Philip Maglajos CA5-B (Activity 2) GE EL 3

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by Philip B. Maglajos on 23 September 2021

In the Philippines, the Spirit of Bayanihan is

one of communal unity, helping others without
expecting rewards, to achieve a certain goal. In
earlier days, when houses were made of lighter
materials such as coconut leaves, Bayanihan also
meant helping one’s neighbors move their house-
literally. Based on the traditional Filipino Bayanihan principle
of community spirit, a Filipino trait defined as working
together towards a shared cause, the bayanihan spirit was
fully displayed in the country in 2020, when it was needed
As the pandemic forced people to stay at home,
many turned to social media to find ways to help,
crowdsource information, hold government accountable,
and mobilize online communities to take action. Indeed,
the Covid-19 pandemic cause difficulties, rendering the
underprivileged in the country more vulnerable. But,
despite these difficulties, one thing is certain: the
“bayanihan spirit” is alive and innate in us Filipinos. The
advent of calls for volunteer-driven relief efforts in the
midst of the Covid-19 pandemic is evidence that the
Filipino bayanihan thrives in time of crisis.

In conclusion, even this pandemic brings

destruction, despair and death, but having this
“Spirit of Bayanihan Culture” is our strength to fight
against Covid-19 with love, unity and compassion.

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