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Short Term Plan

Head of Department «English Language»

Unit of a long term plan: School: NIS Turkistan

Date: November, _____ 2021 Teacher name:

CLASS: 9 ____ Number present: absent:

Lesson title Charities in Kazakhstan. A local charity organization

Learning 9.C8 develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion
objectives(s) that this 9.S5 interact with peers to negotiate, agree and organise priorities and
lesson is contributing plans for completing classroom tasks
to (link to the Subject 9.UE9 use appropriately an increased variety of active and passive simple
present and past forms and past perfect simple forms in narrative and
reported speech on a range of familiar general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives  Present the information using appropriate style
 Deliver sensitive feedback by using their notes
 Infer what role charities and volunteering play in Kazakhstan
 Individual work on one of the charity and volunteering
organizations in Kazakhstan
Assessment criteria Talk for 5 minutes while presenting (each member of the group or
pair should speak)
Provide feedback on the peers’ presentations
Use appropriate style while speaking
Develop a poster or power point using reliable resources
Analyze the work of an organization and identify their contribution
to the society
Values links Cooperation – group and pair work,
Respect – listening to other students’ presentations
Global Citizenship – charities, global and local issues
Cross-curricular Social studies
Previous learning Academic language: Interpreting data
Planned timings Planned activities Resources

Beginning Students discuss lesson objectives and recount what they did Slide 1-3
5 min. in the last lesson (W).
Students fill the first part of the chart ‘KWL’
Students look at the logos of charity organizations.
5 min Teacher encourages students to discuss the following
Have you heard about these organizations? Slide 4
If no, look at the logos attentively and try to guess what they

Middle Ss do tasks after teacher gives some information about

10 min. charity organizations Appendix1

Task 1: Put the statements under the correct charities

1. -tries to help people lead a normal life despite their disability
2. -provides homes in some cases
3. -defends the interests of homeless animals in front of
4. -makes charity effective, creates favorable conditions
for the development of philanthropy in Kazakhstan
Dauletten Charitable Foundation

«Dara» Foundation

Senim Meirim Public Foundation

Charity Fund «Bauyrzhan»

Ss fill the chart with the information about charity
organizations in Kazakhstan Slide 5

I. Pre-reading:
10 min. Students look at the picture and predict who is a man
on the picture, what he is doing and why he is doing

II. While-reading for understanding the detail

1. Students are given time to read an article about a
47-year-old comedian who raised money by
running a very long distance through four countries
(Appendix 2).
2. While reading the text, students find answers to the
following questions:
 What is unusual about Eddie Izzard’s story?
 Why did it take him more than 43 days to run
his 43 marathons?
 How did people support him on his race?
 Why was the journey an “ordeal”?
 How was such an achievement possible for a
person who is not a top athlete?
Differentiation by support: Weaker students can be
supported by scaffolding them with pre-teaching some
vocabulary before/while reading. They can be
distributed a worksheet with definitions/explanations of
10 min. some unknown vocabulary (Appendix 3).
III. Post-reading
After reading the text and understanding the details of
the text, students should write a passage which
summarizes the article. Students might be provided the
following criteria:
 Begin with an introductory sentence that states the
article's title and author.
 Include all of the article's main points and major
supporting details; delete minor and irrelevant
 Paraphrase accurately and preserves the article's
 Use your own wording and sentence style.
 Include only the article's ideas; exclude personal
Students share their summaries with their neighbours in
Teacher monitors students while writing and gives
immediate feedback on grammar, spelling, punctuation
and content.

Break time
15 min Grammar
Teacher explains the rules of conditional sentences
Example If clause Main clause
Zero Present Present simple
conditional simple
First conditional Present Future Simple
Second Past simple Would + infinitive
Third Past perfect Would(n’t) have https://www.fichi
conditional past participle er-
As a follow-up activity, you can ask your students to do /unreal-
20 min sentence completion exercise to make sure they all get conditionals-
conditional clauses right. pack-4205-20a/
Complete the following conditional sentences.
1. If I were free now… 2. If I had taken my parents'
advice… 3. Unless this hotel gets a new cook… 4. Unless it
were a nice day… 5. This clock wouldn't have run out… 6.
Unless the fire had been noticed… 7. If he had any sense…
8. The fence would look better… 9. If the volcano starts
erupting… 10.Her life might have been saved… 11.If I had
never studied English… 12.If I had not come to this
University, … 13.If I had been born the opposite sex, …
14.If I had been born sixty years ago, … 15.If I had been
elected president of my country ten years ago, … 16.Only if
you saved your money… 17.Providing you had lent him the
money… 18.If you dropped out of college, …

End Students discuss what they have achieved by the end of the
5 min. first lesson. Then they fill in the last column of KWL chart
by adding information about their organization. They should
be warned not to lose their paper as they will add more
information after listening to their peers’ presentations.
Additional information
Differentiation – how do you Assessment – how Health and safety check
plan to give more support? are you planning
How do you plan to challenge to check learners’
the more able learners? learning?
Differentiation can be achieved Use this section to Health saving technologies.
through the selection of record the Using physical exercises and active
activities, identification of techniques that activities.
learning outcomes for a certain you will use to Rules from the Safety Rules book
student, provision of individual assess what the which can be applied in this lesson.
support to learners, selection of learners have
learning materials and resources learned during the
based on the individual abilities lesson.
of leaners (Theory of Multiple
Intelligences by Gardner).
Reflection Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer
the most relevant questions from the box on the left
Were the lesson objectives/learning about your lesson.
objectives realistic?
Did all the learners achieve the
lesson objectives/ learning
objectives? If not, why?
Did my planned differentiation
work well?
Did I stick to timings?
What changes did I make from my
plan and why?

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