Enamel Adhesives

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Dental Materials (2005) 21, 895–910


Chemical aspects of self-etching enamel–dentin

adhesives: A systematic review
Norbert Moszner, Ulrich Salz*, Jörg Zimmermann

Research and Development, Ivoclar Vivadent AG, FL-9494 Schaan, Liechtenstein

Received 29 March 2005; accepted 10 May 2005

KEYWORDS Summary Objectives: The paper gives an overview on the components and the
Dental adhesives; polymer chemical aspects of currently used self-etching enamel–dentin primers/ad-
Hydrolytic stability; hesives. In addition, the contribution of new adhesives monomers and cross-linkers
Adhesive monomers; exhibiting enhanced hydrolytic stability than methacrylates to improve the
Phosphonic acids; performance of single-bottle adhesives is discussed.
Polymerizable Sources: Information from original scientific papers or reviews about enamel–dentin
phosphates; adhesives, the patent literature concerning dental adhesives and manufacturer
Cross-linkers; information of commercial self-etching adhesives were included in this review.
Methacrylates, bis(a- Data: The most efficient self-etching enamel–dentin adhesives are based on strongly
crylamide)s acidic adhesive monomers, containing dihydrogenphosphate, phosphonic acids or
carboxylic acid groups. Serious problems of single-bottle water-based, strongly
acidic self-etching enamel–dentin adhesives arise both from the hydrolytic instability
of the methacrylate monomers used and the side reaction of the applied initiator
Conclusions: The stability of the self-etching enamel–dentin adhesives can be
improved by using new acrylic ether phosphonic acids or mono- or difunctional
acrylamides, while more stable and compatible components have to be developed in
the future.
Q 2005 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction eliminate the technique-sensitive rinsing step to

remove the phosphoric acid from enamel and
The concept of self-etching adhesives is based on dentin. The clinical requirements for self-etching
the use of polymerizable acidic monomers that enamel–dentin adhesives are the same as for
simultaneously condition and prime dentin and adhesives used in combination with the acid etch
enamel. Therefore, the self-etching primers technique. Removal of the weak smear layer on top
of the dentin and creation of an adequate etch
pattern on the enamel in a clinically relevant period
* Corresponding author. Tel.: C41 423 2353421; fax: C41 423 of time (i.e. 15–30 s). Inward diffusion of co-
2331279. monomers into etched enamel and dentin by resin
E-mail address: ulrich.salz@ivoclarvivadent.com (U. Salz). tag formation in the etch pattern and dentinal
0109-5641/$ - see front matter Q 2005 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
896 N. Moszner et al.

tubules and intertubular dentin penetration by layer [12], or in the words of Nakabayashi, non-
formation of the so called hybrid layer [1]. This hybridized, decalcified dentin does not exist.
concept of monomer diffusion into water-filled Due to the changes in chemistry, bonding
spaces between denuded collagen fibrils was first mechanism, number of components, application
reported by Nakabayashi et al. [1], and later technique, and clinical effectiveness in the
confirmed by Inokoshi et al. [2] and his collabor- development of dental adhesive systems, gener-
ators [3,4]. ations of adhesives have been redefined [13]
The most widely used self-etching adhesive (Fig. 2). According to this classification, self-
systems involve two application steps: the con- etching dentin–enamel adhesives have been classi-
ditioning of dentin and enamel with a self-etching fied as the seventh generation [14].
primer, followed by the application of an adhesive This paper is intended to outline the components
resin. Nowadays, one-component self-etching and the polymer chemical aspects of self-etching
adhesives are increasingly introduced to the enamel–dentin primers/adhesives currently used. In
market. However, most of the currently available addition, the contribution of new adhesive mono-
self-etching primers/adhesives are methacrylate- mers and cross-linkers exhibiting better hydrolytic
stability than methacrylates to improve the per-
based (Fig. 1) with a pH-value in the 1.5–2.5 range
formance of single-bottle adhesives is discussed.
[5]. Under these strong acidic conditions, esters
such as 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA),
triethyleneglycol dimethacrylate (TEGDMA),
methacryloyloxydecyl dihydrogen phosphate Monomers in self-etching enamel–dentin
(MDP) or HEMA-phosphate, are hydrolytically
degraded [6,7]. Another disadvantage of one-
component self-etching adhesives is seen in their
General aspects
relatively high water uptake, resulting in the
formation of water trees at the interface [8,9].
The monomers contained in commercial self-
One of the first acidic monomers that was etching adhesives can be divided into three main
developed is 4-methacryloyloxyethyl trimellitate groups according to their function: (a) self-etching
anhydride (4-META) [10,11], which is still very adhesive monomers; (b) cross-linking monomers
often used in self-etching primer systems. Clinically, and (c) additional monofunctional co-monomers
it has been shown that self-etching systems exhibit, (Fig. 1).
a low technique sensitivity with regard to the All these monomers have to meet the following
conditions of the dentin surface (dry, wet, moist general requirements:
etc.), resulting in a very low level of postoperative
sensitivity. It is obvious that the low risk of post- / High rate of free-radical homopolymeriza-
operative sensitivity has to do with the fact that tion or copolymerization with the other
dentin decalcification and the penetration of dentin monomers in the adhesive.
by the acidic and co-monomers occur up to the same / Optimal solubility in the adhesive compo-
depth. No nanoleakage is experienced in the hybrid sition, i.e. the monomers should be con-
veniently miscible with aqueous solutions

Self-etching adhesive Monofunctional co-mo-

monomers e.g. HEMA- nomers e.g. HEMA
Self-etching OH
O P OH enamel-dentin O
O adhesives

Cross-linking mono-
mers e.g. TEGDMA Additives: photoini-
tiator, solvents, sta-
O bilizers, filler etc.

Figure 1 Components of currently available self-etching enamel–dentin primers/adhesives.

Chemical of self-etching adhesives 897

1955 1st Generation Cavity primers with low bond strength

2nd Generation Dentin-enamel bonding agents with im-
proved bond strength to etched enamel
3rd Generation Etching of dentin + partially removal and
modification of smear layer
4th Generation Total-etch technique and formation of
the hybrid layer and resin tags
5th Generation Simplification of clinical procedure: one-
bottle systems and self-etching primers
2001 6th Generation One-step bonding systems with proper
bond to enamel and dentin

Figure 2 Evolution of bonding systems from the first generation to current bonding materials of the sixth generation.

of acetone and ethanol, which are mainly enhanced hydrolytic stability under acidic con-
used as solvents in commercial self-etching ditions. Allyl monomers exhibit a low tendency
adhesives, and the other monomers and towards homopolymerization and, if mixed with
additives. other monomers, show a degradative chain transfer
/ Sufficient stability of both the monomer and reaction, which may impair the polymerization
the formed polymer. Stability of the mono- behaviour of the whole adhesive mixture. More-
mer does not only comprise the stability over, 1,2-disubstituted ethylene derivatives, such
against premature polymerization, but also as maleic acid, do not undergo homopolymerization
the stability against degradation by oxygen, and, therefore, can only be used with suitable
heat, light and, of course, water during copolymerizable monomers.
storage. The structure of the spacer groups is important
/ Minimal water uptake and low swelling since this may combine two or three polymerizable
degree of the formed polymer and the groups in the case of cross-linkers or a polymeriz-
monomers should not impair the sufficient able group with an adhesive group or functional
mechanical strength of the adhesive layer. group in the case of self-etching adhesive monomers
/ Low polymerization shrinkage or at least or monofunctional co-monomers. The design of the
contribution of the monomer to reduce spacer group enables the exertion of a specific
shrinkage or thermal stress in the adhesive influence on monomer properties, such as the
layer. behaviours regarding volatility, solubility, viscosity,
/ Low oral toxicity and cytotoxicity of the wetting and penetration. Moreover, the structure of
monomers and the prerequisite that they the spacer groups also influences the properties of
may not show any mutagenic or carcino- the resulting polymers, such as hydrophilicity,
genic effect with and without metabolic swelling properties, flexibility or stiffness. Thus,
activation. the substitution of e.g. two carbon atoms by oxygen
atoms in an octamethylene group improves the
These general requirements can be fulfilled with water solubility and the wetting behaviour of the
structure-designed monomers containing one or corresponding monomer, whereas a xylylidene
more polymerizable groups and additional spacer containing eighth carbon atoms results in a
functional groups, which are combined by a more rigid and hydrophobic monomer (Fig. 4).
tailor-made spacer group. Among the various Self-etching adhesive monomers are monomer
free-radically polymerizable groups (Fig. 3), components in a self-etching enamel–dentin
methacrylate functions show sufficient reactivity.
However, acrylates are more reactive and they may (Meth)acrylate (Meth)acrylamide
increase the toxicological risk of the monomers.
Additionally, acrylates tend to produce side CH 3 (H) CH 3 (H)
effects, e.g. the Michael addition of nucleophilic CH2 C CH2 C R: Alkyl, Aryl
compounds, which leads to a loss of their poly- CO O CO N
merizability. Vinyl or styryl monomers are less R
reactive in the free-radical photopolymerization Vinyl Styryl Allyl
and often it is more difficult to synthesize
additional functionalized derivatives of these CH2 CH CH2 CH CH2 CH CH2
monomers. In this context, functionalized (meth)
acrylamides provide easier access to synthetics and Figure 3 Polymerizable groups in monomers for
qualify for the synthesis of monomers with adhesives.
898 N. Moszner et al.

Acid groups:

Chelating groups:
Figure 4 Examples of spacer groups R in adhesive COOH
monomers. OH
Covalent coupling groups: O
adhesive, which are responsible for the specific
interaction of the adhesive with the dental hard O
tissue. Therefore, they should meet, beside the C OH SH
above mentioned general requirements, the H O
following additional demands:
Figure 6 Adhesive groups AD enable chemical adhesion
/ Capability of self-etching the enamel sur- to enamel or dentin.
face in a relatively short time while forming
a surface with increased roughness that dihydrogenphosphate groups, which form stronger
enables micromechanical bonding of the acids than the corresponding carboxylic acids. The
adhesive on enamel. general potential of the acidic monomers to etch
/ Optimal wetting and film-forming beha- e.g., enamel, largely depends on the acidity of the
viour on the tooth surface and the capa- monomers that increases in the following order:
bility of penetrating, for example, into the carboxylic acids!phosphonic acids!acid phos-
phates!sulfonic acid. However, the application
dentinal tubules.
of polymerizable sulfonic acids in present self-
/ Fast ionic or covalent interaction with
etching adhesives only concerns 2-acrylamido-
components of the dental hard tissue,
2-methylpropane sulfonic acid. The reason for this
e.g., the formation of low soluble calcium
is that suitable self-etching adhesive monomers
salts or formation of covalent bonds with
should not only exhibit appropriate etching proper-
ties, but also meet the full set of requirements.
To achieve these specific requirements, a great The chemical adhesion of monomers on the hard
number of acidic monomers with the potential for tissue of a natural tooth can be realized by the
generating a self-etching enamel–dentin adhesive formation of primary chemical bonds, such as
have been described in the literature. In general, covalent or ionic bonds, generated by the reaction
these self-etching adhesive monomers are bi- of suitable adhesive groups with components of the
functional molecules containing at least the dental hard tissue. As a consequence, ionic bonds
following components: first, a polymerizable are formed by the acidic groups reacting with the
group P, which can react both with the other main inorganic component of the dental hard
monomers of the adhesive and the restorative tissue, which is hydroxyapatite. In addition, chelat-
material by copolymerization, second, an acid ing groups, which we can find, for example, in
salicylic acid or aminodiacetic acids (Fig. 6), enable
adhesive group AD capable of both etching the
the formation of coordinative linkages to the
dental hard tissues and interacting with the tooth
calcium ions of enamel or dentin. Furthermore,
substance, and, finally, a spacer group R designed
additional reactive groups in the monomeric acids
to influence, e.g. the solubility, flexibility and
may result in establishing covalent bonds between
wetting properties of the adhesive monomer
the collagen fibers in dentin and the self-etching
(Fig. 5). Suitable adhesive groups are acidic groups
adhesive monomer. As dentinal collagen contains
(Fig. 6), in particular, phosphonic acid and mono-or
reactive groups, which are amino or hydroxyl
Spacer group influences flexibility,
groups in particular, the reaction of dentin with
solubility, wetting behavior etc. e.g. aldehyde or anhydride groups may establish
Adhesive group to covalent bonds with the collagen fibers if conditions
Polymerizable group
create the bond to are mild. Moreover, secondary valence forces, such
P R AD dentin and enamel
Self-etching adhesive monomer
as attraction forces of molecular (Van der Waals
forces) and induced dipoles (London dispersion
Figure 5 General structure of a self-etching adhesive forces), or attraction forces caused by the for-
monomer. mation of hydrogen bridges or charge-transfer
Chemical of self-etching adhesives 899


O (CH2)10 O P OH O O


Figure 7 Examples of polymerizable acidic phosphates used in dentin adhesives.

interactions may additionally contribute to the free phosphoric acid (Fig. 8). Obviously, the easily
adhesion (physical adhesion). separable triester TMEP is a non-acidic monomer,
and therefore, not able to etch enamel. Different
acidic esters can easily be distinguished using
Adhesive monomers in commercial 31
phosphorous nuclear magnetic resonance
self-etching enamel–dentin adhesives (31P NMR) spectroscopy. Chemical shifts of the
phosphorus atoms of the different phosphoric
Phosphorus-containing monomers
acids range between 10 and 20 ppm and depend on
In general, phosphorus-containing monomers, e.g.
the pH-value [21]. Therefore, the number of signals
phosphonic acids or acidic phosphates, are capable
in the 31 P NMR spectrum of phosphoric acid
of etching enamel and dentin. In addition, these
monomers mostly corresponds to the number of
monomers promote monomer diffusion into the
present chemical species. For example, the 31P NMR
acid-conditioned and underlying intact dentin.
spectrum of crude product of the MEP shows three
Among the phosphorus-containing monomers,
signals at 10.2, 9.0 and 3.1 ppm, which can be
mainly polymerizable acidic phosphates are used.
assigned to the phosphorus atoms of the three acidic
One of the first chemical compounds proposed to
methacrylates DMEP, MEP and PMEP. The polymer-
improve bonding with human dentin [15,16] was the
izable acidic phosphates are generated by the
glycerol dimethacrylate ester of phosphoric acid
reaction of phosphorus oxychloride (POCl3) with
(GDMP) (Fig. 7). Further examples of acidic metha-
the corresponding OH-group containing methacry-
crylate phosphates conveniently applied to improve
late. For example, the reaction of POCl3 with
bonding on dentin are the reaction products of
10-hydroxydecyl methacrylate in the presence of
phosphorus oxychloride with bis-GMA [17], metha-
triethyl amine (TEA) at K30 to K40 8C resulted in
cryloyloxyethyl phenyl hydrogen phosphate
MDP with a purity of 92–95% [22] (Fig. 9). The
(MEP-P), MDP, methacryloyloxypropyl dihydrogen
different solubility of barium or calcium salts of free
phosphate (MPP), methacryloyloxyethyl dihydrogen
phosphate (MEP, HEMA-phosphate), and dipentaer- phosphoric acid and acidic phosphates enables the
ythrolpentaacryloyl dihydrogen phosphate (PENTA- separation of free phosphoric acid from polymeriz-
P), which are summarized in Fig. 7. The synthesis able acidic phosphates.
and dental adhesive application of MEP-P and its
p-methoxy derivative was first described by Naka-
bayashi et al. [18,19]. The polymerizable acidic
phosphates shown in Fig. 7 were first used in dental OH OH O
adhesives of the second generation. These commer-
cially available compounds are mostly mixtures of O O O
different phosphoric acid derivatives. Thus, Rein- R O P O P O R R
hart et al. [20], showed, that, e.g. commercially OH OH
available MEP additionally contained both di- PMEP
(DMEP) and tri-HEMA ester (TMEP) of phosphoric
acid, as well as pyrophosphates (PMEP) and even Figure 8 Various esters of HEMA and phosphoric acid.
900 N. Moszner et al.

POCl3 + O 9
O 9

Figure 9 Phosphorylation of 10-hydroxydecyl methacrylate with POCl3.

From the literature [23], it is known that mono- Monofunctional and cross-linking monomers
and dialkylesters are actually stronger acids than in commercial adhesives
phosphoric acid itself and that dialkyl hydrogen
phosphates are stronger acids than the correspond- Besides the truly adhesive acidic monomers, the
ing monoalkyl dihydrogen phosphates. However, currently used self-etching enamel–dentin
the phosphoric acid ester bonds in the diesters are adhesives contain further mono - and difunctional
under acidic conditions, less hydrolytically stable non-acidic methacrylates, which are instrumental
than in the monoesters, which is the case e.g. when in influencing the properties of the liquid adhesive,
the pH-value reaches 1–2. In the case of acidic such as miscibility, viscosity, wetting and film-
methacrylate phosphates, an additional hydrolytic forming behaviour, monomer penetration and
instability results from the hydrolysis of the polymerization reactivity, as well as the properties
methacrylate ester bond taking place in the of the polymerized solid adhesive layer, such as
presence of water, which is frequently used as co- mechanical strength, water uptake or stability
solvent in self-etching enamel–dentin adhesives and
against hydrolytic or enzymatic degradation.
is catalyzed by hydrogen ions of the phosphoric acid
Among the monomethacrylates, HEMA is the most
group. For MEP, we found [24,25] that the
frequently applied monomer, while similar mono-
hydrolysis of both the methacrylate and phosphate
mers such as 2-hydroxypropyl methacrylate (HPMA)
ester bonds resulted in the formation of
or 2-hydroxy-3-phenoxypropyl methacrylate
methacrylic acid (MAA) (A) and 2-hydroxyethyl
(HPPMA) are hardly used (Fig. 12). HEMA is a
methacrylate (HEMA) (B), as is shown in Fig. 10. In
water soluble, low viscous monomer that improves
general, the hydrolytic stability of the phosphoric
the miscibility and solubility of the polar and non-
acid esters increases in the following order: dialkyl
hydrogen phosphate!trialkyl phosphate!mono- polar adhesive components and the wetting beha-
alkyl dihydrogen phosphate. Therefore, hydrolysis viour of the liquid adhesive on the dental hard
of the phosphate ester bond in the monoester MEP tissue. In addition, it is well known [26] that HEMA
was not expected. Furthermore, we found that in may stabilize the collagen fibril network and
the case of longer alkylene spacers, for example, in improves the dentinal permeability and monomer
the case of MDP, the phosphate ester bond was diffusion. However, HEMA is not hydrolytically
significantly more stable. Nevertheless, aqueous stable and forms associates in concentrated sol-
solutions of MDP are not hydrolytically stable, if utions, which promote its hydrolysis [27]. Further-
stored at room temperature for weeks [7], and more, it has to be considered that a high content of
therefore, they have to be stored in a refrigerator. monofunctional monomers in the adhesive impair
In summary, MDP, MEP, DMEP and GDMP are used as its polymerization rate. This may lead to a
monomers in the current self-etching enamel– significant lower density of cross-linkage in the
dentin adhesives. polymerized adhesive layer, which may result in

Polymerizable carboxylic acids HO +
While a number of free-radically polymerizable O OH
unsaturated carboxylic acids form the main O
adhesive monomers in the dentin adhesives up to A
the 4th generation, their use in self-etching primers O OH
is restricted to only a few compounds, above all, O OH
4-methacryloyloxyethyl trimellitic acid (4-MET), O
4-META, and 10-methacryloyloxydecyl malonic B H2O
acid (MAC-10) (Fig. 11). Aqueous solutions of O OH
these polymerizable unsaturated carboxylic acids HO + HO
show a pH-value below 2.0 as well and as a O
consequence enable the surface of enamel and
dentin to be etched. Figure 10 Hydrolysis of MEP in the presence of water.
Chemical of self-etching adhesives 901


Figure 11 Structure of self-etching polymerizable carboxylic acids.


Figure 12 OH-group containing methacrylates used in dentin adhesives.

weakened adhesive bonds, in particular, after behaviour and reactivity. Thus, Bis-GMA shows high
storage and swelling in water. reactivity, however, it exhibits also high viscosity
Cross-linking dimethacrylates are used in and low water solubility. In contrast, TEGDMA and
enamel–dentin adhesives to generate the formation GDMA are dimethacrylates featuring low viscosity
of the polymer network, which leads to a number of and improved solubility in water. Unfortunately,
favorable effects. First, the polymerization rate all these dimethacrylates are not hydrolytically
strongly increases because of the gel-effect. stable in aqueous acidic solutions and degrade
Second, the mechanical properties of a polymer under formation of corresponding diols and
network are improved in comparison to linear methacrylic acid.
polymers. Finally, the formed cross-linked layer is
not water soluble and the degree of swelling
decreases with increasing polymer network density. New phosphorus containing monomers
The most popular cross-linking dimethacrylates with improved hydrolytic stability
used in enamel–dentin adhesives are 2,2-bis[4-
(2-hydroxy-3-methacryloyloxypropyl)phenyl]pro- The problem of the hydrolytic instability of
pane (Bis-GMA), 1,6-bis-[2-methacryloyloxyethox- methacrylate phosphates can be solved by applying
ycarbonylamino]-2,4,4-trimethylhexane (UDMA), monomers that contain more hydrolytically stable
glycerol dimethacrylate (GDMA), and TEGDMA bonds between the polymerizable group and the
(Fig. 13). The dimethacrylates demonstrate differ- strongly acidic phosphorus group. Phosphonates
ent properties such as viscosity, polarity and water may be used for this purpose. In dentistry, organic
solubility, polymerization shrinkage, film formation phosphonates are well known and used in




Figure 13 Cross-linking dimethacrylates used in dentin adhesives.

902 N. Moszner et al.

O O enamel or dentin. The etch pattern produced with

CH2 CH P OH CH2 CH CH2 P OH the polymerizable phosphonic acids is similar to
OH OH that generated by commercial etching gels based on
VPA VBPA 35 wt% phosphoric acid. Among the synthesized
monomers, EAEPA and MAEPA (2,4,6-trimethylphe-
Figure 14 Structure of the monomeric phosphonic
acids VPA and VBPA.
nyl 2-[4-(dihydroxyphosphoryl)-2-oxabutyl]acry-
late) featured the best dentin adhesive
dentifrices to reduce the formation of supragingival properties, whereas the corresponding carboxylic
dental calculus because they act as calcium acid group containing phosphonic acid CAEPA (2-[4-
sequestrants or inhibit the crystal growth of (dihydroxyphosphoryl)-2-oxabutyl]acrylic acid) or
calcium phosphates [28]. A first evaluation of the nitrile derivative NAEPA (2-[4-(dihydroxypho-
polymerizable phosphonates for dental adhesives sphoryl)-2-oxabutyl]acrylonitrile) exhibited signifi-
was carried out by Anbar et al. [29–31]. They proved cantly less adhesive action. This could be explained
that vinylphosphonic acid (VPA) and on the basis of e.g., the lower solubility (CAEPA) or
4-vinylbenzylphosphonic acid (VBPA) (Fig. 14) or radical polymerizability (NAEPA) of the monomers.
corresponding copolymers can improve the CAEPA and NAEPA are hydrolytically stable in
adhesion of filling composites on etched enamel, aqueous solutions at room temperature. In contrast
and decrease the adsorption of proteins on enamel. to these monomers, the carboxylic ester bond in
Unfortunately, VPA and VBPA are less reactive than EAEPA tends to hydrolyze with formation of ethanol
methacrylates in radical polymerization. In this and the phosphonic acid CAEPA. Therefore, we
context, we were able to synthesize a number of synthesized the phosphonic acid monomer MAEPA,
new acrylic ether phosphonic acids (AEPA, Fig. 15) which was completely stable under aqueous
with improved hydrolytic stability and reactivity in conditions at 42 8C during 4 months of investigation
the free-radical polymerization, in which the [34–36]. The improved hydrolytic stability of MAEPA
polymerizable methacrylate group and the strong in comparison to EAEPA is caused by the steric
acidic phosphorus group are connected through hindrance of hydrolysis regarding the methyl groups
a hydrolytically stable ether bond (Fig. 15) [7,24, in the 2- and 6-position of the phenyl group.
32–34]. The synthesized phosphonic acids dissolve Recently, a number of methacrylates of hydro-
well in water, acetone or ethanol. A 20 wt% solution xyalkylphosphonates have been proposed, as e.g.,
of the phosphonic acids shows a pH-value that is MAPA-1 [37] or the difunctional monomer MAPA-2
lower than 2.0, e.g. 1.12 in the case of EAEPA (ethyl (Fig. 16) [38]. However, these monomers are not
2-[4-(dihydroxyphosphoryl)-2-oxabutyl]acrylate). hydrolytically stable, because they undergo
Due to their acidity, the monomers are able to etch hydrolysis if water is present, and form methacrylic


Figure 15 Structure of various acrylic ether phosphonic acids (AEPA).



Figure 16 Structure of the methacryloyloxyalkyl phoshonic acids MAPA-1 and MAPA-2.

Chemical of self-etching adhesives 903


Figure 17 Structure of the phosphonic acids DMHD and N N


acid. In this context, the phosphonic acids DMHD

and MAMPA (Fig. 17) described in a recent patent N N
[39] should be hydrolytically stable. Nevertheless,
DMHD is not an appropriate monomer for radical
polymerization. Unfortunately, results of adhesion Figure 18 Structure of bis(acrylamide)s with improved
measurements were not presented in the patent. hydrolytic stability.

reactivity of the synthesized monomers, gelation

Monofunctional and cross-linking mono- experiments were carried out. It could be seen that
mers with improved hydrolytic stability the water soluble bis(acrylamide)s featured a
similar reactivity than the cross-linking dimetha-
Stability studies showed [7] that conventional crylates as e.g. GDMA. Bis(methacrylamide)s are
dimethacrylates such as TEGDMA or GDMA undergo less reactive than the corresponding bis(acryla-
rapid hydrolysis under acidic aqueous conditions. mide)s. In contrast to GDMA, the water soluble
Therefore, they cannot be used for the preparation bis(acrylamide)s as e.g. DEBAAP feature a signifi-
of water based single-bottle adhesives that remain cantly higher hydrolytic stability. The hydrolytic
stable if stored at room temperature. From the stability of the monomers was examined by means
literature it is well known [40] that carbamides are of 1 H NMR spectroscopic measurements. As
more hydrolytically stable than esters because their expected, the monomer DEBAAP remained stable
carbonyl group exhibits a lower reactivity. Thus, in aqueous ethanol in the presence of 20 wt% of
vigorous conditions and strong catalysts such as phosphoric acid after it had been stored at 37 8C for
concentrated sulfuric or phosphoric acids are often a test period of 4 months. GDMA was not stable and
required to bring hydrolysis on. Thus, it can be methacrylic acid started to build up after 1 day
expected that difunctional acryl- or methacryla- under comparable conditions. In this context, it has
mides exhibit enhanced hydrolytic stability to be mentioned that many of the synthesized
compared to dimethacrylates. A number of bis- water soluble bis(acrylamide)s exhibit lower cyto-
(acrylamide)s, e.g. N,N 0 -ethylenebisacrylamide or toxicity than the corresponding hydrophilic
N,N 0 -methylenebisacrylamide, are commercially dimethacrylates. Cytotoxicity was determined
available and used as cross-linking agents for the with in vitro single cell gel electrophoresis (Comet
preparation of poly(acrylamide) gels. However, Assay [42]). So, the XTT50-value for the DEBAAP
these are solids and they feature a water solubility monomer was 880 mg/ml while it reached 25 mg/ml
of less than 5%. Moreover, they are practically for TEGDMA. The obtained results confirmed [7]
insoluble in ethanol or acetone. We were able to that the water soluble bis(acrylamide)s as e.g.
synthesize a number of new bis(acrylamide)s DEBAAP can be used to substitute TEGDMA or GDMA
(Fig. 18), which are liquids and completely soluble in water based single-bottle self-etching enamel–
in water and ethanol and show an improved dentin adhesives containing new, strongly acidic
hydrolytic stability [41]. Examples of suitable acrylic phosphonic acids, which results in adhesives
bis(acrylamide)s are N,N 0 -dimethyl-1,3-bis(acryla- with a storage stability at room temperature more
mido)-hexane (DMBAAH), N,N 0 -dimethyl-1,3-bis than 2 years.
(acrylamido)-propane (DMBAAP), and N,N 0 -diethyl- Analogous to the dimethacrylates, the mono-
1,3-bis(acrylamido)-propane (DEBAAP). All mono- functional monomers and HEMA in particular also
mers in particular, which contained N,N 0 -disubsti- have to be substituted in water based single-bottle
tuted carbamide groups, demonstrated excellent self-etching enamel–dentin adhesives with appro-
solubility compared to bis(acylamide)s with N,N 0 - priate monomers that exhibit enhanced hydrolytic
monosubstituted carbamide groups. This means stability, as is the case e.g. with (meth)acrylamides.
that the hydrogen bonding in these monomers HEMA substitutes are, for example, N-methylola-
between the CO–NH groups impair their solubility crylamide (HMAM) or N-methylolmethacrylamide
in organic solvents. In order to investigate the (HMMAM) (Fig. 19), which are more effective in
904 N. Moszner et al.

O O [47,48], and N-methacryloyl glycine (NMGLY) [6].

The investigation of NMGLY showed that its
NH OH NH OH hydrolytic stability was higher than that of HEMA.
NH N Initiator systems and solvents for
HEMAM MHEAM self-etching adhesives
Figure 19 Structure of HEMA-substitutes with Initiators
improved hydrolytic stability.
As in the case of composite filling or luting
conjunction with suitable dentin primers than HEMA
materials, adhesives can be photopolymerized, or
[43]. It is, however, well known [44] that N-methylol
the polymerization can be initiated by a redox
compounds are degradable under formation of
initiator system. An intrinsic problem of self-
formaldehyde which is a toxicological risk. There-
etching enamel–dentin adhesives is the acid–base
fore, monomers with a longer spacer between the
reaction of the acidic monomers with amines often
OH group and the polymerizable (meth)acrylamide
used in the initiator systems [49–52], such as the
group would be advantageous. In fact, we found out camphorquinone/amine system in visible (VIS) light
[45] that e.g. both N-(2-hydroxyethyl)-methacryla- curing adhesives (Fig. 21) or the amine/peroxide
mide (HEMAM) and N-methyl-N-(2-hydroxyethyl)- system in chemically curing adhesives (Fig. 22). In
acrylamide (MHEAM) feature improved hydrolytic both cases, the concentration of the amine, and
stability and very low cytotoxicity. They are, therefore, also of the formed amine radical, which
therefore, suitable to substitute HEMA in water is responsible for the initiation of polymerization,
based single-bottle self-etching enamel–dentin decreases [53,54]. Retarded polymerization not
adhesives containing new, strongly acidic adhesive only occurs in the adhesive layer, but also in the
monomers. oxygen-inhibited surface zone that bonds the
Finally, it should be mentioned that a number composite to the adhesive [55–57]. The acid–base
of COOH-group-containing (meth)acrylamides reaction results in an equilibrium between the
(Fig. 20) were investigated to be used as monomers protonized and unprotonized form of the amine and
for enamel and dentin adhesives. Examples for the acid. Therefore, the amine concentration needs
these are N-methacryloyl-1-aminosalicylic acid to be exactly adjusted to the concentration of acid
(MASA) [46], N-acryloyl aspartic acid (NAASP) in self-etching systems. Chemically cured adhesives


Figure 20 Structure of COOH-containing (meth)acrylamides.


R` R
hν R 1* ISC R 3 * R`
C O C O C O R` +
R nπ∗ Electron and
proton transfer N CH R
[Photoinitiator]: 0.1-0.2 wt.-%; (max): 468 nm Amine radical

Figure 21 Initiator system for the photopolymerization of VIS-light curing adhesives.

Chemical of self-etching adhesives 905

C O O C C O + O C
CH2 R`
CH2 R` R N
R N CH2 R`
CH2 R`
+H -H
CH2 R` R N
R N CH2 R`
CH2 R`
H Amine radical

Figure 22 Acid–base reaction of an amine/peroxide redox initiator system for radical polymerization.

are even more sensitive due to thicker oxygen Solvents

inhibition layers [57,58]. This has resulted in
alternatively using less sensitive redox initiatiors Dentin consists of approx. 70% hydroxyapatite, 20%
containing reductants such as barbituric [59], organic material and 10% water [66]. To achieve a
ascorbic [60], sulfinic acids [61], or combinations thorough wetting of this moist substrate, the use of
of them with amine/peroxide systems [52,62]. The hydrophilic adhesive components will be necessary.
initiator components are often contained in a thin Decalcification of enamel and dentin, and removal
coat on purpose-designed applicators to facilitate of the smear layer, which is created during cavity
the application and prolong the storage stability of preparation on top of the dentin, are ionic
the material [63,64]. processes. Calcium ions are chelated by acidic
In the case of photoinitiators, Norrish type I monomers, and parts of collagen fibres are solubil-
systems, which do not require amine accelerators ized or hybridized [67]. For these ionic processes
and absorb light in the wavelength range of water is required, and therefore, self-etching
400–500 nm, are needed. Acylphosphine oxides adhesives or primers are generally water based. In
were introduced on the market some years ago as contrast to the acid etch technique [68–72], self-
a new class of a-cleavage photoinitiators [65]. The etching adhesives/primers do not exhibit an equal
absorption characteristics of acylphosphine oxides sensitivity to moisture on dentin surfaces due to
differ from most other photoinitiators of the their water base [73]. However, excess water could
a-cleavage type in that they feature enhanced decrease the content of the adhesives’ monomeric
absorption in the near UV/VIS range. This is very components within the collagen network and
important for their use in dental materials, e.g. probably interfere with their polymerization,
dental adhesives. The chemical structures of some which would then result in a lower cross-linking
acylphosphine oxides are shown in Fig. 23. A density of the formed hybrid layer [74]. Co-solvents
disadvantage of acylphosphine oxides is that they like ethanol are added to self-etching adhesives,
are not compatible with most of the new dental which form an azeotropic mixture with water and
LED polymerization light units and that acylphos- thus accelerate the surface dehydration by means
phine oxides are prone to undergoing solvolytic of air syringe drying. Excessive dehydration of
cleavage of the carbon–phosphorus bond in the dentin, however, negatively affects the mechanical
presence of nucleophilic compounds such as water substrate properties [75]. If acetone is used as a co-
or alcohols [65]. solvent, phase separation and precipitation of


Acylphosphonat Acylphosphine oxide phosphorine oxide

Figure 23 Examples of acylphosphine oxide a-cleavage photoinitiators.

906 N. Moszner et al.

adhesive components can occur. During solvent a source for fluoride ions in e.g. Clearfil Protect
evaporation the ratio water–acetone is changing. Bond (Kuraray Medical Inc., Japan) [87]. There are
different reasons for the development of fluoride-
releasing adhesives. Fluoride is applied because of
its anticariogenic activity resulting in an increased
Further additives for dentin–enamel resistance of enamel and dentin to acid attacks
adhesives [88], and the inhibition effect it exhibits to the
carbohydrate metabolism in dental plaque [89]. In
Fillers addition to this, it has been shown that the
incorporation of fluoride to the adhesive resins
Various dental adhesive systems with a significant increases the durability of the dentin bond. Several
filler amount are available on the market. studies proved that the bond strength of systems
Compared to composite filling materials, the filler containing fluoride did not decrease after long-
content and composition of dental adhesives play a term water storage, whereas the bond strength of
minor role. Nevertheless, the whole range of comparable resins without fluoride decreased
different fillers from spherical glass fillers, silicates during the same time of immersion [90].
to nanometer-sized pyrogenic silica as well as ion
leachable glass fillers are used for adhesive
formulations [76–78]. Adhesive systems are influ- Additives which facilitate the application
enced by inorganic fillers in several ways. Especially of adhesives and antimicrobial agents
for total etch adhesives, the enhanced physical
properties of the bonding agent by filler particles Some manufacturers add different dyes to their
are discussed, on the one hand, as a possibility for adhesive formulation. In two-component systems,
improving the bond strength of an adhesive. On the dyes are used with the intention to clearly indicate
other hand also the negative effects of fillers, e.g. to the clinician that if both components have been
on the penetration behaviour of adhesives, are properly mixed by featuring a colour change. Two
discussed in the literature [79]. Based on these systems are available on the market (One-Up Bond
controversial results various investigations, where F, Tokuyama, Japan, and Tyrian SPE; Bisco, USA),
different total etch adhesive systems were tested, where the colour change occurs through an acid
proved that maximal bond strength can be found indicator dye. In One-Up Bond F system the colour
with a filler content of between 10 and 40 wt% [80]. turns from yellow to pink when the neutral
However, the influence of fillers in adhesive component containing the dye (yellow) is mixed
formulations as stress buffers remains unpredict- with the acidic component. The colour is also useful
able and has not been confirmed in clinical trials for facilitating the control of homogeneous tooth
[81,82]. coverage and the prevention of pooling. When the
In contrast to this, the newest self-etching adhesive layer is light-cured, the colour of both
bonding systems, where adequate wetting of the systems fades.
surface and penetration of the acidic monomers is The reasons for adding antimicrobial agents to
essential for reliable adhesion, contain only small dental adhesive formulations are manifold. On the
amounts of fillers. Especially in single-step systems, one hand, identification and complete removal of
silica fillers are often used as thickener to increase carious dentin in clinical trials is often difficult to
the viscosity; thus, a film is reliably formed, which assess, as no convenient and objective method for
results in an adequate thickness of the film. Effects caries detection is at hand [91,92]. It is, thus,
like over-thinning and incomplete polymerization intricate to be able to control the absence of
due to oxygen inhibition can be prevented [83–85]. bacteria, and adding antibacterial components
In addition to conventional fillers, some adhesive seemed to be a promising way. On the other hand,
systems contain filler particles featuring specific dental plaque adheres to the surface of the tooth
properties like the capability to release fluoride and restorative materials. Oral bacteria penetrat-
ions or to provide radiopacity. For the controlled ing through micro gaps in between restoration and
release of fluoride ions fillers like desiccated tooth may generate secondary caries and pulp
siliceous hydrogel fillers, derived from fully reacted damage. Therefore, antibacterial components are
glass ionomer reactions and fluoroaluminosilicate added to adhesive systems in several ways to ensure
glass, were used [86]. Fluorides releasing self- the biological sealing of the restoration. Nowadays,
etching adhesive systems are also available on the total etch adhesive systems are well established.
market. Surface modified, i.e. polysiloxane-encap- These systems use phosphoric acid to condition the
sulated sodium fluoride particles, are used as prepared tooth surface by removing the smear layer
Chemical of self-etching adhesives 907

and decalcify the tooth surface. The infiltration of will feature only bacteriostatic activity as a contact
adhesive resins into the decalcified tooth structure antimicrobial [102].
results in a hybrid zone, which provides hermetic
sealing of the surface [93]. In addition, several
studies have shown that phosphoric acid exhibits a
short-term antimicrobial activity during the acid Conclusion
etch procedure, and also total etch dentin bonding
components as long as they are uncured [94]. New The commercial self-etching enamel–dentin
self-etching adhesive systems incorporate the adhesives consist of a mixture of self-etching
smear layer, and microbial contaminations from adhesive monomers, cross-linking monomers and
the smear layer are thus also incorporated. To additional monofunctional co-monomers. Thus, the
integrate antimicrobial effects into self-etching most efficient adhesives available at the moment
primers appears to be attractive for this reason. are based on strongly acidic adhesive monomers,
During the last years, evidence that several self- containing dihydrogenphosphate, phosphonic acid
etching adhesives possess inherent antibacterial or carboxylic acid groups. These monomers enable
effective etching of the dental hard tissues,
activities, comparable to the previous total etch
promote wetting and monomer penetration into
systems, was supplied [95]. Different studies have
the rough enamel and porous dentin surface
generally assigned this effect to the low pH-value of
structure, and form a strong and durable adhesive
self-etching primers [96,97] which can be compared
layer by free-radical copolymerization with the
to the antibacterial effect of phosphoric acid used
other monomeric components of the adhesive. At
in total etch systems [98]. However, bonding resins
the moment, serious problems of water-based,
from two-step self-etching adhesive systems also
highly acidic self-etching enamel–dentin adhesives,
featured some antibacterial effects. The reason for
in particular single-bottle adhesives arise from the
this is difficult to evaluate due to overlapping hydrolytic instability of the methacrylate mono-
factors, such as the antibacterial activity which mers used, and the side effects of the applied
some fluoride salts or monomers and initiator initiator components. The application of new
derivatives exhibit [99]. In addition to these components with improved hydrolytic stability,
inherent antibacterial properties of adhesives, which is the case with e.g. acrylic ether phosphonic
manufacturers add various antibacterial com- acids or mono- or difunctional acrylamides, may
ponents to adhesive formulations. For many years, help to solve the problem. Moreover, more stable
glutaraldehyde has been a well-known component and compatible components have to be developed
in adhesive systems used as a disinfectant, which in the future with regard to initiators. Finally, well-
features antibacterial properties. It is applied in designed additives, such as nanofillers or antibac-
total etch multi-bottle systems like Syntac (Ivoclar terial monomers, may also contribute to enhance
Vivadent, Liechtenstein) or Gluma Bond (Heraeus the performance of self-etching enamel–dentin
Kulzer, Germany) as well as in i-Bond, a one- adhesives.
component self-etching adhesive system of the
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