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Ethics Financial Accounting Internal Controls Chance Card




Chance Card

Jail Internal Controls Ethics Toilet break Go to Jail

3 minutes to discuss
Being part of the restaurant chain, there are multiple instances where you
have to contact suppliers to purchase your food supplies. What would you
do if suppliers provide different prices for the same ingredients?

Choose an item
Choose the best Choose a that is known to
price from supplier who is have the best
suppliers your friend quality
7 minutes to discuss
$50/correct model + $50/explanation

Choose the best

price from

Assuming that the best priced item is of the lowest quality,

what would you do?

Decide whether to maintain or change your position.

What type of ethical decision model best suits your group’s

decision? Why?

7 minutes to discuss
$50/correct model + $50/explanation

Choose a
supplier who is
your friend

Do you think this is the most ethical decision to be made?

What if your friend provides you the least quality
ingredients for a higher price?

Decide whether to maintain or change your position.

What type of ethical decision model best suits your group’s

decision? Why?
7 minutes to discuss
$50/correct model + $50/explanation
Choose an item
that is known to
have the best
What if the best quality item is the most expensive and you
will not be able to afford the item if you purchase them in

Decide whether to maintain or change your position.

What type of ethical decision model best suits your group’s

decision? Why?
Choose the best price from suppliers

Assuming that the best priced item is of the

lowest quality, what would you do?

Maintain position → Utilitarianism (choosing

items that will benefit the greater good of the
group by purchasing more ingredients overall)

Change position → Kantian (treating the

needs of the consumer as the utmost
importance as they do not want to
compromise quality)
Choose a supplier who is your friend

What if your friend provides you the least

quality ingredients for a higher price?

Maintain position → Virtue Ethics (choosing

their friends is likely due to their moral code of
valuing the friendship over the actual value of
the ingredients)

Change position → Utilitarianism (choosing to

prioritise the items that will better the company
by considering the overall good instead)
Choose an item that is known to have the best quality

What if the best quality item is the most expensive and you
will not be able to afford the item if you purchase them in

If group maintains position → Kantian (treating the needs of

the consumer as the utmost importance as they do not want
to compromise quality)

If group changes position → Utilitarianism (choosing items

that will benefit the greater good of the group by purchasing
more ingredients overall)
ETHICS 2 (a)
9-11 errors → $90
5-8 errors → $50
1-4 errors → $10

You are an accountant of Bread Speech. Your boss has tasked you to
manage the accounts of the company and detect any unusual issues
appearing in the statements.

Refer to the given accounts and highlight any errors in recording.

ETHICS 2 (a)

Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Team 4 Team 5

Team 6 Team 7 Team 8 Team 9 Team 10

You have highlighted the errors in the
accounts and now have presented the
information to your boss. Your boss reviews
the accounts and finds an entry that is
detrimental to the sales and decides that the
error should not be rectified.
Ethics 2(b) What would you do? Substantiate with
ethical models.
2 minutes to discuss
$10 for correct answer
E2(b) Answers
1) Stand firm on decision
- Accountant’s responsibility to do truthful accounting, everyone should follow
- Being honest and having integrity is of utmost importance → virtue ethics

2) Stand with boss

- Not compromising their own job, additional expense will result in potentially
lower pay → utilitarian principle
- As long as everyone agrees not to reveal the misinformation, it will be the
correct information
A junior member of staff has just returned to work
after taking special leave to care for her elderly
mother. For financial reasons she needs to work
full-time. She has been having difficulties with her
mother’s home care arrangements, causing her to
miss a number of team meetings (which usually take
place at the beginning of each day) and to leave

Ethics 3 work early. She is very competent in her work but her
absences are putting pressure on her and her
overworked colleagues. You are her manager, and
$20/correct answer you are aware that the flow of work through the
Max $100 practice is coming under pressure. One of her male
colleagues is beginning to make comments such as
“a woman’s place is in the home”, and is
undermining her at every opportunity, putting her
under even greater stress. What should you do?
E3 Answers
1. Check the relevant facts, clarify staff procedures with the personnel if
2. Suggest a more flexible approach to team meetings.
3. Working from home for the mom.
4. The male colleague needs to be reminded about proper conduct and such
comments may amount to harassment and breach of code of conduct.
5. Consider issues and try to identify a solution which enables me to
demonstrate professionalism
6. Must be seen to be acting fairly throughout - to the mom, and other
members of the staff.
Which of the following actions best
describes utilitarianism?

a. an action is morally incorrect if it

promotes the greatest good for
the greatest number

Ethics 4 Q1 b. an action is morally right if it

promotes the greatest good for
the decision maker
c. an action is morally right if it
$20 for correct answer promotes the greatest good for
the smallest number
d. an action is morally right if it
promotes the greatest good for
the greatest number
What does Virtue Ethics direct us to do?

a. Consider the moral character of

individuals and how various
character traits can contribute to,
or obstruct, a happy and

Ethics 4 Q2 b.
meaningful human life
Act on the basis on moral
c. Decide based on overall
$20 for correct answer
consequences of our acts
d. Act in ways that result in better
consequences than alternatives
Which of the following is a
demonstration of Kantianism?

a. A company protects individuals

from being treated in ways that
violates their dignity

Ethics 4 Q3 b. A company restricts individuals

right to liberty
c. Government restricts free and
open competition among
$20 for correct answer
d. A company treats individuals as
ways to achieve its company
What does Virtue Ethics recognise?

a. Humans act in a way that is

expected of them

Ethics 4 Q4 b. Humans act in and from

c. Humans act based on how others
treat them
$20 for correct answer d. Humans act based on what they
think they should do
Which statement is false about

a. There is no absolute right or

wrong in all cases across every

Ethics 4 Q5 b. Consequences depend on

specific circumstances
c. It is about maximising the overall
$20 for correct answer
d. There are rare cases of absolute
right or wrong across some
Show all the relevant workings clearly.
Calculate the respective income tax to be
paid if annual chargeable income is

1) $245,000

2) $123,000
Tax 1 3) $55,000
Earn $20 for each correct answer
4) $36,500

5) $283,000
T1 Answer
1. ($20k * 0%) + ($10k * 2%) + ($10k * 3.5%) + ($40k * 7%) +
($40k * 11.5%) + ($40k * 15%) + ($40k *18%) + ($40k * 19%) +
($5k * 19.5%) = $29,725

1. ($20k * 0%) + ($10k * 2%) + ($10k * 3.5%) + ($40k * 7%) +

($40k * 11.5%) + ($3k * 15%) = $8,400

1. ($20k * 0%) + ($10k * 2%) + ($10k * 3.5%) + ($15k * 7%) =


1. ($20k * 0%) + ($10k * 2%) + ($6.5k * 3.5%) = $427.50

1. ($20k * 0%) + ($10k * 2%) + ($10k * 3.5%) + ($40k * 7%) +

($40k * 11.5%) + ($40k * 15%) + ($40k *18%) + ($40k * 19%) +
($40k * 19.5%) + (3k * 20%) = $37,150
10 True/False Questions

1. Expenses incurred for rental income are all

1. The late payment penalty will start at 5% and
an additional 1% penalty for every completed
month (up to 12%).
Tax 2 1.
You are able to appeal for late payment
Earn $10 for each correct answer penalty waiver more than once in the past 2
1. You are required to file your income tax return
every year unless otherwise stated/informed.
1. Penalties and fines are non-tax deductible.
10 True/False Questions

6. Gains on sale of fixed assets are taxable

6. Bonus received are not included in taxable
Tax 2 6. Income earned overseas are not taxable.
6. If you made a mistake while filing tax, there
Earn $10 for each correct answer will be no penalty charges as long as it is
unintentional (i.e. due to the lack of knowledge
6. I did not receive any income the previous year
thus, I do not need to file any income tax return
even though I am notified to do so.
You close your business’ accounts on 31 December
of every year. The Statement of Comprehensive
Income of her Bakery for the year ended 31
December 2019 showed a net profit before tax of
$100,300 after taking into account the following
income and expense items:
Tax 3 (Determine which of the income/expense is
deductible and compute the Assessable income)
12-14 blanks correct: $100 Income:
7-11 correct: $50
3-6 correct: $30 1. Singapore dividend income (one-tier): $2,730
2. Profit on sale of display cabinets: $1,700
1-2 correct: $10
1. Utilities and telephone charges: $12,500
50% of the following utilities and telephone
charges is taxed.
4. Transportation expenses: $3,600
● Reimbursement for using personal car for
business purpose: $3,600

Tax 3 4. Repairs and maintenance: $15,900

12-14 blanks correct: $100 ● Extension of the shop for expansion of

7-11 correct: $50 business: $11,800
3-6 correct: $30 ● Installation of new aircons: $4,100
1-2 correct: $10 4. General expenses: $12,000

● Cash donations to NKF (an approved IPC):

● Entrance fee to Changi Sailing Club: $7,000
Tax 3

Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Team 4 Team 5

Team 6 Team 7 Team 8 Team 9 Team 10

T3 Answer
10 True/False Questions

1. Interest income is assessed to tax when it is

withdrawn or reinvested in the bank.
1. Dividends are tax-exempt.
1. Property tax is tax-deductible.
Tax 4 1.
For property owned by 2 or more owners, the
Earn $10 for each correct answer rental income will only be taxed only if the
party received the rent or paid for the
1. Foreign-sourced income of a non-resident
individual or a resident individual received in
Singapore will be exempted from tax.
10 True/False Questions

6. Sums withdrawn upon retirement from CPF or

approved designated pension or provident
funds are taxable.
6. Income from employment exercised in
Singapore, but not received in Singapore is

Tax 4 6.
All companies are taxed at a flat rate of 17% on
Earn $10 for each correct answer its chargeable income regardless of its income
6. Expenses incurred solely for the purpose of
producing the rental income and during the
period of tenancy are tax-deductible.
6. Fire insurance is non-tax deductible.
Internal control
John is your finance deputy who is in charge of
Bread Speech claims. The process of approval is
done as follows: Purchasing department submits
their claims form to the finance department, John
receives the forms and approves of the claims upon
retrieval. This is the same for John’s personal claims
whereby he signs out his personal expenses when
required. Additionally, these approvals are done

Internal control 1 without supporting documents. When it comes to

auditing the information, John was in charge of
going through the records and approving them for
Earn $20 for each correct answer the company. Recently, the company had suspicious
(max of $100) entertainment expenses charged to the company
account and has come up as red flags for the internal
8 minutes to discuss auditors.

Identify the weaknesses in the company’s system that

resulted in these entertainment expenses being
approved. Suggest some control measures to combat
these weaknesses.
IC 1 Answers
Weakness Control
Lack of segregation of duties Ensure that there is an independent person
who is not involved in the finance process to
review the accounts.

John has too much control over finances Hire another finance personnel to manage
the finances

Rotate finance personnel and ensure that

John goes on holiday

Undocumented receipts Clear documentation of supporting


No approval of finances from authorised Ensure that a person with authority approves
personnel the finances
Internal control 2 Bread Speech is concerned about the
lack of control procedures over the
Earn $50 for each correct answer recording of sales transactions.
(max of $100) Recommend 2 control procedures to help
8 minutes to discuss
ensure that transactions are recorded
accurately and valued properly.
IC 2 Answers
- Sales orders are filled by authorized personnel following an authorized price
catalog. (Price List)
- Sales prices are to be maintained on the computer and access to the
computer file is restricted to those authorized to change it.
- Internal audit department should periodically perform tests of sales invoices
to see if the terms agree with authorized price lists.
- Executive approval should be required of all large, unusual, or complex sales
- Oral or written verification of prices with customers should be required for all
nonstandard sales.
- Products shipped and billed must be checked against an existing product list.
- Programmed edit check: Reasonableness test for values keyed in
- Input acceptance page (confirmation notice of details input)
Internal control 3 Identify 2 procedures that the external
auditor of Breach Speech might perform
Earn $50 for each correct answer (max during the pre-engagement period to obtain
an understanding of a client’s business and
of $100)
the associated business risks.
8 minutes to discuss
IC 3 Answers
- Ask previous auditor on why they quit the engagement
- Understand if there is any ethical issues
- Check to ensure that Bread Speech has enough resources, time and competency factors
- Whether audit opinion can reach in the time available
- Management’s independence
- Make inquiries of management and other knowledgeable individuals at the client
- Monitor the financial press
- Review the Bread Speech’s budget
- Tour the Bread Speech’s plant and operations
- Reference the audit firm’s knowledge management system
- Review SEC filings
- Review relevant government regulations and Bread Speech’s legal obligations
- Conduct online searches
- Review economic statistics related to Bread Speech’s industry
The head baker has full control in deciding the
suppliers of the ingredients for the bakery.
Recently the quality of bread has decreased
and it was found that the head baker was
accepting kickbacks(bribery) from the supplier
of flour, sugar and eggs. It was found that the

Internal control 4 quality of ingredients from these suppliers are

substandard and the amount of kickbacks
received ranged from 3 to 10 percent of the
Earn $25 for each correct answer (max purchase price. The purchasing manager does
of $100) not check or have any say in the purchase
order submitted by the head baker.
8 minutes to discuss
Identify 2 weaknesses that caused this issue
and suggest 2 control measures each to rectify
these weaknesses to prevent Bread Speech
from encountering the same problem.
IC 4 Answers
Weakness Control

Chef is the sole decision-maker – overly powerful Compulsory for head chef to go on leaves to allow others to fill his position and
(nature of the industry) ensure there are no deviations from job scope
No one other than the head chef checks the grade
quality of food procured.

Head chef has the full control of selecting Rotate suppliers every quarter/conduct periodic tender
Have a list of approved and authorised suppliers for the head chef to choose from

Request quotation from at least 3 suppliers

No inspection of purchased items to make sure Random audit of supplier’s goods quality
goods are of a certain grade
Strengthen inspection process

Lack of transparency in existing system allows Set clear company guidelines on accepting gifts with penalty imposed & enforce
kickbacks to exist guidelines strictly

Purchase done by chefs Segregation of duties (vendor selection vs purchasing by purchasing department)

No whistle-blowing mechanism in place Whistle blowing policy; reward those that call out inadequate behaviour
Financial Accounting
Your company has a financial year ending 31 May.
On 1st May 2019, your store manager reported
that the dough mixer keeps breaking down and
it's slowing down on production. Customers had to
wait for quite some time to get the bread that they
wanted while some gave up waiting. This has led
Financial the company to miss out on opportunities to earn
extra estimated revenue of $500. After

Accounting 1 considering and evaluating different brands, you

have decided to purchase a new mixer on 1st
June 2019 at $4550 in cash. You have also
Earn $20 for each journal entry (max decided to sell the old dough mixer that has a
carrying amount of $700 for $700. The new dough
of $100) machine has a useful life of 5 years. Bread
8 minutes to discuss Speech depreciates its equipment using the
straight-line method.

Record the journal entry for the year ended 31 May

2020 and explain why you record it that way.
FA1 Answer

1 June 2019
Dr. New appliance 4,550, To record the new appliance bought.
Cr. Cash 4,550

1 June 2019 To record the transaction of selling the

Dr. Cash 700 old appliance
Cr. Old appliance 700

31 May 2020 To record down the depreciation

Dr. Depreciation 910 expense for the year.
Cr. Accumulated Depn 910 (straight-line method: $4,550 / 5 years =
You see that business is doing well and you would like
to expand to a bigger market, from a physical store to
an online platform. You set up a marketing team and
gave them a budget of $300,000 from your own
pocket to last for a year. The goal of the marketing
Financial team is to maintain the sales of the physical store and
at the same time, increase the online presence of the
online platform. You chose not to outsource another
Accounting 2 company to do the deliveries and decided to hire a
driver to deliver the bread. The total salary expense
has increased from $14,000 to $15,500. You have also
$25/JE with correct explanation donated your van that cost $189,000 to the company.
The van has a useful life of 8 years, a scrap value of
$10/JE for wrong explanation $10,000 and the company uses double-declining
method to depreciate.
Minus $5 if working for DDB not shown
(Max of $100) Record the journal entry for these activities to adjust
your financial statements for year end and explain
8 minutes to discuss
why you record it that way. Provide all necessary
FA2 Answer
Dr. Cash 300,000 The owner put in his own money into the
Cr. Share Capital 300,000 company, hence, cash increased and capital
increases as well.

Dr. Salary expense 15,500 To record salary expense of $15,500 incurred

Cr. Cash 15,500 during the year

Dr. Van/ Motor Vehicle 189,000 The company also gained a new asset but
Cr. Share Capital 189,000 because it is contributed by the owner, capital
is credited instead of cash.

Dr. Depreciation $47,250 To adjust financial statements, the company

Cr. Accumulated Depn $47,250 needs to record depreciation expense for the
new asset.
(2/8 x (189,000 - 0) = $47,250)
In the month of March, the company incurred $120 of
utilities expense and you have also included $100 of your
personal utilities expense into the company’s income
statement. You paid these bills in cash on 31st March.
Financial On April 1,you have bought raw materials on credits from
your supplier, Baking Supplies Pte Ltd, $3500 but have
Accounting 3 not recorded it in your books.

On April 5, after paying your supplier $3,500, you found

a) $20 max (minus $10 for wrong out that $500 worth of raw materials were delivered
explanation) wrongly, you asked for a refund from your supplier and
returned the goods back to them. Your supplier
a) $20 max apologised and gave you a refund the next day.

a) What’s the total amount that is supposed to be

a) $60 max (minus $20 for every wrong JE.)
recorded as utilities expense and why?
b) Record the journal entry/entries for utilities
(Max of $100) expense.
8 minutes to discuss c) Record the journal entry/entries that involve your
supplier from April 1 onwards.
FA3 Answer

a) $120 only, because personal expenses should not be

included in the company records. The business is a separate
entity from the owner.

b) 31 Mar Dr. Utilities Expense 120

Cr. Cash 120

c) 1 April Dr. Inventory 3,500

Cr. Accounts Payable 3,500

5 April Dr. Accounts Payable 3,500

Cr. Cash 3,500

6 April Dr. Cash 500

Cr. Inventory 500
As the financial year is coming to an end, you decided to
do a stock take. During the stock take, you realised that
$1,300 worth of raw materials (flour, eggs, sugar, etc)
were missing after comparing with the records in your

Financial books. You did an investigation and found out that Ray,
one of your employees, have been stealing these raw
materials. Furthermore, you realised that $500 worth of

Accounting 4 materials has expired and you had to throw them away.

a) What are the two transactions that should be

a) $20/JE recorded?
b) After recording all transactions, you realize that the
a) $40 max (minus $20 for wrong cash amount collected from your customer on
explanation) account was recorded as $1,500 instead of $1,150.
Write down the journal entry to account for this
a) $20 max ($5 for incomplete or wrong error and explain the respective journal entry.
explanation) c) In the following year, your company decided to buy
a new machine halfway through the financial year
(Max of $100) to help with the business. No depreciation has
been recognised in the year. Do you need to record
depreciation expense for the new asset at the end
of the financial year, why or why not?
FA4 Answer
a) Dr. Cost of Sales 1,300
Cr.inventory 1,300

Dr. Cost of Sales 500

Cr. inventory 500

b) Dr Accounts receivables 350

Cr Cash 350

Cash was over recorded by $350 and accounts receivable was over deducted
by $350. Thus, debit to add back accounts receivable and credit to minus
$350 to get the correct amount for both accounts.

c) Yes. Depreciation expense for 6 months should be recorded since the

machine was used. Expense and income should match if not the income will
be overstated
Chance card
10mins fire-round of MCQ

Chance 1 Score more than 75% to jump straight to

“GO” and earn additional $100 on top
of $200 while passing “GO”.
1. Which of the following users assesses the
attractiveness of investing in a business?
a. Tax authorities
b. Financial analysts
c. Bank
d. Employees

Chance 1 2. The Trading and Profit and Loss account

is also called
a. Balance Sheet
b. Cash Flow Statement
c. Income Statement
d. Trial Balance
3. Which of the following is the accounting
a. Assets = Liabilities – Owner’s Equity
b. Assets – Owner’s Equity + Liabilities
c. Owner’s Equity = Assets + Liabilities
d. None of the above
Chance 1
4. Which of the following is not included in
the balance sheet?
a. Cash
b. Insurance
c. Trade payable
d. Loans
5. What type of account is Depreciation under?
a. Expense
b. Income
c. Asset
d. Liabilities

Chance 1 6. When cash is paid, the account ‘cash’ will

a. Debited
b. Deducted
c. Credited
d. Cashed out
7. ‘Accounts payable’ is a current ______ accoun
a. Asset
b. Liability
Chance 1 c. Income
d. Expense
8. Internal control is said to be the backbone
of all businesses. Which of the following is the
best description of internal controls?
a. Internal controls ensure that the financial
statements published are correct.
b. The only role of internal controls is to

Chance 1 protect customer data.

c. Internal controls and company policies
are important to protect and safeguard
assets and to protect all company data
and are designed to protect the company
from fraud.
d. Internal controls are only designed to
keep employees from committing fraud
against the company.
9. What is included in an income statement?
a. Advertising expense
b. Computer
c. Prepaid expense
d. Inventory

10. On December 1 20X1, a company borrowed

Chance 1 $100,000 at 12% per year. The interest will be

paid quarterly, with the first payment due on
March 1 20X2. What should the company
report on its income statement for December
a. Interest revenue, $1000
b. Interest expense, $1000
c. Interest revenue, $4000
d. Interest expense, $4000
11. Net Sales minus the Cost of Goods Sold
equals to
a. Gross Profit
b. Income from operations
c. Net income
d. Total Income

Chance 1
12. Which of the following cannot be
a. Equipment
b. Motor vehicle
c. Buildings
d. Land
13. Which of the following is false? Ethics is
important because
a. it builds trust
b. it improves companies’ reputation
c. it helps businesses stay out of trouble
d. karma exists

Chance 1 14. At least how many account(s) needs to be

involved in a journal entry?
a. 4
b. 3
c. 2
d. 1
15. What is accounts receivable?
a. Amounts owed to suppliers to company
b. Amounts owed by customers to company
c. Amounts owed by company to customers
d. Amounts owed by customers to suppliers

Chance 1 16. What is not an example of an Internal

a. Authorised suppliers list
b. Dual signatures for documents
c. Barcode scanning of inventory received
d. Single signature for documents
17. Proper segregation of duties reduces the
opportunities in which a person would both
a. establish controls and executes them

Chance 1 b. establish controls and not use them

c. record the transaction in journal and
d. perpetuate errors and frauds and
conceals them
18. What can ensure that the customer pays
on time?
a. Restrict physical access to inventory
b. Barcode scanning of inventory
c. Perform customer credit check
d. Banking cash daily

Chance 1 19. When an account receivable pays you

money, you
a. Debit account receivable and credit
b. Debit accounts payable and credit cash
c. Debit cash and credit accounts payable
d. Debit cash and credit accounts
20. What ethical model makes a decision
based on the overall consequence of the
a. Virtue Ethics
b. Kantianism
Chance 1 c. Utilitarianism
d. Justice

Spot as many errors as possible within the

receipts within 10 mins.
Chance 2 5 errors → $200
4 errors → $150
3 errors → $100
2 errors → $50
1 error → $20
C2 answers
Error Correct

PO1 6 Spiral Mixer 5 Spiral Mixer

PO1 $1,600 $1,800

PR1 PETER CHOO Cannot self approve

PO2 KC-D23 KC-D22

RR2 09 Aug 20XX PR is on 10 Aug

Accounting riddle!

You are attending a business meeting which

consists of only accountants and lawyers. From
your previous dealings with these two
professions, you know that accountants always
tell the truth about everything, and lawyers
always lie about something.
Chance 3 Two gentlemen, Sam and Adam, approach you.
Sam introduces himself and says, "I am a
lawyer, but Adam is an accountant."

Based on what you know from your previous

dealings, what are each of the men's actual
C3 answers

Both Sam and Adam are lawyers. Since an accountant ALWAYS tells
the truth about everything, he would never say that he is a lawyer.
Therefore, Sam must be a lawyer. Since he is telling the truth about
being a lawyer, and you know that he always lies about something,
he must be lying about the second part of his statement. Therefore,
Adam is not an accountant but also a lawyer.
Chance 4 15 min sharing from me
about SMU student life!

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