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1. Which “bases of power” are most effective in your opinion? Justify your answer.

All bases of power can be effective, but only when done by putting the
outside risks into account. What I mean by this is that, a base of power can have
factors that can affect its effectivity. For an example, the reward system of reward
power is effective in a way when a person is satisfied to the offers of the reward
and thus, they comply. But this type of base power only caters to those who seek
feelings of validation or worthiness. Some doesn’t really seem to care even when
rewards are promising. Therefore, considerations are made whichever bases of
power you use for it has its own flaws.

But actually, in my opinion, I think the most effective of them is the

personal power. This is because attitude can be the best asset of a person. This
type of base power has higher influence than the formal or positional power.
Humans in fact, has the nature of finding someone to follow, but we seem to seek
someone with aptitude, strengths, or desirable traits. Can also be charisma,
intelligence or other qualities we admire. One example of this, is the influence of
celebrities and famous personalities in promotions or advertisements. Also,
research says that most people prefer someone who can lead rather than someone
with just authority. And companies with a strict boss or managers with temper that
abuses their authority tend to lose more employees. This means that of course a
person with skillset and influence is more wanted rather than just blindly following
from a person with position. Because in most cases, you can build more
relationship from a personal power type rather than the formal power type of bases
of power.

2. Make an exhibit of a political map based on your hypothetical relationships with one of
your major subject professors upon whom your career depends.
Answer the following:

1. Contrast leadership and power.

- Leadership is the influence to help members achieve their specific goal and is often for
the gain of its members. While power is something that controls members to follow to
reach a goal but is more of a personal gain to the person of power.

2. Define the five bases of power.

- Coercive power is one’s capability to punish someone for noncompliance, and utilizes
through their fear like losing their job or their annual bonus.
- Reward power is the positive opposite of coercive, it’s the ability to give reward for a
good result done.
- Legitimate power is a person’s formal right to issue directives or commands because of
their position in the organization, for example, the CEO has the right to dictate the
- Expert power is the person’s experience or knowledge wherein they display in order
for their subordinates to trust them.
- Referent power is one’s appeal or desirable traits to become trusted and respected
enough to be followed.

3. List and define nine influence tactics.

- Legitimacy is relying on authority position or saying a request accords with
organizational policies or rules.
- Rational persuasion is using logical arguments and facts to persuade another that a
desired result will occur.
- Inspirational appeals arouses enthusiasm by appealing to one's values and beliefs.
- Consultation is the asking for participation in decision making or planning a change.
- Exchange is promising some benefits in exchange for complying with a request.
- Personal appeals is when you appeal to feelings of loyalty and friendship before
making a request.
- Ingratiation is getting someone to do what you want by putting that person in a good
mood or getting him or her to like you.
- Pressure is seeking compliance by using demands, threats, or intimidation.
- Coalitions persuades by seeking the assistance of others by noting the support of others.

4. Describe the effective use of influence tactics.

- In order to master the use of influence tactics, one must learn the science of persuasion.
How effectively a leader uses “hard” or “soft” influence tactics determines how well
others are influenced to move or change their current direction. The art of influencing is
to know what situation calls for what tactic. It is crucial for leaders and managers to
understand the range of influence tactics they have available, know when and how to use
them, and sharpen their skills so that they can influence others effectively. Effective
influencers know when to use authoritative, hard tactics and when to use soft tactics,
when to ask and when to tell, and when to take over and when to let go. Influencers must
also possess influence traits for this where the tactics will depend. Like confidence,
commitment, courage, passion, trustworthiness, and likeability.

5. List the individual and organizational factors that stimulate political behavior.
- Individual Factors
High self-monitors
Internal locus of control
High match personality
Organizational Investment
Perceived job alternatives
Expectations of Success
- Organizational Factors
Reallocation of resources
Promotion Opportunities
Low trust
Role ambiguity
Unclear performance evaluation system
Zero-sum reward practices
Democratic decision making
High performance pressure
Self-serving senior managers

6. Identify and describe the seven techniques for managing the impression one makes
- Conformity; Agreeing with someone else’s opinion in order to gain his or her approval.
- Excuses; Explanations of a predicament-creating event aimed at minimizing the
apparent severity of the predicament.
- Apologies; Admitting responsibility for an undesirable event and simultaneously
seeking to get a pardon for the action.
- Self-promotion; Highlighting one’s best qualities, downplaying one’s deficits, and
calling attention to one’s achievements.
- Flattery; Complimenting others about their virtues in an effort to make oneself appear
perceptive and likable.
- Favors; Doing something nice for someone to gain that person’s approval.
- Association/Enhancement; Enhancing or protecting one’s image by managing
information about people and things with which one is associated.

7. List the three questions that can help determine if a political action is ethical.
- What is the utility of engaging in the behavior?
- Does the utility balance out any harm done by the action?
- Does the action conform to standards of equity and justice?

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