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Ola Henfridsson
Warwick Business School, The University of Warwick,

Bendik Bygstad
Norwegian School of IT, Schweigaards gt. 14, 0185 Oslo NORWAY and
Department of Informatics, University of Oslo, Oslo NORWAY {}

The current literature on digital infrastructure offers powerful lenses for conceptualizing the increasingly
interconnected information system collectives found in contemporary organizations. However, little attention
has been paid to the generative mechanisms of digital infrastructure, that is, the causal powers that explain
how and why such infrastructure evolves over time. This is unfortunate, since more knowledge about what
drives digital infrastructures would be highly valuable for managers and IT professionals confronted by the
complexity of managing them. To this end, this paper adopts a critical realist view for developing a configu-
rational perspective of infrastructure evolution. Our theorizing draws on a multimethod research design
comprising an in-depth case study and a case survey. The in-depth case study, conducted at a Scandinavian
airline, distinguishes three key mechanisms of digital infrastructure evolution: adoption, innovation, and
scaling. The case survey research of 41 cases of digital infrastructure then identifies and analyzes causal paths
through which configurations of these mechanisms lead to successful evolution outcomes. The study reported
in this paper contributes to the infrastructure literature in two ways. First, we identify three generative mech-
anisms of digital infrastructure and how they contingently lead to evolution outcomes. Second, we use these
mechanisms as a basis for developing a configurational perspective that advances current knowledge about
why some digital infrastructures evolve successfully while others do not. In addition, the paper demonstrates
and discusses the efficacy of critical realism as a philosophical tradition for developing substantive contribu-
tions in the field of information systems.

Keywords: Digital infrastructure, case study, case survey, configuration theory, critical realism, generative
mechanism, information infrastructure, multimethod, adoption, innovation, scaling

Introduction1 the possibility of effectively managing an enterprise. Yet, it

is becoming increasingly recognized that the pervasive adop-
No idea in our field is more enduring than the notion that the tion and use of information technology in contemporary
introduction of a new IT-based information system improves organizations makes the relationship between information
systems and organization increasingly complex (Zammuto et
al. 2007). As information systems become interconnected,
John Mingers, Alistair Mutch, and Leslie Willcocks served as the senior most organizations face the challenges of controlling an entire
editors for this special issue and were responsible for accepting this paper. array of systems and technologies, typically introduced over
many years and for different purposes (Ciborra et al. 2000).
The appendix for this paper is located in the “Online Supplements” section
of the MIS Quarterly’s website ( As a result, the effectiveness of the single system is largely

MIS Quarterly Vol. 37 No. 3, pp. 907-931/September 2013 907

Henfridsson & Bygstad/Digital Infrastructure Evolution

conditioned by an installed base of extant socio-technical Bhaskar 1997; Sayer 1992) for its emphasis on generative
arrangements, making it useful to apply modes of inquiry that mechanisms (Bhaskar 1997, 1998). While there are a few
offer a conceptual basis for going beyond the scope of the studies identifying specific mechanisms of digital infrastruc-
single system. ture (see Bygstad 2010), little, if any, research has been
geared toward developing a comprehensive understanding of
To understand this phenomenon, there is an emerging litera- the range and contingencies of causal structures in its evolu-
ture that has adopted the notion of infrastructure as a way of tion. Understanding these issues is important, since more
conceptualizing interconnected system collectives (rather than knowledge about what drives digital infrastructures would be
stand-alone information systems). In fact, the past 15 years highly valuable for managers and IT professionals confronted
or so have witnessed research on digital infrastructure2 by the complexity of managing them.
covering different settings (e.g., health, telecom, natural
resources, government, and manufacturing), levels of analysis Our paper deals with the following research question: Which
(e.g., group, organization, industry, and society), and tech- mechanisms contingently cause digital infrastructure evolu-
nologies (e.g., standards, platforms, and the Internet). Yet, as tion? We address this research question using a multimethod
highlighted in Tilson et al.’s (2010) recent research commen- research design (Mingers 2001), recently proposed as an
tary, there is an urgent need to theorize the evolution of digital important principle for conducting critical realist case study
infrastructures as our “field’s attention moves beyond admin- research (Wynn and Williams 2012). We first conducted in-
istrative systems and individual tools” (p. 748). Such a need depth case study research (George and Bennet 2005; Gerring
calls for approaches with the ambition to explicate the inner 2007) at a Scandinavian airline to identify key mechanisms of
workings of digital infrastructure. It also indicates the use- digital infrastructure. Then, we conducted case survey re-
search (Larsson 1993) based on a sample of 41 cases to ana-
fulness of a philosophical tradition that would build the
lyze the causal paths through which these mechanisms are
intellectual structure for such explanation.
combined to produce successful digital infrastructure
Covering the two main philosophical traditions in IS research
(Mingers 2004), typically referred to as positivism and inter-
Our research makes a number of contributions. First, we
pretivism,3 extant infrastructure research displays slightly
identify three generative mechanisms of digital infrastructure
different foci. It tends to be occupied with either situated con- and how they contingently lead to evolution outcomes.
texts of practice, or directly observable managerial aspects. Second, we use these mechanisms as a basis for developing
Adhering to interpretivism, considerable attention has been a configurational perspective that describes infrastructure
paid to the evolution of digital infrastructure as it plays out in evolution as an outcome of multiple paths of interconnected
the complex interdependencies between socio-technical ele- contextual conditions and mechanisms (El Sawy et al. 2010;
ments (Braa et al. 2007); networks of human and nonhuman Meyer et al. 1993; Pawson and Tilley 1997). This perspective
actors (Hanseth and Monteiro 1997); and the relationships advances current knowledge about why some digital infra-
between organized practices (Star and Ruhleder 1996). In structures evolve successfully while others do not. Finally,
studies underpinned by positivist assumptions, the research the paper demonstrates and discusses the efficacy of critical
has primarily dealt with strategic IT portfolio management realism as a philosophical tradition for making substantive
and the alignment of IT imperatives with business strategy contributions in the field of information systems.
(Broadbent and Weill 1997).

As an alternative intellectual structure for theorizing digital

infrastructure, we propose critical realism (Archer et al. 1998; Related Research and
Conceptual Basis
The current literature uses different concepts for capturing this phenomenon Digital infrastructure evolution can be broadly referred to as
including information infrastructure, IT infrastructure, e-infrastructure, and a gradual process by which a digitally enabled infrastructure
so on. Following Tilson et al.’s (2010) call for infrastructure research, we use
the term digital infrastructure throughout this paper. changes into a more complex form. Viewing digital infra-
structure as the collection of technological and human compo-
We use the terms interpretivism and positivism to align our terminology with nents, networks, systems, and processes that contribute to the
previous writings on philosophical traditions in the information systems functioning of an information system (Braa et al. 2007; Tilson
literature (see Orlikowski and Baroudi 2001; Walsham 1995). However, it et al. 2010), this evolutionary process entails both social and
should be emphasized that both labels span multiple philosophical strands.
For instance, as suggested by one of our anonymous reviewers, interpretivism technical elements (Vaast and Walsham 2009). However, re-
includes both idealists and realists, taking different ontological positions. viewing the literature, it is clear that definitions vary, and,

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over the years, the concept itself has largely served as the no single source of digital infrastructure evolution. Grounded
lowest common denominator for IS researchers who have in literature on complexity (Holland 1995; Mol and Law
shifted attention from single organizations to organizational 2002; Urry 2003), such models typically highlight the com-
networks, and from systems to infrastructures (Ciborra et al. plexity of digital infrastructures as a multitude of actors
2000). simultaneously enact their own goals. In other words, infra-
structure evolution is seen as the process by which hetero-
geneous and autonomous human, or organizational, actors
Views on Digital Infrastructure4 seek to use information technology in their adaptation to each
other and their external environments (Braa et al. 2007;
There exists a relatively large volume of research that uses the Ciborra and Failla 2000; Hanseth et al. 2006). For instance,
notion of infrastructure without necessarily dealing substan- Braa et al. (2007) advance the notion of flexible standardiza-
tively with the phenomenon itself (Tilson et al. 2010). In tion as a key process for addressing the complexity of accom-
such cases, infrastructure is typically used as an independent modating both global needs of scalability of infrastructure
variable to explain something else (for examples, see Bharad- standards and local needs of sensitivity to contextual
waj 2000; Malhotra et al. 2005; Rai et al. 2006; Tanverdi et differences.
al. 2007), and it often refers to a collection of information
technologies and systems that jointly produce a desired out- Second, network models assume that networks of human and
come. For instance, Malhotra et al.’s (2005) study of infor- technical elements drive digital infrastructure evolution. This
mation sharing between actors in the supply chain under- stream of research is typically grounded in some of the early
stands IT infrastructure as partner interface-directed informa- writings of actor–network theorists such as Callon (1986) and
tion systems that “enable an enterprise to process information Latour (1987). It views infrastructure evolution as a process
collected from its supply chain partners so as to create new by which multiple human actors translate and inscribe their
knowledge” (p. 156). interests into a technology, creating an evolving network of
human and nonhuman actors (Aanestad and Blegind Jensen
In prior literature where digital infrastructure in fact is at the 2011; Hanseth and Monteiro 1997; Yoo et al. 2005). For
center of attention, four streams of research can be distin- instance, Hanseth and Monteiro (1997) note how barriers to
guished (see Table 1). Three of these streams manifest inter- end-user involvement were inscribed by human actors in-
pretivist assumptions, while the fourth reflects positivist volved in the integration of the EDIFACT standard in Nor-
assumptions.5 First, complexity models presume that there is wegian healthcare. These barriers, the authors claim, were the
result of an actor–network beyond any single stakeholder’s
Drawing on Webster and Watson (2002), we conducted a concept-centric
literature review of research on digital infrastructure. First, our ambition was
to include most, if not all, relevant articles published in the AIS basket-of-
Third, relational models premise that infrastructure should be
eight IS journals, science and technology journals, and other journals (e.g., appreciated through the sensemaking of its users and stake-
Information & Organization, Information Society, Information Technology holders. This stream of literature has its intellectual basis in
& People, and Computer Supported Cooperative Work) that were likely to theories on learning and work practices (Engeström 1990;
publish infrastructure studies. In addition, we added articles from conference
proceedings and books on an ad hoc basis. We used the Citeseer ABI/Inform
Lave and Wenger 1992). As noted in Star and Ruhleder’s
research database and the selected articles had the phrases “digital infra- (1996) seminal article, digital infrastructure is a relational
structure,” “information infrastructure,” “information technology infra- property that becomes meaningful as an element of organized
structure,” “IT infrastructure,” “information systems infrastructure,” or “IS activity. In this regard, infrastructure evolution is seen as a
infrastructure” in the title, abstract, keyword, or body of the publication.
From the large number of publications that met this criterion, we briefly read
process by which socio-technical relations emerge from infor-
the papers to identify articles with digital infrastructure as an important object mation technology-mediated activities meaningful in a given
of study. We analyzed the selected publications to identify key concepts that community-of-practice (Pipek and Wulf 2009; Star and Ruh-
were used to characterize the nature of digital infrastructure. These concepts leder 1996; Vaast and Walsham 2009). For instance, Vaast
were then clustered with the intention of identifying dominant research
streams in the digital infrastructure literature. The identified research streams and Walsham (2009) propose a perspective on trans-situated
were then labeled complexity, network, relational, and strategic asset to learning and how such learning is “supported by the local uni-
reflect their main theoretical emphasis. versality of an information infrastructure whose use becomes
embedded with other infrastructures” (p. 547).
Some readers may feel that typifying infrastructure research into families of
philosophical traditions such as positivism and interpretivism faces the risk
of simplifying research in a substantive area by enforcing grand thought
structures on it and its representative scholars. Appreciating this risk, we systems research community do better information systems research” (p. 18).
value the possibility to surface philosophical assumptions and their conse- Also, it should be emphasized that in a number of cases the philosophical
quences for theorizing. As suggested by Lee (2004), recognizing philo- tradition is explicitly indicated in the methods section of individual articles
sophical underpinnings “can lead to findings that would help the information and/or in their reference literature.

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Table 1. Research Streams and Definition

Research Philosophical Foundational
Streams Tradition Literature Definition (of DI Evolution) Example References
Complexity Interpretivist Complexity theory The process by which heterogeneous • Braa et al. (2007)
• Holland (1995) and autonomous human, or • Ciborra and Failla
• Mol and Law (2002) organizational, actors seek to use (2000)
• Urry (2003) information technology in their • Hanseth et al.(2006)
adaptation to each other and their
external environments.
Network Interpretivist Actor–network theory The process by which multiple human • Aanestad and Blegind
• Callon (1986) actors translate and inscribe their Jensen (2011)
• Latour (1987) interests into a technology, creating • Hanseth and Monteiro
an evolving network of human and (1997)
nonhuman actors. • Yoo et al. (2005)
Relational Interpretivist Work practice and The process by which socio-technical • Pipek and Wulf (2009)
learning theory: relations emerge from IT-mediated • Star and Ruhleder
• Engeström (1990) activities that become meaningful in a (1996)
• Lave and Wenger given community-of-practice. • Vaast and Walsham
(1992) (2009)

Strategic Positivist Strategic choice The process by which managers • Broadbent and Weill
Asset theory initiate and implement changes in an (1997)
• Beckert (1999) organization’s portfolio of systems • Broadbent et al. (1999)
• Child (1972, 1997) and tools for increasing the alignment
between its IT resources and
strategic imperatives.

Finally, strategic asset models view digital infrastructure sensemaking and the generation of process accounts on digital
evolution as the process by which managers initiate and infrastructure evolution. In the relational stream of research
implement changes in an organization’s portfolio of systems (e.g., Pipek and Wulf 2009; Star and Ruhleder 1996; Vaast
and tools for increasing the alignment between its information and Walsham 2009), for instance, this attention to sense-
technology resources and strategic imperatives. In this making has been materialized as a focus on the patterned
regard, a strategic choice view (Beckert 1999; Child 1972, activity that results from situated actors’ interaction and
1997) is implied, that is, political action is given primacy in dealing with technology in their work settings. The positivist
analyzing organizational responses to environmental contin- assumptions underpinning the strategic assets stream of
gencies. For instance, Broadbent et al. (1999) explain how research (Broadbent and Weill 1997; Broadbent et al. 1999)
the creation of a certain level of IT infrastructure capability is imply attention to characteristics of strategy and a portfolio of
needed to successfully implement business process redesign. systems that can be directly observed and measured. This
may lead to overly simplistic assumptions about the rela-
tionship between digital infrastructures and business success.
The Promise of Critical Realism Although divided by two broad, but significantly different,
sets of philosophical assumptions, we argue that the extant
In this research, we seek to understand which mechanisms literature on digital infrastructure generally tends to shy away
contingently cause the evolution of digital infrastructure. We from causality. To pick up on Tilson et al.’s (2010) call for
argue that the explanatory power of such mechanisms has infrastructure theory, we should seek explanations that take
been masked in prior research by the adoption of philosoph- into account both the dynamic character of digital infra-
ical assumptions inattentive to structures operating beyond structures and the contingent causality characterizing their
(1) the rich texture of people’s meaning-making of the socio- evolution.
technical world (interpretivist streams), or (2) events directly
observable in the empirical domain of infrastructures (the We adopt critical realism as an intellectual structure for
positivist stream). Interpretivism invites attention to actors’ reconciling existing perspectives of digital infrastructure.

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Critical realism has been increasingly recognized in our dis- digital infrastructure and their generic structure (see Figure 1).
cipline as a promising philosophical tradition to overcome First, digital infrastructure mechanisms are self-reinforcing
objectivism–relativism chasms (Mingers 2004; Smith 2010; (Hanseth and Aanestad 2003). A self-reinforcing mechanism
Volkoff et al. 2007). It combines a realist ontology with an recursively feeds on itself. Since the control of an infra-
interpretive epistemology (Archer et al. 1998); although our structure typically is distributed across multiple actors, infra-
knowledge of the world is socially constructed and fallible, structures are—for practical and economic reasons—difficult
that world exists, often independent of human beings to govern. It is partly relying on positive, or negative, feed-
(Mingers 2004). Contrary to judgmental relativism, critical back loops beyond single stakeholders’ control (Hanseth and
realism therefore holds that some theories approximate reality Braa 2000). The phenomenon of self-reinforcement is well-
better than others, making methodological approaches to known in technology and diffusion research (Katz and
assess knowledge claims meaningful. In addition, research Shapiro 1985), and has been attributed a central role for
should not only concern recording of constant conjunctions of understanding organizational stability and change (Sydow et
observable events (Bhaskar 1997; Mingers 2004), as sug- al. 2009).
gested in so-called covering law theories of causality
grounded in Hume’s skeptic discussion of causality (Elder- Second, digital infrastructure mechanisms are composites.
Vass 2010, Lee 2004). They interconnect three types of mechanisms: situational
mechanisms (macro–micro level), action-formation mecha-
nisms (socio-technical action), and transformational mech-
Generative Mechanisms anisms (micro–macro level) (DeLanda 2006; Hedström and
Swedberg 1998). Macro–micro mechanisms explain how the
Following Bhaskar (1997, 1998), we define generative mech- infrastructure as a whole enables and constrains its various
anisms as causal structures that generate observable events. components. For instance, the Internet as an infrastructure
In contrast to Humean causality, critical realists typically has proved to enable unprecedented innovation possibilities
ascribe such structures causal powers (Sayer 1992). Causality for individual entrepreneurs, as long as they are following its
is contingent; that is, the outcome of a mechanism depends on standard interfaces (Hanseth and Lyytinen 2010; Zittrain
other mechanisms (Elder-Vass 2010; Sayer 1992). In this 2006). Action-formation mechanisms explain “how a specific
regard, mechanisms “act transfactually. The event or events combination of individual desires, beliefs, and action oppor-
that they are the powers to instantiate may never actually be tunities generate a specific action” (Hedström and Swedberg
instantiated; the powers may remain unactualized, yet these 1998, p. 23). Continuing our example, Internet entrepreneurs
powers remain in existence” (Fleetwood 2009, p. 362-363).6 in Silicon Valley display new forms of learning in innovative
path creation (Hagel et al. 2010). Micro–macro mechanisms
A generative mechanism is “one of the processes in a concrete explain emergent behavior, that is, how different components
system that makes it what it is—for example, metabolism in interact in order to produce an outcome at a macro level.
cells, interneuronal connections in brains, work in factories Completing our example, new innovation path creation leads
and offices, research in laboratories, and litigation in courts of to new services and products that reinforce the Internet as a
law” (Bunge 2004, p. 182). In this vein, our research ques- basis for innovative activity.
tion, about which mechanisms contingently cause the evolu-
tion of digital infrastructure, is partially geared toward Third, although most established work on mechanisms only
defining what constitutes a digital infrastructure. Previous addresses the social (Hedström and Swedberg 1998; Merton
literature reviews suggest that this is a fundamental issue for 1967), it goes without saying that a necessary element in digi-
furthering research in the area (see Bygstad 2008), not least tal infrastructures is technology. Technology plays an active
by directing attention to the underlying mechanisms that role at both the structural level and the action level (Volkoff
produce observable events. et al. 2007), and the interaction between social and technical
elements is the constituting process of the mechanism
Drawing on Hedström and Swedberg’s (1998) work on mech-
anisms, we make three assumptions about mechanisms of
A Configurational Perspective
There is an extensive literature on the nature and definition of mechanisms, Mechanisms are characterized by contingent causality (Elder-
both in the philosophy of social sciences (Demetriou 2009; Glennan 2009; Vass 2010; Sayer 1992). The actualization (or lack of actuali-
Hedstrom 2008), and in the critical realist community (Fleetwood 2009,
2011; Mingers 2010). While we relate broadly to this literature, it is beyond zation) of the powers of a mechanism may lead to one out-
the scope of this article to engage fully in this discourse. come in a particular context, and another in a different context

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Digital Infrastructure

Macro to Micro to
micro macro


Figure 1. The Self-Reinforcing Socio-Technical Mechanism

(see Ragin 2008). This multifinality (George and Bennett of digital infrastructure interact, that is, a mechanism may
2005) largely depends on the existence of other mechanisms produce different outcomes, depending on its actualization in
in the same context. Such dependence also indicates that combination with other mechanisms. Second, we buy into the
there are multiple causal paths through which a particular out- current wisdom that infrastructures consist of both social and
come can occur, and suggests that investigations of digital technical elements (Ciborra et al. 2000; Edwards et al. 2009;
infrastructure should seek to analyze how different mecha- Vaast and Walsham 2009). Our literature review of con-
nisms are configured and triggered to produce successful textual conditions was, therefore, geared toward covering
outcomes. both types of elements in our configurational perspective. On
the social side, type of control stood out as an important con-
A configurational perspective (El Sawy et al. 2010; Fiss 2007; textual condition (e.g., Ciborra 2000; Hanseth and Braa 2000;
Pawson and Tilley 1997) can be seen as a viable approach to Hanseth et al. 1996; Pipek and Wulf 2009; Rolland and
investigate the causal complexity associated with such equi- Monteiro 2002; Sahay and Walsham 2006). In particular, the
finality7 (George and Bennett 2005). It allows analysis of idea of decentralized control of digital infrastructures (Ciborra
possible configurations of mechanisms and relevant context- et al. 2000) has been considered a strong alternative to pre-
variation to explain a particular outcome (Pawson and Tilley vailing centralized approaches (see Broadbent and Weill
2009). However, it should not be considered as a covering 1997). On the technical side, architecture, in particular
law (cf. Elder-Vass 2010), but as a conjectural explanation, loosely coupled architectures, has come to the fore as an
being the basis of further refinement. important condition for infrastructure evolution (Aanestad and
Blegind Jensen 2010; Fabri 2009). Based on the extant infra-
Using Pawson and Tilley’s (2009) context–mechanism– structure literature, we therefore propose that decentralized
outcome (CMO) scheme as a basis, Figure 2 illustrates the control and loosely coupled architecture work as key con-
starting-point for our configurational analysis, where we textual conditions of digital infrastructure evolution.
derived four possible configurations of relevant context
variation from the literature and suggested a hypothetical Before presenting our empirical study, we also need to clarify
space of 2n configurations of mechanisms that together lead to the outcome dimension of our configurational perspective.
the same outcome (success8). This configurational perspec- Ever since DeLone and McLean’s (1992; see also 2003)
tive provides the basis for our analysis of the causal paths that seminal article, it has been generally agreed that IS success is
explain how, in certain contexts, a digital infrastructure a multidimensional construct involving measures such as
mechanism (or a combination of mechanisms) may lead to system quality, information quality, service quality, organi-
successful evolution. Our configurational perspective rests on zational impact, and user satisfaction. However, defining
two assumptions. First, we assume that the key mechanisms success for digital infrastructures requires consideration of the
fundamental difference between traditional in-house informa-
tion systems and infrastructures. While the former typically
Equifinality refers to situations where different causal paths may lead to the involves a relatively well-defined evaluation context in terms
same outcome (Fiss 2009; George and Bennett 2005; Rihoux and Ragin of objectives and end-user group, the latter refers to open,
2009). Multiple determination is a similar term used by Bhaskar (1979) (see evolving networks of interconnected systems having many
also Elder-Vass 2010).
stakeholders, for whom success may be interpreted differently
Of course, a similar space of configurations can be created for failures.
(Hanseth and Lyytinen 2010). Infrastructures often evolve

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Figure 2. A Configurational Perspective on Digital Infrastructure

into larger and more complex structures (such as the Internet), cause digital infrastructure evolution. We then conducted a
without any predefined end state as they are continuously case survey (Larsson 1993) to analyze the causal paths
extended and typically operate outside the control of a single through which these mechanisms are combined to produce
stakeholder. It therefore makes sense to relate an infra- successful digital infrastructure evolution. The next section
structure’s success to its role in, and fit with, the environment outlines the in-depth case study.
it inhabits. Using a biological metaphor, success can then be
seen as a question of survival in a volatile business eco-
system. In this vein, we view infrastructure evolution success
as an outcome realized when (1) the infrastructure survives in The Norwegian Case Study
a business ecosystem by filling a relevant role over time, and
(2) the infrastructure’s affordances cannot be escaped Norwegian Corp is an international airline carrier that pio-
endogenously but is only vulnerable to exogenous shocks (see neered the low-price airline market in Scandinavia. Enabled
Vergne and Durand 2010). by the European deregulation of the airline industry, the
firm’s strong growth started in 2002 as it established a
Given this theoretical background, we set out to develop a national network of destinations. Some 9 years later, in 2011,
configurational perspective by using a multimethod research Norwegian operated a total of 303 routes to 118 destinations
design (Mingers 2001). We first conducted a 4-year in-depth in Europe and the Middle East, and carried 15.7 million
case study (Gerring 2007; George and Bennett 2005) of an passengers. The company had 2,500 employees and revenues
airline in order to identify mechanisms with the power to were $1.9 billion. Over this nine-year period, Norwegian has

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successfully used information technology in new ways, culti- one vendor representative, and two customer representatives.
vating the digital infrastructure that was the focal point of our Second, participant observation was another important source
in-depth research. of data. In addition to system demonstrations and observa-
tions of direct system use, we spent approximately 12 hours
observing 7 meetings related to Norwegian IT and strategy
Methods projects. In addition to these discrete events, we conducted
ongoing debriefings after meetings and numerous informal
We selected the case for our in-depth research based on two interviews with Norwegian employees. Finally, our study
criteria. First, long-term involvement and access was deemed included a significant volume of archival data, including busi-
important, since studies of evolution benefit from rich longi- ness plans, project plans, joint venture contracts, and IT archi-
tudinal data. Such data also resonates well with critical tecture documents. We also had access to 18,846 Facebook
realism’s theorizing process, commonly referred to as postings of how Norwegian communicated with their cus-
retroduction, that is, taking an empirical observation and tomers during the European airspace “ash crisis” in 2010.
hypothesizing a mechanism that might explain that particular Although many of the documents we collected were confi-
outcome (Danermark et al. 2002; Sayer 1992). Second, dential and could not be used directly in this research, the
among cases to which we had access, we used a so-called material served to confirm or disconfirm interpretations made
extreme technique of case selection by engaging in intense throughout the data analysis process.
data collection and analysis of a digital infrastructure per-
ceived to be unusually successful. Extreme cases correspond Data Analysis: We used a four-step approach (see Table 2)
“to a case that is considered to be prototypical or paradigmatic for analyzing the data collected at Norwegian. First, we used
of some phenomenon of interest” (Gerring 2007, p. 101) and an open coding procedure to discover key events. While
is useful for theory generation because extremes or ideal types many events were deemed important a priori (e.g., business
typically define theoretical concepts. Compared to a repre- decisions or contract agreements), others emerged from data
sentative case selection technique, we anticipated that the analysis (e.g., the importance of the IT architecture and the
selection of the airline Norwegian would offer access to ideal use of Facebook). This coding procedure helped us establish
types “formed by the one-sided accentuation of one or more a timeline of key events that occurred over time (see
points of view” (Weber, 1949, p. 90). In this regard, the case Figure 3).
study generated conceptual constructs that manifest theorizing
through idealization (Lopreato and Alston 1970; Ohlsson and Then, in the second step, we identified the objects of the case
Lehtinen 1997). (see Danermark et al. 2002). We then used Hedström and
Swedberg’s (1998) work on mechanisms for typifying the
Data Collection: We did not begin our study at Norwegian identified objects as being potential elements in macro–micro,
with the intention of studying the mechanisms of digital infra- socio-technical action, or micro–macro mechanisms (see
structure evolution (see Plowman et al. 2007). It started as an DeLanda 2006). We visualized the objects of the Norwegian
inquiry into service innovation in a fast-growing firm. As the case as a data display (Miles and Huberman 1994; see
study unfolded, however, we discovered how Norwegian’s Table 3). The third step was retroduction, that is, the identifi-
success in terms of becoming an important player on the cation of key mechanisms among candidate mechanisms. We
Scandinavian aviation market was intimately related to its started by analyzing the interplay of objects, in particular the
evolving infrastructure. We therefore gradually appreciated interplay between social and technical objects, which allowed
the process as a paradigmatic example of digital infrastructure for the identification of socio-technical mechanisms. With the
success and reoriented the study to inquire into the underlying infrastructure as point of departure, we tried to identify
generative mechanisms of this evolution. macro–micro mechanisms, that is, enabling socio-technical
features of the digital infrastructure. Transcripts from the
We used three methods to collect our data: interviewing, cases were analyzed in order to identify these enabling condi-
participant observation, and document analysis. First, we tions. These were tracked through organizational behavior
conducted 31 semi-structured interviews with a total of 19 (socio-technical action) and the self-feeding outcome, that is,
respondents (we interviewed 6 respondents more than once). how the emergent behavior at the micro-level increased the
Some interviews were tape-recorded and transcribed ver- capabilities of the infrastructure (micro– macro). At this point
batim, while others relied on field notes. We interviewed the in the analysis, we had identified six candidate mechanisms.
CIO, two top managers, three business line managers, two They were detailed and assessed through backward-chaining
business analysts, two IT managers, two systems developers, (Pettigrew 1985), going from outcomes to causes (mech-
two project managers, one booking assistant, one consultant, anisms), and through forward-chaining, going from causes to

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Table 2. In-Depth Data Analysis

Steps Tasks Outputs
1. Coding key events a. Identify key events in the data material A chronology of key events of the case
b. Establish a time line of the key events (Figure 3)
2. Identification and typifying a. Identify networks of social and A set of components and related data
components technical components (Table 3)
b. Use Hedström and Swedberg (1998)
for typifying components as macro–
micro, socio-technical action, or micro–
c. Display components and related data
3. Retroduction of a. Investigate interplay between micro Three digital infrastructure mechanisms
mechanisms and macro elements to explain (adoption, innovation, and scaling) including
outcomes definitions and measures (Table 4)
b. Identify and analyze candidate mech-
anisms. Assess explanatory power of
c. Define mechanisms and develop mea-
sures to be used in the case survey
4. Establish contexts and a. Analyze mechanisms to confirm A typology of contextual conditions of
outcomes of mechanisms contextual conditions and outcomes mechanisms over two dimensions: control
b. Develop contextual typology and technical architecture

National network of
destinations Bank Call
established Norwegian Norwegian

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Service-oriented Low-price In-flight

Internet Mobile
architecture calendar broadband
bank portal
introduced established services

Facebook used
during the ash
Internet Digital customer crises
bookings communication

Figure 3. Chronology of Key Events

outcomes. In this way, we assessed the explanatory power of (Pawson and Tilley 1997). In our analysis at Norwegian, the
each one of them, in relation to the empirical evidence, and decentralized control and loosely coupled architecture of the
finally arrived at three (see Table 4) that consistently could digital infrastructure stood out as important conditions of the
explain the sequence of events over time. mechanisms observed. Given that these empirical results
resonated well with our initial assumptions grounded in prior
Finally, in the fourth step, we analyzed the three selected literature, we decided that mode of control and technical
mechanisms to establish contextual conditions and outcomes. architecture would be important conditions to be investigated
Whether a mechanism is actualized or not is contingent further in the case survey.

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Table 3. Events and Objects Overview

Key Events Objects Data
Establishing a service Enterprise Service Bus (ESB), booking • CIO and two architects designed the SOA
oriented architecture systems, IT architects, data center • open source software for ESB
(SOA) • run at outsourcing data center
Internet bookings Internet portal, booking systems, • Internet portal
Amadeus, users • integration with Amadeus, allowed for direct booking
• user-printed tickets
Low-price calendar SOA, business developers, IT staff • SOA-enabled low-price calendar
• new user pattern triggered
Digital customer SOA, marketing department, customers • successful portal and email services
communication • 85% of customer communication was electronic in
dominating 2006
Bank Norwegian Business developers, SOA, banking • the bank was innovated on experiences from the
established systems airline solutions
• SOA allowed for short time-to-market
Call Norwegian Mobile portal, SOA, vendors, GSM • the telecom services extended services to airline
established network customers
• mobile phones is perceived as the most important
user platform
Using Facebook during Facebook, customers, crisis team • fast response to the “ash crisis” in 2010
the “ash crises” • Facebook used for problem solving

Case Findings We knew exactly what we needed; a service oriented

architecture, enabling easy communication and reuse
In 2002, a virtually unknown airline, Norwegian Air Shuttle, of components across different technologies. We
decided to challenge the dominant airline on the Scandinavian settled for a simple, but fast open-source enterprise
market, SAS. The deregulation of the European airline mar- service bus, which could be scaled up in order to
ket paved the way for Norwegian’s ambition to outperform handle transaction growth. Since we had no legacy
the incumbent airline through a low-price strategy. systems we could implement the solutions within
months, including the integration with the Amadeus
As a new entrant without legacy, Norwegian started with a IT system.
solution only consisting of the most necessary systems for
making an airline work, such as a basic booking system and The new architecture was mainly designed in 2004, and, as
a simple back-office solution. As the company expanded, outlined below, it gradually expanded into a large-scale
however, it was soon realized that a professional approach to infrastructure over the following years. Figure 3 provides a
IT was imperative. In less than a year, the unknown airline chronology of this infrastructure evolution. Reflecting an
flew more than 300,000 passengers and, given plans to grow entrepreneurial culture with little bureaucratic control, each
internationally, the IT solution soon turned out to be ill- new service was typically conceptualized in a meeting with
dimensioned. business developers and IT seniors, and then developed and
deployed during a short project. “You see,” commented a
Accordingly, Norwegian hired a CIO and two IT architects business director, “we do not have ‘IT projects’ in Nor-
with extensive experience from the airline business. Starting wegian, only business projects, with a clear economic objec-
in 2003, this team took a strategic outlook on IT governance. tive.” As an example of the agile approach, usability issues
The team envisioned an IT infrastructure that would need to were typically not seriously addressed in early releases.
scale over time to be at par with Norwegian’s growth ambi- However, after the launch of a new service, use patterns were
tions. Based on his earlier experiences of battling legacy systematically monitored, and used as a basis for quick
systems when pursuing change ambitions, the CIO recalled: adjustments in an iterative fashion.

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Internetworking with customers: Since travel agent ser- We focused on how to make money on new ser-
vices were considered too expensive for a low-cost airline, vices, analyzing which services we should provide
Norwegian’s first challenge was to enable Internet bookings. ourselves, which we should buy and how they
In 2004, the airline launched its Internet portal to by-pass should be integrated. At the same time we are very
travel agents. This launch was enabled by a solution that concerned about our architecture. A chief ambition
allowed customers to print their boarding cards at home, is to maintain it as “clean” as possible. We don’t
making the traditional paper ticket obsolete. The printout really go for cutting-edge solutions. Rather, we
tickets included a bar code, which was scanned at the gate. combine known and stable components in new
This strategy turned out to be successful, not least because ways.
customers quickly adopted this new type of travel processing.
In fact, in 2006, when the airline flew a total of 5.1 million Between 2009 and 2011, the mobile solution was further
passengers, 90 percent of all customer interaction, including enhanced to include cell phone-enabled bar code tickets, a
e-mail and web marketing, on-line sales, booking, and check- wide-range GSM and mobile broadband services, and on-
in, was digital. flight broadband services (as the first airline in Europe). As
the CIO commented, “We strongly believe that the mobile
Capitalizing on the service-oriented architecture, the Internet phone will become our key customer platform.”
portal gave birth to another innovation, the so-called low-
price calendar. The low-price calendar provided an overview This belief proved relevant earlier than anticipated. In April
of the cheapest flights to any chosen destination. It helped 2010, a volcano in Iceland, the Eyjafjallajøkull, erupted and
customers adjusting their travel to dates when traveling was an enormous, shifting ash cloud covered parts of Europe for
good value for money. Addressing a problem perceived by about 10 days. Most of the North and Central European air-
customers in the low-price segment, the new innovation was space was closed, and hundreds of thousands of air passen-
an outstanding success, substantially increasing the number of gers were grounded. Angry passengers started to contact
bookings after its inception in 2005. The low-price calendar airline and travel agent call centers, which quickly collapsed.
was later copied by many other airlines, including Nor- As an improvised response, Norwegian quickly established a
wegian’s competitor, SAS. large-scale Facebook-enabled customer communications and
problem-solving operation, which actually addressed most of
Branching out: In 2007, the company, somewhat sur- the problems. Facebook was not only used for information
prisingly, decided to enter banking by establishing a bank purposes, but also to negotiate customer rerouting and new
called Bank Norwegian. Motivating this boundary-crossing tickets. The team leader commented afterward, “Frankly, we
initiative, Norwegian’s CEO, stated, “Today we have one of do not know where this Facebook thing will take us, but we
the most visited web pages in Norway, with 2 to 3 million certainly realized that our customers preferred this commu-
visitors each month. We aim at coupling this traffic with nication channel in this urgent situation.”
bank services.” In addition to the large volume of potential
customers, this radical diversification could be traced to the Looking back at this evolution, Norwegian was characterized
architecture of digital infrastructure, which allowed quick by modularity in both organization and technology. The busi-
integration with its banking partner’s systems. As the Direc- ness units of Norwegian were loosely connected, allowing for
tor of Business Development commented, modular innovation, while still being able to draw on business
and technical resources of other units. As an example, the IT
We had established a very flexible IT architecture, architect of Norwegian strongly believed that successful infra-
and we realized at the time that it would be possible structure evolution depended on balancing increasing variety,
to innovate new services on this. First we were just on the one hand, and modularization, on the other. If increas-
brainstorming rather freely: how could a combina- ing variety (resulting from continuous innovation) was not
tion of brand and technology generate new business? balanced with continuous modularization of the architecture,
it would lead to chaos. Indeed, the IT architect reasoned, “My
The establishment of the Internet bank took a mere 6 months first and top priority is protecting the integrity of the SOA
and, in 2008, it served 50,000 customers. structure, no matter how important a project deadline is.”

Stimulated by the success in banking, the company launched

a telecom company, Call Norwegian. Initially, Call Nor- Mechanisms at Norwegian
wegian involved a mobile portal to enable easy airline
booking, and to offer airport Wi-Fi hotspots and GSM The remarkable success of Norwegian’s digital infrastructure
network services. The Mobile Portal Director commented, was characterized by growth along three dimensions: (1) ser-

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vices, such as the web portals, the low-price calendar, the the infrastructure services, more resources were allocated to
bank, and mobile services; (2) users, from a few thousand in improve and extend the infrastructure. For instance, resources
2002 to several million in 2011; and (3) stakeholders, as were spent on maintaining rapid response time in spite of
Norwegian aligned a number of networks to its infrastructure increased website traffic, which, in turn, allowed for more
over time. Our fieldwork revealed at least two conditions that services offered.
provided a powerful environment for digital infrastructure
evolution. First, the enabling service-oriented architecture, As the number of users of the digital infrastructure increased,
which allowed the addition, replacement, or change of com- revenues increased, which, in turn, attracted more resources
ponents with relative ease. Second, the entrepreneurial and to the infrastructure for providing more and improved ser-
open culture that supported an evolution that was not totally vices. We refer to this mechanism as the adoption mechanism
dependent on top management directives. While these condi- (Figure 5), that is, a self-reinforcing process by which more
tions triggered the evolution, our data analysis showed that users adopt the infrastructure as more resources invested
there were three mechanisms behind the successful evolution increase the usefulness of the infrastructure.
observed at Norwegian.
As indicated above, “new services” is the outcome of the
The innovation mechanism: As evidenced by the testi- innovation mechanisms and “more services are offered” is the
monies of our respondents, there existed a profound optimism starting point of the adoption mechanism. It makes analytical
that Norwegian would be able to expand its business propo- sense to keep the two mechanisms apart, rather than viewing
sition beyond its original scope. The malleability of the them as parts of a single, more complex mechanism. Essen-
service-oriented architecture created a space of possibilities tially, the two mechanisms involve different sets of actors.
that served as a melting pot for innovation. In fact, this space While business and technology developers drive the innova-
of possibilities spawned a pace of service innovation that, at tion mechanism, users drive the adoption mechanism.
the time, was largely unheard of in the institutionalized airline
industry. The scaling mechanism: The infrastructure at Norwegian
did not only succeed by expanding its services and user base.
The infrastructure malleability fostered a creative process It also increased its scope by including the partner solutions
involving IT personnel, business managers, and external of its emerging network of stakeholders. Norwegian’s busi-
vendors, which allowed them to start recombining infrastruc- ness infrastructure was unusually open, which lowered the
ture resources such as technical elements, business routines, barriers for outside actors to integrate with the airline’s
vendors, and user groups. This recombination resulted in new infrastructure. For instance, early on, Norwegian standard-
ideas for services, which in many cases materialized at ized its central business bus to achieve compatibility with the
Norwegian. These services were typically designed in rela- European Amadeus system, opening up an entire array of
tively short, intensive projects, and then launched. In the possible partners. Furthermore, in 2005, Norwegian provided
Norwegian case, it had to do with patterns of assembling full access (through an application programming interface
different components into new services (Figure 4). referred to as the Norwegian Application Interface) to its ser-
vices to agencies and search engines. As a result, Norwegian
We refer to this mechanism as the innovation mechanism, that started to attract partners such as travel agencies, other air-
is, a self-reinforcing process by which new products and ser- lines, hotel chains, and car rental companies. Partner solu-
vices are created as infrastructure malleability spawns recom- tions were integrated with the web portal, which, as a result,
bination of resources. increased the reach of the infrastructure.

The adoption mechanism: Norwegian managed to attract We refer to this as the scaling mechanism (Figure 6), that is,
customers to purchase tickets online. Although the web- a self-reinforcing process by which an infrastructure expands
based infrastructure initially was relatively unsophisticated, its reach as it attracts new partners by creating incentives for
it was easy to use and relied on resources readily available to collaboration.
customers. For instance, customers quickly embraced the
laser printing of tickets, available at their work or home Table 4 summarizes the definitions of the mechanisms gener-
office. Indeed, the growth was so strong that by 2006—only ated from our in-depth case study research at Norwegian. The
two years after the introduction of the services—online buyers case survey, presented in the next section, uses these con-
of tickets were a majority of customers (85 percent). This ceptualizations as a starting-point for analyzing how mech-
convinced top management that the Internet strategy was anisms interact in infrastructure evolution. Looking back at
paying off, and that the airline should further exploit the the Norwegian case study, there were clear indications that
momentum of growth. Accordingly, with more users adopting the three mechanisms interacted. The innovation mechanism

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Digital Infrastructure

Technical New
malleability services


Figure 4. The Innovation Mechanism

Digital Infrastructure

More services More resources

offered invested

More users adopt

Figure 5. The Adoption Mechanism

Digital Infrastructure

Partners Reach
attracted expanded

Partner solutions

Figure 6. The Scaling Mechanism

Table 4. Mechanisms
Mechanism Definition
Innovation A self-reinforcing process by which new products and services are created as infrastructure
malleability spawns recombination of resources
Adoption A self-reinforcing process by which more users adopt the infrastructure as more resources
invested increase the usefulness of the infrastructure
Scaling A self-reinforcing process by which an infrastructure expands its reach as it attracts new
partners by offering incentives for collaboration

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interacted with the adoption mechanism, in the sense that it to user resistance, we (1) collected a large sample of digital
provided the new services that attracted more users. At the infrastructure studies from scholarly sources, (2) refined the
same time, the adoption mechanisms provided the financial initial sample using inclusion and exclusion criteria (Yin and
resources necessary to maintain the innovation mechanism. Heald 1975), and (3) coded the cases using the definitions of
We also observed that the scaling mechanism increased the the mechanisms identified in the in-depth study.
space of innovation by adding more elements to the
infrastructure. This type of contingencies between mech- The initial sample, including journal articles, peer-reviewed
anisms is explored in more depth in the following sections. conference papers, book chapters, and working papers,
covered well over 60 cases. In our further investigation, the
inclusion criteria were (1) that the case documented the
evolution of a digital infrastructure, and (2) that the case
The Case Survey narrative was long enough to provide sufficiently rich data.
The main exclusion criterion was that the case was not rich
Our in-depth case study research at the unusually successful enough to make it possible to determine whether mechanisms
Norwegian company yielded three mechanisms of digital were actualized or not.
infrastructure evolution. We chose the company as an
extreme case, since deriving ideal types is typically seen as a All in all, we included 41 cases in our sample (see Appendix).
useful starting-point for theory generation (Gerring 2007). The research database included cases from articles published
However, to substantiate this theoretical inquiry, we decided in information systems journals (e.g., MIS Quarterly, Infor-
to survey whether (1) these mechanisms were activated and mation Systems Research, Journal of AIS, and Information &
(2) resulted in a successful outcome, in other cases as well. Organization), medicine (e.g., Methods of Information in
Medicine), development studies (e.g., Information Technology
Taking a critical realist stance, we hypothesized the existence for Development), as well as science and technology studies
of equifinality in digital infrastructure evolution. In other (e.g., Science, Technology & Human Values). It also included
words, we anticipated that there would be a set of different cases from articles published in conference proceedings (e.g.,
causal paths by which the mechanisms could be combined to the International Conference on Information Systems and the
produce successful outcomes. To investigate these issues fur- International Federation for Information Processing). In addi-
ther, we conducted a case survey (Larsson 1993) of 41 cases tion, cases were selected from book chapters and working
of infrastructure evolution reported in the scholarly literature papers. The cases covered a variety of settings including
to analyze its space of configurations. Configurational banking, healthcare, natural resources, pharmaceutics, public
thinking has emerged as powerful way of studying “any sector, and telecom.
multidimensional constellation of conceptually distinct char-
acteristics that commonly occur together” (Meyer et al. 1993, Coding: We used Pawson and Tilley’s (1997) configura-
p. 1175). Among critical realists, Pawson and Tilley’s (1997) tional framework for designing a coding scheme focusing on
thinking epitomizes the promise of configurational analysis three elements: context, mechanisms, and outcome. First, we
and, as outlined in the theoretical background above and fur- drew on our in-depth case study and the literature review to
ther elaborated in the description of methodological choices distinguish technical architecture and organizational control
below, their work serves as a backdrop to our analysis. as two key contextual conditions. In the in-depth case study,
we discovered that a loosely coupled architecture and decen-
tralized control were important conditions at Norwegian for
Methods activating the power of the identified mechanisms. Based on
this insight, we returned to our database of related literature
A case survey involves systematic collection and coding of and studies to (1) assess what other possible architectures
case studies, where preference is given to the case charac- were present in digital infrastructure evolution and (2) assess
teristics rather than the original authors’ analysis and conclu- what other modes of control were present. In the architecture
sions (Yin and Heald 1975). Bridging nomothetic surveys case, our assessment yielded several examples of infrastruc-
and ideographic case studies, the case survey method is an tures that were based on tight integration (see Hanseth and
inexpensive way of learning from many rich case studies Braa 2000). We decided to label this category tightly coupled
(Larsson 1993) and is ideal for configurational theorizing architecture. In the case of control as contextual condition,
(Fiss 2007). previous studies strike a difference between top-down imple-
mentation and bottom-up cultivation of infrastructures. We
Case Selection and Data Collection: Similar to Rivard and decided to label this distinction as centralized versus
Lapointe’s (2012) recent study of IT implementers’ responses decentralized control (see Kirsch 2004; Yoo et al. 2010).

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Then, the three mechanisms (and their definitions, see and none) and their outcomes (Table 5). This revealed clearly
Table 4) generated from the in-depth study were used as a that the absence of activated mechanisms was strongly asso-
basis for our coding of the studies included in the case survey. ciated with a negative outcome, and that two configurations
The coding of mechanisms required careful assessment of were highly successful. Second, in order to understand the
whether the mechanism in question in fact was actualized. causal paths of the two successful configurations (AS and
For example, most (if not all) digital infrastructure projects AIS), we conducted a qualitative investigation of all cases
have the ambition of user adoption, and therefore involve associated with these configurations. The first step involved
management interventions designed to achieve this. How- comparative analysis between the cases in the same configu-
ever, the sheer presence of management intervention to ration. This analysis revealed how the mechanisms inter-
achieve user adoption was not considered sufficient to code acted. The second step involved a comparison of cases across
the adoption mechanism as actualized. Rather, this would the two successful configurations. This helped us understand
require evidence that user adoption was self-reinforcing, as why both AS and AIS produced a successful outcome. Third,
described in Figure 1. As an example, consider that a man- we analyzed contextual conditions and their relation to the
agement team may stimulate user adoption (action-formation) two configurations. One interesting observation was that the
through a commercial campaign in the hope that it would activation of mechanisms in one configuration (AS) appeared
increase user adoption of the infrastructure. However, if we, to be less dependent on the two contextual conditions advo-
in this hypothetical example, could not verify that this cated in the literature than the other configuration.
management intervention paid off in a self-reinforcing process
that generated resources (transformation) that maintained user
adoption beyond the end of the campaign, we reasoned that Case Survey Results
the mechanism was not actualized. Similarly, the other two
mechanisms were coded positively only to the extent that they Table 6 outlines the descriptive statistics of the 41 cases of
were self-reinforcing. In this context, it should be empha- infrastructure evolution included in our sample. It shows the
sized that, in specific cases where mechanisms were coded as frequency distribution of the cases across mechanism configu-
unactualized, the claim of actual presence of such unactual- rations and evolution outcome. Since the three mechanisms
ized mechanisms builds on an assumption of coherence across (adoption (A), innovation (I), scaling (S)) can be combined in
cases of infrastructure evolution. eight different ways (none, A, I, S, AI, AS, IS, AIS), there are
eight logically possible configurations of which a particular
Finally, we coded outcomes based on the relative success of case can be a member (see Appendix for coding details of
the evolution process. Starting from the assessment of the each case). Among the cases in the sample, the IS subset was
author(s), we critically examined if the infrastructure had the only mechanism configuration that remained unactualized.
reached a state where it displayed a capacity to endure, and Furthermore, we identified 11 cases (26.8 percent) where
adapt to environmental changes. In particular, we interpreted none of the 3 mechanisms were actualized, all of which
if (1) the infrastructure filled a relevant role in its business resulted in unsuccessful digital infrastructure evolution. At
ecosystem, and (2) the extent to which the infrastructure’s the other end of the spectrum, we identified 12 cases (29.3
affordances were possible to escape for its stakeholders. If in percent) as members of the AIS subset and 7 cases (17.1
doubt, we supported our interpretations by disciplined imagi- percent) as members of the AS subset. These 19 cases were
nation of possible scenarios through which individual coded as successes, and will be the primary focus for our
stakeholders would be able to reverse the infrastructure’s state further analysis.
of success or failure.
Our in-depth study at Norwegian established three individual
Three people independently coded the 41 studies included in mechanisms: adoption, innovation, and scaling. It also sug-
the sample. In addition to the two authors of this paper, a gested that the actualization of all three of them in the same
Master’s student served as a coder. In case of disagreements, case would effectively contribute to a successful outcome of
the coders reread the case and discussed the coding until 100 digital infrastructure evolution.9 The descriptive statistics of
percent agreement was achieved. The inter-reliability of the our case survey support this suggestion by indicating a strong
coding was approximately 85 percent in the first round of correlation between the AIS configuration and a successful
independent coding.

Data Analysis: We first examined the relationship between 9

As highlighted by one of the anonymous reviewers, this is not to suggest a
the eight possible combinations of the three mechanisms
closed system. Consistent with critical realism assumptions, there might
(adoption, innovation, and scaling (AIS), AI, AS, IS, A, I, S, always be other mechanisms “lurking around the corner.”

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Table 5. Case Survey Data Analysis

Steps Tasks Outputs
1. Descriptive statistics a. Examine relationships between combinations of Frequency distribution of the cases
mechanisms and outcomes across combinations of the three
b. Identify highly successful and highly identified mechanisms (Table 6)
unsuccessful combinations of mechanisms
2. Qualitative analysis a. Comparative analysis of cases within the two A systematic assessment of causal
successful combinations (AS and AIS) relationships in the successful cases.
b. Comparative analysis between the two
successful configurations
c. Examination of alternative explanations
3. Analysis of contextual a. Analyze the effect of decentralized control on Two configurations of successful
conditions the two combinations infrastructure evolution (Figure 7)
b. Analyze the effect of loosely-coupled
architecture on the two combinations Completion of two successful causal
c. Assess explanatory power of the configurations paths in digital infrastructure evolution

Table 6. Descriptive Statistics

Mechanism Unsuccessful Successful
Combination N (%) Infrastructure Infrastructure Total
NONE 11 (26.8%) 11 0 11 (100%)
A 3 (7.3%) 2 1 3 (100%)
I 4 (9.7%) 2 2 4 (100%)
S 1 (2.4%) 1 0 1 (100%)
AI 3 (7.3%) 1 2 3 (100%)
AS 7 (17.1%) 0 7 7 (100%)
IS 0 (0%) 0 0 0 (100%)
AIS 12 (29.3%) 0 12 12 (100%)
Total: 41 (100%) 17 (41.5%) 24 (58.5%)

outcome. Beyond this confirmation of the Norwegian case ration. This insight indicates that the natures of the AIS and
study results, we can make at least two additional obser- AS configurations are qualitatively different and warrant
vations. First, the actualization of a single mechanism is further attention.
insufficient for leading to a successful outcome. For instance,
our case survey suggests that the innovation mechanism alone In view of these initial insights of our case survey results, we
is insufficient for a successful outcome. Although there were further investigated how the mechanisms interacted in the two
a few exceptions, our results show that the innovation mech- successful configurations (AIS and AS). In the Norwegian in-
anism is contingent on the adoption and scaling mechanisms. depth case study (as an example of the AIS configuration), we
These findings resonate well with critical realism’s assump- noted how the three mechanisms interacted. In what follows,
tion of contingent causality, suggesting that the outcome of a we investigated whether the same type of interaction existed
mechanism depends on other mechanisms (Elder-Vass 2010; in the 12 AIS cases included in the survey case. We also
Sayer 1992). Second, the results also suggest that the actuali- investigated the seven cases with the AS configuration to
zation of the innovation mechanism is not a necessary con- further understand how the adoption and scaling mechanisms
dition for success if the adoption and scaling mechanisms are alone can interact to produce successful infrastructure evolu-
interacting in the same evolution process. This is interesting, tion. In doing so, we also turned to the contextual conditions
since our analysis of the Norwegian case suggested it as a of architecture and mode of control for both configurations to
vital mechanism for adoption and scaling in the AIS configu- understand the differences in causal paths. Manifesting our

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Figure 7. Configurations of Digital Infrastructure Evolution

configurational perspective, Figure 7 portrays the causal paths three examples11 summarized in Table 7, the innovative way
that we identified through our analysis, including the number of using existing systems to achieve standardized extraction
of cases that followed each path. of patient data (SEP) triggered adoption from county hos-
pitals, which, in turn, created the resources for establishing a
Adoption-Innovation-Scaling: Our examination of the AIS national SEP project that could support the initiative’s scale
cases (Case #6, The Internet; Case #10, Environmental Health and scope. Starting as a local initiative supported by two
in the French Public Health Administration; Case #12, Local county hospitals, the SEP infrastructure counted 4.3 million
Danish Electronic Patient Record initiative; Case #22, The Danes as users some 9 years after its inception. Similar inter-
SWIFT Network; Case #23, Criminal Case Management in action between mechanisms existed in the seemingly quite
Finland; Case #27, Pharmaceutics; Case #29,Gateways versus different SWIFT network case (Case #22, Scott and
Standards; Case #30, Internet IPv6; Case #32, Telecom; Case Zachariadis 2010), in which 68 banks in 11 countries joined
#33, Broadband Mobile Services in South Korea; Case #39, forces to create an infrastructure for financial transactions that
U.S. Petroleum Company; Case #41, and U.S. Retail Com- developed “from an efficiency initiative driven by a closed
pany)10 included in the case survey revealed a similar ‘society’ of banks to a network innovation of world-class
interplay of mechanisms as we found in the Norwegian case standing” (p. 2). The widespread adoption by banks of
study. The innovation and adoption mechanisms fed on each SWIFT in the 1970s created incentives for innovating the
other, which created fertile ground for the scaling mechanism infrastructure further, where speed, costs, volume, security,
as combinatorial possibilities (innovation) increased and the and uniform formats were benefits that were targeted in a
provision of more users (adoption) leveraged the scope of the series of improvements of the infrastructure over the years.
infrastructure. In the Local Danish Patient Record initiative
(Case #12, Aanestad and Blegind Jensen 2011), as one of
Our selection of illustrative examples of the AIS configuration was done
with emphasis on making sense to readers without too much contextual
See Appendix for sources and coding. background.

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Table 7. Content Analysis of Adoption–Innovation–Scaling Configuration

conditions Mechanisms Outcome Reference
12. Local Danish Elec- Architecture: Innovation: Started as a simple “Our empirical material Aanestad and
tronic Patients Records Modularized, problem-solving initiative, using describes two Danish Blegind Jensen
initiative: The SEP project many systems existing systems in new ways. This initiatives, where a (2011)
in Denmark was a local involved was cleverly expanded into a national national project failed to
initiative in 2000 to share patient database. deliver interoperable
patient data, but expanded Control: Electronic Patient Record
into a national solution Distributed Adoption: Starting with pilot in two systems while a small,
during a nine-year period. counties, gradually expanded into a local solution grew and
national solution. Patients were also now offers a nation-wide
allowed access. solution for sharing patient
record information” (p.
Scaling: First accessing one EPR 161).
and PAS, later including all such
systems in Denmark into the solution.
22. International Financial Architecture: Innovation: Building on Telex solu- SWIFT developed into Scott and
Communication Network: SWIFT is a net- tions, financial actors and technology one of the world’s key Zachariadis
SWIFT is an infrastructure work, with a vendors designed and developed the infra-structures, proving (2010)
for financial transactions, common standard network with continuous innovation. fast, seamless and secure
now used in 200 countries. implemented in a Packet switching was introduced in exchange of financial
Starting in 1971 as a stan- large number of 1979, and SWIFT 2 was launched in transactions.
dard, SWIFT went live in financial systems 1983.
1977 and expanded into a “Over time, what began as
global infrastructure. Control: Adoption: Initiated by 68 banks in 11 a closed society…grew
Distributed, countries. As services expanded, into an industry cooper-
SWIFT is owned even more banks and countries ative supporting an enthu-
by member banks joined. siastic community of prac-
tice and transformed into
Scaling: The expansion was charac- an unexpected network
terized by negotiations and adapta- phenomenon” (p. 2).
tions. Moving from a closed society,
SWIFT became a global network.
23. Criminal Case Architecture: Innovation: The Sakari solution Sakari was considered a Fabri (2009)
Management in Finland: Modular, helped transforming the whole legal success in Finland.
The Criminal Case Manage- expanded into criminal case process, and was “It is recognized that it has
ment system in Finland was service oriented extended with new services annually. helped make criminal
introduced in 1992, and architecture proceedings quicker and
developed into a national Adoption: Courts, police, prose- more accurate, () and the
integrated infrastructure. Control: cutors and prisons were gradually system has also helped to
Centralized (but enrolled as new services were create a useful exchange
managed by integrated. of information and
representatives of practices among the
user institutions) Scaling: Linking into other structures different organizations and
was a key strategy. actors involved” (p. 123).

The financial infrastructure scaled considerably in terms of its this success, the infrastructure increased its reach by ex-
coverage and scope, and has since long become the most panding into criminal cases, which usually is considered more
comprehensive one in the global bank sector. Regarding the difficult since more stakeholders are involved.
Criminal Case Management system in Finland (Case #23,
Fabri 2009), innovation in the civil procedure rules (e.g., In view of the similarities in interaction between the mech-
elimination of original signature requirement) boosted new anisms in the AIS configuration cases, we further explored the
civil case management applications. The new infrastructure contextual conditions that actualized the AIS configuration.
was rapidly adopted by debt collecting companies, while As shown in Figure 7, and in line with the extant infrastruc-
lawyers’ use progressed well but more slowly. Stimulated by ture literature, there was a high correlation between loosely

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coupled architecture and decentralized control and the AIS seminal works in the infrastructure literature, which argue that
configuration. One plausible explanation is that the innova- loosely coupled architecture and distributed control are
tion mechanism is a less predictable process than adoption important elements in making evolution processes successful.
and scaling, and that the innovation mechanism is dependent It appears that the adoption and scaling mechanisms reinforce
on a “space of possibilities” (Bygstad 2010; Davenport and each other in a way that leads to successful evolution, and that
Short 1992) that centralized control and tightly coupled IT central control and tightly coupled architecture sometimes are
architectures cannot trigger. important conditions in making this happen. For instance, in
the Health IS in India case, centralized control supported the
Adoption-Scaling: Compared to the AIS cases, the examina- scaling of the infrastructure beyond the pilot to align health
tion of the AS cases (Case #1, Health IS in Developing centers. Increasing the reach, in turn, the health IS solution
Countries; Case #9, Legal IS in Austria; Case #15, Power became more attractive to adopt. However, as a concluding
Systems; Case #21, Health IS in India; Case #28, OSI Versus remark, it should be emphasized that our investigation of con-
IP standards; Case #34, University Software; and Case #36, textual conditions of the AS configuration does not provide a
E-Government in Germany)12 showed significantly different clear-cut picture. Although being beyond the scope of this
results. The results suggested that as long as the adoption and study, this observation indicates that there exist other con-
scaling mechanisms were actualized, the powers of the inno- textual conditions that interact with these mechanisms,
vation mechanism did not have to be actualized. In view of suggesting an opportunity for further research.
our analysis of the AIS configuration, where we noted that the
innovation mechanism helped in actualizing the adoption
mechanism, this result requires further analysis. Discussion
The Legal IS in Austria (Case #9, Bernroider and Koch 2009), The adoption of critical realism has helped us to explore a
as one example summarized in Table 8, was a result of in- number of issues that challenge the way we think about digital
house development work carried out by the Federal Chan- infrastructure. In particular, we highlight the existence of
cellery, sometimes done with the support of external systems three generative mechanisms (adoption, innovation, and
development firms. The system was initially adopted for scaling) that serve as causal powers in digital infrastructure
increasing efficiency. Over time, however, more users evolution. In addition, we develop a configurational perspec-
including the ministries and eventually citizens were adopting tive that suggests multiple causal paths of such evolution. In
the infrastructure. Once citizens came into the picture, a web- what follows, we outline implications for infrastructure
based version was developed in parallel to the system used in- research and discuss the usefulness of critical realism in infor-
house to facilitate user access. The reach of the infrastructure mation systems research. In addition, we highlight the study
increased as citizens were provided comprehensive law infor- limitations and future issues of research.
mation through this web-based system. Later on, the infra-
structure was further extended in reach by digitally supporting
the process for producing judicial material from inception to Implications
Internet publication. This coincided with the Council of
Ministers’ decision to adopt the infrastructure in all ministries. Our work synthesizes and conceptualizes earlier insight on
Similar interaction between the adoption and scaling mech- self-reinforcing mechanisms (Grindley 1995; Katz and
anisms could be observed in the Health in India (Case #21, Shapiro 1985; Sydow et al. 2009), innovation (Arthur 2009;
Sahay and Walsham 2006) and e-Government in Germany Schumpeter 1980), and scaling (Hanseth and Lyytinen 2010;
(Case #36, Pipek and Wulf 2009) cases. Pollock et al. 2007; Sahay and Walsham 2006) as generative
mechanisms. This is useful, since the causal powers of each
Given this interaction between adoption and scaling, which of the mechanisms have been largely masked in prior
was qualitatively different from the mechanisms interaction research. Our critical realist conception of digital infrastruc-
in the AIS cases, we turned to the contexts of the cases. As ture recognizes that mechanisms act transfactually (see
illustrated in Figure 7, three (Legal IS in Austria; Health IS in Fleetwood 2009) and that the actualization of their powers is
India; and e-Government in Germany; see Table 8) out of the contingent on other mechanisms. In this regard, our research
seven AS cases were characterized by centralized control and indicates that successful digital infrastructure evolution can-
a tightly coupled architecture. This breaks with some of the not be explained by merely attending to a single mechanism.
Among the 41 cases included in our sample, there were only
3 cases where an individual mechanism coincided with a suc-
See Appendix for source and coding. cessful outcome (see Case #18, Hanseth and Aanestad 2003;

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Table 8. Content Analysis of Adoption-Scaling Configuration

Conditions Mechanisms Outcome Reference
9. Legal IS in Austria: Architecture: Tightly Adoption: First, only internal The LIS was used by 4.5 million Bernroider and
The LIS system is a coupled (first main- users, then professional users per month, and was con- Koch (2009)
legal repository and frame, then Internet users, and finally the public. sidered successful, both in terms
supports the workflow version) of internal efficiency and public
for law making in Scaling: The Internet version access. It ensured support for the
Austria. Developed Control: Centralized was launched in 1996, and law process. It provided trans-
since 1972. (managed in-house in extended with eLaw access. parency and services to citizens.
21. Health IS in India: Architecture: Tightly Adoption: Starting with a The HISP solution was in full use Sahay and
The design, develop- coupled (but adapt- simple solution and pilot in Andhra Pradesh. The Walsham (2006)
ment, and implemen- able) users, more services were infrastructure was scaled to
tation of a Health added, which increased the support a whole state in a low-
Information System in Control: Centralized user base. resource setting. Adoption,
Southern India. (through HISP project although challenging, was steadily
and state authorities) Scaling: Starting with a pilot, increasing.
the solution was scaled in two
steps, first to 46 health cen-
ters, then to the whole state.
36. e-Government in Architecture: Tightly Adoption: Comprehensive The solution was considered Pipek and Wulf
Germany: The case is coupled workflow requirements elicitation successful, with a consistent (2009)
a solution to support system process with users, started growth of services and users.
work processes con- growing use and adaptation. Transition to Internet technology
necting the state Control: Centralized, was problematic, but solved.
government located in cooperation Scaling: A solution that first
the state's capital with was proprietary, and later
the German was expanded to Internet
Bundesrat. technology. This facilitated
the alignment of new

Case #31, Rolland and Monteiro 2002; Case #20, Scott and innovation mechanism as long as the powers of the adoption
Walsham 1998). In all of the other 21 successful cases, the and scaling mechanisms are actualized. Both the AS and AIS
outcome was traced to a configuration of two or three mech- configurations lead to successful evolution. Such equifinality
anisms. Although there is accumulating evidence on what is accommodated by our configurational perspective, which
drives infrastructure evolution in the literature, the generative allows investigation of specific causal paths as well as the
mechanisms reported in this paper offer the analytical dis- multiplicity characterizing digital infrastructure.
tinctiveness needed not only to zoom in on specific aspects of
infrastructure but also to zoom out to understand its Moreover, previous work on digital infrastructure has sug-
contingencies. gested that centralized control is detrimental to the outcome
of the evolution process (Ciborra et al. 2000). Our research
In addition, while the literature is full of testimonies that provides a less polarized view, where we found significant
express the complex relationships between elements that empirical support for the prevalent stance in the case of the
make up an infrastructure (Braa et al. 2007; Ciborra et al. AIS configuration, while our evidence for the AS configura-
2000; Ciborra and Failla 2000; Hanseth et al. 2006), there tion tells another story. The same applies to architecture:
have been few, if any, attempts to formulate perspectives that while a loosely coupled architecture is found to be a valuable
allow the simultaneous study of multiple causes. Concurring trigger for the AIS configuration, a tightly coupled architec-
with its critical realist underpinnings, our configurational ture does not impede the AS configuration from a successful
perspective recognizes both the inherent complexity of infra- outcome. In other words, it seems that there is no specific
structures and the need of an analytical lens for making sense relationship between mode of control and architecture in
of them. As an example, consider that we observed that successful cases of combining the adoption and scaling
successful infrastructure evolution does not depend on the mechanisms.

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We believe that these findings have important implications for sufficient step for paving the way for a philosophical tradition
practitioners who face the challenge of managing the evolu- in the discipline. For instance, it took some 10 years until the
tion of digital infrastructures. Understanding the difference early writings of Boland, Orlikowski, and Walsham on inter-
between the two configurations is seminal for the choice of pretive research were appropriated in the field as a broadly
management strategy. The AIS configuration describes the recognized basis for conducting high-quality research. One
causal path of the really ambitious undertakings, where inter- important element of this consolidation was examples of
action between the three mechanisms is crucial, and where the empirical research that could demonstrate its value in gener-
innovation mechanism should be targeted as the driver. ating new knowledge deemed relevant by the community. In
Typical examples of such projects are the Norwegian (our in- doing this, they then served as sources of inspiration for
depth case study) and the International Financial Communi- research to come.
cation Network (Case #22, Scott and Zachariadis 2010) cases.
In such cases, managers should note that the dynamics of the In a similar vein, we view this article as an intermediate step
configuration require a loosely coupled architecture and between the pioneering writings on critical realism and its
decentralized control in order to create the space of possi- adoption in wider circles in the community. In particular, we
bilities necessary for actualizing the innovation mechanism. view the research design, combining the in-depth case study
Also, tight scheduling is detrimental, because the configura- and case survey methods, and the adoption of configurational
tion feeds on exploration until momentum is established. thinking as a promising direction for leveraging qualities of
critical realism in our discipline. For instance, as the field is
Our study also suggests that the AS configuration involves beginning to deal with complex phenomena such as digital
lower stakes than AIS because the interplay between the innovation (Yoo et al. 2010), digital infrastructure (Tilson et
adoption and scaling mechanisms is relatively straight- al. 2010), and platforms (Tiwana et al. 2010), conceptions of
forward. It allows for a wider choice of management inter- causality that recognize contingency and multiple paths are
ventions. Seeking to actualize this configuration, managers needed (see El Sawy et al. 2010). Our configurational per-
should have confidence in traditional project management spective offers an approach to accommodate such a view on
techniques, and observe that both loosely coupled and tightly causality that can be reused in other settings. As indicated in
coupled architectures may be effective. the implications section, we offer a number of contributions
to extant infrastructure literature that can be traced back to our
adoption of critical realism for information systems purposes.
The Usefulness of Critical Realism
in Information Systems
Limitations and Issues for Future Research
The promises of critical realism as a philosophical tradition
for information systems research have been voiced for some Future studies could address several limitations in our work.
time now (Mingers 2004, 2010, Smith 2010). However, to First, as noted by Rivard and Lapointe (2012), the use of
date, there is a paucity of empirical research, underpinned by secondary data in case survey research certainly introduces
critical realist assumptions, that makes substantive contribu- some limits to what can be inferred from the cases included in
tions to established streams of information systems research. the sample. The cases were originally written for a different
While there exist a few exceptions (Bygstad 2010; Smith purpose, meaning that it would be unrealistic to imagine that
2010; Volkoff et al. 2007), current writings on critical realism we would be able to create a situated understanding of the
in our discipline mainly provide useful conceptual guidance. particulars associated with each of the cases. However, our
Our research is an early example to challenge some of the use of inclusion and exclusion criteria for deciding which
conventional wisdom in the extant literature of a substantive cases to include in the sample restricted our inquiry to studies
area of information systems research. that reported sufficiently rich accounts of the case setting. In
order to offer scholars of infrastructure the opportunity to
The delay between the initial recognition of a philosophical challenge our coding, we also included an overview of the
tradition and its wider adoption in the community is under- coding in the Appendix. This makes it possible for original
standable. As an applied discipline, information systems is contributors to assess our coding, and it enables use of our
largely motivated by its members’ capacity to generate data material in future research. Second, the use of the case
knowledge with a capacity to, directly or indirectly, contribute survey method necessarily quantifies qualitative data in a way
to the corresponding community of practitioners (Lyytinen that risks draining ideographic accounts of their richness. We
1999). In this regard, recognition of new developments and compensated for this loss of situated understanding by con-
directions in the philosophy of science is a necessary but not sidering 41 cases in the same study in a relatively ideographic

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manner. Third, mechanisms are causal structures that gener- paths by which successful digital infrastructure evolution
ate observable events, and we offer an understanding of three comes about. In the extant literature, there is a tendency to
mechanisms, as well as their combinations and contextual offer partial explanations, rather than focusing attention on
conditions, that lead to successful infrastructures. We ac- the complete set of key mechanisms and their interaction.
knowledge that the granularity of our analysis of causality is This is problematic since it tends to inhibit a comprehensive
at a relatively high level, suggesting the existence of nested understanding of how and why digital infrastructures evolve
causal paths in digital infrastructure evolution left unad- the way they do across cases.
dressed in this study. Thus, we do not claim that we have
discovered all of the mechanisms relevant for infrastructure In response, our critical realist approach accommodates both
evolution. For instance, while identifying mechanisms of the interpretivist and positivist assumptions manifested in the
successful evolution of digital infrastructures, we have not ad- extant infrastructure literature. The plausibility of this accom-
dressed negative self-reinforcing mechanisms. One example modation is demonstrated in the paper by offering theoretical
of such a mechanism is described by Hanseth et al. (2006) as implications that challenge some of the hegemony in infra-
reflexive standardization. Generally increasing the com- structure studies. It may appear somewhat ironic that our
plexity of an infrastructure, this mechanism has been con- perspective draws on many of the findings already available
firmed in recent cases, such as the European eCustoms case in the area, yet brings new light on established truths by intro-
(Case #25, Henningsson and Henriksen 2011). Future ducing new philosophical assumptions. We attribute this
research that adopts critical realism for studying negative self- result to the power of a philosophical tradition, critical
reinforcing mechanisms would be worthwhile. Finally, realism, which offers a set of new pillars for approaching
focusing on successful configurations, our research primarily substantive areas in information systems. We hope that our
deals with the equifinality of infrastructure evolution. While example will inspire others to adopt critical realism in their
our case survey findings also indicate multi-finality, we did attempts to advance areas of information systems research
not further analyze why particular configurations result in where the findings in prior literature need to be released from
different outcomes (e.g., A, I, and AI). Our understanding of some of their long-established convictions.
digital infrastructure would benefit from future research on
this issue.

We thank Carsten Sørensen, Olga Volkoff, Youngjin Yoo, the two

Conclusion anonymous reviewers, the associate editor, and the senior editors for
constructive and insightful comments on earlier versions of this
This paper proposes an alternative understanding of digital manuscript. Special thanks to Ole Hanseth for intellectual support
in designing and crafting this research. We are also thankful for the
infrastructure evolution, which emphasizes the relevance of
feedback received when presenting our work to researchers in the
more closely examining its generative mechanisms. The global infrastructure group at the Department of Informatics,
paper details and illustrates a critical realist approach to University of Oslo. Finally, we thank Hrafnhildur Jonasdottir for
digital infrastructure where configurational thinking serves as assistance in coding the sample of digital infrastructure cases used
a vehicle for understanding the combinations of mechanisms in this research.
that lead to successful evolution. We suggest that this ap-
proach may serve as a foundation for informing our under-
standing, as well as future studies, of digital infrastructure and References
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Peripheral Participation, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Univer- of Management Journal (50:3), pp. 515-543.
sity Press. Pollock, N., Williams, R., and D’Adderio, L. 2007. “Global Soft-
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for Information Systems,” in Social Theory and Philosophy for of Organizational Software Packages,” Social Studies of Science
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Chichester, UK: Wiley, pp. 1-26. Ragin, C. C. 2006. “Set Relations in Social Research: Evaluating
Lopreato, J., and Alston, L. 1970. “Ideal Types and the Idealization Their Consistency and Coverage,” Political Analysis (14:3), pp.
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Ragin, C. C. 2008. Redesigning Social Inquiry: Fuzzy Sets and Walsham, G. 1995. “The Emergence of Interpretivism in IS
Beyond, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. Research,” Information Systems Research (6:4), pp. 376-394.
Rai, A., Patnayakuni, R., and Seth, N. 2006. “Firm Performance Weber, M. 1949. The Methodology of the Social Sciences,
Impacts of Digitally Enabled Supply Chain Integration Capa- Glencoe, IL: Free Press.
bilities,” MIS Quarterly (30: 2), pp. 225-246. Webster, J., and Watson, R. T. 2002. “Analyzing the Past to
Rihoux, B., and Ragin, C. C. (eds.). 2009. Configurational Com- Prepare for the Future: Writing a Literature Review,” MIS
parative Methods: Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) and Quarterly (26:2), pp. xiii-xxiii.
Related Techniques, Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications. Wynn, D., and Williams, C. K. 2012. “Principles for Conducting
Rivard, S., and Lapointe, L. 2012. “Information Technology Critical Realist Case Study Research in Information Systems,”
Implementers’ Responses to User Resistance: Nature and MIS Quarterly (36:3), pp. 787-810.
Effects,” MIS Quarterly (36:3), pp. 897-920. Yin, R. K., and Heald, L. A. 1975. “Using the Case Survey Method
Rolland, K., and Monteiro, E. 2002. “Balancing the Local and the to Analyze Policy Studies,” Administrative Science Quarterly
Global in Infrastructural Information Systems,” Information
(20:3), pp. 371-381.
Society (18:2), pp. 87-100.
Yoo, Y., Henfridsson, O., and Lyytinen, K. 2010. “The New
Sahay, S., and Walsham, G. 2006. “Scaling of Health Information
Organizing Logic of Digital Innovation: An Agenda for Infor-
Systems in India: Challenges and Approaches,” Information
mation Systems Research,” Information Systems Research (21:4),
Technology for Development (12:3), pp. 165-200.
pp. 724-735.
Sayer, A. 1992. Method in Social Science. A Realist Approach,
New York: Routledge. Yoo, Y., Lyytinen, K., and Yang, H. 2005. “The Role of Standards
Schumpeter, J. 1980. Theory of Economic Development, London: in Innovation and Diffusion of Broadband Mobile Services: The
Transaction Publishers. Case of South Korea,” Journal of Strategic Information Systems
Scott, S., Van Reenen, J., and Zachariadis, M. 2010. “The Impact (14), pp. 323-353.
of the Diffusion of a Financial Innovation on Company Per- Zammuto, R. F., Griffith, T. L., Majchrzak, A., Dougherty, D. J.,
formance: An Analysis of SWIFT Adoption,” Discussion Paper and Faraj, S. 2007. “Information Technology and the Changing
No 992, London School of Economics. Fabric of Organization,” Organization Science (18:5), pp.
Smith, M. L. 2010. “Testable Theory Development for Small-N 749-762.
Studies: Critical Realism and Middle-Range Theory,” Inter- Zittrain, J. L. 2006. “The Generative Internet,” Harvard Law
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Infrastructure: Design and Access for Large Information About the Authors
Spaces,” Information Systems Research (7:1), pp. 111-134.
Sydow, J., Schreyögg, G., and Koch, J. 2009. “Organizational Path
Ola Henfridsson is a professor of Information Systems and
Dependence: Opening the Black Box,” Academy of Management
Management at Warwick Business School, University of Warwick.
Review (34:4), pp. 689-709.
Tanriverdi, H., Konana, P., and Ge, L. 2007. “The Choice of He is also an adjunct professor at the Department of Applied
Sourcing Mechanisms for Business Processes,” Information Information Technology, Chalmers University of Technology. His
Systems Research (18:3), pp. 280-299. research interests include digital innovation and technology
Tilson, D., Lyytinen, K., and Sorensen, C. 2010. “Digital Infra- management. Ola’s research has been published in Information
structures: The Missing IS Research Agenda,” Information Systems Research, MIS Quarterly, and other journals in the infor-
Systems Research (21:4), pp. 748-759. mation systems discipline. He is a senior editor of Journal of
Tiwana, A., Konsynski, B., and Bush, A. A. 2010. “Platform Information Technology and a former senior editor of MIS
Evolution: Coevolution of Platform Architecture, Governance, Quarterly. He also serves on the editorial boards of Information
and Environmental Dynamics,” Information Systems Research Technology and People and Journal of the Association for
(21:4), pp. 685-687. Information Systems.
Urry, J. 2003. Global Complexity, Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.
Vaast, E., and Walsham, G. 2009. “Trans-Situated Learning: Bendik Bygstad is a sociologist who is currently a professor at the
Supporting a Network of Practice with an Information Infra- Norwegian School of Information Technology, and an adjunct
structure,” Information Systems Research (20:4), pp. 547-564.
professor at the University of Oslo. His main research interests are
Vergne, J.-P., and Durand, R. 2010. “The Missing Link Between
IT-based service innovation and the relationship of IS and
the Theory and Empirics of Path Dependence: Conceptual
organizational change. He is also interested in IS research methods,
Clarification, Testability Issue, and Methodological Implica-
tions,” Journal of Management Studies (47:4), pp. 736-759. in particular the philosophical and methodological implications of
Volkoff, O., Strong, D. M., and Elmes, M. B. 2007. “Technological critical realism. He has published articles in journals such as
Embeddedness and Organizational Change,” Organization Information Systems Journal, Journal of Information Technology,
Science (18:5), pp. 832-848. and International Journal of Project Management.

MIS Quarterly Vol. 37 No. 3/September 2013 931

932 MIS Quarterly Vol. 37 No. 3/September 2013


Ola Henfridsson
Warwick Business School, The University of Warwick,

Bendik Bygstad
Norwegian School of IT, Schweigaards gt. 14, 0185 Oslo NORWAY and
Department of Informatics, University of Oslo, Oslo NORWAY {}

Sample Cases

Contextual Conditions
Architecture: tightly coupled (0); loosely coupled (1)
Control: centralized (0); decentralized (1)

Adoption (A): unactualized (0); actualized (1)
Innovation (I): unactualized (0); actualized (1)
Scaling (S): unactualized (0); actualized (1)

Outcome: unsuccessful (0); successful (1)

Comb: combination of mechanisms

Contextual Out-
No Case Conditions Mechanisms come Comb Reference
Arc Con A I S
1 Health Information Systems 1 1 1 0 1 1 AS Braa, J., Hanseth, O., Heywood, A., Mohammed,
Project HISP: A successful W., and Shaw, V. 2007. “Developing Health
standardization strategy in low- Information Systems in Developing Countries:
resource countries, based on The Flexible Standards Strategy,” MIS Quarterly
flexible and simple solutions. (31:2), pp. 381-402.
Continuously from 1992-2007.
2 National Hospital: A case of 0 0 0 0 0 0 – Hanseth, O., Jacucci, E., Grisot, M., and
increasing complexity of Aanestad, M. 2006. “Reflexive Standardization:
requirements, leading to Side Effects and Complexity in Standard
paralysis. Making,” MIS Quarterly (30:2), pp.563-581.

MIS Quarterly Vol. 37 No. 3—Appendix/September 2013 A1

Henfridsson & Bygstad/Digital Infrastructure Evolution

Contextual Out-
No Case Conditions Mechanisms come Comb Reference
Arc Con A I S
3 Norsk Hydro: A case of an 0 0 1 1 0 1 AI Hanseth, O., and Braa, K. 2000. “Who’s in
expanding corporate standard in Control: Designers, Managers or Technology?
the 1990s, leading to broad Infrastructures at Norsk Hydro,” in From Control
adoption, but difficult to scale to Drift—The Dynamics of Corporate Information
Infrastructures, C. U. Ciborra, K. Braa, A.
Cordella, B. Dahlbom, A. Failla, O. Hanseth, V.
Hepsø, J. Ljungberg, E. Monteiro, and K. A.
Simon (eds.), Oxford: Oxford University Press,
pp. 125-147.
4 IBM: An innovative CRM project, 0 0 1 1 0 0 AI Ciborra, C., and Failla, A. 2000. “Infrastructure
with scaling problems. as a Process: The Case of CRM at IBM,” From
Control to Drift—The Dynamics of Corporate
Information Infrastructures, C. U. Ciborra, K.
Braa, A. Cordella, B. Dahlbom, A. Failla, O.
Hanseth, V. Hepsø, J. Ljungberg, E. Monteiro,
and K. A. Simon (eds.), Oxford: Oxford
University Press, pp. 105-124.
5 EDI: An ambitious project in 1 1 0 0 0 0 – Monteiro, E., and Hanseth, O. 1995. “Social
health, but failing to align a Shaping of Information Infrastructure: On Being
complex network of actors and Specific about the Technology,” in Information
technology. Technology and Changes in Organizational
Work, W. J. Orlikowski, G. Walsham, M. R.
Jones, and J. I. I DeGross (eds.), London:
Chapman & Hall, pp. 325 -343.
6 Internet: Describes how the 1 1 1 1 1 1 AIS Hanseth, O., and Lyytinen, K. 2010. “Design
dynamics of bootstrapping and Theory for Dynamic Complexity in Information
adaptation explains the success Infrastructures: The Case of Building Internet,”
of the Internet. Journal of Information Technology (25:1),
7 Genome project: An ambitious 0 1 0 0 0 0 – Star, S. L., and Ruhleder, K. 1996. “Steps
scientific community project, Toward an Ecology of Infrastructure: Design
which fails to establish a and Access for Large Information Spaces,”
sustainable solution. Information Systems Research (71), pp.111-134.
8 Statoil: An innovative project of 0 0 0 0 0 0 – Hepsø, V., Monteiro, E., and Rolland, K. 2009.
knowledge management, which “Ecologies of eInfrastructures,” Journal of the
fails to trigger internal dynamics. AIS (10:5), pp.430-446.
9 Legal systems: An expanding 0 0 1 0 1 1 AS Koch, S., and Bernroider, E. 2008. “Aligning
legal infrastructure in Austria, ICT and Legal Frameworks in Austria’s e-
growing organically from 1972. Bureaucracy: From Mainframe to the Internet,”
in ICT and Innovation in the Public Sector:
European Studies in the Making of E-
Government, F. Contini and G. F. Lanzara
(eds.), Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan,
pp. 147-173.
10 Environmental Health in the 1 1 1 1 1 1 AIS Vaast, E., and Walsham, G. 2009. “Trans-
French Public Health situated Learning: Supporting a Network of
Administration: Analyzes a Practice with an Information Infrastructure,”
successfully distributed network Information Systems Research (20:4), pp.
of practice, 2000 to 2005, 547-564.
supported by an emerging
information infrastructure.

A2 MIS Quarterly Vol. 37 No. 3—Appendix/September 2013

Henfridsson & Bygstad/Digital Infrastructure Evolution

Contextual Out-
No Case Conditions Mechanisms come Comb Reference
Arc Con A I S
11 French Rail: Aiming to transfer 0 0 0 0 0 0 – Mitev, N. 2000. “Toward Social Constructionist
an airline booking system to a Understandings of IS Success and Failure:
railway context. Fails because of Introducing a New Computerized Reservation
“translation” problems. System,” in Proceedings of the 21st International
Conference of Information Systems, Brisbane,
Australia, pp. 84-93.
12 Local Danish Electronic 1 1 1 1 1 1 AIS Aanestad, M., and Blegind Jensen, T. 2011.
Patient Record initiative: A “Building Nation-Wide Information Infrastructures
local initiative, which surprisingly in Healthcare Through Modular Implementation
develops and scales into a Strategies,” Journal of Strategic Information
national Danish Electronic Systems (20:2), pp.161-176.
Patient Record solution.
13 Health: A national Danish 0 0 0 0 0 0 – Aanestad, M., and Blegind Jensen, T. 2011.
Electronic Patient Record “Building Nation-Wide Information Infrastructures
standardization initiative, which in Healthcare Through Modular Implementation
never gets off the ground. Strategies,” Journal of Strategic Information
Systems (20:2), pp.161-176.
14 GIS in India: An attempt to 0 1 0 0 0 0 – Sahay, S., and Walsham, G. 1996.
introduce GIS technology into an “Implementation of GIS in India: Organizational
Indial local administration. Fails Issues and Implications,” International Journal of
because of “translation” Geographical Information Systems (10:4), pp.
problems. 385-404.
15 Power systems: En epic 0 1 1 0 1 1 AS Hughes, T. P. 1987. “The Evolution of Large
description of how the US Technical Systems,” in The Social Construction
electric grid and companies of Technological Systems, W. E. Bijker, T. P.
expanded as networks of power. Hughes, and T. Pinch (eds.), Cambridge, MA:
MIT Press, pp. 51-82.
16 Health Broadband Networks: 1 0 1 1 0 1 AI Hanseth, O., and Aanestad, M. 2003. “Design
A telemedicine solution at the as Bootstrapping. On the Evolution of ICT
National Hospital is successfully Networks in Health Care,” Methods of Informa-
innovated and adopted by health tion in Medicine (42), pp.385-391.
17 Health: An EDI initiative gets 1 1 0 0 0 0 – Hanseth, O., and Aanestad, M. 2003. “Design
mired in standardization issues, as Bootstrapping. On the Evolution of ICT
and never comes off the ground. Networks in Health Care,” Methods of Informa-
tion in Medicine (42), pp. 385-391.
18 Telemedicine: A successful 0 0 1 0 0 1 A Hanseth, O., and Aanestad, M. 2003. “Design
case of telemedicine in as Bootstrapping. On the Evolution of ICT
ambulances, but mainly as a pilot Networks in Health Care,” Methods of Informa-
project. tion in Medicine (42), pp. 385-391.
19 EDIFACT standard: A national 1 1 0 0 0 0 – Hanseth, O., and Monteiro, E. 1997. “Inscribing
standardization initiative fails Behaviour in Information Infrastructure
because of technical and Standards,” Accounting, Management and
organizational complexity. Information Systems (7:4), pp. 183-211.
20 Banking: A study of an 0 0 0 1 0 1 I Scott, S. V., and Walsham, G. 1998. “Shifting
innovative decision support Boundaries and New Technologies: A Case
system, with limited adoption and Study in the UK Banking Sector,” in
scaling. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference
on Information Systems, Helsinki, Finland,
21 Health IS: A successful 0 0 1 0 1 1 AS Sahay, S., and Walsham, G. 2006 “Scaling of
adoption and scaling of a health Health Information Systems in India: Challenges
information system in an Indian and Approaches,” Information Technology for
state. Development (12:3), pp. 165-200.

MIS Quarterly Vol. 37 No. 3—Appendix/September 2013 A3

Henfridsson & Bygstad/Digital Infrastructure Evolution

Contextual Out-
No Case Conditions Mechanisms come Comb Reference
Arc Con A I S
22 The SWIFT Network: A 1 1 1 1 1 1 AIS Scott, S., and Zachariadis, M. 2010. “A
successful standards innovation Historical Analysis of Core Financial Services
in early 1970s, and the gradual Infrastructure: Society for Worldwide Interbank
expansion into a global financial Financial Telecommunication (S.W.I.F.T.),”
network. Working Paper Series, No 182., London School
of Economics and Political Science.
23 Law: A Criminal Case 1 0 1 1 1 1 AIS Fabri, M. 2009. “E-Justice in Finland and in
Management system in Finland Italy: Enabling Versus Constraining Models,” in
was developed and expanded ICT and Innovation in the Public Sector: Euro-
gradually from 1992 into a pean Studies in the Making of E-Government, F.
successful legal network. Contini and G. F. Lanzara (eds.), Basingstoke,
UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 115-146.
24 Law: The Civil Trial Online 1 0 0 0 0 0 – Fabri, M. 2009. “E-Justice in Finland and in
project is aimed at improving the Italy: Enabling Versus Constraining Models,” in
workflow between courts and ICT and Innovation in the Public Sector: Euro-
lawyers in Italy, had almost no pean Studies in the Making of E-Government, F.
results after 6 years, due to Contini and G. F. Lanzara (eds.), Basingstoke,
growing complexity. UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 115-146.
25 e-Customs in Europe: An 0 0 1 0 0 0 A Henningsson, S., and Henriksen, H. Z. 2011.
ambitious EU project to integrate “Inscription of Behaviour and Flexible Interpreta-
customs had some local tion in Information Infrastructures: The Case of
successes, but has problems in European e-Customs,” Journal of Strategic
scaling and adoption. Information Systems (20:4), pp. 355-372.
26 Health: The NHS summary 0 0 0 0 0 0 – Greenhalgh, T., Stramer, K., Bratan, T., Byrne,
care record project is E., Mohammad, Y., Russell, J. 2008. “Introduc-
characterized by a number of tion of Shared Electronic Records: Multi-Site
problems, and fails to establish a Case Study Using Diffusion of Innovation
sustainable development. Theory,” British Medical Journal (337: a1786;
doi: 10.1136/bmj.a1786).
27 Pharmaceutics: The evolution 1 1 1 1 1 1 AIS Ciborra, C. U. 2000. “From Alignment to Loose
of an intranet, from corporate Coupling: From Mednet to WWW.Roche.Com,”
asset to local adaptation in a in From Control to Drift—The Dynamics of
loosely coupled architecture. Corporate Information Infrastructures, C. U.
Ciborra, K. Braa, A. Cordella, B. Dahlbom, A.
Failla, O. Hanseth, V. Hepsø, J. Ljungberg, E.
Monteiro, and K. A. Simon (eds.), Oxford:
Oxford University Press, pp. 193-211.
28 OSI vs. IP standards: 1 1 1 0 1 1 AS Hanseth, O., Monteiro, E., and Hatling, M. 1996.
Compares the development and “Developing Information Infrastructure: The
adoption of the OSI and IP Tension Between Standardization and
standards, explain-ing the Flexibility,” Science, Technology, and Human
success of IP as the successful Values (11:4), pp. 407-426.
balancing between flexibility and
29 Gateways vs. standards: 1 1 1 1 1 1 AIS Hanseth, O. 2001. “Gateways—Just as
Analyzes a “standards war” in Important as Standards: How the Internet Won
Scandinavia in the 1980s, the ‘Religious War’ about Standards in
concluding with the importance Scandinavia,” Knowledge, Technology and
of gateways. Policy (14:3), pp. 71-89.
30 Internet IPv6: The case 1 1 1 1 1 1 AIS Monteiro, E. 1998. “Scaling Information Infra-
investigates the efforts in the structure: The Case of the Next Generation IP in
early 90s to address the IP Internet,” The Information Society (143), pp.
address shortage. Aligning the 229-245.
various actor-networks and
protecting the installed base
proved successful.

A4 MIS Quarterly Vol. 37 No. 3—Appendix/September 2013

Henfridsson & Bygstad/Digital Infrastructure Evolution

Contextual Out-
No Case Conditions Mechanisms come Comb Reference
Arc Con A I S
31 Maritime Classification 1 1 0 1 0 1 I Rolland, K., and Monteiro, E. 2002. “Balancing
Company: Balancing local the Local and the Global in Infrastructural Infor-
contexts and corporate mation Systems,” The Information Society
standards, adoption was (18:2), pp. 87-100.
successful, but scaling
32 Telecom: The case explores the 1 1 1 1 1 1 AIS Nielsen, P., and Aanestad, M. 2006. “Control
balance between central control Devolution as Information Infrastructure Design
and local autonomy. Strategy: A Case Study of a Content Service
Relinquishing control led to Platform for Mobile Phones in Norway,” Journal
innovative and successful of Information Technology (21), pp. 185-194.
33 Broadband Mobile Services in 1 1 1 1 1 1 AIS Yoo, Y., Lyytinen, K., and Yang, H. 2005. “The
South Korea: The case explains Role of Standards in Innovation and Diffusion of
the rapid diffusion of broadband Broadband Mobile Services: The Case of South
mobile services in Korea. Korea,” Journal of Strategic Information Systems
(14), pp. 323-353.
34 University software: SAP 0 1 1 0 1 1 AS Pollock, N., Williams, R., and D’Adderio, L.
module/Uni module: The 2007. “Global Software and its Provenance:
successful generification and Generification Work in the Production of
adaptation of two university Organizational Software Packages,” Social
software packages. Studies of Science (37:2), pp. 254-280.
35 Health: A case on an innovative 0 1 0 1 0 0 I Constantinides, P., and Barrett, M. 2006.
regional health network in “Large-Scale ICT Innovation, Power, and
Greece, with adoption and Organizational Change: The Case of a Regional
scaling problems, because failing Health Information Network,” Journal of Applied
to take part in a power network. Behavioral Science (41:1), pp. 76-90.
36 eGovernment: A project aimed 0 0 1 0 1 1 AS Pipek, V., and Wulf, V. 2009. “Infrastructuring:
at improving workflow between a Toward an Integrated Perspective on the Design
state and federal level, with and Use of Information Technology,” Journal of
sustainable growth. Association for Information Systems (10:5), pp.
37 Health: A large NHS project in 0 0 0 1 0 0 I Greenhalgh, T. 2010. “Adoption, Non-Adoption,
the UK fails because of too and Abandonment of a Personal Electronic
technical focus and no clear Health Record: Case Study of HealthSpace,”
adoption strategies. British Medical Journal (341: c5814; doi:
38 US petroleum company 0 0 0 0 1 0 S Broadbent, M., Weill, P., and St.Clair, D. 1999.
CostCo: Infrastructure project “The Implications of Information Technology
with limited effect because of Infrastructure for Business Process Redesign,”
strong focus on cost reduction. MIS Quarterly (23:2), pp. 159-182.
39 US petroleum company: 0 0 1 1 1 1 AIS Broadbent, M., Weill, P., and St. Clair, D. 1999.
Innovative infrastructure project “The Implications of Information Technology
with redesigned business Infrastructure for Business Process Redesign,”
processes and sustaining MIS Quarterly (23:2), pp. 159-182.
40 US retail company: Innovative 0 0 1 0 0 0 A Broadbent, M., Weill, P., and St. Clair, D. 1999.
project with adoption and scaling “The Implications of Information Technology
problems. Infrastructure for Business Process Redesign,”
MIS Quarterly (23:2), pp. 159-182.
41 US retail company: Opportunity 0 0 1 1 1 1 AIS Broadbent, M., Weill, P., and St. Clair, D. 1999.
oriented project with redesigned “The Implications of Information Technology
processes and successful Infrastructure for Business Process Redesign,”
adoption and scaling. MIS Quarterly (23:2), pp. 159-182.

MIS Quarterly Vol. 37 No. 3—Appendix/September 2013 A5

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