Terminologia Latina

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-al pertaining to neural _______________________________________

-algia condition of pain
arthralgia ____________________________________
-cyte cell leukocyte _____________________________________
-ectomy cutting out; removal, excision
gastrectomy __________________________________
-emia blood condition
leukemia _____________________________________
Large numbers of immature, cancerous cells are found in the bloodstream and bone marrow (inner part of
bone that makes blood cells).
-globin protein hemoglobin ___________________________________
-gram record arthrogram ___________________________________
This is an x-ray record of a joint.
-ia condition neuralgia _____________________________________
-ic pertaining to gastric _______________________________________
-ism condition, process
hyperthyroidism ______________________________
HYPER- means excessive. The thyroid gland is in the neck. It secretes the hormone thyroxine, which helps
cells burn food to release energy. See
-itis inflammation gastroenteritis ________________________________
-logist specialist in the study of
neurologist ___________________________________
-logy study of nephrology ___________________________________
-oma tumor, mass hepatoma ____________________________________
This is a cancerous (malignant) tumor, also called hepatocellular carcinoma.
-opsy to view biopsy ________________________________________
-osis abnormal condition
nephrosis _____________________________________
leukocytosis __________________________________
This is an increase in numbers of normal white blood cells as a response to infection.
Cardiology Study of the heart
Dermatology Study of the skin
Endocrinology Study of the endocrine glands
Gastroenterology Study of the stomach and intestines
Gynecology Study of women and women's diseases
Hematology Study of the blood
Neurology Study of the nerves and the brain and spinal cord
Oncology Study of tumors (cancerous or malignant diseases)
Ophthalmology Study of the eye
Pathology Study of disease
Psychology Study of the mind and mental disorders
Rheumatology Study of joint diseases (RHEUMAT/O = flow or watery discharge, which was once thought
to cause aches and pains, especially in joints)
Urology Study of the urinary tract (surgical specialty)
-scope instrument to visually examine
gastroscope ___________________________________
laparoscope ___________________________________
-scopy process of visual examination
laparoscopy ___________________________________
Small incisions are made near the navel, and instruments are inserted into the abdomen for viewing organs
and performing procedures such as tying off the fallopian (uterine) tubes.
a-, an- no, not
Literally, anemia means a condition of “no blood.” Actually, it is a decrease in the number of red blood
cells or in hemoglobin, the protein
that helps in their ability to carry oxygen.
aut- self
autopsy -viewing and examining a dead body with one's own (self) eyes. Here the root OPS- (viewing) is
embedded in the suffix -OPSY (process of viewing).
dia- complete, through diagnosis _____________________________________
In this term, DIA- means complete.
diameter _____________________________________
The suffix -METER means measurement. DIA- means through in this term.
dys- bad, painful, difficult, abnormal
dysentery _____________________________________
The suffix -Y means condition or process.
endo- within endocrine glands ______________________________
CRIN/O means to secrete (to form and give off). Examples of endocrine glands are the thyroid gland,
pituitary gland, adrenal glands, ovaries, and testes. All of these glands secrete hormones within the body
and into the bloodstream.
endocardium __________________________________
The valves and chambers within the heart are lined with endocardium. The suffix -UM indicates a structure.
exo- outside exocrine glands _______________________________
Examples of exocrine glands are sweat, tear, and mammary (breast) glands, which secrete substances to the
outside of the body.
hyper- excessive, more than normal,too much
hyperglycemia ________________________________
GLYC/O means sugar. Hyperglycemia may be a sign of diabetes mellitus. Mellitus means “sweet.”
hypo- below, less than normal,under hypoglycemia _________________________________
peri- surrounding pericardium __________________________________
pro- before, forward prostate gland ________________________________
re- back
retro- behind retrogastric ___________________________________
sub- below, under subhepatic ____________________________________
trans- across, through transdermal __________________________________
transurethral _______________________________
The urethra is a tube that leads from the urinary bladder to the outside of the body

A Using slashes (/), divide the following terms into their component parts and give the meaning
for the whole term. The first term is completed as an example.
1. aden/oma _tumor of a gland___________________________________________________
2. arthritis
3. biopsy
4. cardiology
5. dermal
6. cytology
7. cystoscope
8. cerebral
9. cephalic
10. adenitis
B Complete the following sentences using the medical terms given below.
1. A mass of blood, or “black-and-blue” mark, is a/an _____________________________.
2. A red blood cell is a/an
3. Inflammation of the small intestine is ________________________________________.
4. The prediction about the outcome of an illness is a/an _________________________.
5. The record of electricity in the brain is a/an ___________________________________.
6. The study of women and women's diseases is_____________________________.
7. The record of electricity in the heart is a/an ___________________________________.
8. Complete knowledge of a patient's illness on the basis of tests and other information is a/an ___.
9. A protein found in red blood cells is __________________________________________.
10. Inflammation of the liver is________________.
C Name the tissue or part of the body contained in the following terms and give the meaning of
the entire term.
Tissue/Body Part Meaning of Term
1. laparotomy ________________________ _________________________________
2. nephrectomy ______________________ _________________________________
3. neuritis ___________________________ _________________________________
4. ophthalmoscope ___________________ _________________________________
5. osteotomy _________________________ _________________________________
6. renal _____________________________ _________________________________
7. rhinitis ___________________________ _________________________________
8. sarcoma __________________________ _________________________________
D Give the meanings of the following terms.
1. oncologist
2. pathologist
3. psychosis
4. leukocyte
5. thrombocyte
6. gastritis
7. adenoma
8. thrombosis
E Give the meanings of the following suffixes.
1. -cyte
2. -ism
3. -ectomy
4. -al
5. -emia
6. -gram
7. -algia
8. -itis
9. -globin
10. -ic
F Complete the following medical terms to end each sentence.
1. Nerve pain is neur__________________________________________________________.
2. Presence of large numbers of immature, cancerous white blood cells is a blood
condition known as leuk____________________________________________.
3. An x-ray record of a joint is arthro___________________________________________.
4. Study of the kidney is nephro________________________________________________.
5. Tumor of the liver is hepat___________________________________________________.
6. Visual examination of the abdomen is laparo_________________________________.
7. An incision of a joint is called arthro_________________________________________.
8. Abnormal condition of the skin is dermat_____________________________________.
9. Inflammation of the skin is dermat___________________________________________.
10. A specialist in the study of blood is a hemato_________________________________.
G Give the meanings of the following prefixes.
1. hyper-
2. sub-
3. dys-
4. trans-
5. retro-
6. dia-
7. exo-
8. aut-
9. hypo-
10. endo-
11. peri-
H Give the meanings of the following medical terms.
1. autopsy
2. hyperthyroidism
3. anemia
4. dysentery
5. endocrine glands
6. hypoglycemia
7. exocrine glands
8. resection
9. transdermal
10. hyperglycemia
I Complete the following medical terms related to the stomach.
1. _____________________ gastric Pertaining to under the stomach
2. gastr_______________________ Pain in the stomach
3. gastr_______________________ Inflammation of the stomach
4. _____________________ gastric Pertaining to across or through the stomach
5. gastr_______________________ Process of visually examining the stomach
6. _____________________ gastric Pertaining to behind the stomach
7. gastr_______________________ Study of the stomach and intestines
8. gastr_______________________ Incision of the stomach
9. gastr_______________________ Excision of the stomach
10. gastr_______________________ Instrument to visually examine the stomach
J On the line provided, give the meaning of the term in bold.
1. An oncologist treats abnormal conditions such as sarcomas and carcinomas.
2. After explaining the diagnosis, Dr. Jones outlined the treatment and assured the patient that the prognosis
was hopeful. _______________________________________________
3. Elderly Mrs. Scott has constant arthralgia in her knees and hips. Her physician prescribes anti-
inflammatory drugs and aspirin to treat her osteoarthritis but advises that joint replacement may be
4. A pathologist is a medical doctor who performs autopsies and examines biopsy
5. Thrombosis is a serious condition that may result in blockage of blood vessels.
6. Hyperglycemia results from lack of insulin (hormone) secretion from the pancreas (endocrine gland near
the stomach). Without insulin, sugar cannot enter cells and remains in the blood.
7. Schizophrenia is an example of a psychosis, in which the patient loses touch with reality and displays
abnormal behavior (delusions and hallucinations may occur).
8. Minimally invasive surgery of the abdomen may be performed using laparoscopy. For example, a
gallbladder or appendix can be removed with instruments inserted through small incisions.
9. Clinical signs of hyperthyroidism include an enlarged thyroid gland and protruding
eyeballs (exophthalmos) _____________________________________________________________
10. Sally's diagnosis of dysentery was made after she returned from a trip to Mexico with abdominal pain,
fever, and severe diarrhea (loose, watery stools).__________________________________________
11. Mr. Smith died of a cerebrovascular accident. Confirmation at autopsy revealed a thrombus blocking
one of his cerebral arteries____________________________________________________________
12. Erythrocytes contain hemoglobin, which enables them to carry oxygen throughout the body.
13. Leukemia was confirmed after a bone marrow biopsy and high white blood cell counts.
14. Certain types of bleeding or clotting disorders may be caused by reduced numbers of thrombocytes, also
known as platelets. _____________________________________
15. An example of anemia is iron deficiency anemia. __________________________________________
16. Transdermal delivery by patch is used for administering drugs such as nicotine, nitroglycerin, and
scopolamine (for motion sicknes ______ _______________________________________
17. When Bill had difficulty urinating (urinary retention), his doctor discovered that his prostate gland was
18. To relieve his symptoms related to urinary retention, Bill's urologist performed a transurethral
resection of his enlarged prostate gland. _______________________________________________
19. Although the small intestine is longer (20 feet) than the large intestine (5 feet), the diameter of the large
intestine (colon) is greater. ___________________________________________________
K Form the plurals of the following terms.
1. psychosis________________________________________________
2. ovum______________________________________________
3. vertebra___________________________________________________
4. bronchus________________________________________________________
5. spermatozoon________________________________________________
6. apex________________________________________________________________
L In the following medical vignettes, circle the bold term that best completes the meaning of the
1. Selma ate a spicy meal at an Indian restaurant. Later that night she experienced (osteoarthritis,
dermatitis, gastroenteritis). Fortunately the cramping and diarrhea subsided by morning.
2. Christina was feeling very sluggish, both physically and mentally. Her hair seemed coarse, she had
noticed weight gain in the past weeks, and she had hot and cold intolerance. Her internist ordered a blood
test that revealed low levels of a hormone normally secreted from a gland in the neck. She was referred to a
specialist, a/an (gynecologist, endocrinologist, pathologist). The physician ordered a blood test that
confirmed low levels of the hormone. The diagnosis of (hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, psychosis)
was thus made, and proper treatment prescribed.
3. Dr. Fischer examined the lump in Bruno's thigh. An imaging technique using magnetic waves and radio
signals (MRI scan) revealed a suspicious mass in the soft connective tissue of the thigh. Suspecting a
cancerous mass of flesh tissue, or (hematoma, carcinoma, sarcoma), Dr. Fischer ordered a/an (prognosis,
biopsy, autopsy) of the mass.
4. On her seventh birthday, Susie fell down during her birthday party. Her mother noticed bruises on Susie's
knees and elbows that seemed to “come up overnight.” Her pediatrician ordered a blood test, which
demonstrated a decreased platelet count and an elevated (leukocyte, erythrocyte, thrombocyte) count at
40,000 cells. Susie was referred to a/an (dermatologist, nephrologist, oncologist), who made a
diagnosis of (hepatitis, anemia, leukemia).
5. When Mr. Saluto collapsed and died while eating dinner, the family requested a/an (laparotomy,
gastroscopy, autopsy) to determine the cause of death. The (hematologist, pathologist,
gastroenterologist) discovered that Mr. Saluto had died of a (cardiovascular accident, dysentery,
cerebrovascular accident), otherwise known as a stroke.

Living With Type 1 Diabetes

The following first-person narrative describes the reality of living with a particular medical condition—
type 1 diabetes in a teenager. In each of the subsequent chapters, you'll find other first-person accounts of
diseases and procedures that will make your study of medical terminology more relevant to real-life
situations. Jake Sheldon has type 1 diabetes, which was diagnosed when he was 8 years old. The following
narrative was written by his mother, Ruthellen Sheldon, based on his teenage years.
On school days, I wake Jake up at 6:30 AM. He tests his blood sugar by pricking his finger until it
bleeds, and then sticks a test strip into the drop of blood. Then he inserts the strip into a small handheld
glucometer and waits 3 to 5 seconds for a reading of his blood sugar. If this is 120 mg/dL or higher, he gives
himself insulin 10 to 15 minutes before breakfast. He has an insulin pump, so he types in the amount of
carbohydrates he will eat, plus his current blood sugar reading. The pump calculates how much insulin he
needs to cover the carbs and any extra insulin he may need to bring down a high blood sugar. If Jake's blood
sugar is less than 120 mg/dL when he wakes up, he will wait until he takes his first bite of food to give
himself his insulin to avoid hypoglycemia.
Throughout the school day, if his blood sugar is high or low, he visits the nurse. If it's high, he gives
himself an insulin bolus, or correction, by pump. If his blood sugar is positive for ketones, he is sent home
from school. If his blood sugar is low or less than 70, he eats or drinks some fast-acting sugar (Skittles,
Smarties, or Sprite) and waits in the healthroom for his blood sugar to rise so he can return to class.
During the night, his dad and I set an alarm to wake up around 3 hours after bedtime. If his blood sugar is
high while he sleeps, we use his pump to give him extra insulin, “a correction.” If it is low, we wake him
and have him drink Sprite or eat Smarties.
The insulin pump is connected to his body with a small cannula [tube]. It is inserted manually through a
needle into his hip region. The needle is then removed and the tiny Teflon cannula remains in his body,
delivering fast-acting insulin under the skin. His pump is always connected to him with plastic tubing, and
he carries it with him in his pants pocket. When he bathes, he can disconnect the pump, and when he sleeps,
he places it on the mattress next to his body. When Jake is playing sports, he times his meals with the start of
the activity so his blood sugar is around 150 mg/dL. He disconnects his pump during sports, and at halftime
he tests his blood sugar. If it is low, he needs to eat. If it is high, he needs to reconnect his pump and
administer more insulin.
In general, Jake's diabetes doesn't disrupt his life other than for his nighttime checks, wearing an insulin
pump, and paying attention to how many carbs he eats. We encourage him to make good nutritional choices
and to limit certain foods (doughnuts, Slurpees, candy) to special occasions. He also must carry a
glucometer with him at all times and a sugar to take when his blood glucose is low.
Having a child with diabetes forces me to carefully plan the preparation and timing of meals. I always have
certain foods and medical supplies in the house, and I also carry snacks and sugar sources wherever I go. My
husband and I hope that keeping Jake's blood sugar in tight control will help avoid many of the
complications frequently encountered later in life by people with type 1 diabetes.
Throughout high school, Jake took over all diabetes management tasks and managed his diabetes 100
percent independently before his graduation. Moving out of state to college, Jake has had to learn how
cafeteria foods, late nights, and new social situations affect his blood sugars. Jake is also learning how to
manage ordering and maintaining a vast number of diabetes supplies and prescriptions in his dorm room.
Jake will also be transitioning from his pediatric endocrinologist to an adult endocrinologist this year.

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