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REVIEWER – 21st unexplored or hidden ability to act, but also by shedding

the inhibitions associated with performing in front of an

Types of Philippine Theater audience. Theater can be influential in all aspects of life.
Komedya is developed in early 1500’s. Comedies were Theater makes you connect people and impact their
normally performed in the pueblos or village centers to lives by conveying the message in a subtle way.
attract more people to the foundation of its regime. The Creative non-fiction is also known as literary nonfiction
comedy can last 3 to 25 hours through a series of or narrative non-fiction. The goal is to make nonfiction
performances. The first Filipino comedy was performed stories read like fiction so that you, as a reader is
in Latin and Spanish by Fr. Vicente Puche in Cebu in enthralled by facts as you are by fantasy. Creative non-
1598. One of the most popular kinds of comedy in the fiction refers to literature that is based on facts. It is the
Philippine was the Moros y Cristianos, which is not broadcast category of literature.
surprising for a country that was under Spanish rule for
300 years. It is commonly called moro-moro, a street Elements of Creative Nonfiction
drama that usually lasted for several days, and
presented both secular themes like love and vengeance, Characters are a major requirement of any stories.
Characters bring life to the story. Keep in mind that while
and the Spanish-influenced religious theme of the
human characters are most frequently featured in
conflict between Christians and Moors. The moro-moro
stories, sometimes there are non-human characters in a
only survives in isolated towns today, and an integral story such as animals or even the environment itself.
part of Filipino art history.
Setting is the place where the story takes place.
Sinakulo is a stage or street play. Sinakulo was
Usually, an effective story establishes its setting early in
developed on 1637 in Barrio Dayap in Cainta Rizal. This
the story: otherwise, readers will have a difficult time
is the dramatization of the life and death of Jesus Christ visualizing the action of the story.
and is usually presented as a community activity during
the Lenten season. This still endures to the present, Descriptive Imagery is used by the writer to paint the
ranging from simple productions to more technically scene, or image, in the mind of the reader. It usually
sophisticated and modernized versions. involves descriptions that appeal to the five senses;
sight, sound, smell, touch and taste.
Zarzuela o sarswela is originated in Spain in the 17th
century. A zarzuela is a form of musical theater that Figurative Language is a counterpart to descriptive
combines spoken word and song that celebrates various imagery. Figurative language is a language used in a
Catholic liturgical feasts. Jugar Con Fuego by Francisco surprising way to describe a literary moment. Figurative
Asenjo Barbieri was the first zarzuela introduced in the language can take the form of a metaphor. Figurative
country in late 1778 or early 1779. language can also take the form of a simile and other
literary devices.
Plot is one of the basic elements of every story. Plot
Pagibig sa Tinubuang Lupa – Pascual Poblete refers to the actual events that take place within the
bounds of narrative works. We can identify “plot” as the
Junto Al Pasig – Jose Rizal
primary subject of a descriptive personal narrative.
Tanikalang Ginto – Tomas Remigio

Walang Sugat – Severino Reyes According to Freytag, there are Five Elements of Plot:
Exposition is the beginning of the story and prepares
Theater with Anglo-American was developed in the the way for upcoming events unfold. In this part of the
Philippines in early 1900’s. When American colonial rule plot, where major characters are introduced, the setting
was established, the United States introduced the is established and major conflicts of the story are
American way of life through education, media, language revealed. This is also the part where the character’s
and its form of theater. Their influence in Philippine backstory is presented for viewers to gain insight into the
theater is most apparent through the bodabil reasons why the main characters think and behave in a
certain way.
(vaudeville). The bodabil is not a straight up play. The
theatrical performance is a mix of songs, dances,
Rising action reveals the main problem or conflict of the
comedy skits, and even magical performances. This story. During the point of rising action, the protagonist
form of theater was an American import in the pre-war will struggle to face the conflict which could be internal
era, but became uniquely Filipino theater with the (protagonist vs. self) or external (protagonist vs.
indigenization of the name. It employs representational antagonist or protagonist vs. nature/society). This also
and presentational styles drawn from contemporary chronicles how the main characters deal with the
modern theater, or revitalized traditional forms from curveball that comes on their way.
within or outside the country.

Drama is a play that can be performed for theater, radio Climax is the turning point in the story. It is the
or even television. Drama was developed in early protagonist’s most difficult challenge or his/her bleakest
1980’s. These plays are usually written as a script or a moment. The climax is the most exciting part of the story
written version of a play that is read by the actors but not and initiates a turning point in the characters’ lives.
the audience.
Falling action is the point that occurs immediately after
Examples: the climax and reveals the details of the consequences
of their actions. The main characters must deal with after
- Ang Huling El Bimbo - Half an Hour in a the turning point of events. It sets the stage for the
Convent resolution.
-The World is an Apple - The Love of Leonor Resolution is the part where the outcome of the event
Rivera and the fate of the protagonist and antagonists are
Theater has been an influential factor in many people. revealed. This part is where the protagonist resolves the
conflict and the loose ends of the storyline are tied.
Creativity can flourish, academics can improve, and
means of self-expression can be developed. Performers Types of Creative Nonfiction
will benefit significantly, not only in terms of exploring the
Personal Essay is a piece of writing that is usually in
the first point of view. It focuses on a topic through the
lens of the personal experiences of the narrator. It can
be narrative or non-narrative. It can tell a story in a
• Philippine literature is constantly evolving
traditional way or improvise a new way. It should always
be based on true personal experiences. • One of these is the comic book industry, which is a
good way for you to read and be informed in a
Example: I walked with Heroes
creative and enjoyable manner.
I walked with Heroes is an autobiographical text
written by Carlos P. Romulo, a former Philippine • There are many genres coming out in Philippine
general, journalist, poet and story writer. literature. Some of them have gained ground and
some of them have branched out to other forms
In the personal essay of Carlos Romulo, he
of media, such as theater or movies. Some are
personally reviewed his boyhood, early life,
just starting to blaze their own path in the local
school days, and career in which he presented
the facts and events with frankness, intimacy, literature scene.
and sense of person to person communication. • One of the most popular literary genres in the
It also includes Romulo’s memories of his
Philippines is comics or komiks.
parents and the first time he met the American
soldiers in Camiling, his native town in Tarlac. • Some of the famous comics are Mang Ambo of Larry
He also narrated his life in Manila when he was Alcala from Albay, Pugad Baboy by Pol Medina from
both a morning-time student and an evening- San Juan, Manila and News Hardcore by Manix
time news reporter. The personal essay
Abrera from Metro Manila.
revealed Romulo’s “unfailing faith in mankind”.
Zsazsa zaturnnah
Memoir is a longer piece of creative nonfiction that
delves deep into a writer’s personal experiences. It  Won the National Book Award in 2003. It is
typically uses mutiple scenes or stories as a way unique because even if it follows the life of a
examining a writer’s life (or an important moment in a super hero, it has a gay male character in the
writer’s life) lead named Ada.
Example: The Yellow House Three latest genres in 21st century literature

The Yellow House is an example of memoir Speculative fiction is a literary “super genre,” which
written by Sarah M. Broom, a writer of great encompasses a number of different genres of fiction.
intellect and breadth. In the memoir of Sarah Each speculative element is based on conjecture and
Broom, she narrated the restless divestment of does not exist in the real world. Sometimes it is called
wealth from the African American family and the “what-if” books, speculative literature changes the laws
government’s failure to protect the poor from of what is real or possible as we know them in our
environmental catastrophe. She also narrated current society and then speculates on the outcome.
about the persistence of love and grit.
Example: Six from Downtown- Dean Francis Alfar
Literary journalism uses the techniques of journalism
(such as interviews and reviews). It uses literary Sub-genres of Speculative Fiction
practices to capture the scene or setting of the persona
of the person being interviewed. It can be often be • Science fictions are stories with imagined
narrative or heavily imagistic. Another important aspect technologies that do not exist in the real world,
of literary journalism is it often stretches the idea of like time travel, aliens, and robots.
objective facts in order to reflect in real life and real
• Sci-fi fantasy fictions are stories inspired by
people. Literary journalism says people cannot be
objective because they already have their own subject mythology, folklore, and fairy tales that combine
views about the world. Therefore, by taking the imagined technologies with elements of magical
“objectiveness” out of the journalistic process, the writer realism.
is being more truthful.
• Supernatural fictions are stories about secret
Example: In Cold Blood knowledge or hidden abilities including
witchcraft, spiritualism, and psychic abilities.
In Cold Blood is an example of literary
• Space opera fiction is a play on the term “soap
journalism written by Truman Capote, an
American novelist, short story writer, screen opera,” sci-fi stories that take place in outer
writer, playwright and actor. space and center around conflict, romance, and
Lyric essay is similar to the personal essay. It also
• Urban fantasy fictions are stories that take
deals with a topic that affects the reader. However, the
lyric essay relies heavily on descriptions and imagery. place in an urban setting in the real world but
Lyric suggests something poetic, musical, or flowing (in operate under magical rules.
a sense). This type of essay uses a heavily descriptive • Utopian fictions are stories about civilizations
flowing tone in order to tell a story.
the authors deem to be perfect, ideal societies.
Example: The Unreality of Memory • Dystopian fictions are stories about societies
deemed problematic within the world of the
The Unreality of Memory is an example of lyric
novel, often satirizing government rules, poverty,
essay written by Elisa Gabbert, a poet and
and oppression.
essayist. In The Unreality of Memory, Elisa
Gabbert wrote the truth, beauty, and pain of • Apocalyptic fictions are stories that take place
living in our era. Her essay performs a beautiful before and during a huge disaster that wipes out
autopsy of our fears showing us what it means
a significant portion of the world’s population.
to exist in a time of eternal apocalypse.
The stories center on characters doing
everything they can to stay alive like, running
from zombies or trying to avoid a deadly plague.
• Post-apocalyptic fictions are stories that take Caution in the use of language is needed to distinguish
place after an apocalyptic event and focus on between facts and claims and to avoid sweeping
the survivors figuring out how to navigate their
new circumstances like, emerging after a global
nuclear holocaust or surviving a total breakdown When to observe caution?
of society.
 When a hypothesis needs to be
• Superhero fictions are stories about
superheroes and how they use their abilities to
fight super villains.  Drawing conclusions or predictions
from your findings that may
generalize certain matters or may
Avant-garde poetry are poems that push the not be conclusive
boundaries of what is expected as the norm. These  referencing others’ work to build on
kinds of poems experiment with forms, phrasing, your own paper
ideas and imagery. Some poets who have written
Hedging is technique used by writers by resorting to
this genre are Angelo, Suarez, Paolo Manalo,
Cinchinita Cruz, Arbeen Acuna and Marc Gabba. tentative language to avoid making generalizations

Example: Permit us to refresh your memory-

Conchitina Cruz
Contemporary essay is unrestricted and explores
diverse topics such as dysfunctional families, LGBT THE NATURE OF PLAGIARISM
issues, terrorism, religion or faith. It is a far cry from
the common topics of previous essays because  The term ‘plagiarism’ - does not only pertain to
young writers nowadays are willing to voice out their the act of copying, but also to the act of taking
opinions about Filipino society through writing. credit for what is copied.
 “copy and paste”
Example: Can We Get Rid of “Filipino Time”?
 to steal and pass off the ideas, words, or works
of another person as one’s own
REVIEWER - EAPP  to use another person’s ideas, words, or works
without proper acknowledgement of the source
Aspects of Academic and Professional Language  to claim ownership of another person’s creative
or literary work
Formality in using a language reflects your dignified  to present as new and original an idea or
stance as a member of the academic community. product derived from an existing source
 Stealing other people’s ideas can result in
TO ACHIEVE FORMALITY: expulsion or loss of academic degree.
 Avoid contractions.  Academic dishonesty undermines the hard work
 Avoid figurative language. one has put in previous works.
o Figurative Language You should start  Plagiarism is easily detected now with the aid of
investing now because as the old adage software or applications.
goes, “Opportunity knocks only once.”  Intellectual fraud can be punished by the law
o Formal Language Investing at a young due to Intellectual Property Rights.
age is an important decision one has to
make to secure a good financial TWO TYPES OF PLAGIARISM
situation in the future. Plagiarism of Ideas - This occurs when credit for a work
is attributed to oneself untruthfully.

 Avoid two-word verbs. To avoid plagiarism of ideas use PROPER CITATION

 Observe rules in writing numbers and acronyms
Plagiarism of Language - This occurs when an author
 Avoid colloquial and slang expressions
uses the language of another writer and claims it as his
Objectivity are Statements and claims in any academic or her own.
text should be backed up by solid, valid, and factual
CITATIONS are used to attribute ownership of ideas.
NOTE-TAKING TECHNIQUES allow you to rephrase
 Avoid using personal pronouns
original text into your own.
 Avoid expressions that are focused on personal
Three Types of Note-Taking Techniques
 Avoid rhetorical questions • Summarizing
 Avoid emotive language • Using Direct Quotations
Explicitness in the use of language aids in serving the • Paraphrasing - is a restatement in your own words of
text’s purpose allowing readers to trace relationships in the main idea and supporting details of a text.
the parts of the text.
DIRECT QUOTING - You use direct quotations for
statements that are closely associated that altering the
words may lose its rhetorical impact.

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