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Associate Degree Programme

Continue his/her studies for BS 4-year program in a specific discipline and will be eligible to
join the 5th semester of his/her related field at any public /private university
Rules and Regulations for Associate Degree Programme (ADP)
1- Duration of ADP
The normal duration oF ADP is two years (Four Semesters and extendable for two additional
semesters) and consists of 65-68 credit hours.
2- Schedule of Semesters
Each semester will be of 17 working weeks, 16 weeks for teaching and One week for Mid
Examinations. Terminal Examinations will be conducted by the University at the end of each
3- Admission in ADP
Eligibility criteria used for the corresponding degree programmes at the University i.e. F.A./
F.Sc. or equivalent with minimum 45% marks (2nd Division).
4- Curricula and Course Coding
(a) All courses given in the first year (First & 2nd semesters) will be numbered as 1101-
1199 and 1201-1299.
(b) All courses given in the second year (3rd & 4th semesters) will be numbered as 2301-
2399 and 2401-2499.
5- Credits' Requirements For ADP
(a) A student may registered for 15-21 credits per semester.
(b) A course may range from 1 credit hour to 4 credit hours.
(c) 1 credit hour stands for at least one hour class contact per week per semester. For
practical/ laboratory work 3 hours will be considered equivalent to 1 credit hour.
(d) 4 credit hours research project (dissertation)/ project report/ internship/ special paper will
be offered in the fourth semester.
6. Class Attendance
(a) A student must have attended at least 75% of the classes held in a course in order to be
allowed to sit in the terminal examinations.
(b) In case the student remains absent from the class for seven consecutive days without
leave, his/ her name will be removed from the rolls.
(c) Students having less than 75% class attendance in a particular course will be required to
repeat the course in the same semester next year. Names of such students will be reported
by the Institution to the University.
7. Course Evaluation and Distribution

The Institution(s):
(a) Will be responsible for evaluating student work and assigning marks for Sessional/ Mid
(b) Will be responsible for submitting marks for Sessional Work and Mid Examinations to
the office of Controller of Examinations of the University one week before the end of a
semester along with graded student answer books of Mid Examination.
The University:
(a) Will be responsible for conducting the Terminal Examination and evaluation at the end of
each semester;
(b) Will be responsible for preparing and announcing semester results and issuing
Final Transcripts and Degrees.
8. Evaluation System
(a) The course teacher is responsible for the evaluation of sessional examination (mid quizes)
of the students.
(b) To pass a course, a student must obtain 50% marks in each Sessional Examination and as
in Terminal Examination.
(c) A minimum of 50% marks will be required to pass a theory course.
d) For a course in which lab work is also included, each part has to be passed separately by
securing atleast 50% of the allocated marks.
(e) There will be no choice in questions in the Mid and Terminal Examination’s paper.
The scripts of each activity i.e. Mid Examination, assignments and quiz will be shown to the
students by concerned teacher within one week, taken back immediately in accordance with
the announced schedule.
(f) The scripts of each will be shown to the students by concerned teacher within one week.
(g) In case a student is not satisfied with his/ her award even after checking his/ her answer
book or clarification from the teacher, may make written complaint to Head of Institution
within two weeks of the end of Mid Examinations week. The Head of Institution will refer
his/ her case to the Examination Committee of the Department/ Institution.
The evaluation of theExamination Committee will be considered final.
(h) The Mid Examination will be conducted after eight weeks of the commencement of the
semester. The Terminal Examination will be conducted according to the schedule (i.e. date
sheet) announced by the University.
(i) The duration of the examinations will be as follows:
(i) Mid Examination: One and half hour (90 mn)
(ii) Terminal Examination: Three hours (180 mn)
(iii) Practical Examination (where applicable): 2-3 hours
(j) Examinations will be held on consecutive days excluding holidays. The schedule (i.e. date
sheet) of the Mid Examinations will be displayed by the institution well ahead of time.
(k) The approval of subjects for research and appointment of internal and external supervisors
examinations will be accorded by the concerned departmental council.
(l) Home assignments will be submitted to the teacher concerned as scheduled by the teacher.
9. Grading System
Percentage grading system shall be used for marking and preparation of result.

d) A student securing less than 50% marks in a course shall be awarded an ‘F’ grade and GP
be counted as Zero, the marks will be reflected in the sheet but will not be included in the
percentage calculation.
(e) A fraction of mark in a course is to be counted as '1' mark e.g. 64.5 and above is to be
as 65.
(f) There will be no rounding in weighted average percentage for calculation of Semester’s
and CGPA.
(g) Maximum possible grade point average (GPA) will be 4.00.
(h) Minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average for obtaining a 2-years Associate degree is
10- Promotion Regulations
(a) A student has to pass minimum of 50% of courses opted for 1st to 3rd semesters
each for promotion;
(b) The 50% of courses means the half of the number of regular semester courses plus re-
enrolled courses if any, of any semester. If percentage comes in fraction, the fraction shall be
rounded off to the nearest credit scheme, as the case may be;
(c) The student may register for failed courses in Fall or Spring (relevant) semester;
(i) If a student in first semester fails to pass minimum of 50% of courses, shall be placed on
(ii) If a student in 2nd semester again fails to pass minimum 50% courses shall be dropped;
(iii) A dropped student shall be allowed to seek re-admission (once only) in first semester in
the relevant discipline under the same category or fresh admission in any discipline of his/
her choice on merit;
(iv) If a student in 3rd semester fails to pass minimum 50% courses and he/ she is already on
probation then shall be relegated to 3rd semester;
(d) The failed courses of 4th semester or any other semester may be registered in
5th to 6th semester, if necessary for the completion of the requirement of the degree;
(e) The student will be granted re-admission and relegation to same semester once
and one probation during the whole degree programme.
11- Improvement of Grade
(a) If a student obtains “F and C” grade in any course, he/ she shall have to repeat that course.
(b) If a student having less than B grade overall at the end of the degree programme, he/
she may be allowed to appear in a special examination covering 20% of the courses of
the degree programme within maximum period prescribed for the degree programme.
12. Gold Medal
The Gold Medal will be awarded to the student who secures 1st position on the basis of
the cumulative percentage, provided that the degree is completed in the normal duration
and no course has been repeated.
13. Special Examination
In case of death of blood relatives or spouse/ wards(s) of a candidate, subject to the
submission of an affidavit about the same by the student,
Institution’s Examination Committee will conduct mid and/ or University terminal
examination as a special case failing which he/ she shall be considered failed in that
14. Maintenance of Examination Records
The teacher concerned will prepare four copies of the award lists. He/ she will retain one
copy with him/ her, display one copy on the institution’s notice board and provide two
copies to the Head of Institution. The Head of Institution will retain one copy and forward
one copy to Controller of Examinations of the University. The scripts of Mid Examinations
will be sent to the Controller of Examinations of the University within 14 working days of
holding of examinations.
16. Semester Freezing
(a) For genuine medical reasons, a scholar may get the semester frozen upto the start of the
mid exams.
17. Cancellation of Admission
If a student fails to attend any lecture during the first four weeks of the commencement of
the semester as per announced schedule, his/ her admission stands cancelled automatically
without any notice.
Maintenance of course file is compulsory for the teacher. It will have a complete record of
every activity that happened during the semester. The course file will contain:
(a) Description of course.
(b) Time Table.
(c) Attendance Sheet.
(d) Date Sheet of Mid Examination.
(e) Copy of each homework assignment, quiz given, mid exam paper and mid sessional
results duly signed by the teacher..
(f) Difficulties/ problems faced during classroom.
(g) Marked answer sheets of students; one who have received maximum marks and one who
has received minimum marks
The course file of each subject will be submitted to the office of the Head of Institution one
week before the end of semester (i.e. 16th week of the semester). The Head of Institution’s
office is required to maintain this record for one year after the end of a semester. The
bodies may inspect these files if/ when needed.
Head of institution do this
20. Institution Semester Implementation Committee

Scheme of Studies
Major and Elective Discipline Courses Islamic study and Economics

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