, Find lhe difference belween ihe oreo of the rectongle ond the oreo of lhe sq-ae-

tbl If y = 8, r1v6o1 1a tn" oreo of the rectongle?

More word problems

The length of Pole X is 4 m. The length of Pole Y is b m.

lol Whoi is the ioioljength of the 2 poles in lerms of b?
(b) If b = 6, find the lbto-i length of lhe 2 poles.

6 murnu spenl $x on o bell ond 3 limes os much on o poir of trousers. He olso

- soenl S25 on o tie.
(o) Express fhe totol omounl Mulhu spent on the 3 ilems in terms of x.
(b) If x = 18, how much did Mulhu spend oltogether?

Solly hod $100. After poying $p for o dress, she gove one quorter ot the dratge
fo her sisler.
{o} Express the omounl her sisler received in lerms of p.
(b) If p = 60, how much did her sister receive?

The volume of woler in Tonk A wos y /. The volume of woler in Tonk B wos
4limes the volume of woler in Tonk A. All the woler in Tonk B wos loter ooured
equolly inlo 5 contoiners.
{o} Whot wos the volume ol woter in eoch conloiner in terms of y?
{b) Whot wos the volume ol woter in eoch conloiner it y = l0?

llpre ae m becds in Bog Aond 2limes os mony beods lri BoE B os in Bqg A.
Tlpre ce l0 fer;rer beods in Bog C lhon in Bog B.
hl Express lh€ number of beods in Bog C in terms of m.
{rl tr lhere ore 20 beods in Bog A. how mony beods ore lhere in Bog c?

Ione poured 250 ml of wofer into Mug A ond x ml less woler into Mug B thon
lfirg A.she olso poured some woter into Mug C. The volume of woter in Mug C
wos holf of fhe tofol volume of wofer ln Mug A ond Mug B.
{ol Express fhe volume of woler in Mug c in terms of x.
lbl !l Jcre poured l00ml less woler info Mug B ihon Mug A, how much woler
dk she pour inlo Mug c?
Mory is y yeors old. Her grondfother is 4 times her oge. How old is her

Mrs Ton hod $150 in her purse. After spending $z on o dress, how much money
hod she left?

d scorcd 85 morks for his English tesf ond x morks for his Mofhemolics lesl'
rru-ttot(s tor trir S.ience lesl wo; holf of fhe tolol morks of his English iest ond
lHlEmalb tesl. Whol wos his score for the Science lesl?

Mr Wu hod k concert fickets. After keeping 5 concert tickels for himself, he

distribuled lhe remoining fickets to the pupils in his closs, eoch getting 2 iickets'
How mony pupils were there in his closs?
@ Simplify the following olgebroic expressions.
lo) 12w + 34w = 882 - 762=

lcl 9d-4d+d= {d} 6f+ I lf- l7f=

(e) l5x + l3x- 2= (ll 22j-8j +e=

(gl 109+ ll-59= 3Oz-8+42=

9p+3+5P+4= 10f-2f-s-f=

lll 23c+7-6c-4=

(m) l lg- 18+39-29= (nl l6s-6s+5s-2s=

{ol 307+ 15j +i- ai= {p} 53n.- 20n+6n-2n=

oiu"n x = 4, evoulote the following expressions.
II a la
(o) 5-x= (b) ;=

I I lrt I I I
I I lll I I I
l.l 7\rO- {d) 6x- 5=



ll I I all
ll I I tll
3x-2 ,., 9x +6


ll tl

The moss of o sock of dce is lo kg. The moss of o pocket ol flour is kg
p Whol
is the totol moss ol lhe sock of rice ond 4 such pockets of flour?

The lolol length of 3 pieces of slrlng is t5 m. The length of one piece oI string is
7 m ond lheiength oi onother piece of string is x m. Express lhe length ol lhe
lhird piece of string in terms of x in lhe simplesl form.

Dove bought o T-shirl ond 3 poirs of socks for $d The T-shirt cost $8.
(ol Find lhe cost of I poir of socks in terms of d
(b) lf d= 20, find the cost of I poir of socks.

tne length of Rope A is x m. Rope B is 6 m shorler lhon Rope A.

lo, Express ihe lenglh of Rope B in ierms of x.
{bl Find the lolol lenglh of the 2 ropes if x =

.Visuolising solid figures from

r*orctr eocr' fioure lo the correcl solid


,.,wo Prisms ond pyromids

Look ot ihe solids below ond till tn the blonks.


Is the solid obove o prism or o pyromid? _

{b} >r,.-----\v,--\+,-----*..----\v,-----\\P/--\\u,,----\\tr,.-----\y


Is the solid obove o prism or o pyromid? _

tdentilV the prisms ond circle lhem.
Moking nets

O *O cul out thE following nets. Fold olong the dotted lines to torm o

Circle lhe solid fhot you hove mode.

lllorks Identifying nets of solids

rne toure tt'ows o solid


Which of the lollowing con be o nei of the solid? circle lhe correct nets'
the fieure shows o solid.

Which of the following con be o net of lhe solid? Circle ihe correcl neis.
rhe fioure shows o solid.

Which of the lollowing con be o net oI lhe solid? Tick (/) in ihe
correct boxes.
!5): Identifying solids from nets

this is o net ot ostotia.


Which one of lhe following con be formed by the nel obove? Tlck l/) in lhe
conect box.

o r-_-)

rnir i. o nef of o solid.

Which one of lhe following con be lormed by lhe net obove? Tick (/) in the
correcl Dox.

rni. ir o nel ol o solid.

Which one of the following con be o lormed by the net qbove? Tick (/) in the
correct box.

o o
4/romi( Prism Cylinder
The nomes of some solids ore shown obove. Fill in the boxes wilh lhe oppropriote
nomes of solids.

tnctctr ttre nets to lhe correct solids.

Telling time

Converl the following limes from the l2-hour clock to the 24-hour clock.

6.43 p.m.

9.30 o.m.

3.55 o.m.

10.26 p.m.

Ll8 p.m.
I o.m.

9.10 p.m.

2.00 p.m.

Conu"rt th" lollowing times from lhe 24-hour clock lo the I2-hour clock.

Durofion of time

Find fhe durolion between lhe stort lime ond the end lime for eoch port below.
Express eoch durotion in hours ond minules.

lo, 06 35 08 45

{bt lt 20 14 50

tcj t2 40 17 l5
'18 3s
td) 21 30

le, 22 15 02 00 lnext doy)

@ fnO ft'" missing stort or end time given the durotion.

tol t1 25 2h30min
tb) 00 08 l0 min

tcl 19 t5 6h48min
(dl 't4 05 I n t5 mtn
lel 23 t6 50 min

A lelevision progromme storled ot 08 l5 ond ended ol l0 00. How long did il


Morio slorted cooking dinner oi 17 40. she spenl I h 15 min cooking dinner.
Whol time wos dinner reodv?

Wohid lokes 55 mlnutes to lrqvel from his house to lhe Science Cenlre. If he
wonts lo reoch the Science centre by 09 45, whot lime should Wohid leove his

Worksheet" 3 Speed

Rna th" di.tonce given the speed ond lime for eoch port below.

lo) Speed = 100 km/h lbl Speed = 75 m/min

Time = 18 h Time = 9 min

(cl Speed = 27 .1 cm/s Speed = 3.5 km/h

Time = 16 s Time-5h

fina the sOeeO given the distonce ond lime for eoch port below.

lo) Distonce = 195 km Distonce = 5400 cm

Time=3h Time = 30 min

Distonce = 9030 mm Dislonce = 273 m

Time = 14 s Time = 26 min

@ fina tf," tir" Oiven the distonce ond speed for eoch port below.


/' (ol Distonce = 37e cm

i speed = 42 cm/min Speed = 85 km/h


Dislonce = 2077 cm (dl Distonce = 780 mm

Speed = 67 cm/s Speed = 30 mm/s

@ Complete the following tobte.

:::.1: :- ispeed

lo, 26 min 32 m/min

{b) 672 km t2h

{cl 3360 cm
96 onls

td) 936 m 12 min

worksheei*;;,-. 4,_ i.' Averoge speed

nton cycled o dislonce ol 900 m in 3 minules. Find his overoge speed'


Jennyjogged ot on overqge speed ol l5 km/h for l2 minufes. Whot distonce

did she jog?

A von lrovelled 260 km ol on overoge speed of 65 km/h. Find the lime token
the joumey.

Sivo drove from Town A io Town B ol on overoge speed of 75 km/h. He lefl

Town A of 09 20. Whot time would he orrive ol Town B?

225 km

Town B

Worksheet*",'., 5.._\'. More word problems

A lroin trovelled ql 50 km/h tor 3 hours ond then reduced its speed to 40 km'/h
for lhe next hour. Find the overoge speed for the whole iourney'

Mrs Ton wolked from home to the morket ol on overoge speed of 84 m/min'
She reoched the morkel in 1O minules. How long would she toke il she
ol on overoge speed of 60 m/min insleod?

Lily runs Jor_I5 minutes ol o speed of 4 m/s ond wolks for 20 minules
ol o
speed of 1.5 m/s. Whot is the lotol distonce thot she ho..ov"r"ji

A bus trovelled o dislonce of 760 km from Town C lo Town

D. It trovelled ot o
speed of 100 km/h for lhe first hour ond oi o speed
of I 1O km/h for the rest of
the joumey.
{ol How long did the whole.lournev ioke?
(b) If the bus left Town C otbS 50, whot time did it
orrive ot Town D?

Q a d-. n * ol o speed of 8o0ofkm/h for of o journey ond finished the
remohing 600'km oi o speed 900 km/h.
lol Whot wos the lotol distonce covered by the plone?
(bl How long did the plone loke to complele the journey?

rohn wolked lhe first port ol o iourney in 50 minufes ond lhe remoining of fhe
@ J
joumey ol o speed of 60 m/mln in 20 minutes.
(o) Whol wos the tolol distonce ihot John wolked?
{b) At whof speed did he complete ihe firsl port of lhe iourney?

convert the fotowing rimes from rhe
Q l2-hour crock ro lhe 24-hour crocr.

24-hour clock
5.42 o.m.

d. I d p.m.

L33 p.m.

tr, tr-

@ Convert the following times from lhe 24-hour

clock lo lhe l2_hour clock.

Fnd lhe durolion belween the slorl tlme ond the end time for eoch port below.
Exoress lhe durolion in hours ond minutes

(o) 00 50 12 30

{b) 20 59 23 00

tcl 12 13 l6

@ fina ln" missing slort or end time given the durolion

tol 09 30 lh45min

{b) 22 tO 35 mtn

lcl 18 12 3h20min

Of ,t;"1 m""'", i, J I .' ?# iJ,-: l[l'i i:"lj:"lfffi :tl"-'o

Ir o rrived in To kvo

Comnlete the following tobte.

lol 6h 6.5 km/h

(b) 257 6 cm 92 cmlmin

siti wottea 975 m from home to the librory. She left home .1.30
@ reoched the tibrory ot I1.45 o.m. Find her overoqe soeed.
of I o.m. ond

Muthu drove from Town X to Town y ot on overoge speed of gS km/h. The

dislonce beiween Town X ond Town y wos S+O kh. ti he orrived ot Town y ot
14 20, whot time did he leove Town X?

Dqvid drove from Town P lo Town O ol o speed of I 05 km/h. Bolo drove from
Town Q lo Town P ol o speed of g0 km/h bul he slorted I hour eorlier ihqn
Dovid. Afler driving for 2 hours, Dovid met Bolo on lhe rood. Whot wos the
distonce belween Town p ond Town O?

A troin lrovelled from Town A lo Town B. It look 2 hours lo lrovel 9 of the

joumey ond onoiher 4 hours lo trovel lhe remoining journey -overoge
ol on
speed of 60 km/h. Find the overoge speed for the whole joumey.

fonn onA Somy look port in o 400-m roce. fohn took 80 seconds to finish the
@ roce wn e 5omy took 64 seconds. Al lhe moment when Sdmy finished the
how for wos John from fhe finishino line? ' r:- roce,

Shuyen slorted wolking from home ot OB t5 ot o speed of 30 m/min. Meimei

sforted wolking 20 minutes loter buf monoged io cotch up wlth Shuyen in
30 minules.
(ol Whol time did Meimei cotch up with Shuyen?
{b} Whot wos Meimei's sDeed?

-eo It
Simplify lhe following olgebroic expressions.
\\ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \./ \.,, \.,, \,/ \ // \,/ \,/ \./ \ // \,/ \,/ \,/ \,/ \,/ \,//
( lo) er*7-3x+5= {bl 30y- 6 + sy=

\ {c) 2Op+9- 18p+4= ldl l2g- 39-8+9=

//.,, / \ / \ / \ / \,/ \ // \ // \ // \,/ \1,/ \,/ \,,, \,/ \,/ \ // \ // \,,, \,/ \,/ \\

@ evoluote the following olgebroic expressions.

\\,/ \ // \ // \,/ \ // \ // \ i/ \,/ \,/ \./ //\ // \.,/ \ // \,1\ ,/ \,/ \,/ \ / \,//
/ ,,
i to, w= J, {bl If v=20,
) 2w + 7w- 12= 6v-2v+11 =

tcl (dl If z= 16,
x +2 3
-;-+--= 42- l0 + z

/1,,,,2',,,2.,.,2.,,.2 \,/ \,/ \,/ \,/ \ / \..u \ / \ / \./ \.,/ \.,, \.,, \,/ \,/ \

Write tne 24-hour time lo moich the time on the t2-hour clock.
{o} The time is The time is

EiLJIp''' fi15'*
{c} The time is {d) The lime is

ll: ll nn' |:5lF,'

lp Fill in lhe durotion (in hours ond minutes) or lime (in 24-hour time) for eoch time

To Durotion
09 45 l5 t0
I I 2l 6h50min
04 1t 7h8min
23 55 05 25

20 30 th30min

:: 't'
Q nrO n= m=, the durolion, the disionce or the speed for eoch port below.


80 km/h

' 7.,]5 q.m. I l0 min 70 m/min

Wni.n of the lollowing con be o nel of o cuboid? put o tick {,/} in the boxes.
: tOJ {bt


:l lcl

: ;;,
@ rnir i. o ner of o sotid.

:, r"

:: Which of the following tigures con be formed by the given net obove? ':: .
:. : Tick l/) in the correcl box. :*
:' l.:..:.
.. |:
lol (b)


(c) ---\ ld) ,.A i ;

li Il-_l| ,t .J ,:

,, i...............
,;:;i:;#i1ilj.:.........'.........................:.'...................,........lii;i:;;i:;: iti:

o A bus lrovels o distonce of 100 km in I hour 45 minuies ond i60 km in
2 hours l5 minules. Whol is its overoge speed for ihe whole journey?

ln o wolkothon, Mr Lim covered of the journey in I hour l5 minutes

ol ihe beginning ond finished the remoining journey in 45 minuies ol
on overoge speed of 60 m/min.
lo) Express lhe toiol dislonce of the wolkothon in kilometres.
lb) Express Mr tim's overoge speed lor the whole wolkothon in km/h.
Wrile your onswer correct lo 2 decimol ploces.

Hishom look t hours to drive from Town A fo Town B
ot on overooe
speed of 80 km/h. Solleh lefl Town A 45 minutes ofter
drove ol on overoge speed of 90 km/h. How mony minut;;l"f;;"
Hrshom did Sollsh reoch Town B?

A cob driver look 45 minutes to drive from Juronq lo ponqool.

He ::
drove ot o speed of 60 km/h. When he reoched i*ggol.i;jid
stop lo toke o resl but drove bock immediotely to fui6ng.
nol ; :
joumey took holf on hour longer due to lrotficjom.
retum i ::
Whoj wosthe :
overoge speed for thewholejourney? '. :

o Koo hos x morbles. Shon hos 6 times os monv morbles os Koo. Yin
hos 5 fewer morbles lhon shon.
{o} Find the totol number of morbles the 3 children hove in terms ot x.
{b) lf x = 8, how pony morbles do the 3 children hove olfogether?

Jone hos w sweels. Mory hos 3 more sweels lhon Jone. Eve hos
twice lhe number of sweets os tone.
(o) Express the iotol number of sweets the 3 girls hove in ferms oI w.
(b) If uz= 6, how mony sweels do the 3 girls hove ollogethef
fvoluote fhe following olgebroic expressjons.
\\ // \,/ \,/ \ // \ ,/ \./ \ ,/ \ / \,/ \./ ,/ \,/ \,/ \ // \,/ \ /\/\,/\./\,//
/ rnl t+^-to
lbl tl n=20,
7 5m+3= 4n+6n-7=


lc) If c= tz,
3c 2c 7k.2k

.27 \,/ \ // \ // \,/ \,/ \ ,/ \ // \,/ \,/ \ ,/\ //\,/\,/\,/\,/ \ / \ / \ / \./ \\

write the eeuivolenl lime between l2-hour ond 24-hour clocks.


lo, 8.24 a.m.

{b} 8.55 p.m.

{cl 00 03

{d} 19 37

The fo-llowing crocks show the different
times in vorious ports
" - -"
it is I 1.20 o.m. in singopore. Answer fre rof fowing quesi,;.: of the worrd
" when


(-i1" i,-\
2' C,,.)
V,,? e 5,.V

(o) Compore the time in Bongkok lo Singopore.

whot ts the time
Stote. in-your qnswer if the lime in Bongkok
ts fosler or slower
thon in Singopore.

(b) Compore the time in Adeloide to Singopore.

whot rs the time
stole. in-your onswer jf the tjme in Adelojde
is losler or slower
thon in Singopore.

(c) Write the lime for Adeloide on the 24_hour


{d) Tokyo js 2 hours oheod of Singopore. Drow

the time on the clock foce for Tokyo.

Nome the following solid tigures os pyromid or prism.


|E, The. perimeler of o.triongle is 4tl m. The perimeter oI o squore is three limes thol
of the trionole. Find the lotol Derimeter.

.,;, '
Which of the following con be o nel ol lhe solid?
Tick {/l in the correct boxes.

{ol {b}
Boskel A is 5limes os heovy os Boskel B. The moss of Bosket C is

tr T::::]1';"J 8::i:l#i:HlH of Bosker c is x ks, find rhe

Saroh hos 9 siickers. Amizo hos lwice os mony stickers

os Soroh.
Koren hos 4 more stickers lhon Soroh.

lbl Ifllor
g =TgnI.rri.lers
do rhe 3 girts hove ottogerher?
I l. find lhe totol number of stickers.

I io ill':,[fff.911#il
mofher is 5 times her ose'

ii {Express your onswer in terms of y.)

l2 children spent o lolol of $q during recess. If eoch of fhem spenl

the some omounl, whot wos the expenditure of eoch child?
{Express your onswer in terms of q.)

i,*n,mt*fu1*:,*.:,_[:i'iil:;ff :?i::?,1",3,[T""

@ ftiof, ir" from singopore to Melbourne is z] hour.. tvt"lbourn"

is 3 hours oheod of Sjngopore time. tf o flighitokes
off Singopore o.
22 50, whot will be the locol lime for the flight orrivol
ot Melbourne?
*"r;r."a from one side ot o river ro onother side ot on overoge
! | @ speed of 25 m/min. As soon os he reoched lhe olher side of the-river.
he immediolely swom bqck to the storting poinl. The whole trip took
him 30 minuleuf his overoge speed for the whole trip wos 20 m/min,
lo) whot wos lhe totol distonce he swqm?
{bl whoi wos the overoge speed of his retum trip?
Mr Nosim wos driving from poinl A lo point C. Mr Mo wos driving from
Point B to Point C. The distonces between lhese 3 points ore os
in the diogrom. Mr Nosim drove ol on overoge speed of 60 km/-h.
They both left tf€ir slorting points ond met oJ poinl C ot the some
{o} At whol speed must Mr Mo drive?
(b) Holfwoy through the journey, Mr Nosim increosed his speed to
80 km/h while Mr Mo mointoined lhe some speed. How much
eorlier did he reoch point C os compored to Mr Mo?

Polnt A
Mr Nosim
60 km,/h I

300 km

Poini C

Section A

For eoch queslion, four options ore given. One of them is lhe correct onswer.
Moke your cholce (1, 2, 3 or 4l ond write ils number in the brq€kets

l. Express 3]% os o decimol.

(t) 3.25 {2} 0.032s
{3) 0.32s (4) 32s
2. Round off 289 316 to the neorest thousond.
lr) 290 000 12) 289 310
13) 289 300 {4) 289 000

3. Ifthe rotios A: B = I :4 ond B: C = 2:5, then A: B: C =

(l) l:2:5 (21 l:4:5
(31 1:4:10 14) 2:4:5
4. How mony more squores must be shoded so thot lhe shoded oreo is 55% of lhe
oreo of the whole rectonole?
0) 4
I2l 5
t3) 6 l

t4) 7

5. A pen cost $x ond o pencil box cost $3x fomie boughl 5 pens ond 2 pencil boxes
ond poid the coshier $50. How much chonge did she gel lrom lhe coshief
(ll $lso- llx) (21 $150- lox)
(3) ${50 - 8x) t4l ${so - 4,

6. The rotio of 3.24 I to 630 ml is
lll 36:70 12) 36:7
13) 360 :7 14) 7 :36

7. Find the oreo of lhe shoded region in the recfongle.


2cm 3cm 5cm

lll 27 cm2 12) 33 cmz

(31 39 cm' 14) 2l cm'z (

8. The overoge of 3 numbers is '15. One oI the numbers is 13. Find lhe overoge of
lhe olher 2 numbers.
lr) r4 {2} l5
{3) r6 l4l 17 (

9. If o photocopier mokes 20 copies every 4 minules, how long will il toke to moke
660 copies?
{1) 2h2min (2} lhSmin
(3) I h 42 min (41 2 h 12 min

10. Find lhe volue of 10.57 + 9 ond round it off to 2 decimol ploces.
r.20 (21 Ll8
l3l r.r7 (41 r.r 6

I l. A rectongle consisls of 4 porls where A is holf of the reclongle. B is holt ol A md C

is holl of B. D hos ihe some size os C. Which 2 porls odd up to
; of lhe recfaEle?

B c D

(ll B(rdC t2) BondD

(3) A6dB l4) nonou I

12, The soles figures of o shop from Mondoy to Fridoy ore shown in the toble below.

Sol6s Amount
Mondoy $657.00
Tuesdoy $7s0.80
Wednesdoy $780.30
Thursdoy $788.40
Fridoy $800.2 0

On which doy did the soles increose by exoctly 20% from Mondoy,s soles?
(l) Tuesdoy 12) Wednesdov
{31 Thursdoy {41 Fridoy

13. Which of lhe following shows lhe correct net of o cuboid?


14. Whot troction of 3 hours is 24 minutes?

ll) 3 t2)
(3) ; (41
15. Which one of the following froctions is greoter thon
(l) ,3 l2l u
7 9
{3) ,, @lu
Section B

Wrile your onswers in the spoces provided. Give your onswers in the units
'16. Evoluote 30 +
{7 + 5} x 14.

'17. Express the
rotio 48 : 144: 96 in its simplesl form.


18. Weimin's moss is 52 kg. John's moss is 11 of Weimin's moss. Whot is John's
moss? 4


19. If I00 g oI gropes cost 50 cents, whot is the cosl of 1.7 kg of gropes?


20. Find the volue of 6.82 x L


21. A troin lefl the roilwoy slotion ol 2l 20 ond reoched its destinotion ot 07 l5 the
nexl moming. How long wos lhe journey?
lcive your onswer in hours ond minutes.)


22. Express 1 os o percentoge ond round it olf io 2 decimol ploces.


23- 50 slickers ore shored belween shoron ond Jone. Jone hos 12 more siickers thon
Shoron- How monv slickers does Jone hove?


24. ABCD is o porollelogrom. EAB is o stroight line. ZDAC=64'ond ZACD= 33'.

Find ZEAD.

25. There ore 9 squores in the figure below. Whol is lhe smollest number of squores
thol must be odded lo moke Xy o line of svmmetrv?


26. Round off lhe volue of 72 i x 38 to lhe neorest hundred.


27. A stoll in o lood court sold 320 plotes of chicken rice on Mondoy. On Tuesdoy, the
soles increosed by 20%. How mony plotes of chicken rice were iold on Tuesdov?


28. Find the volume of o brick meosurjng 7 cm x 9 cm x lg cm.


29. The volume of woler is 84 l. Whol is lhe height of the woter level tn lhe ionk?

80 cm

30. The perimeter of o rectongulor field is 480 m. The rotio of its lengih to its breodth
is 3 : L Find the oreo of the field.


3l. Find Zw in lhe figure.

32. A box conloined 34 oronges. lt wos found lhoi there were m rotlen oronges.
Whol froction of lhe oronges were rotten?


33. Whot is the volume of the liquid in lhe beoker? lclve your onswer lo lhe neoresl
t0 ml.)

34. How mony molch sticks ore needed to form the following poflem?

I motch
sIcK 1I Ans:

35. A cor pork chorged $1.10 for the first hour ond $0.80 for every hou|. or port
thereof. Ali porked his cor from 12.15 p.m. lo 3.30 p.m. How much wos his
porking fee?


Section C

Show your working cleorly in the spoce below eoch question ond write your
qnswer in the spoce provided.

36. At o bokery, croissonls were sold ot 4 for $2.50 ond opple pies ot 3 for $ 1.25.
lo) Mrs Ton bought I dozen of croissonts ond opple pies eoch. How much did she
poy ollogeiher?
(b) After 8.30 p.m. there wos o 20% discount storewide, how much would Mrs
Ton hove poid?

Ans: (o)


37. Mei ond Shon hove o totol of 50 ko of rice.
lo) If Mei gives l0 kg of rice lo Sh-on, Shon will hove 30 kg more rice lhon Mei.
Whot is lhe rotio of Mei! rice lo Shon,s rice ot firsl?
(b) lf Mei ond Shon repock oll ihe rice inlo pockets of 3 kg eoch, find the
moximum number of such pockets they will hove.

Ans: lol


38. Exlend lhe iessellolion by drowing 5 more unlt shopes.

39. In o fruif sloll, the rotio of the number of popoyos lo lhe number of oronges is
2 : 5 ond ihe rotio ol lhe number of oronges lo the number of bononos is 1 : 4.
(ol Find the rotio of the number of popoyos lo lhot ol oronges to lhot of
(b) If lhere ore 80 bononos, how mony popoyos ore there?

Ans: (o)


40. A shop owner tries to orronge 600 voses on 4 shelves. The first shelf con foke
l80 voses ond fhe second shell tokes ] of the firsf shell. The third ond the fourlh
shelves shore the some number ol ihe;emoining voses.
(o) Whol froction of the voses ore there on the second shelf?
(b) Whol percentoge of lhe voses ore there on lhe lourth shelf?

Ans: {o}



41. Bonnie ond Fiono hod 420 stomps ollogether. If Bonnle were lo give Fiono

her stomps, Fiono would hove of whoi Bonnie hod left wilh.
(ol How mony stomps did Fion'o hove ot firsl?
lb) Whot froctjon ol oll the stomps did Bonnie hove ot firsl?

Ans: {o}


42. Two geors A ond B ore lurning ogoinst eoch olher in opposile directions. When
Geor A mokes 2 complete rotolions, ceor B will moke 3 rololions. How
rototions will Geor A moke if Geor B mokes 132 rotolions?


43. Dovid ond John trovelled from Town A to Town B. Dovid lelt Town A ol 1.30 D.m.
fohn letl Town A on hour loler. Both of them reoched Town B ol 6.30 D.m.ll
Dovid's overoge speed for lhe journey wos 70 km/h, lind John's overoge speed.


44. 3 mochines cut slrows of lhe some lenglhs ot different roles. The foslesl mochine
cuts 9 slrows per second. The slowesl mochine culs 4 slrows per second. The
mochine with intermediote speed culs slrows ot lhe rote of 150 strows in holl o
minute. How long will it toke the 3 mochines to cul 1350 strqws if oll 3 mochines
ore operoting ol the some time?


45. The loble below shows the result of on English lest of o group oI pupils.

o-20 2l-40 41-60 6l-80 8l-100

Number of pupils t6 30 60 68 26

tot How mony pupils took lhe test?

(b) Whoi percenloge of the pupils scored obove 60 morks?
lc, II 30% of lhose scoring between 4l-60 morks scored below lhe oossino
morks of 50, whot percentoge of the pupils scored below 50 mo;ks? -

Ans: (o)



46. Find La + Lb + Lc + Zd in the figure.


47. From Jonuory to August lost yeor, Mr Dong sold on overoge of 6 cors per month.
He did nol sell ony cqr in lhe next 4 months.
(ol On lhe overoge, how mony cors did he sell per month lost yeor?
(b) For eoch of the cors sold, Mr Dong received $800. How much money did he
receive Ior lhe cors he sold losl veor?

Ans: (o)


48. Kumor bought 5 oudio CDs ond 3 DVDS tor o lotol of $ 133. The price of o DVD
wos I t of the price of on oudio CD. Whol wos the lolol price of 3 DVDS ond 2
oudio iost


5bl l-l is o series of lexlbooks ond occomponying
workbooks, speciolly wrillen f o meet lhe mothemolicol needs of primory
school pupils. To reinforce the molhemolicol concepts ond skills loughl
in lhe textbooks, eqch workbook comprises o wide ronge of speciolly
designed exercises ronging from fun-filled oclivifies 1o chollenging
prootem sums.

Key Feolures:
. Worksheefs focus on specific skills.
. Skill Proctices consolidole lhe skills ond conceols leornt from
o cnoprer.
. Revision Popers review fhe skills ond concepfs covered from
more thon one chopler.
. Review Popers reinforce the skills ond concepts lought in oll the

Through &t !{ , pupils cqn become proficient in

Mothemolics while leorning lo oppreciole lhe beouly ond power
of the subjecl.

The pupils' pockoge consisfs of:


4* i.

&EB0X tttt"tt'* t;t t"'

Besi Seleclion' 1i(;6t(


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