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Thanks for purchasing our campaign.

We do our best to make the missions as realistic as possible within the limitations of the
current game engine.

Our missions are modelled after real world operations and standard operating procedures where
information is publicly available (unclassified).

The missions are designed to be played in a campaign sequence but can also be played
independently. If you need to retrain on a particular scenario you can without trying to
remember previous mission contexts.
We hope this model provides for more re-playability and can help keep your skill-set current.

In keeping with our realistic focus we re-use game engine audio wherever possible to maintain
the immersion. We make use of the F10 radio message capability for many actions as well as
adding to the immersion using the in-game player voice overs for commands not yet modelled in
the game engine (for example COPY).

We provide extensive mission briefing documentation. These are pdf files printed in A5 format
suitable for use with real-world knee-boards.
We also include custom knee-boards in-game to provide mission details for VR users.
We have also included 4k images for the operations patches and campaign completion badges that
you can print off or use in your forum posts.

The missions range in difficulty depending on the mission scenario. It is important to read
the mission briefing material before flying so you will understand the mission objectives.
We have included Mission Success Criteria as part of the mission briefing information to
highlight the specific objectives necessary to complete the mission successfully.

In some campaigns practice missions are provided so you can perfect your tactics, techniques
and procedures. You can play these by opening them in the Mission Editor and pointing the
folder path to where the campaign files are installed.

You can change the livery and load-out in the Mission Planner as desired but most missions will
have the intended load-out already set up.

When flying, fly aggressive. These are combat aircraft so when given an instruction attempt to
get on altitude, heading and speed as quickly as possible.

Make use of your wingmen and AWACS or GCI when available as they can help you succeed in most

We hope you enjoy this campaign and have as much fun as we did in making it.

If you have any questions or problems please post a message to the DCS Forums or you can
contact us directly at


The Maple Flag Missions Design Team

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