Activity 1: History of Science

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Activity 1: History of Science

1. What might be the prominent traits showed by the scientists during the earliest
years that made them successful contributors to the development of science?

 The traits showed by early scientists firstly, is having inquisitive interest

on how to improve daily living. By this, they are able to think and form
ideas into practice. Their curiosity is what led them to device means and
thus their creations made a great contribution to the present. Another
traits, are their being resourceful and thoughtful of the future. They were
able to utilize natural sources to record these inventions that were useful
as of today. Without it, we probably weren’t able to attain new knowledge
or could have started from scratch.

2. What may be the science processes that they utilized to come up with the best
results to their discoveries? Cite situations or evidence.

 They could have come up with theories through observations, have tried
experimentations through various means and acquired knowledge through
research, or they could have just experienced happy little accidents that
led them to further investigate. Example of this is the discovery of Louis
Pasteur where he boiled liquid broth in two different flasks and observed
that particles in the air could cause the food to spoil. And his experiments
led him to conclude a process which could keep food fresh for longer, it
was then called “pasteurization”. Another evidence example is the
discovery of medicine. Without many failed attempts on experimentation,
early scientists couldn’t have come up with medication to even simple
colds or flu.

Activity 2: The Rise of Rationalism

1. Explain this “ It is a belief on theory that opinions and actions should be based on
reasons and knowledge rather than religion belief or emotional response”
 In earlier periods, it is believed that objective reasoning is more rational
rather than emotions or religion because it is based on studies and
scientific proofs, while emotional reasoning can be biased or opinionated.
This issue has long been debated but in the era wherein scientific
knowledge has become dominant, this theory was highly accepted. It
could still be true today, but this theory purely lies within logic and

2. In this period the inductive – deductive way is introduced in researching, what do

you think is the usefulness of this approach in the field of research and science
investigation? Cite situations.

 The inductive to deductive method is useful in a way that it is the factor

that support the research and scientific investigations. With this method,
theories are made and is tested to come up with conclusions and prove the
authenticity or accuracy of the research provided by evidences.

It flows in a process, wherein you start with inductive reasoning namely

using observation, generalizations and/or paradigm, then you start making
theories and predictions followed by experimentation. For example in
astronomy, the astronomers first observed the stars’ alignment, positions
or reappearance (observation) then they put up ideas (theories) that they
further supported with evidences (experimentation) and concluded its use
to develop calendars (conclusion). And the same process was used in
different fields of discoveries that resulted to development of scientific

3. From the discoveries/inventions cited which of the following may catch your
attention? Why? Is this invention/studies still observed today or no longer
applicable? Cite evidences.

 The astronomy, because it still amazes me how early scientists or

astronomers can study the non-Earthly bodies and phenomena just by
gazing patterns from the sky that are millions and millions of distances
away. And how amazingly these heavenly bodies put meaning to the real
nature of the universe. Now, as our understanding of the world
progresses, these studies about unearthly bodies is still evident. Let’s take
this occurrence of solar eclipse in 585 BC for example as observed by
Thales, as we commonly know solar eclipse is still seen in the recent years
and it is still observed and predicted by present astronomers specifically
by NASA. Another is the constellations that through time new more
patterns are discovered. Technology in relation to astronomy has also
improved like of telescopes and it contributes greatly to the study of the
universe outside earth. And so, the study of astronomy is still relevant as
of today.

Activity 3: 1st Century BC

1. Which of the field of science has dominantly showed the development in science
in this 1st century? Why? Cite evidences.

 The field in the development of chemistry was the one that was dominant
in the 1st century. Not only does it contributed much, but I think it was the
most useful. The early manufacture of metallic alloys must have not only
been of use to making of materials but also to livelihood of the people.
Also, other discoveries that early people can use for their daily life is
much help into making their life way easier.

2. What studies/inventions do you appreciate most in this century? Why?

 What I appreciate most is the development in mathematics. It charted the

start of numbers and the help of it is so vast it is still very significant as of
today. With it, we also understood the use of measurements and
computations, for math is highly useful to the development of technology
and science. It also provides quantitative information and is widely used
in various areas of our daily lives like for finances, statistics, geometry,
and more.

Activity 4: 16th - 18th Century

1. In the 16th century, what remarkable studies had been made to give justice to the
real description of the earth? Explain your answer.

 The study of Nicolas Copernicus and his proposed theory that the sun was
stationary in the center of the universe and the earth was the one revolving
around is what gave justice to earth’s real description. He rejected
Ptolemy’s idea of the geocentric model and further supported his created
concept of heliocentric model. It was remarkable because it uproared
controversy, but it was sooner explained true.

2. Which of these findings / studies in 17 th century do you think play very important
role on the following? Why?

a. Health
 For health, it was William Harvey’s discovery of the circulatory system
that played the important role for it showed how our body works and
how it pumps blood to different parts of our body. It was also essential
for medicine studies.

b. The status of the day

 Evangelista Torricelli’s discovery of the barometer. A barometer is a
scientific instrument that can measure air pressure or specifically,
atmospheric pressure. It can therefore read high pressures in the
environment, or a stable good weather that shows the status of the day.

c. The motion
 It is Galileo’s laws of motion, where he investigated the concept of
movement of falling objects, the swinging motion of pendulum, and
other things that explains how objects move. And Aristotles’ three sorts
of motion that explains its division and use.

d. The sense of belongingness

 Lastly, I think it was Carolus Linnaeus’ discovery of classification that
we have the sense of belongingness for different species including us. It
separates us from other living things and it gives us security that we
belong to something.

3. Which of the invention/ studies in the 18 th century do you consider the most
fruitful in our lives today? Why?

 I think it is Dmitry Mendeleyev’s Periodicity the introduction to

periodic table. It opened organized understanding to the different
elements existing that is useful and carries wider knowledge to its
properties, relationships to other elements, various classifications and
nature. Understanding of these relatively connect to chemistry and other
fields of science. We still use it as of today, and it provides good
reference to chemicals and elements.

Activity 5: 19th Century

Choose one discovery/findings you think you liked most. Surf in the internet this
particular topic you choose and give a brief summary how it was done/made?
Be able to cite your references.

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