Oil Well Kicks Questions and Answers Part1

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Oil Well Kicks – Questions and Answers part.


May 25, 2020

Normal and abnormal formation pressure

1) What is primary well control?
a) The slow Circulating Rate Pressure used in the kill process.
b) The used of Mud hydrostatic to balance fluid pressures in the formation.
c) The use of Blow Out Preventers to close in a well that is flowing.
d) The use of Pit Volume and Flow Rate measuring devices to recognize the kick.

Answer: b

2) What is meant by Abnormal High Pressure with regard to fluid pressure in the

a) The excess pressure due to circulating mud at high rates.

b) The excess pressure that needs to be applied to cause ‘leak-off ‘ into a normally
pressure formation.
c) High density mud used to create a large overbalance.
d) Formation fluid pressure that exceeds normal water hydrostatic pressure.

Answer: d

3) Which factors most influence the rate at which shut in pressures stabilize after
the well is shut in?

a) Gas migration.
b) Friction losses.
c) Permeability.
d) Type of influx.

Answer: c

Gas Cutting
1) When we are drilling through a gas zone, with the proper mud density, the mud
hydrostatic pressure should be able to prevent the gas from coming into the well.
However, if we still get a kick, which of the following reasons is the best

a) When a small volume of gas is circulated from the bottom of the hole,its pressure
decreases and volume increases. This may cause a sufficient reduction in hydrostatic to
cause the well to flow.
b) The mud weight decreases due to the large splintered crescent-shaped cuttings that
we get from a high pressured zone.
c) The formation pressure increases suddenly as we drill into this zone since the gas
inside is under high pressure
d) The mud is leaking into the formation thereby reducing the effective hydrostatic head,
causing an under balance.

Answer: a

Lost Circulation
1) While running pipe back into the hole, it is noticed that the normal displacement
of mud into the trip tank is less than calculated. After reaching bottom and
commencing circulation, the return flow meter is observed to reduce from 50% to
42%. A pit loss of 2 bbl. is noted.
What is the most likely cause of these indications?

a) Partial lost circulation has occurred.

b) Total lost circulation has occurred.
c) A kick has been taken.
d) The well has been swabbed.

Answer: a

2) If total losses occurred while drilling with water based mud what would you do?

a) Continue drilling blind.
b) Stop drilling and fill the annulus up with water, from the top untill stabilized.
c) Stop drilling, shut the well in and see what happens.

Answer: b

3) Lost circulation during a well control operation is usually detected by:

a) Monitoring the return flow with the flowshow.

b) Monitoring the mud volume in the mud tanks.
c) Monitoring the weight indicator.

Answer: b

4) A kick has been taken and it is known that a potential lost circulation zone exists
in the open hole. Select two correct actions which can be taken to minimize
pressure in the annulus during the kill operation.

a) Maintain extra back pressure on the choke for safety.

b) Use the wait and weight method.
c) Choose a lower circulating rate.
d) Choose a higher circulating rate.

Answer: b & c

Kicks as a Result of Surface Practices

1) Which of the following causes of well kicks is totally avoidable and is due to a
lack of alertness by the driller?

a) Lost circulation.
b) Gas cut mud.
c) Not keeping hole full.
d) Abnormal Pressures.

Answer: c

2) Which two of the following cause swabbing?

a) Pulling the pipe too fast.

b) Insufficient trip margin.
c) Improper circulating density.
d) Going into the hole too fast.
e) Failure to slug pipe prior to pulling out of hole.

Answer: a & b

Kicks as a Result of Surface Practices
1) Which of the following causes of well kicks is totally avoidable and is due to a
lack of alertness by the driller?

a) Lost circulation.
b) Gas cut mud.
c) Not keeping hole full.
d) Abnormal Pressures.

Answer: c

2) Which two of the following cause swabbing?

a) Pulling the pipe too fast.

b) Insufficient trip margin.
c) Improper circulating density.
d) Going into the hole too fast.
e) Failure to slug pipe prior to pulling out of hole.

Answer: a & b

Indications of A Kick

Kicks While Drilling

1) Which of the following is the First Reliable indication that you have taken a kick?

a) Increase in torque.
b) Gas cut mud.
c) Decrease in pump pressure.
d) Increase in flow rate.

Answer: d

2) Why is a 20 barrel kick in a small annulus more significant than a 20 barrel kick
in a large annulus?

a) The kill weight mud cannot be calculated as easily.

b) It result in higher annulus pressures, due to the height of the kick.
c) The kicks are usually kick.
d) The pipe usually get stuck.

Answer: b

3) Which one of the following is not an indication when a kick may be occurring?

a) Flow rate increase.

b) Increase torque.
c) Pit gain.
d) Gas cut mud.

Answer: b

Read also Types of Drilling Bits

4) What should the driller do at a drilling break?

a) Circulate bottoms up.

b) Flow check
c) Reduce weight on bit.
d) Increase pump speed.

Answer: b

6) Which two practices are used to maintain primary well control as a precaution
when connection gas is noticed?
a) Pumping a low viscosity pill around bit to assist in reduction of balled bit or stabilizers.
b) Control drilling rate so that only one slug of connection gas is in the hole at any one
c) Pulling out of the hole to change the bit.
d) Raising Mud yield point.
e) Minimizing the time during a connection when the pumps are off.

Answer: c & e

7) Of all the following warning signs, which two signs would leave little room for
doubt that the well is kicking?

a) flow line temperature increase.

b) increased rotary torque
c) flow rate increase.
d) decrease drill string weight
e) pit volume gain
f) increased rate of penetration

Answer: a

8) Which of the following statements best describes formation porosity.

a) The ratio of the open spaces to the total volume of rock.
b) The ability of fluid and gas to move within the rock.
c) The presence of sufficient salt water volume to provide gas lift.
d) All of the above.

Answer: a

9) While drilling The active tank contained 200 bbls and the mud return line to the
pits contains 20 bbls. After having a kick the tank contains 240 bbls. What is the
size of the influx?.

a) 260 bbls
b) 20 bbls
c) 40 bbls
d) 240 bbls.

Answer: b

10) If the cutting load in the annulus was high and the well had been shut in on
(Answer “Yes” or “No” to each question.)

a) Would the drill pipe pressure be higher than in a clean well? {Include a brief
explanation of your answer.}
b) Would the casing pressure be higher than in a clean well?
c) Would the casing pressure be lower than in a clean well?

a) No.
b) No.
c) Yes.

11) Two early warning signs of kicks are an increase in flow rate and pit volume.
For drilling on the floating rig these signs are difficult to detect due to the drilling
vessel motion which will cause the fluctuation of the pit level. What is the
equipment that we are using to compensate and minimize these problems and
explain roughly how it works?

Answer: PVT (A pit volume totalizing system). It will report overall pit gain or loss by
using multiple pit monitors and resolving individual losses and gains reported by each
monitor into a single value.

12) Which of the following is a problem when using oil base mud?

a) The oil base mud will contaminate the influx.
b) In certain circumstances gas can dissolve in OBM.
c) The gas will migrate in oil base mud faster than water base mud.
d) It is difficult to detect the kick due to the gas dispersing in the oil base mud.

Answer: b

1.Transocean Sedco Forex – Jakarta Learning Centre – Pre-school exercises for Well
Control With Answers.
2. Well Control Manual part.1 & 2 – from Well Control School


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