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AES and AAS: both used for metallic compounds.

In AES: flame: source of excitation and ionization

AES advantage: analyze multiple elements simultaneously

Interference by anions that form low volatility complexes with the analyte, and thus reduce the atoms
formed. Lead to negative errors. Can be corrected by

– Releasing agents (cations added to preferentially react)

– Protecting agents (e.g., EDTA added to protect analyte cation)

AAS: Flame: Reduce the sample into atomic state.

- Purpose of the flame: Desolvate and atomize the analyte atoms in a sample

- The sample is drawn up into the flame by the support gas by Venturi effect

Chopper: The function of the chopper in Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy is to break the steady light
into pulsating light.

In atomic absorption spectroscopy, radiation is used to cause electrons to move to an excited state.
When these electrons return to the ground state radiation is emitted, but this radiation does not
interfere with the analysis because the original radiation was in a pulsed form.

Hollow cathode lamp: (light source)

+ The gas used is Ar

+ Function: Produce sputtering of analyte

Sputtering: convert coated element into gaseous atoms

The cathode in Hollow cathode lamp is constructed of the element to be investigated. The anode is
made of tungsten.

 The intensity of radiation is increased in Hollow cathode lamp by the addition of a non-conductive
protective shield of mica. The protective shield can be made of glass too.

Refractory compound: heat stable -> avoided by using high temp. flame

Pre-mix burner:

+Ionize interference occurs here by high temp.

+ Advantage: Long path length + less turbulent


Structure: Emission system

The parts of flame photometer are burner, atomiser, fuel gases and their regulation and flame.
the function of the Flame or Emission system in Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy: To reduce the sample
into atomic state

The function of atomiser in the emission system of Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy is to break large
mass of liquid into small drops. It also introduces liquid sample into the flame at a stable rate.

The large portion of the aspirated sample is lost in premix chamber burner

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