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Child Labour

-What is Child Labour?

children are employed in numerous factories
as shown in the chart

Child labour refers to the

employment of children in any work
that deprives children of their
childhood, interferes with their
ability to attend regular school, and
that is mentally, physically, socially
or morally dangerous and harmful. Child Labour in Pakistan
Child labour is a real issue many The Human right commission
countries face all across the globe, Pakistan estimated that there are 15
including our own. Child labour in million underage children linked to
Pakistan is a serious issue, and every labour in Pakistan. Children in
day more children become a victim Pakistan are engaged in labour
including agriculture, factorial work
of it.
and many other hazardous jobs that
put their lives at risk. The most
common kind of child labour that
children are deprived of not only their children are put subject to in Pakistan
education but their childhoods. is agricultural.
Children between the ages of 5 to 16 dropout of
schools in Pakistan

The Child
Labour Project
Follow us on Instagram for more
. What we can do to help
-Child labour+Pakistan
In Pakistan itself, the main causes for child labour
include poverty, unemployment, illiteracy,
urbanization, the family background and orphans.

 Educate not only yourself, but ILO, Save the Children and Voice of
everyone around you as well. Read Children show that you stand against child labour
and research on the issue as much as
you can and share it with your friends  Help educate the children who are in
and family as you learn. need of it. Teach the children who
escape or are freed from child labour,
 Contact retail stores, manufacturers, get your friends and family to help out
and importers. Ask them questions as well.
about the origins of their products and
whether they know if the products they  Contact government leaders. Write
are selling are results of child labour. letters to the heads of countries that
permit any form of child /forced labour
 Do not contribute to companies/ and ask them to increase educational
businesses that have hired child opportunities for children and to host
labour. This includes not purchasing programs for adults to strengthen their
items or promoting products that are skill set and be employed instead of
made by child labourers. help other children as you would your own
 Get involved in charities /NGO’s that  Educate others. Give presentations to
aim towards stopping child labour. schools, nonprofits, and other groups
Share your time and money to help. to educate them about child labor
Volunteer when you can. Some NGO’s issues and encourage positive action.
working for the cause include SPARC,
Children daily become victims of child
labour against their will. It is time we unite to
put an end to child labour, one step at a time.

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