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NO MATIRX: 2020874126


Based on the story “The Scarlet Ibis” by James Hurst, the ending that has been given by the author was
the best choice because of the ending is satisfying and suitable.. In the beginning of the story, Doodle
family did not accept the disability and think that he will die soon. In the story, Doodle’s parents booked a
small coffin as provision for expecting he would not live long and his parents also named he as William
Armstrong so that it will be nice to be display on the tombstone. In addition, Doodle’s brother train him to
walk like a normal person and it is beyond his own ability, his brother expect that doodle will be just fine
and be more productive after the difficult training. At the end of the story, Doodle was left behind by his
brother in the storm who was fell behind and his brother let it be merciless even having heard the groan of
his brother's voice to ask for his help. I do like with the ending of the story because somehow it will can
be used as a lesson to his family even more so his brother. In conclusion, I do like with the ending of the
story because somehow it will can be used as a lesson to his family even more so his brother to be more
responsible in every actions that have been taken.

(234 words)

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