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An application of closed queueing networks theory in

truck-shovel systems
a a
George Kappas & Tunce M. Yegulalp
Henry Krumb School of Mines,Columbia University , New York, USA
Published online: 25 Apr 2007.

To cite this article: George Kappas & Tunce M. Yegulalp (1991) An application of closed queueing networks theory
in truck-shovel systems, International Journal of Surface Mining, Reclamation and Environment, 5:1, 45-51, DOI:

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I~ternationalJournal of Surface Mining and Reclamation 5 (1991):45-53

An application of closed queueing networks theory in truck-shovel


George Kappas & Tuncel M.Yegulalp

Henry Krumb School of Mines, Columbia University,New York, USA

ABSTRACT: Primary applications of queueing networks theory have been in the area of computer systems and com-
puter communication networks analysis and performance. The application introduced here is a steady state anal-
ysis of a generalized truck-shovel system in a typical open pit mine. The service time distributions of each
activity are assumed to be of a general form. The approach used here minimizes the error of performance param-
eter estimates of the most saturated service center. The formulation allows one to obtain estimates of system
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parameters relatively fast and very close to those obtained by simulation. The relative error of the critical
performance parameter estimates as compared to those obtained by simulation do not exceed 5%. The output of
the model can be used within various optimization schemes for design and operational control of open pit min-
ing systems.

INTRODUCTION 1977; 1980). The marginal probability expressions

are initially approximated by solving M/G/~/N
Given the truck fleet characteristics and the loca- queueing systems and the product form solutions
tion and operating characteristics of shovels, se- are "scaled" through an iterative algorithm so
lected by some "optimalw design procedure, day-to- that flow equations be satisfied as closely as pos-
day operation of an open pit mine is strongly af- sible (Kappas, 1989).
fected by various operating or dispatching poli-
cies that can not be arbitrarily determined. The
problem of determining the optimal operating or LITERATURE REVIEW
dispatching policies also requires forecasts of
system performance by considering various combina- Several researchers have recognized the importance
tions of truck-shovel selections under realistic of queueing theory in the analysis of truck-shovel
conditions. Open pit truck-shovel systems are systems and similar problems in mining.
viewed here as production networks in which vari- Koenigsbergrs first application (Koenigsberg,
ous activities are carried out. In order to have a 1958a) involved modeling of conventional room and
production advance, a cycle (batch)of these activ- pillar mining activities using the cyclic queues
ities has to be completed. The key observation is approach. The same author also applied the cyclic
that there are several units involved in the pro- queue model for analysis of simple mine haulage
duction process which do not function indepen- systems (Koenigsberg, 1958b). Elbrond (1979) con-
dently but interact continuously throughout the en- sidered the problem of calculating an open-pit
tire shift. The stochastic nature of the operation operationrscapacity using principles of mean
causes the uncertainty in the prediction of perfor- value analysis which is based on a recursive rela-
manc e - tion between waiting times. The model estimated
The current state of the art is such that the cycle times and capacities of mine transportation
analysis of system performance is mainly done by systems assuming that the system is composed of
trial-and-error, using empirical relationships, several subnetworks (circuits) which are cyclic.
and mostly by simulation. There were, however, few The advantage of this model is that it considers
attempts in the past to use cyclic queues with ex- the case in which service time distributions are
ponential service times as a tool in analysis of not exponential. On the other hand, it has the fol-
open-pit systems. The cyclic queue model though, lowing disadvantages:
has limited applications due to the restrictive
form of the transition probability matrix. The as- I t does not consider traveling times as in-
sumption that service time distributions are expo- finite server (Is) queueing systems. This
nential can lead to very high relative errors on can lead to serious underestimations of
performance parameter estimates. The fact is that throughputs (production rates), especially
most of the networks in mining are not cyclic and when the system is congested.
'the coefficients of variation of service times are
different than 1 in most cases. *It analyzes each node (station) individu-
In this paper we present a general technique for ally by considering M / M / ~(exponential
obtaining analytical solutions to closed queueing interarrival times, exponential service
networks, composed of service centers with gener- time), M / D / ~(exponential interarrival
ally distributed service times. The technique con- times, deterministic service times) and
siders the first two moments of the service time D/D/l (deterministic interarrival and ser-
distributions and is based on the hypothesis vice times) systems and wcorrection" fac-
(Shum, 1980; whitt, 1983a; 1983b) that queueing tors based on engineering judgment. This
networks with queueing disciplines which belong to approach is theoretically weak since in
one of the four types, namely: first-come, first- all cases the coefficients of variations
served (FCFS); infinite server (IS); processor of service and interarrival times are as-
sharing (PS); and last-come, first-served, pre-emp- sumed to be not greater than one. his as-
tive (LCFSPR), can have product form solutions sumption increases the importance of the
even when they are not separable. The model ap- wcorrectionw factors significantly.
plies the Buzen algorithm (Buzen, 1971; 1973) and Another study (Barnes, 1979) supported the idea
the extended product form (EPF) technique ( S h ~ n , that the Koenigsberg and Elbrond models fail to

O 1991 A.A. Balkema, PO. Box 1675,3000 BR Rotterdam, Netherlands


produce satisfactory open-pit production results •.

• IS (infinite eervecj , which 'will be ap-
Barnes pointed out that the Koenigsberg model Buf-
plied for haulage road segments between in-
fered from computational difficulties when the num-
ber of trucks andlor shovels increases, and, al-
though seemingly superior but highly empirical, The haulage road service centers behave as if
Elbrond's approach required significant engineer- they were queueing systems with infinite number of
ing judgment and refinement in its correction fac- servers since any arr2v~ng customer (truck) can
tors. Barnes, however, did not consider in his own start. traveling immediately upon its arrival. It
model that the traveling time segments of the net- is ,assumed that any segment can accommodate all
work behave AS IS (infinite server) queueing sys- the" truck~' ihJt~e system at any time. If the slope
tems. I t WAS also suggested by Barnes that the key of a haulage road is changing, the traveling speed
to successful queueing modeling was to employ of a truck is going to change. Thus, the service
Erlang/Erlang queueing models for the individual rate will be changing throughout the traveling
service centers_ This consideration though, is not time segment. A good way to deal with this problem
AS helpful as it was considered by Barnes for sev- is to split the traveling time segments into
eral reasons I smaller ones with different service rates so that
the service rates in the resulting service centers
• It can be easily violated in many real be more representative.
cases since Brlang distribution can approx- By service time it is meant the time interval
imate actual distributions'only when the from the instant of initiation of service on a cus-
coefficient of variation of service or tomer (truck) to" the instant when the service
interarrival times is less" than one. ~ "ends. The service time is inversely related to:the
Downloaded by [Universitaets und Landesbibliothek] at 11:31 11 December 2013

service rate and thus in the case of "load depen-

• The steady state probabilities are ..not. " dent~ service rates, the service times also depend
given in product form as it was assumed by' on the queue size'. . .
Barnes since service times are not exponen~' The process that governs the arrival of some ser-
tial and thus the Koenigsberg for.mulas or vice-seeking customer (truck) is called the ar-
the Buzen algorithm or any other computa- rival process. The points of time in which a group
tional algorithm cannot be used. of or individual customers arrive to join the
The most recent and comprehensive work on the ap- queue are called arrival times and the intervals
plication of queueing models in "mining is done by between consecutive arrival times are called inter-
carmichael (1987). It covers a broad range of'mod- arrival times.
els and applications on s~heduling, manpower'plan- The number of customers (trucks) in the queueing
ning, productivity analysis and cost anaiysis con- network is considered constant. For this reason,
siderations. It considers several queueing' systems the queueing "network is called "closed" since
with exponential, erlanq and hyperexponential - there" are nefther" arrivals of· trucks from outside
interarrival or service time distributions. In ad- of the system nor departures to outside. The cus-
dition, it analyzes several Markovian queueing net- tomers (trucks) are assumed to be identical. Each
works. However, it does not include analysis of customer, after completion of service at a service
general (non-Markovian) queueing networks. center, moves "to another service center according
... to some transition probability. The "transition
probability matrix represents the routing and main-
THB TRUCK-SHOVEL SYSTBM AS A STOCHASTIC PROCESS tenance policy-of the mine management and governs
," the movem~nt of trucks in the network.
In this work, it will be aaaumed thai· the truck- -"- If N is the total number of customers (trucks)
shov~l system consists of ' a network in which the in the network and M is the number of service cen-
several operations take' place' in various service, ~ ~ ters, then we can define an H dimensional continu-
centers. Each service center has three" elements: a'" ous-time, discrete-state stochastic process
queue, one or more servers and a' service facility.
The queue, is a waiting line' which usually Is~: I" ·x(r)=(x1(r):...,xm(t)....,xM(t» (I)
formed in front of the service facility, as a re--c~
suit of an irregularIty in the pattern of, arrivals,v which denotes the number of customers in service
or departureB~ or bert.h, The server may be' active' rz, center,m, V m = 1, .•• ,M at time t. The state space
(such as a loader) or passive (such as a dumping ~ of th~~pro6es~ i~(K~lly, 1979): "
point or the haulage road). A serVer"may be one of
the·following entitie81~loader, dumping~point,
haulage road or repair land maintenance facility. ~
It is assumed that there are a' finite nUmber·of (2)
service centers in the network.' Each 'seivice.,cen-
ter is characterized by its service rate.arid the .... :;, ..
queueing discipline. The service rate represents where'D~denoteB the state of the process. The size
the number 'of customers {t'rucks) "served" pet unit L-of the st~te space S(N,M) is the number of permu-
of time; The service rate 'of 'each service center tations of N and'M~1 indistinguishable objects and
may be "load depende~t~;'bY this it is'meant that is given b¥~the follo~ing ~inomial coefficient:
the service rate may change depending on the
length of the queue of the waiting trucks' and it
can take several forms depep~ing on "th~_qu~uein9
.. )
'.. . ..".
., ,.L=
.) (3)
discipline. ~, , " ~"""
The queueing dis~ipline is "the r~l~" tha~ deter- Th~ proce~s'x(t) at steady state is not a Markov
mines the formation of the'queue,a~d the take-up proc~s·s·. "It' would have' been a Markov process only
of customers (trucks). '.
for , service.
n J,
are four if the queueing network had satisfied the separa-
types of queueing d2scl.p12nes~.,ps (P~o~~~s~r shar- ble networks'conditions (Baskett et al., 1975).
ing), IS (infinite"server), p~e-~mp~~~e L~FS (last In this work, however, it is-assumed"that there
come, first served) and FCF~ (f~rst,q8me~" first are pCPs·service centers with non-exponential ser-~
served). However, in the truck-shovel,",~ys~em, we vice~time distributions. Hence "the process X(t) is
consider two kinds ,~f, queue Lnq" ~~scipl!nes,i not Markovian~~we shall nevertheless briefly dis-
cuss the properties of Markovian-networks since
• PCPS (first come, "first served), which the Extended Product Form'technique to be employed
will be used for "the'followini types of later is based'on some observations on Markovian
service centersi loading, dumping: inter-
sections of haulage roads and repair and
maintenaI)ce; f~cility,. ',~ ... '
networks ." ", .

The equilibrium joint probability distribution

of the process X(t) (assumed Markovian) is (Kelly,

··(~)=l n
1979 ): 1 if nm=O

(4) n~
(Xm t: ifnm>O (13)
bm (r)

In the above equation am, ~ m=l, ••• ,H are equi-

librium probabilities satisfying the flow (through- then equations (4) and (11) become:
put) equations:
,,(n)= G(N)
Bm(nm) (14)
II' m = 1•...,M (5) and,

where rkm denotes the transition probability that

G(N) = Y

Bm (nm) (15)
a customer (trucK) departs from service center k
and arrives at service center m. The product pm Thus the estimation of steady state probabili-
bm(r) denotes the effective service rate of ser- ties, requires the evaluation of the normalizing
vice center m when there are r customers (trucks) constant G(N). A straight forward evaluation of
in this service center. It is noted that the ser- G(N) is avoided becAuse the number of feasible
vice rate in service center m is a function of the states, given by equation (3), increases rapidly
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number of customers (trucks) in this service cen- as a function of Nand M. Despite the large number
ter. The paramete~ pm can be viewed as the number of arithmetic operations required to determine
of customers (trucks) departing service center m G(N), there exist an efficient algorithm which com-
per unit of busy time of the service centet m. putes not only G(N) but also G(I), ••• ,G(N-l). The
It is clear from equation (5), that the vector procedure was developed by Buzen and has since be-
come known 4S the Buzen algorithm (BUZen, 1971;
a = (a1,,...,aM ) T (6) 1973).
The characteristics of Markovian networks men-
is an eigenvector of the transition probability ma- tioned above, will be used next in the description
trix and analysis of the extended product form tech-
nique. This technique will assume product form
112 ••• 11M
1'21 1'22 ... '7IJ
J steady state probabilities for general networks.
R= (7)
rMI'M'Z .. ·rMM
The parameters am, V, m = 1, ••. ,M are viewed as AS it is pointed out by Reiser at al., (1976),
the relative throughputs since they are the the process X(t) of the closed network can be
throughputs for N~l. It is noted that Ql,.··,aM viewed as a B~~atified samoling process of an op~~
can be determined up to a mUltiplicative constant net~rk. This means that the state space of the
only. Thus any vector ka is also an eigenvector of closed network is generated from the state space
the transition probability matrix R. Equation (5) of an open network which has the same number of
in fact equates the flow of customers (trucks) in service centers, by choosing only the states in
and out of each service center. The matrix R is ir- which the total number of customers in the open
reducible; it is also stochastic, that is, the sum network equals N. Bence, the state probabilities
of the elements of each row is equal ~o 1: of the closed queueing network can be produced by
conditioning the state probabilities of the open
network on the event that the sum of the customers
L rlj= 1, V i= l, ...,M (8)
is N.
Given the above rationale, if Fm(nm), VI m=I,2, •
•• , M were the marginal probabilities of the open
The function Pm(.)is defined by: Markovian network, then, it can be shown that if
they were used in equations (4) and (13) instead
o ifr=O
of the functions Bm(nm), they would lead to the
bm(r)= min(r.Sm) if O<r:SN&FCFS (9) same steady state probability eetimates for the as-
{r if O<r:sN&IS sumed Markovian network. This observation shows
that the same state probabilities are obtained by
where Sm is the number of servers in service cen- different sets of input parameters. since the
ter m. The quantity G(N) in equation (4) is a nor- input parameter a, (which is an eigenvector of R),
malizing constant such that is the only one that is not determined uniquely,
it can be modified without affecting the state
L "(0) = 1 (10)
probabilities. Therefore, if a* is another eigen-
vector of R, then
and is given by the following equation:

M where k is a positive real number. If a* is used

G(N) =L n (11) in equation (13) instead of a, the resulting state
DeS(N,M) m-I
Ii pmbm(r) probabilities remain the same. Another observation
is that if the factors Bm(~)' ~, m = 1, ••• ,M,
If are multiplied by some parameter ~, V, m - 1,
2, ••• ,M, then, it can be shown ea8~ly that the
am steady state probabilities of the process do not
pm (12)
change. The above two observations, lead to the
and conclusion that, for Markovian networks, there are
parameters u 1, ••• ,Um and k such that

Fm (nm) = UmBm (nm;/<). II' m=I....,M (17;


The fundamental conclus{on from the above discus-

sion is that, for Markovian networks, one can Usa fm=Xm=~ (22)
marginal probability expressions instead of the Sm pmSm
factor. Bm(Dm) in equation. (14) and (15). In the
marginal prooability expressions, the arrival rate There are several reasons for defining f m, 8 s
vector can be substituted by any eigenvector of above:
1) When a is large, a customer (truck) has
the transition probability matrix R. The question
is whether the above observation also holds for high prObability to be in service center m (by def-
non-separable networks i.e., networks in which inition of am ) and thus the chance that the ser-
Borne or all of the service times follow a general vice center m to be heavily loaded is high. It
distribution. In general, the answer is no, but should be mentioned that the objective is to give
Shum (1900) postulated that product form expres- greater importance -greater weighing factor- to
sions for state probabilities can give good approx- the most loaded service centers.
imations of actual state probabilities for non-Mar- 2) When Pm is small, the service center m is rel-
kovian networks, if the marginal probability ex- atively slow; this also increases the chance of
pressions obtained from solutions of the individ_ the service center m being heavily loaded.
ual queueing systems corresponding to the various 3) When sm is small, the service center m has
service centers are used in the product form ex- small availability of servers; this fact contrib-
pressions. This postulate, is the reason for nam- utes to larger queues.
ing the approach as the extended product form The most saturated (critical) service center s
(EPP) technique. In general networks however, the is the one which has the maximum weighing factor.
state probabilities are not invariant with re- Hence
spect to various arrival rate vectors (input param- M
Downloaded by [Universitaets und Landesbibliothek] at 11:31 11 December 2013

eters). There is only one set of input parameters 1,= max {1m) .If m=1....,M (23)
which minimizes the difference between actual m=l
otate probabilities and the ones obtained by prod-
uct form expressions. Let k be the estimate of the unknown value of k.
The method to be applied here for finding k is the
The sets of parameters a~ V m a 1,2, ••• ,M are golden section search method. The computer routine
viewed as the relative throughputs. They are used used for this purpose (ZXGSM, IMSL, version 8),
8S arrival rates in the marginal probability ex-
computes k that minimizes the unimodal function
pressions. Since they are functions of k, so are z(k) to a desired accuracy e. The function z(k) is
the marginal probabilities. For this reason, the defined for positive values of k and is assumed to
marginal probability expressions are written as be continuous. The method employed, requires a
P'm(~1k) • known finite interval K which contains the indepen-
The objective 1s to identify the set a~ , V, rna dent variable k. This interval i8 given as fol-
1, ••• ,K, such that it is the closest to the set of lows:
absolute throughputs (arrival rates) ~, V, m =
1,2, •.. ,M. The absolute throughputs (arrival (24)
rates) are functions of k since, by definition,
they are functions of Fm("m;k):
Am(k) =!'mL bm (nm)Fm (nm ;k) (18)
The arrival rates, as it was mentioned earlier,
satisfy the flow equations -they compose an eigen- The approach to be 'used in obtaining the marginal
vector of R- and since a is also an eigenvector of probabilities Fm(~;k), is operational analysis
R, there should be a constant w SUch that (BUzen, 1976; Denn~ng et al., 1977; Shum, 1980).
Listed below are some definitions. Let
(19) .Fm(~;k), "mcO,I, •.• , N, be the marginal
probability that "m custo~ers are in ser-
since the parameters ..l-(k), V, m CI 1,2, ••• ,M are vice center m which is an MIGI11N queueing
functions of k, w is ;1so a function of k. But system.
~m(k), V, m a 1,2, ••• ,H, defined by (18), are hypo-
• F m("m;k), !\n=0,1, ." , N-1 , be the mar-
thetical absolute arrival rates which satisfy the ginal probab~lity that a departing cus-
flow equations, therefore their exact values may tomer from service center m "sees" ~ cus-
not exist. Considering equation (19), let: tomers behind him.
Am(k) .~(Ilm,k), "maO, 1, 2, •.. , be the mar-
wm(k) 1::1 am t If m =1•...,M (20)
g~nal probability that "m customers are in
service center m when it is viewed as an
Adjusting k so that the arrival rates A (k) sat- MIGII queueing system.
isfy equation (19), is equivalent to adju~ting k
The equations that relate the above probabili-
so that all values of wm(k), V, m = 1,2, ••• ,M
ties are:
are equal. Such a value for k may not exist. Thus
an algorithm is necessary for minimizing the dif-
ferences between several values of w (k). For this Fm(nmJ<) = f';' (nm;k) If nm = 0.1..... N-1 (25)
purpose one may look for a value ofmk which mini- Fm(O;k) +Pm
mizes the following function:
Fm(N;k) = 1 _ 1 (26)

z(k) -
_ M
L 1m (~
(k) - 1
)2 (21) where
Fm(O;k) +pm
m-J Ws

F';'(nm;k) = Qm(nm;k) (27)

where ws(k) corresponds to the most saturated ser- N I
vice center and f m is a weighing factor. obvi-
ously, the ideal value of z(k) is O. The weighing
L Qm(j;k)
factors f , m= 1, ••• ,H are described by the follow-
ing equat on:
Thus, in order to calculate Fm(~i k), one can is required. This relation is developed by mintmiz-
first calculate ~(nm;k), then substitute in equa- ing the absolute difference d= !Pm1- pm2l, since
tion (27) to obta1n Fm(~;k), and then use (25), the performance of the queueing system defined by
(26). Hence the problem 1S reduced to the one of the service center m, is improved by balancing the
calculating the marginal probabilities Om(nm;k) of two -servers-. The probabilities Om(Om;k) are as
a MIGll queueing system. Depending on the coeffi- in (33).
cient of variation Cm of the service" time distribu- It will be assumed that the service centers that
tion of service center ~, there are basically correspond to travel time segments between road in-
four cases: Cm=l, c~=o, Cm <1 and Cm > 1. When tersections behave as if they were queueing sys-
C =1, the service tLme distribution is exponential tems with infinite number of servers since any ar-
a~d the service center m is an MIMI liN queueing riving truck can start traveling immediately upon
system. The marginal probabilities 0m(nmik) of the its arrival. The probabilities Om(Omik) of the sys-
MIMI 1 system are easily obtained and they are tem are (Kleinrock, 1975):
given by the following expression (Kleinrock;
Qm(nm;k) = (1 - pm )p::'m 'f nm = 0, 1. 2, ..• (28) e p~ Y nm = 0,1,2.••• (35)

where the utilization factor Pm is estimated as

Pm=-- (29)
I'm computation of performance and production parame-
ters requires the evaluation of expressions that
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When Cm=O, the probabilities Qm(nm;k) are given by are dependent upon the state probability distribu-
the following expressions (shum, 1980): tion given by equatione (14) and (15). since the
state probabilities are functions of the normaliz-
Qm(O;k) = 1-pm (30) ing constant G(N), we need a tool for computin9
G(N). For this purpose we will use the Buzan algo-
Qm(l;k) = (l-pm)(epm -1) (31) rithm (Buzen, 1971; 1973). To derive the algorithm

[~ e jPm(_1)"m-j(jPm)nm.- j + m
j_1 (nm - J) I ~(n) = L
nE S(n,m) i=l
n Fi(n/;k)
(jpm)nm -j -1]
(nm _ j _ 1) I '
nm = 2.3.... (32) Y m = 1....,m, n = O,I,...,N (36)
where the second factor of the r.h.s. in equation
(32) is ignored for j=nm. L ni=n.
When CmS1, the actual distribution will be ap-
proximated by means of erlang distribution. The By definition, from (15) and (36), G(n)aqM(n),
marginal probabilities are obtained by interpola-
tion of values of marginal probabilities of queue- ¥ , m=!, ••• ,M. The function gM(n) is viewed as the
ing systems that have different coefficients of normalizing constant for the closed queueing net-
variation. The three queueing systems are: a) work in which there are n customers. From (36),
M/D/l. The service times in this system are deter- and for m=l we have 91(n)=F 1(n;k),¥ , n-1, .•• ,N.
ministic (constant) and the coefficient of varia- Also, for n=O, 9m(D)c1,¥ m=l, .•• ,M. For m >1,
tion of the service time distribution is o. b) we have from (36):
M/E2/1 where the service times follow the 2-erlang m
distribution that has a coefficient of variation
of l/{2, and C) MIMI 1 where the service time dis-
~(n) =L Il Fi(n/;k)
n ES(n,m) i=1
tribution is exponential and the coefficient of
variation is 1. Procedures for obtaining the mar- n
ginal probabilities of MIDll and MIMll were dis- = L Fm(j;k)~-I(n-j) (37)
cussed above, thus we have to obtain only the j=O
probabilities Qm(Omik) for the M/E2/l queueing sys-
tem. These probabilities are given as follows: computation of various performance parameters re-
quires the estimation of the marginal probability
distribution of customers in each service center.
Ii nm = 0,1,2,... (33) It is useful to begin by considering the marginal
distribution of customers in the Hth service cen-
ter. The probability that there are j customers in
where zl' 22 are the roots of the characteristic service center Mis:
equation of the z-transform of 0m(Om;k) and A, B
are functions of zl' z2 • P(nM=j) = L J«,....nM)
When Cm ~ 1, we use hyperexponential-2 distribu- n ES(n,m); nJr"j
tion for approximating the actual distribution.
The density function of an hyperexponential-2 dis- =F ("k) IPI-1(N-j) (38)
M J. G(N)
tribution is determined by three parameters p, Pml
and Pm2 and is given by the following expression: Marginal distributions of customers at any other
service center can be obtained by permuting the
order in which the service centers are numbered 80
that the facility of interest is designated as the
The queueing system of service center m, is Mth service center and then by applying the algo-
equivalent to one in which there are two servers, rithm to the permuted network. considering that
with service rates of ,um1 and Pm2 respectively,_ the service center of interest is in the Mth posi-
and any arriving customer chooses one of the two tion, we can express the probability that service
servers with probability p and 1-p respectively. center M is idle. For nM=O we have:
~since the distribution function hm(tm) is de-
fined by three parameters p,Pm1and ,um2 and only
the first two moments of the actual distribution (39)
are known, another relation between P,Pml and P m2
The above ie the probability that an arriving also the expected utilization of each server of
customer (truck) will be served immediately. We service center H.
consider that the service center M is busy if at The expected arrival rate at service center H
least ona server of the service center is bUSy. is.
Therefore P(service center M busy) a1-p(nMDO), N
where P(DM-O) is obtained from (38). AM = I'M}; bM IJ)P(nM =j)
consider the event that at least i servers of
service center H are busy if nK ~ i. The probabil-
ity of this event lSI N (N 0)
=I'M}; bMIJ)FM(j;k)8M-1 -) (46)
P(nM ~ i ) C 1 - P(nM < i) )=1 G(N)
The expected utilization PH of the service cen-
ok) B.H(N - j) ter H can also be expressed by the following ex-
C 1-}; V
FM, G(N) pression: PM= ~M/sM"M)· The expected tims spent by
(40) a customer in service center H is obtained by the
Y i = 0, 1, ...,SM
Little formula (Little, 1961). E(ttM)= g(nM)/A M,
and the expected time spent by a customer in
All servers 8 M of the service center M are busy queue in service center M iSI E(tqM)Q E(qM)/AH "
(service center ful~y utilized) lac If 8 is the set of service centers corresponding
to dumping or crushing points, and D is the capac-
P(nM ~SM) = 1- P(nM < SM) ity of a truck (tons), then the production rate of
each truck is:
'''-1 FM(j;k)KM-1
)-0 G(N) D
PR = - } ; Am
Downloaded by [Universitaets und Landesbibliothek] at 11:31 11 December 2013

(toni /uni. time) (47)

The above equation expresses the probability
that an arriving customer (truck) will join the and the total production rate (tons / unit time)
queue of service center M. The probability that a of the truck-shovel system is TPR=PR . N. If we as-
particular server of service center H is busy, is sume that the system is in steady state for h
given by the following expression: units of time, then the total production (tons) of
the system during this period is TP=TPR • h.
P ( «panicular Kl'ICr is busy) =

1 _.!. ~ ( 0) F (j k) /1M-I (N - j) (42)
S" )-0 S" - J M; G(N)
In order to test the relative accuracy and speed
of the analytical approach described above, a se-
The probability that i - i n number - particular ries of tests have been conducted. These tests
servers in service center H are busy, iSI were designed to observe the performance of the
model for critical values of the coefficient of
P ( I partkul., ) =1 _ ~ F (j k"'.-I eN - j) + variation of service time distributions and the

sctverl arc busy M, G(N) number of customers (trucks) in the system. The
EPF approach was compared to the markovian ap-
proach and monte carlo simulation. In these tests
the difference between the two results were mea-
sured by the absolute error, E, and the relative
error, e, defined as:
The expected number of customers in service cen-
ter M (queue and service) iss E
E =x -X and e=-
E(nM)c}; jP(nM=j) where x is the value of a system parameter ob-
j-I tained using the analytical approach, and X is the
corresponding value obtained by simulation. These
(N- 0) tests as reported by Kappas (KappaS 1999) led to
OF vok)8M-1 J (44)
J M. G(N) the following conclusions:

A customer will be in queue of service center M • In general, the Extended Product Form
if all servers 8M are occupied. This event will method for obtaining performance and pro-
occur when nM ~ 8 M• Therefore, the expected number duction parameters of a network is found
of customers in queue lSI to be superior to the one based on Marko-
vian assumptions" When the coefficient of
N variation is not equal to or close to
E (q.. ) =}; (j - s" )P(n" =j) zero, the relative error does not exceed
j-sM + 1 0.5

• When the coefficient of variation i,8 near

B'H (N - j) zero, the relative error increases. The
=E(n,,) -)~ JFMV;k)
." 0 0

G(N) factor that determines the magnitude of

the relative error is the coefficient of
variation of the service time distribution
~ 0 B,H(N - j) (45)
of the most saturated service center. The
-S", £J FM(j;k) G(N) 0
significance of this factor increases when
the coefficient of variation is near zero.
The expected number of customers in service (not • The weak point of the EPF method is that
in queue) is obtained from (44) and (45) • E(C M)= it assumes that the arrival process at ser-
S(OH) - E(qM)' The expected utilization of service vice centers is poisson. This assumption
canter M is the fraction of servers that are occu- is not valid for networks in which the ser-
pled. since the expected number of customers in vice time distribution is of a general
service is E(c M), the expected utilization PM of form.
service center M is PHDE(CH)/sM. This represents

• When the coefficient of variation of the

interarrival times is close to 1, the rela-
tive error is small ( below 0.02). x>O (51)

• The time spent for the execution of the

computer program is significant. For exam- weibull service time density functionJ
ple, for small networks (2 to 5 service
centers) the CPU time spent on a mainframe (52)
computer waa in the order of one minute.
When the number of customers (N) was small
(N < 10) the CPU time was less than one Por IS service centers (haulage roads, i.e.,
minute. When N > 10, the CPU time was in travelling loaded and empty) we selected exponen-
the order of several minutes, depending on tial service times without 1088 of generality
the number of service centers. since only the first moment is critical in this
case. We assumed that the capacity of each truck
• Execution of the simulation program is is 50 tons, and that the system is in steady state
very time consuming, especially when the for 6 hours during an 8 hour shift. Production pa-
precision required for parameter estima- rameters related to that period, for N • 1, •.. ,15,
tion is high. For example, for small net- calculated using the EPF technique, are shown in
works examined in these tests, each run re- Figures 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. These parameters
quired more than 5 minutes CPU time when are plotted as functions of the number of trucks,
the relative difference between the consec- N, in the system. Figure 3. shows that the total
utive values of expected throughputs was production rate increases with the number of
Downloaded by [Universitaets und Landesbibliothek] at 11:31 11 December 2013

not les8 than 1% and the simulation clock trucks until N is near 10, and than it is leveled
reached 105 units of time. off near 5 tons/min. The same behavior also holds
for the total production (Figure 4.)~ On the other
• The main reasons for the relatively signif- hand, the production rate of the system (network)
icant time required for implementing the decreases as N increases (Figure 2.). If the objec-
EPF approach were: tive of this exercise WAS to maximize the trans-
ported tonnage with the minimum number of trucks,
- Numerical estimation of the optimal then 10 trucks would have been the optimum choice
value of k ,
for this system. Figure 5 shows the expected
- Estimation of marginal probability throughput for each operation (service center) in
expressions required three steps.
number of trucks per minute, as a function of the
Despite these facts, the authors believe that total number of trucks (N) in the system. For N >
significant improvements can be made on CPU time 10 no significant improvement in throughput is at-
tained. Figure 6 shows the utilization factor for
by improving the efficiency of the computer code.
each operation as a function of N, and Figure 7
shows the expected number of trucks in each opera-
EXAMPLE PROBLEM tion. It is clear from these figures that the re-
pair and maintenence operation becomes quickly sat-
In order to demonstrate the use of this approach urated for N>10, and act AS a bottleneck in the
system. Figure 8 shows the probabilities of find-
in mining, a simple truck-shovel system is consid- ing a service center (operation) bUsy~
ered here as an example problem. Five typical ac-
tivities are identified as the service centers of
the system. These areJ

1. Loading
2. Traveling loaded The authors wish to thank New york Mining and Min-
3. Dumping eral Resources Research Institute for ~he partial
4. Traveling empty support provided by the Department Interior'S Min-
5. Repair and/or maintenance. eral; Institutes program administered under allot-
ment grant number G1184136~
A schematic representation of this network is
shown in Pigure 1. corresponding transition proba-
bility matrix is assumed to be: REFERENCES

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