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Installation steps

1. Go to , Click MySQL Community (GPL) Downloads

2. Then Go to MySQL Community Server

3. Click Go to Download Page

4. Download MSI Installer

5. Once click to download, page to login to oracle web is popped , if user don’t have login
account a ,can directly download

6. Once download complete, double click the msi installer to start installing MSSQL. MSSQL
installation wizard pops up .Choose the default option
7. Click Next, Wizard checks for requirement, click on Next and ignore the warning. Click yes to
warnings to continue downloads.

8. Wizard shows the steps for installation, click on execute to start downloading required
components for MS SQL.
Note: - Few downloads can fail due to network error or other reason. Click back and follow steps 6-8
iteratively till all components are downloaded and installed .

9. After installing all, click next with default options.

10. Wizard asks to set root password and if want to create new user. (Creating new user is not
11. Click next with default options like below:
12. Wizard ask to check with root password.
13. Once installation is complete , workbench would be opened as screen below.

14. Connect with root user or user created in step above.

Connect to root user

15. Workbench would be connected to the account and query window would be opened .

16.Go To schema tab, to view database schema and underlying tables.

17.Execute DDLs scripts to load the data , we would be using .

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