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Creative and persuasive writing

Name: Adeel Ahmad

Roll No: BBHM-F19-033
Class: BBA
Section: 2A

Submitted to:
Mam Maryam Farhan
Book review

Date: 07/08/2020
Name of reviewer: Adeel Ahmad
Title: Think and grow rich
Author: Napoleon hill
Genre: Non-fiction

A brief synopsis:

When you begin to think and grow rich, you will observe that riches begin with a
state of mind, with definiteness of purpose, with little or no hard work.

Recommendations: (would you recommend this book? Who to? Why?)

I can really recommend Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich as a handbook for
everyone who wants a change in their life. Read it once, and then read it again. Mark
pages where you find the golden nuggets that really inspires you and go back to them
occasionally to remind yourself of the greatness you possess.

Book Report Sandwich

My favorite part:
There is no bigger misery in this world than having a mind that is untamed. A
tamed mind will let you take positive action and live the way you want. An untamed
mind will create instability, compulsive behaviors, and self-destructive tendencies, which
will become the reason for your own demise.

Title and author:

Title: Think and Grow Rich
Author: Napoleon hill

This book examines the psychological power of thought and the brain in the
process of furthering your career for both monetary and personal satisfaction.

Date Read: 25/06/2020

Total pages: 238

When did the story take place?
The story takes place in 1937.

Why was the story interesting to you?

The story interesting to me because it has a catchy and compelling title, and it
provided a clear and unexpected blueprint for how to achieve success beyond your
wildest dreams in any line of work. When you read about Napoleon Hill's principles for
attaining great fortune, it might strike you that growing rich is far more than making

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