Unit 16

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16 A Focus: Drafting an essay

ln the test
e- Sample test PP152-'157
Writing Test Question 8
. ln this part of the test, you will be asked to write an essay stating
your opinion in response
to a given toPic.
. you will have 30 minutes to plan. write, and revise your essay-
. you will be able to *ut. noi., on screen and delete them when you have finished'
. Your main goal is to answer the question fully, giving reasons
for your opinion'
. Your reply ihould be 3-5 paragraphs, forming an organized response'
. This ,nit *ill focus on how to express your opinions and organize
your essay'
. ln Unit 20, you will learn how to'link ybur ideas and expand on the reasons and examples
you have given.

Language building: Language to express opinions and

organize your work
Use language that A Match opinion expressions 1-8 to descriptions a-c'
makes your
opinions clear Expressing oPinions
Using a range of 1. I (stronglY/firmlY) believe
expressions can make
it instantly clear 2. ln my oPinion
whether you have
strong opinions about
3. l'm totallY oPPosed to
the topic or have 4. lt's a difficult choice, but I think I would prefer to
mixed feelings.
Become familiar with 5. l'm comPletelY in favor of
a range of phrases to
show your opinions.
6. lf I had to choose, I would pick/say
7. I really don't agree with
8. I would Prefer to
a. Positive oPinion (strong)
b. Positive position (neutral or weak)
c. Negative oPinion (strong)
phrases in
B Answer questions 1-3 giving your opinion in oNE sentence. Use the
A to help you. Compare ideas with your partner'

1. Would you rather work in a quiet town or a big city?

2. Which is the best way to travel to another country, by air or over land?

3. Do you agree or disagree that health care should be free for the whole

185 Unit 16 | Writing Test Question 8

Read questions 1-3, then complete the opening sentences using the answers
given in parentheses. Use the opinion expressions in A.
Use your
introduction to "1. Shopping on the lnternet is bad for local businesses. People should make
show clearly what more effort to do their shopping locally. Do you agree or disagree?
you are writing (disagree - Iike the lnternet for some shopping)
The beginning of your Many people believe that shopping online is destroying local businesses.
essay should make a
clear reference to the
question and
summarize exactly 2. When traveling medium distances, some people prefer to fly. Others prefer
what you are writing to take express trains. Which do you prefer? (trains)

Although some people prefer to fly because it is fastec

Use linking words

to show the 3. What do you like most about your current job? (long vacations)
organization and
relationship of
your ideas There are several things t like about my current iob, but
Words such as first,
a/sq and however
show how your ideas Read the question and the essay on page 188. Label paragraphs A-E with the
are ordered and if
following headings.
they are presenting
contrasting opinions. Second reason Conclusion lntroduction Third reason First reason

Read the essay again and choose the correct phrase from the chart below to
complete gaps 1-9. More than one phrase may be suitable.
Think of three
Yeasons to support
your opinion Phrases for organizing ideas
Grouping your ideas Adding to reasons
First ideas
in threes is very
common, One first of all moreover
approach is to write the first (dis)advantage also
one paragraph for what's more
each reason, before
summarizing your

Second ideas To introduce contrasts

another (dis)advantage on the other hand (at the start of
another point a sentence only)
in addition although

Final ideas To conclude

a final (dis)advantage in conclusion
a final point

Unit 16 | Writing Test Question 8 187

Would you prefer to work longer hours on a daily basis and, as a result
have more vacation time? Give your opinion and explain why.

A There are a number of advantages and disadvantages to working longer

hours and having more days off in compensation. ln my opinion, the
advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

(1) I believe having an extra day of leisure

time would make people more relaxed. This would obviously be
beneficial to people's general health. (2)
being more relaxed would also benefit employers, as their workers
would probably concentrate better during their work time and have
fewer days off sick.

c (3) ___ advantage is that if more people had an

extra day off during the week, shopping malls and supermarkets would
be less crowded on weekends. (a) people
- and leisure services at off-peak
would be able to use sports facilities

D (s) , at least for me, is that two extra hours

added on to the day wouldn't seem like a huge addition, (5)
a whole day off is an added bonus. (7)
I can understand that the longer day may
not be'suitable for people with families or for people who have a long
commute to work.

(8) _ , (g)
working hours may not suit everyone, for me the benefits far outweigh
the drawbacks and I would definitely favor this system.

Add the extra words and phrases 1-6 to the correct place in the chart in
State your opinion
and give reasons 1. but 4. all in all
clearly 2. finally 5. secondly
You may mention the 3. most importantly 5. too
opposing argument if
you like, but make
sure you clearly state
Follow up: With your partner make more sentences using the contrast
your opinion. words, e.g. I love living in the city. HoweveL it is rather noisy.

188 Unit 16 | Writing Test Question 8

2 Test tactic: Creating a draft
A Read Opinion question 1 below and underline the key words. Then summarize
Plan your essay the test question. compare summaries with your partner. see Key page 41 and
before you start check your answer.
to write
The first and most Opinion question 1

important stage in
Recently in your town, construction of a new factory that would employ thousands
writing an essay is to
of workers has been halted because it would endanger the wild animals living in the
draft a simple outline
that clearly answers area. Do you agree or disagree with this decision? Give reasons or examples to
the question and support your opinion.
includes allthe main
Answer the question you wrote in A with a complete sentence. Use the phrases
from Language building A, page '186. This is your thesis statement (statement
of your opinion), which you should include in the introduction of your essay.

Focus clearly on Example

the task I strongly agree that they should stop the construction of the new factory.
Begin by picking out
the key words. Then c Read opinion question 2 below and complete the same tasks, listed 1-4.
summarize the
question and make a
Opinion question 2
clear thesis (statement
of your opinion). Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important factor
you should consider when choosing a job is the salary. Give reasons or examples to
support your opinion.

1. Read the question and underline the key words.

2. Make a sentence that summarizes the question and the task.

3. Write a suitable thesis.

4. Compare answers with a partner.

D Read notes 1-6 giving reasons agreeing and disagreeing with the.decision in
Opinion question 1 in A. Which ideas do you agree with?

Reasons for agreeing

Make a draft 1. lt is wrong to endanger animals just to make money.
2. The factory could be built in another place.
Z rninr of three 3. lt is important not to build in rural areas if possible.
reasons to support
your thesis. Reasons for disagreeing
M tf you have time 4. The factory will be good for the economy.
you may want to 5. Many jobs might be lost.
think of some
opposing points.
6. Land is there to be used in whatever way necessary.
as this will show
that you have Brainstorm three reasons either agreeing or disagreeing based on your thesis
considered both for Opinion question 2 in C.
sides of the
question. Read the outline below for agreeing with the decision in Opinion question 1.
Look carefully at how the notes from D have been developed.
U Do not worry
about grammar or
ordering your I strongly agree that they should stop construction of the new factory.
ideas at this point.
First of all,
Although the factory will be good for the economy,
it is wrong to endanger the animals just because of this.
I don't want to kill something to get money.
Organize your
reasons for
agreeing / Next
disagreeing and It's true that many possible jobs might be lost.
gdd examples
Z Read your The factory could be built in another place.
supporting points
There is free space on the west side of town that is almost as good.
again and make
any changes
or cuts you feel Finally,
It's important not to build in rural areas if possible.
M lhen put your ideas Although cities may be crowded and people don't want to live too close to a factory
into a suitable
order, and add
there are usually old, unused places in cities where the factory could be located.
reasons /examples
and connecting 6 Write an outline similar to the one in F, based on your thesis and reasons for
Opinion question 2 in C and E.
Z When writing
notes, don't worry Follow up: Explain your outline to your partner and compare your reasons.
about making full
sentences. Just
make sure you have
all the necessary
information and it
is in the correcl

190 Unit 16 | Writing'liest Question 8

B Tactic practice
For Opinion question 3, draft an outline by completing steps 1-4. After each
step, compare answers with your partner.

1. Analyze the question and pick out the key points. Rephrase these points
into a single sentence.
2. Write a thesis statement that answers the question.
3. Brainstorm reasons supporting your opinion.
4. Drop any weak points, and organize the rest into the order you think is
best. Add as many reasons/examples as you can and add appropriate
connecting words.

Opinion question 3
Some people enjoy jobs that include traveling a lot and meeting new people. Others
like to work in a fixed location with the same group of coworkers. What is your
preference? Explain why.

Unit 15 | Writing Test Question 8 191

C Mini-test
Now apply the Test tactics at the actual test speed for Question 8.

Question 8:
Write an opinion

Question 8: Write an opinion essaY

Directions: ln this part of the test, you will write an essay in response
to a question that asks you to state, explain, and support your opinion
on an issue. Typically, an effective essay will contain a minimum of 300
words. Your response will be scored on

o whether your opinion is supported with

reasons and/or examples,
. grammar,
r vocabulary and
r organization.

You will have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay.

Click on Continue to go on.

192 Unit 16 | Writing Test Question 8

In some professions and occupations, such
as in the health-care profession, employees
must often work very long shifts of twelve
or more hours. What is your opinion about
this practice? Give reasons or examples to
support your opinion.

,*i tr=

Unit 16 | Writing Test Question 8 193

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