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MT_Winter 2021_Ver 2.

Winter 2021 Mid Term Exam Schedule

8:30-10:30 11:00-13:00 13:30-15:30 16:00-18:00

Business Informatics 5th Semester - Data Pharmacy & Biotechnology 7th Semester - Management 5th Semester - Pharmacy & Biotechnology 5th Semester -
191 393 245 366
Base I CSEN501 Pharmaceutical Chemistry III PHCMt773 Organizational Behavior HROB502 Biochemistry I PHBCt522

MET Computer Science 5th Semester - Biotechnology 7th Semester - Business Informatics 7th Semester - Biotechnology 5th Semester -
432 6 85 15
Data Base I CSEN501 Biotechnology II BIOTt791 Organizational Behavior HROB502 Biochemistry BIOTt522

Management (International business) 7th Civil Engineering 9th Semester - General -

MET Digital Media Engineering 5th Business Informatics 3rd Semester -
14 207 Semester - Transnational Management 27 Advanced Geotechnical and Foundation 95
Semester - Data Base I CSEN501 Microeconomics ECON302
IBUS711 Engineering CIS902

Civil Engineering 9th Semester -

Civil Engineering 5th Semester - Management 3rd Semester - Civil Engineering 7th Semester - General -
Saturday, November 13, 2021

80 228 55 Structural Eng. - Advanced Geotechnical 31

Engineering Surveying CIG502 Microeconomics ECON302 Construction Management II CIG 702
and Foundation Engineering CIS902

IET Communication 5th Semester - Civil Engineering 7th Semester -

Management (Information systems) 7th Mechatronics 9th Semester - Sensor
Mathematics V (Numerical methods & 18 1 Structural Eng. - Construction 13 214
Semester - Business Intelligence INSY713 Technology ELCT903
Discrete Math) MATH502 Management II CIG 702

IET Electronics 5th Semester - Civil Engineering 3rd Semester - Material Science 9th Semester -
IET Communication 7th Semester - Wave
Mathematics V (Numerical methods & 9 Mathematics and Numerical Computations 42 17 Microstructure and Properties of 10
Distributions COMM701
Discrete Math) MATH502 for Civil Engineering MATH302 Engineering Materials MATS901

IET Networking 5th Semester - Law and Legal Studies 3rd Semester - Design & Production Engineering 9th
IET Electronics 7th Semester -
Mathematics V (Numerical methods & 62 Civil law (Tort & Unjust Enrichment) 70 28 Semester - Production and Operation 28
Microcomputer Applications ELCT707
Discrete Math) MATH502 CILA308 Management EDPT904

Mechatronics 5th Semester - Digital IET Networking 7th Semester - IET Electronics 9th Semester - Sensor
161 40 18
System Design ELCT501 Performance Modeling NETW709 Technology ELCT903

Management (Accounting and Financial

Material Science 7th Semester - Materials Mechatronics 7th Semester - Machine
7 167 Control Major) 7th Semester - Financial & 70
Analysis and Application MATS702 Design EDPT903
Management Control Systems CTRL711
Design & Production Engineering 7th
Semester - Computer Aided Design/ Material Science 5th Semester - Materials Law and Legal Studies 7th Semester -
22 12 35
Computer Aided Manufacturing Selection in Design MATS503 International Water Law LAW708
Design & Production Engineering 5th
Law and Legal Studies 5th Semester - IET Communication 9th Semester -
70 Semester - Mechanics of Machines 21 15
Criminal Law (Special Rules) CRLA501 Microwave Technology COMM903

MET Computer Science 9th Semester -

Artificial Intelligence CSEN901

MET Digital Media Engineering 9th

Semester - Advanced Video Processing 15

Prepared By Scheduling Department

MT_Winter 2021_Ver 2.3

Winter 2021 Mid Term Exam Schedule

8:30-10:30 11:00-13:00 13:30-15:30 16:00-18:00
Management (Marketing) 7th Semester -
Management (Operations) 7th Semester - Pharmacy & Biotechnology 9th Semester - Pharmacy & Biotechnology 3rd Semester -
9 321 329 Integrated Marketing Communication 157
Sunday, November 14, 2021

Operations Research OPER711 Microbiology & Immunology PHBT911 Physiology and Anatomy II PHMUt323

Civil Engineering 9th Semester - General -

Law and Legal Studies 5th Semester - Business Informatics 3rd Semester - Management 5th Semester - Research
60 218 238 Topics in Architectural Engineering CIG 84
Labor Law CILA501 Enterprise Systems I BINF302 Methodology MGMT502

Civil Engineering 9th Semester -

IET & MET 3rd Semester - Electrical Law and Legal Studies 3rd Semester - Business Informatics 5th Semester -
620 64 174 Structural Eng. - Topics in Architectural 28
Circuits I ELCT301 Islamic Sharia-Family Law ISSH304 Research Methodology for BINF BINF506
Engineering CIG 903

Mechatronics 9th Semester - Design of

Mechatronics 3rd Semester - Electrical Applied Arts & Design 3rd Semester - Civil Engineering 7th Semester - General -
161 275 54 Experiments and Measuring Techniques 105
Circuits I ELCT301 Design Research Methods TH302 Water and Wastewater Treatment CIG 703

Civil Engineering 7th Semester - Design & Production Engineering 9th

IET Networking 9th Semester - Local Area
60 Structural Eng. - Bridge Engineering 17 Semester - Design of Experiments and 18
Networks NETW706
Design CIS705 Measuring Techniques MATS902

Material Science 9th Semester - Design of

Material Science 3rd Semester - Material Science 7th Semester - Welding
8 7 Experiments and Measuring Techniques 12
Introduction to Material Science MATS301 and Joining Technology EDPT702

Design & Production Engineering 3rd Design & Production Engineering 7th Law and Legal Studies 7th Semester -
Semester - Introduction to Materials and 26 Semester - Welding and Joining 22 Islamic Sharia (Islamic Jurisprudence) 62
Manufacturing Processes EDPT302 Metallurgy and Processes EDPT701 ISSH701

Prepared By Scheduling Department

MT_Winter 2021_Ver 2.3

Winter 2021 Mid Term Exam Schedule

8:30-10:30 11:00-13:00 13:30-15:30 16:00-18:00
Pharmacy & Biotechnology 7th Semester -
Civil Engineering 5th Semester - Design of Management (Economics) 7th Semester - Biochemistry III Pharmacy & Biotechnology 5th Semester -
69 55 364 290
Reinforced Concrete Structures I CIS503 Microtheory ECON711 (Pathobiochemistry/Pathophysiology) Pathophysiology PHMU534

Management (Human resources and

Monday, November 15, 2021

IET Communication 5th Semester - Management 3rd Semester - Information Biotechnology 5th Semester - Physical
19 231 organizational behavior) 7th Semester - 33 16
Communication Engineering NETW502 Systems I INSY301 Chemistry II BIOTt505
Leadership & Motivation HROB711

Civil Engineering 7th Semester - General -

IET Electronics 5th Semester - Law and Legal Studies 3rd Semester - Law IET Communication 7th Semester -
14 64 Engineering Economics, Ethics, and 52 15
Communication Engineering NETW502 of Evidence CILA307 Wireless Communications NETW701
Legislation HUMA701

Civil Engineering 7th Semester -

IET Networking 5th Semester - Internet Applied Science & Arts (Graphic Design) IET Electronics 7th Semester -
63 120 Structural Eng. - Engineering Economics, 19 29
NETW503 5th Semester - Brand Identity TH501 Semiconductor Technology ELCT705
Ethics, and Legislation HUMA701

Mechatronics 5th Semester - Engineering Applied Science & Arts (Media Design) 5th Mechatronics 7th Semester - IET Networking 7th Semester - Mobile
168 56 188 45
design I EDPT501 Semester - Brand Identity TH501 Mechatronics Lab MCTR704 Communication Networks NETW705

Material Science 5th Semester - Applied Science & Arts (Product Design) Design & Production Engineering 9th Material Science 7th Semester -
11 77 23 8
Engineering design I 5th Semester - Brand Identity TH501 Semester - Quality Control EDPT905 Production Engineering EDPT703

Design & Production Engineering 7th

Design & Production Engineering 5th Business Informatics 7th Semester - Material Science 9th Semester - Quality
23 83 7 Semester - Engineering Economy 17
Semester - Engineering design I EDPT501 Human Computer Interaction CSEN909 Control EDPT905
MET Computer Science 5th Semester - MET Computer Science 7th Semester -
MET Computer Science 9th Semester -
Introduction To Communication Networks 436 136 Analysis and Design of Algorithms 294
Human Computer Interaction CSEN909
MET Digital Media Engineering 5th MET Digital Media Engineering 9th MET Digital Media Engineering 7th
Semester - Introduction To 14 Semester - Human Computer Interaction 5 Semester - Visualization and Animation 31
Communication Networks CSEN503 CSEN909 DMET702
Mechatronics 9th Semester - Optimization
Techniques for Multi-Cooperative Systems 99

Prepared By Scheduling Department

MT_Winter 2021_Ver 2.3

Winter 2021 Mid Term Exam Schedule

8:30-10:30 11:00-13:00 13:30-15:30 16:00-18:00

Pharmacy & Biotechnology 3rd Semester - Business Informatics 3rd Semester - Data Pharmacy & Biotechnology 9th Semester - Management (Strategic management) 7th
305 207 327 33
Pharmacognosy I PHBLt303 Structures & Algorithms CSIS301 Toxicology II PHTXt943 Semester - Business Strategy STRA711
Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Civil Engineering 9th Semester - General -

IET Communication 5th Semester - System IET & MET 3rd Semester - Data structures Management 5th Semester - Economic
19 638 246 Construction Contracts and Project 95
& Control COMM501 and Algorithms CSEN301 Development ECON504
Administration CIG901

Civil Engineering 9th Semester -

IET Electronics 5th Semester - System & Mechatronics 3rd Semester - Data Business Informatics 5th Semester -
9 170 194 Structural Eng. - Construction Contracts 14
Control COMM501 structures and Algorithms CSEN301 Theory of Computation for BINF CSEN507
and Project Administration CIG901

Civil Engineering 3rd Semester - Applied Science and Arts (Graphic Mechatronics 9th Semester - Heating,
IET Networking 5th Semester - System &
62 Properties and Testing of Materials I 41 Design) 7th Semester - Media Theory 142 Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) 36
Control COMM501
CIS301 TH701 Systems and Control MCTR 906

MET Computer Science 5th Semester - Material Science 9th Semester - Heating,
Applied Science and Arts (Media Design)
Introduction to media Engineering 446 32 Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) 1
7th Semester - Media Theory TH701
DMET501 Systems and Control MCTR 906
MET Digital Media Engineering 5th Applied Science and Arts (Product
IET Communication 9th Semester -
Semester - Introduction to media 13 Design) 7th Semester - Media Theory 80 14
Random Signals And Noise NETW505
Engineering DMET501 TH701
Law and Legal Studies 5th Semester -
MET Computer Science 9th Semester - IET Electronics 9th Semester - Very Large
International business transactions 65 103 20
Data Engineering CSEN1095 Scale Integration ELCT904

MET Digital Media Engineering 9th IET Networking 9th Semester - Linear and
2 59
Semester - Data Engineering CSEN1095 Non-Linear Optimization NETW904

Law and Legal Studies 7th Semester - Law

of Criminal Procedures CRLA701

Prepared By Scheduling Department

MT_Winter 2021_Ver 2.3

Winter 2021 Mid Term Exam Schedule

8:30-10:30 11:00-13:00 13:30-15:30 16:00-18:00
Pharmacy & Biotechnology 5th Semester - Pharmacy & Biotechnology 5th Semester -
Biotechnology 7th Semester - Genetics Pharmacy & Biotechnology 7th Semester -
Medical Microbiology and Immunology 289 8 363 Legislation and Pharmacy Law PHTC522 3
and Genetic Engineering II BIOTt733 Pharmaceutical Technology I PHTCt732
PHBTt533 16:00-17:00
Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Management (Finance) 7th Semester -

Biotechnology 5th Semester - Medical Management 3rd Semester - Business Law Civil Engineering 7th Semester - General -
13 230 45 Portfolio Management and Investment 174
Microbiology and Immunology PHBTt533 LAWS302 Geodetic and Satellite Surveying CIG701
Analysis FINC712

Civil Engineering 7th Semester -

Civil Engineering 5th Semester - Business Informatics 7th Semester - IET Communication 7th Semester - Optical
78 91 Structural Eng. - Geodetic and Satellite 12 18
Structural Analysis III CIS502 Business Law LAWS302 Fibre Communication Systems NETW702
Surveying CIG701

Mechatronics 5th Semester - Fluid IET Electronics 7th Semester - Power Design & Production Engineering 9th Material Science 7th Semester - Finite
183 27 28 10
Mechanics ENME601 Electronics ELCT704 Semester - Machine Tool Design EDPT906 Elements ENME701

Material Science 5th Semester - Fluid Mechatronics 7th Semester - Power Applied Science & Arts (Graphic Design) Design & Production Engineering 7th
15 181 120 17
Mechanics ENME601 Electronics ELCT704 5th Semester - Social Sciences TH502 Semester - Finite Elements ENME701

Design & Production Engineering 5th Law and Legal Studies 3rd Semester - Applied Science & Arts (Media Design) 5th MET Computer Science 7th Semester -
28 66 57 303
Semester - Fluid Mechanics ENME601 Civil Obligations CILA305 Semester - Social Sciences TH502 Embedded System Architecture CSEN701

Law and Legal Studies 5th Semester - Civil MET Digital Media Engineering 7th
Applied Science & Arts (Product Design)
law (Contracts of sale, Lease and 71 82 Semester - Embedded System 35
5th Semester - Social Sciences TH502
Insurance) CILA502 Architecture CSEN701
Mechatronics 9th Semester - Introduction
to Nano Eng. and Nano technology 31

Material Science 9th Semester -

Introduction to Nano Eng. and Nano 9
technology MATS917

Prepared By Scheduling Department

MT_Winter 2021_Ver 2.3

Winter 2021 Mid Term Exam Schedule

8:30-10:30 11:00-13:00 13:30-15:30 16:00-18:00
Pharmacy & Biotechnology 5th Semester -
Pharmacy & Biotechnology 3rd Semester - Pharmacy & Biotechnology 7th Semester - Pharmacy & Biotechnology 9th Semester -
310 355 310 Biopharmacy & Pharmacokinetics 312
Pharmaceutics I PHTCt312 First Aid PHTC701 11:00-12:00 Clinical Pharmacy Practice I CLPH911

Business Informatics 3rd Semester - Management (Innovation and Technology

Biotechnology 7th Semester - Industrial Biotechnology 5th Semester -
Mathematics for Business Informatics III 214 7 19 Management) 7th Semester - 105
Biotechnology BIOT861 Biotechnology I PHBT311
MATH305 Entrepreneurship INNO711

Civil Engineering 7th Semester - General -

Civil Engineering 5th Semester - Traffic Civil Engineering 3rd Semester - Management 5th Semester - Corporate
70 34 244 Drinking Water and Sanitary Engineering 52
Thursday, November 18, 2021

Engineering I CIT502 Mechanics I ENME302 Finance FINC504


Business Informatics 5th Semester - Civil Engineering 7th Semester -

IET Electronics 5th Semester - Optical Mechatronics 3rd Semester - Mechanics I
12 155 Corporate Finance for Business 186 Structural Eng. - Drinking Water and 11
Materials and Devices ELCT601 ENME302
Informatics FINC505 Sanitary Engineering CIW701

IET Communication 5th Semester -

IET Networking 5th Semester - Random Design & Production Engineering 3rd Mechatronics 7th Semester - Industrial
70 20 Communication Microelectronics 18 191
Signals and Noise NETW504 Semester - Mechanics I ENME302 Automation MCTR701

IET Networking 7th Semester - Design & Production Engineering 7th

Material Science 5th Semester - Material Science 3rd Semester -
13 4 Communication Microelectronics 39 Semester - Technical measurements 13
Introduction to Polymers MATS501 Mechanics I ENME302

Design & Production Engineering 5th

Law and Legal Studies 3rd Semester - Mechatronics 9th Semester - IET Communication 9th Semester - Source
Semester - Materials Engineering II: Non 23 63 109 13
Legal Research (Course II) CILA303 Turbomachinery ENME1010 Coding and Compression COMM901
Metallic Materials MATS504

Civil Engineering 9th Semester - General -

MET Computer Science 5th Semester - Design & Production Engineering 9th IET Networking 9th Semester - Network
431 Irrigation and Drainage Engineering CIW 92 1 59
Mathematics V (Discrete Math) MATH501 Semester - Turbomachinery ENME1010 and Services NETW903

MET Digital Media Engineering 5th Civil Engineering 9th Semester -

Material Science 9th Semester - IET Electronics 9th Semester -
Semester - Mathematics V (Discrete Math) 13 Structural Eng. - Steel Structures Design 34 2 19
Turbomachinery ENME1010 Programmable Logic Circuits ELCT902

Law and Legal Studies 7th Semester -

MET Computer Science 9th Semester -
117 Private International Law (Conflict of Laws 59
Business Of Software CSEN1096
and Judicial Jurisdiction) PRIN701

MET Digital Media Engineering 9th

Business Informatics 7th Semester - E-
Semester - Business Of Software 7 88
Business Development BINF712

Prepared By Scheduling Department

MT_Winter 2021_Ver 2.3

Winter 2021 Mid Term Exam Schedule

8:30-10:30 11:00-13:00 13:30-15:30 16:00-18:00
Civil Engineering 5th Semester -
Pharmacy & Biotechnology 9th Semester - Pharmacy & Biotechnology 7th Semester - Pharmacy & Biotechnology 5th Semester -
Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering 78 317 382 328
Phytotherapy & Biogenic Drugs PHBL961 Pharmacology II PHTX722 Pharmaceutical Chemistry I PHCMt572

IET Communication 5th Semester - Biotechnology 7th Semester - IET Communication 9th Semester - Cloud Biotechnology 5th Semester -
17 6 13 13
Communication Theory COMM502 Microbiology II BIOTt712 Computing (ISM) NETW1009 Biomacromolecules BIOT512

Management (Human resources and

IET Electronics 5th Semester - Business Informatics 7th Semester - Data IET Networking 9th Semester - Cloud
14 91 12 organizational behavior) 7th Semester - 32
Semiconductors ELCT503 Mining CSEN911 Computing (ISM) NETW1009
Organizational Change HROB712
Saturday, November 20, 2021

IET Networking 5th Semester - IET Electronics 9th Semester - Data Management (Economics) 7th Semester - Management (Strategic management) 7th
62 10 57 32
Communication Theory COMM502 Engineering NETW908 Macrotheory ECON712 Semester - Change Management STRA712

Civil Engineering 7th Semester - General -

Mechatronics 5th Semester - Control IET Networking 9th Semester - Data IET Communication 7th Semester -
170 47 Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures 51 19
Engineering ENME503 Engineering NETW908 Communication Systems COMM704

Civil Engineering 7th Semester -

Material Science 7th Semester - Control Civil Engineering 3rd Semester - IET Electronics 7th Semester -
10 41 Structural Eng. - Design of Reinforced 14 29
Engineering ENME503 Structural Analysis I CIS 303 Microelectronics ELCT703
Concrete Structures III CIS703

Design & Production Engineering 7th Law and Legal Studies 3rd Semester - Material Science 5th Semester - Strength IET Networking 7th Semester - Signaling
15 69 14 38
Semester - Control Engineering ENME503 Civil Law (Law of Contract) CILA201 of materials II ENME501 and Network Control NETW704

Design & Production Engineering 5th

MET Computer Science 5th Semester - IET & MET 3rd Semester - Physics III (t) MET Computer Science 7th Semester -
424 615 Semester - Strength of materials II 31 303
Digital System Design CSEN605 PHYSt301 Microprocessors CSEN702

MET Digital Media Engineering 5th MET Digital Media Engineering 7th
Material Science 3rd Semester - Physics MET Computer Science 9th Semester -
Semester - Digital System Design 12 4 157 Semester - Video and Audio Technology 36
III (t) PHYSt301 Machine Learning CSEN1022
Law and Legal Studies 5th Semester -
Design & Production Engineering 3rd MET Digital Media Engineering 9th Civil Engineering 9th Semester - General -
General Principles of Human Rights 68 25 6 62
Semester - Physics III (t) PHYSt301 Semester - Machine Learning CSEN1022 Performance and Cost CIG 904

Civil Engineering 9th Semester -

Management 5th Semester - Auditing Mechatronics 7th Semester - Modern
233 204 Structural Eng. - Structural Dynamics 32
CTRL505 Control Engineering MCTR702

Design & Production Engineering 9th

Business Informatics 5th Semester - Law and Legal Studies 7th Semester -
182 59 Semester - Non conventional 30
Auditing CTRL505 Maritime and Air Law COLA701
Manufacturing Processes EDPT901

Mechatronics 9th Semester - Advanced

Mechatronics Engineering MCTR903

Prepared By Scheduling Department

MT_Winter 2021_Ver 2.3

Winter 2021 Mid Term Exam Schedule

8:30-10:30 11:00-13:00 13:30-15:30 16:00-18:00
Sunday, November 21, 2021

Design & Production Engineering 5th Management (Accounting and Financial Management (Innovation and Technology
Civil Engineering 5th Semester -
73 Semester - Casting Metallurgy and 25 Control Major) 7th Semester - 69 Management) 7th Semester - Product & 100
Introduction to Hydrology CIW501
Processes EDPT502 Intermediate Accounting I CTRL713 Process Innovation INNO713

Law and Legal Studies 3rd Semester - Law and Legal Studies 5th Semester -
Business Informatics 3rd Semester - Civil Engineering 9th Semester - General -
210 Personal Status matters for non-Muslims 66 Drafting of contracts and Law suit 64 23
Management Accounting I CTRL301 Road and Pavement Design CIT 701

Civil Engineering 9th Semester -

Management 3rd Semester - Management Applied Arts & Design 3rd Semester - Mechatronics 7th Semester - Pneumatic
232 248 189 Structural Eng. - Road and Pavement 9
Accounting I CTRL301 Design History TH301 and hydraulic control MCTR703
Design CIT 701

Material Science 9th Semester - Fiber

Design & Production Engineering 9th
reinforced composites: Materials,
10 Semester - Plastics Die and Mold Design 6
processing, Mechanics and Testing MATS

Pharmacy & Biotechnology 3rd Semester -

Mechatronics 9th Semester - Electro-
Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry I 324 8
Hydraulics MCTR 907

Prepared By Scheduling Department

MT_Winter 2021_Ver 2.3

Winter 2021 Mid Term Exam Schedule

8:30-10:30 11:00-13:00 13:30-15:30 16:00-18:00
Pharmacy & Biotechnology 9th Semester - Pharmacy & Biotechnology 7th Semester - Biotechnology 7th Semester - Pharmacy & Biotechnology 5th Semester -
332 360 7 355
Pharmaceutical Technology III PHTCt934 Phytochemistry I PHBLt741 Radionuclides BIOT751 Instrumental analysis I PHCMt562

Business Informatics 3rd Semester -

Civil Engineering 3rd Semester - Building Business Informatics 7th Semester - Biotechnology 5th Semester -
40 Information & Communication 220 90 13
Engineering Drawing CIG302 Information Security BINF711 Instrumental analysis PHCMt561
Architecture I BINF303
IET Communication 5th Semester - Management (Information systems) 7th Management (International business) 7th Civil Engineering 9th Semester - General -
Computer Organization & System 16 Semester - Information Management 2 Semester - International Business Policy 25 Civil Aviation and Airport Planning and 83
Programing CSIS402 INSY711 IBUS712 Design CIT901
IET Electronics 5th Semester - Computer Civil Engineering 9th Semester -
Civil Engineering 5th Semester - Steel Management 3rd Semester - Marketing I
Organization & System Programing 10 65 233 Structural Eng. - Civil Aviation and Airport 20
Structures Design I CIS504 MRKT301
CSIS402 Planning and Design CIT901
IET Networking 5th Semester - Computer Applied Science and Arts (Graphic
IET & MET 3rd Semester - Mathematics III IET Communication 7th Semester -
Organization & System Programing 59 638 Design) 7th Semester - Marketing I 140 17
Monday, November 22, 2021

MATH301 Modulation II COMM702

Mechatronics 5th Semester - Engineering Material Science 3rd Semester - Applied Science and Arts (Media Design) IET Electronics 7th Semester - Integrated
177 7 29 30
Thermodynamics MCTR501 Mathematics III MATH301 7th Semester - Marketing I MRKT301 Circuits Design ELCT701
Applied Science and Arts (Product
MET Computer Science 5th Semester - Design & Production Engineering 3rd IET Networking 7th Semester - Analysis
437 22 Design) 7th Semester - Marketing I 82 39
Theory of Computation CSEN502 Semester - Mathematics III MATH301 and Design of Algorithms CSEN707
MET Digital Media Engineering 7th
Mechatronics 3rd Semester - Mathematics Civil Engineering 7th Semester - General - MET Computer Science 7th Semester -
Semester - Multimedia and Networking 32 184 42 306
III MATH301 Heavy Civil Construction CIG 704 Computer Graphics DMET502
Biotechnology 7th Semester - Electronics Civil Engineering 7th Semester - Structural MET Digital Media Engineering 5th
5 19 17
ELECt701 Eng. - Prestressed Concrete Design CIS702 Semester - Computer Graphics DMET502
Material Science 5th Semester - Civil Engineering 9th Semester - Structural Mechatronics 7th Semester - Electric
14 1 204
Thermodynamics MATS502 Eng. - Heavy Civil Construction CIG 704 Machines ELCT708
Design & Production Engineering 5th Mechatronics 9th Semester - Legislation,
Material Science 7th Semester -
Semester - Engineering Thermodynamics 23 Contracts and Engineering Ethics 220 6
Corrosion, Damage and Wear MATS704
Design & Production Engineering 9th Design & Production Engineering 7th
Management 5th Semester - Operations I
237 Semester - Legislation, Contracts and 28 Semester - Theory of Metal Forming 21
Engineering Ethics HUMA901 EDPT706
Material Science 9th Semester -
Business Informatics 5th Semester - Law and Legal Studies 5th Semester -
180 Legislation, Contracts and Engineering 7 65
Operations I OPER501 Commercial Law COLA501
Ethics HUMA901
IET Communication 9th Semester -
Photonics ELCT901
IET Electronics 9th Semester - Photonics
IET Networking 9th Semester - Internet
Technology NETW902
MET Computer Science 9th Semester -
Computer Vision DMET901

MET Digital Media Engineering 9th

Semester - Computer Vision DMET901
Law and Legal Studies 7th Semester -
Administrative Contracts CMLA701

Prepared By Scheduling Department

MT_Winter 2021_Ver 2.3

Winter 2021 Mid Term Exam Schedule

8:30-10:30 11:00-13:00 13:30-15:30 16:00-18:00
Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Law and Legal Studies 3rd Semester - Management (Finance) 7th Semester -
64 179
Evidence Law CILA306 Advanced Corporate Finance FINC711

Management (Marketing) 7th Semester - Management (Operations) 7th Semester -

157 9
Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Marketing Research MRKT711 Manufacturing Strategy OPER712

Civil Engineering 9th Semester -

Law and Legal Studies 7th Semester -
Structural Eng. - Earthquake-Resistant 10 48
Competition Law/Anti-Trust LAW701
Design CIS907

Mechatronics 9th Semester - Robotics Design & Production Engineering 9th

208 15
EDPT1009 Semester - Laser Technology EDPT913

Material Science 9th Semester -

Material Science 9th Semester - Laser
Composites and Advanced Materials 5 7
Technology EDPT913

Prepared By Scheduling Department

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