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II. Case Studies. Study and review the different cases presented in our modules.

Be able to understand
and present one (1) from the following cases.
a. The DEF Training Program
b. The Case of Mr. Mike Delas Alas

The DEF Training Program

The DEF Corporation has been engaged in the manufacture of electronic components for automobiles
for the last six years. The company employs 300 employees and about 25 supervisors and managers. The
increase in technology requires that employees be sent to training to cope with the increasing demand
for updated new products consistent with the demand of local and foreign customers.

The HR Manager suggested that four of the managers and seven supervisors be sent to the mother
company in Japan for updates in technology on car electronics. The Vice President for Finance and the
operations manager opposed the recommendation on the basis of cost-cutting and lack of personnel to
handle the operations while they were away for two months. They suggested that technicians from the
mother company would be invited instead to handle the training in the Philippines. The cost of training
by the mother company would double the cost of training as they are paid higher allowances and
salaries that will be charged to the local company.

1.What is the need for this training recommended by the HR Manager?  

The training that was recommended by the HR manager would require four managers and seven
supervisors to be sent to the mother company in Japan to train regarding the updates in technology
on car electronics. Moreover, it would also need extra funds to support the allowances and salaries of
the four managers and seven supervisors during their two-month training in Japan.

2.Why did the VP for Finance and Operations Manager oppose the HRs recommendation? 

As for the VP for Finance, if the HR Manager’s suggestion is to be followed, it would double the cost of
budget reserved for training as the four managers and seven supervisors are needed to be paid higher
allowances and salaries during their two-month training to the mother company in Japan for updates
in technology on car electronics. On the Operations Manager’s side, sending them to Japan would
create a shortage in the personnel needed for the local company to run effectively. Most importantly,
both the VP for Finance and the Operations Manager were just concerned as there is a possibility that
if the HR Manager’s suggestion would be considered, it would have a negative impact in the
performance of the local company for two months.

3.In your analysis, what can you recommend to address the need for this training? 

Based on what I can observed in the case study, the HR Manager wanted to send four managers and
seven managers to the mother company in Japan to experience the training there first-hand. All the
technologies necessary for effective learning are present in the mother company, thus, it would be
practical for the managers and the supervisors to go there if the quality of the training is to be
prioritized. However, both the VP for Finance and the Operations Managers opposed the former’s
suggestion because for they are concerned in the local company’s performance in the next two
months should the suggestion be applied. In my opinion, I would personally want the managers and
the supervisors to be sent to the mother company for it will ensure that the training they will receive
is of great quality. However, if the local company cannot handle the consequences that would arise if
the HR Manager’s suggestion is to be followed, it would be practical for the technicians from the
mother company to come here instead.

The Case of Mr. Mike Delas Alas

Mr. Mike Delas Alas was strongly recommended by Mayor Punongbayan to work at the CBA Company
located in the municipality. Mr. Delas Alas was a new graduate of management of the local municipal
university where the mayor himself as the President. His transcripts of records reveal that he is an
average student and had no extracurricular activity in school. His mother happens to be the supporter of
the mayor in his political career. Mr. Delas Alas took the examination given by the company and he
failed to make it due to his poor communication skills.
To give in to the mayor’s request, the human resource management give him a position in the
production department as machine operator and not a clerical position that the mayor would like her to
have. but Mr. Delas Alas did not want to accept the position and insisted that he should get the job
because of the mayor’s recommendations.
1. What is the problem of this case study?

Mayor Punongbayan strongly recommended Mr. Mike Delas Alas to hold a clerical job at the CBA
Company but Mr. Delas Alas’ credentials doesn’t qualify with the job requirements. Thus, the HR
Manager gave him a position as a machine operator, a job suited for him. However, Mr. Delas Alas did
not want to accept the position for he holds the narrative that he should get the clerical job
recommended by the mayor. This is a common case of cronyism. For context, cronyism is the practice
of partiality in awarding jobs and other advantages to friends and colleagues, especially in politics and
supportive organizations.

2. Do you think the HR Manager made the right decision to offer Mr. Delas Alas the clerical position?
Why or why not?

Yes, after all, Mr. Delas Alas’ qualifications did not meet the requirements to hold a clerical job in the
CBA Company. Also, it is commendable that the HR manager did not succumb to the mayor’s
recommendation for it would be unfair for those applicants who are more deserving to hold a clerical
position than Mr. Delas Alas.

3. Do you think Mr. Delas Alas has the right to decline the position offered to him? Why or why not?

No, he does not. In a workplace, you are hired based on your qualification and not on the
recommendation of someone who is in a high rank. Instead, he should be thankful because despite
the fact that he failed the examinations, the HR Manager still granted him position at the CBA

4. As the HR manager, how are you going to resolve the problem of Mr. Delas Alas? 
I’ll let him choose whether he would take the job as a machine operator or not. Should he accept the
job, then good. In the long run, if his skills have improved and be worthy of a clerical position, I can
give him a promotion. However, if he insisted to get a clerical job as he was clinging to the words of
the mayor, unfortunately, I will not honor it. After all, I should never tolerate cronyism in the
workplace. It takes years of experience to get a higher job position and it would be unfair to put
someone who does not fit the job description just because of a recommendation from a government

5. What should be in place to ensure that your integrity as an HR manager be observed? 

Strict obedience to the company’s standards must always be in place. Also, I should never tolerate a
government official’s recommendation or from an employee that is in a higher position than me.
Hiring people is a step-by-step process and that includes filtration. I should only hire individuals who
are qualified and will bring success to the company moving forward.

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