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Travelling- Accommodation is a place, room ( or more rooms) where a person may

stay while travelling

1) Read these texts and fill in the gaps with the verbs given in the box. You do not need all the verbs.

bring / require / cost /

leave / vary / look /
look / share / sleep / feel /
sleep / exchange
list / stay / have / pay /

Budget hotels
An alternative to a hostel is a budget hotel.
These are often quite cheap if two people
1_____________ a room. A good guidebook
that specializes in low-cost travel will
2_____________ several budget hotels in most
towns. You may even 3___________ a private
bathroom! It is a good idea to see a room
before you 4___________. Some budget hotels
are in dangerous neighbourhoods. Never
5__________ in a place where you do not
6______________ safe. Remember that those
pretty streets can 7__________ very different
when you are returning to your room late at

Overnight Trains and Ferries wake

Finally, if you are travelling by train, you can 1___________ money by
taking overnight trains and ferries. For a little extra money you can 2_________ share
a bed where you can 3_________________ comfortably. 4_______________ your money, keep
tickets, and passport very close at all times, however, or you might sleep
5_______________ up in the morning without them.

2) Make notes in the following chart.

Good Points Bad Points

Budget Hotels

Overnight Trains and Ferries

3) Complete the sentences. Use information from the texts.

1. If you want to meet people, you should stay in a _________________________________.

2. Don’t stay in a budget hotel if you don’t feel ___________________.
3. In some hostels, you have to leave during _____________________.
4. A young married couple would probably prefer to stay in a _________________________.
5. If you sleep on a train or a ferry, you should take care of your____________________________________.
6. You can find out about budget hotels in a ______________________.
7. If you want to stay in a hostel, you have to have your own _______________________.
8. If you want to have a private bathroom, you should stay in a ______________________.

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