Dinsuat & Guerrero - Narrative Report

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Asheh Al-Amiyr S.

12 – Francis of Assisi
Narrative Report
The class of St. Francis of Assisi was divided into two groups to prepare a webinar that
would act as their performance task for Immersion. Members of the group started giving ideas
of their own for the upcoming webinar. After a couple of meetings, our group decided to
conduct a webinar about Mental Health. The group decided to call our team “Eunoia: Changing
Perspective” and entitled our webinar “The Talk: A Mental Health Webinar Series”, to be led by
Ms. Ameera Masillam and her co-project heads.
The date for our webinar was moved from May 11, 2021 to May 15, 2021 due to some
circumstances. On the actual day of our webinar, we started at 10 in the morning and was led
by the Masters of Ceremony. For our opening program, it started with an opening prayer that
was followed by a video presentation of the National Anthem and Zamboanga Hermosa. And
Lastly it ended with an opening remarks from Mr. Kian Labrador. Before immediately preceding
to the discussion of the guest speakers, we conducted an activity that was prepared by Mr.
Krysstian Guerrero and Me.
Mr. Alpher Hope Medina, our Immersion Adviser and Personal Development Teacher,
was our first guest speaker for the program. He focused on discussing about Mental Health and
its different sub-topics. Whilst our second speaker, Ms. Hadzralyn Barang, discussed about Self
Harm and Its Cycle.
After the discussion, we proceed with an open forum to allow the audiences to ask their
questions regarding the different topics of our webinar. After the open forum of the webinar,
Ms. Ameera Masillam thanked our guest speakers and presented a certificate of appreciation. A
certificate of participation was also presented to our participants.
Ms. April Laborada gave the closing remarks and proceeded with the closing prayers to
properly and officially end our webinar entitled, “The Talk: A Mental Health Webinar Series”.
Krysstian Angelo Guerrero 

12- St. Francis of Assisi 

Narrative Report 
Our group was assigned to conduct a Webinar on the 15th day of May 2021 and before
conducting the webinar on the said date, the group started proposing plans for our
webinar. The topic that our team chose was about the Mental Health of the students during the
pandemic which is called COVID-19. This led us to think of a name for our group and the
name of our webinar that we will be presenting. We have decided to call our team Eunoia:
Changing Perspectives and entitled our webinar “The Talk: A Mental Health Webinar Series”. 
On the actual day of our webinar (May 15, 2021) we started at 10 in the morning
and was led by the Masters of Ceremony. The webinar started with an Opening Program, it
started with an opening prayer and was followed by a video presentation of the National
Anthem and Zamboanga Hermosa and an activity which served as an ice breaker. After the
activity, we proceeded in introducing the members of the webinar and was followed by the
introduction of guest speakers.  
The first speaker which we have successfully invited was Sir Alpher Hope Medina, he
initiated the topic of our webinar which mainly focuses on Mental Health and also discussed
about its subtopics. The second speaker was one of our members, Hadzralyn Barang discussed
about Self Harm and its Cycle.  
After the discussion, the Masters of Ceremony gave the participants the chance to give
questions to our guest speakers regarding the discussion of the webinar. After the Question and
Answer portion of the webinar Ms. Ameera Masillam gave a speech to thank our guest
speakers and presented a certificate to recognize the efforts of the speakers. A certificate of
participation was also presented to the participants who stayed with us during our webinar.  
For the closing program, the closing remarks was given by Ms. April
Anne Laborada, and proceeded with the closing prayer and officially ended the webinar
entitled, “The Talk: A Mental Health Webinar Series”.  

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