Principles of Management: Solved Study Assignments

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Class “XII”

Principles of 2

Solved Study Assignments

Multiple Choice Questions [1 mark]
Choose and write the correct option in the following questions.
1. On what basis the principles of management were derived?
(a) On the basis of observation (b) On the basis of experimental studies
(c) On the basis of both (a) and (b) (d) None of these
2. The production manager of ABC Ltd. instructs a salesman to go slow in selling the product,
whereas the marketing manager is insisting on fast selling to reach the target. Which principle
of management is being violated in this case?
(a) Unity of command (b) Unity of direction (c) Equity (d) Order
3. Hina and Harish are typists in a company having the same educational qualification. Hina is
getting ™3,000 per month and Harish ™4,000 per month as salary for the same working hours.
Which principle of management is violated in this case?
(a) Unity of command (b) Discipline (c) Scalar chain (d) Equity
4. The Production Manager of Bharat Ltd. instructs a salesman to go slow in selling the product,
whereas the Marketing Manager is insisting on fast selling to achieve the target.
Which principle of management is being violated in the case?
(a) Unity of direction (b) Unit of command (c) Order (d) Equity
5. Mohan, the manager of a business undertaking is very lax with his fellow employees and
subordinates. He does not give them parameters or rules for reporting to work and completion
of assignments.
Which principle of management is being overlooked?
(a) Division of work (b) Discipline (c) Scalar chain (d) Initiative
6. Ram, a manager, very often speaks with people at all levels, passing on instructions regarding
his department and also the other departments.
Which principle of management is being overlooked?
(a) Scalar chain (b) Order (c) Equity (d) Unit of command
7. Ankit, a manager, expects his subordinates to work for the happiness and pleasure of being in
the organisation.
Which principle of management is being overlooked?
(a) Subordination of individual to general interest
(b) Remuneration to employees
(c) Espirit de corps
(d) Centralisation and Decentralisation

Principles of Management 1
8. A purchase manager of a company has to purchase 500 tonnes of raw material. Apart from the
other suppliers in the market, his son also supplies that raw material. The manager purchases
the raw material from the firm of his son at a rate higher than the market rate. Which principle
of management has been violated in this situation?
(a) Unity of command
(b) Unity of direction
(c) Subordinating personal interest to general interest
(d) Equity
9. In what situation has Fayol permitted the violation of the Principle of Scalar Chain?
(a) When the employee is extraordinarily capable
(b) At the time of sudden happening
(c) In all conditions and circumstances
(d) In no condition or situation
10. According to which principle of management, all similar activities for the fulfilment of one
object must be kept under one authority?
(a) Equity (b) Centralisation
(c) Unity of command (d) Unity of direction
11. Principles of management are not: [NCERT]
(a) Universal (b) Flexible
(c) Absolute (d) Behavioural
12. How are principles of management formed? [NCERT]
(a) In a laboratory (b) By experiences of managers
(c) By experiences of customers (d) By propagation of social scientists
13. The principles of management are significant because of: [NCERT]
(a) Increase in efficiency (b) Initiative
(c) Optimum utilisation of resources (d) Adaptation to changing technology
14. Henry Fayol was a
(a) Social Scientist (b) Mining Engineer
(c) Accountant (d) Production Engineer
15. Which of the following statements best describes the principle of ‘Division of Work’? [NCERT]
(a) Work should be divided into small task. (b) Labour should be divided.
(c) Resources should be divided among jobs. (d) It leads to specialisation.
16. ‘She/He keeps machines, materials, tools, etc., ready for operations by concerned workers’.
Whose work is described by this sentence under functional foremanship? [NCERT]
(a) Instruction Card Clerk (b) Repair Boss
(c) Gang Boss (d) Route Clerk
17. Which of the following is not a Principle of Management given by Taylor? [NCERT]
(a) Science, not rule of the thumb (b) Functional foremanship
(c) Maximum not restricted output (d) Harmony, not discord
18. Management should find ‘One best way’ to perform a task. Which technique of Scientific
Management is defined in this sentence? [NCERT]
(a) Time Study (b) Motion Study
(c) Fatigue Study (d) Method Study
19. Which of the following statements best describes ‘Mental Revolution’? [NCERT]
(a) It implies change of attitude.
(b) The management and workers should not play the game of one upmanship.
(c) Both management and workers require each other.
(d) Workers should be paid more wages.

2 Principles of Management
20. Which of the following statements is false about Taylor and Fayol? [NCERT]
(a) Fayol was a mining engineer, whereas Taylor was a mechanical engineer.
(b) Fayol’s principles are applicable in specialised situations, whereas Taylor’s principles have
universal application.
(c) Fayol’s principles were formed through personal experience, whereas Taylor’s principles
were formed through experimentation.
(d) Fayol’s principles are applicable at the top level of management, whereas Taylor’s principles
are applicable at the shop floor.

1. (c) 2. (a) 3. (d) 4. (b) 5. (b) 6. (a) 7. (b) 8. (c) 9. (b) 10. (d)
11. (c) 12. (b) 13. (a) 14. (b) 15. (d) 16. (c) 17. (b) 18. (d) 19. (a) 20. (b)

Principles of Management 3

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