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1. Write three ideas you have learned about teaching young leaners, and how children learn
and learning language! Why you choose those ideas?
2. Mentions 2-3 actions that you are going to do (dealing with theories/concepts or learning
souces before) in your future class!
3. Respons to the following situation/case (250-350 words)

Situation # 1

Mr. Barnes is doing a comprehension check discussion following up on the

lecture he delivered to his class yesterday. This activity is moving fast and Mr. Barnes
mostly calls on students who raise their hands quickly and actively. Students who
respond quickly are mostly males. As customary to the area where the school is located,
males (and therefore male students) are more dominant than female students and they
often are more comfortable with leading conversations and answering questions. Often
these boys do not even wait for their turn and provide answers by shouting them out. Mr.
Barnes thinks this discussion activity is going well, and that the students successfully
process the material. However, only about a quarter of students are actively engaged. The
rest of the students do not raise their hands and do not participate. Some of them are shy
and prefer not to volunteer their answers. Others are female students. There are also
several students from different countries and English is their second language. They are
not sure in their language abilities. Additionally, their culture taught them that it is not
appropriate to put themselves first and to talk about themselves and their opinions. So,
Mr. Barnes continues his class with only 25% of his students participating

So, what are you going to do if you were Mr. Barnes to make the class becomes
“student-centered learning, active students, and independent learning”.

Situation # 2

Seorang anak yang baru berusia 18 bulan sudah mampu berbicara dengan kalimat
sederhana. Misalnya dia sudah mampu mengungkapkan, “Saya suka ikan goreng” dengan
pengucapan yang belum begitu sempurna. Memang dari sejak kandungan, ibunya sering
berkomunikasi dengan cabang bayi dan komunikasi semakin intensif lagi setelah
kelahiran. Sekarang di usia 3 tahun anak tersebut sudah sangat lancar dengan bahasa
pertamanya bahkan mampu berbicara bahasa kedua walaupun sedikit. Berikan pendapat
Anda tentang anak tersebut?

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