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Mayra mundo
Ill patients should be allowed to end their lives. Raquel Aguilasocho
In favor.

After hearing a lot of ideas from my classmates I think ill patients should be allowed
to end their lives as long as they have a chronic disease, if their diagnosis is that
they don’t have any chances of getting better, not giving them the right to decide
it’s cruel because they are suffering, and if that’s what they want it’s only right to let
them decide if they want to stay alive or not.

Although it’s a controversial topic, it’s important to evaluate their mental health first,
so the person can be clear headed and not pushed by depression to make this
decision, sometimes when you are experiencing dark feelings you say things or do
things that later on you regret, so it is crucial that you are thinking clearly.

I think even if people had the option of euthanasia not everybody will do it, so why
would society stop those who want it?

Countries need to legalize recreational marihuana.

In favor.

Society changes whether we like it or not, but around marihuana there always have
been a certain fear, I sometimes compare it with coffee, cigarettes and alcohol,
how long has it been since all of these substances (that are addictive as well as
marihuana) have been legalized?

Legalizing marihuana can be beneficial, because of all the new jobs, taxes, control,
it will mean having regulations and it may disease organized crime.

Marihuana it’s natural and can be used for some diseases like anxiety, Parkinson,
Alzheimer, I know the topic it’s about recreational marihuana not medical
marihuana but opening the marked will also can help others not to see it as
something bad or taboo.
Marriage is outdated.

In favor.

As I said during the debate, I truly believe that marriage keeps our society strong I
also believe that it´s not for everybody. I had heard the idea that marriage should
have a term of seven years, after that the spouses should decide if they want to
stay married or not for another 7 years, it may seem like a crazy idea but I think it’s

Marriage it’s not the only way you can declare your love to your significant other,
but it is the one supported by law more over it’s been practiced for thousands of

Maybe some of my ideas are based on the fact that I almost got a divorce.

Animals should be used for medical research.

In favor.

I’m in favor of this idea only if there isn’t another way; I believe animals have
feelings and rights but they are not the same as human beings so if there is a
chance of saving someone’s life thru medicine developed with the help of these
techniques I’m on board.

Maybe if there were a special regulation, regarding the use of certain animals,
certain practices, trying to make it less painful. Its really hard and unfair but I
believe that some medicines need this kind of procedures in order to be developed.

I’d like to discuss one of the ideas that one of my classmates said during the
debate, “some animals are here for that reason”; animals are not here in the world
because of us, but society had made us think that way.
Videogames are a waste of time.

In favor.

I know video games can develop some positive skills, despite that, this doesn’t
happen for everyone, most people can’t take advantage of these technological
resource, so for the majority it’s in fact a waste of time. For me a waste of time it’s
doing something that doesn’t gives you something back, for instance, I love
puzzles, and I spend a considerable amount of time on it, but while I do them I
relax and I lower my levels of stress, but talking abut videogames, they do the
opposite (almost every video game).

And did you know that even peaceful and apparently “educational video games”
can be negative for people? And this is because of the screen exposure, can
cause insomnia, visual fatigue, and if the person uses headphones for this, can
cause hearing loss.

Death penalty.


Whenever I think about death penalty I feel a little confused because I cannot
make a decision whether I’m against or in favor, because I process it by examples,
what if my father killed someone being part of a violent crime I’ll be against death
penalty because jail time, even if it’s for life, would mean that I’ll have more time
with him, he will have time to redeem his actions maybe; but what would happen if
someone killed my father also in a violent crime, I’d feel that just locking the guy up
wouldn’t be enough justice for me and my family.

I think that unless I get more information about it, I will still have trouble defining
my position and despite of all the information that there is around this topic it’s
important to keep in mind that this is a moral issue.

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